In subgraph.yaml
, add the following code snippet inside the abis
section of the datasources
which is going to fetch prices of token using the Price Oracle
NOTE: Include the following code snippet in each of the datasources, that is dependent on the Price Oracle
and update imports in each file inside oracle folder.
############## Price Oracle ###############
# ERC20
- name: _ERC20
file: ./abis/Prices/ERC20.json
# Curve Contracts
- name: CurvePool
file: ./abis/Prices/Curve/Pool.json
- name: CurveRegistry
file: ./abis/Prices/Curve/Registry.json
- name: CalculationsCurve
file: ./abis/Prices/Calculations/Curve.json
# YearnLens Contracts
- name: YearnLensContract
file: ./abis/Prices/YearnLens.json
# Aave Oracle Contract
- name: AaveOracleContract
file: ./abis/Prices/AaveOracle.json
# SushiSwap Contracts
- name: CalculationsSushiSwap
file: ./abis/Prices/Calculations/SushiSwap.json
# ChainLink Contracts
- name: ChainLinkContract
file: ./abis/Prices/ChainLink.json
# Uniswap Contracts
- name: UniswapRouter
file: ./abis/Prices/Uniswap/Router.json
- name: UniswapFactory
file: ./abis/Prices/Uniswap/Factory.json
- name: UniswapPair
file: ./abis/Prices/Uniswap/Pair.json
Following are some ways through which you can get the prices of tokens:
import { BigDecimal } from "@graphprotocol/graph-ts";
import { getUsdPrice, getUsdPricePerToken, getLiquidityBoundPrice } from "../Oracle";
// Method 1
// Using function getUsdPrice(tokenAddr: Address, amount: BigDecimal): BigDecimal
let tokenPrice = getUsdPrice(tokenAddr, amount);
Note: Preferred as it internally calls getLiquidityBoundPrice(...)
and returns token price bounded by it's pool's liquidity.
To get the price per token, you can still use getUsdPrice(...)
> let tokenPrice = getUsdPrice(tokenAddr, BIGDECIMAL_ONE);
// Method 2
// Using function getUsdPricePerToken(tokenAddr: Address): CustomPriceType
let tokenPrice: BigDecimal;
let fetchPrice = getUsdPricePerToken(tokenAddr);
// fetchPrice.reverted: Bool
// fetchPrice.usdPrice: BigDecimal
// fetchPrice.decimals: number
// fetchPrice.oracleType: string
// fetchPrice.liquidity: BigDecimal
if (!fetchPrice.reverted) {
if (
fetchPrice.oracleType == constants.OracleType.UNISWAP_FORKS_ROUTER ||
fetchPrice.oracleType == constants.OracleType.CURVE_ROUTER
) {
fetchPrice = getLiquidityBoundPrice(tokenAddr, fetchPrice, amount)
tokenPrice = fetchPrice.usdPrice * amount
- Configure default
number of oracles
to fetch price from and their order of preference
in OracleType's constructor, depending on which oracles generally works best for you.
- Although querying multiple oracles for the same token's price mean more contract calls, this overhead can be beared for smaller subgraphs, and for specific tokens/block ranges for larger ones in favour of spotting and ignoring outlier values by avoiding complete reliance on a single source of truth and trusting the closer majority values, especially for low/distributed liquidity tokens, or during volatile markets.
The result is an average price on the k-closest reported values.
where, k = ceil(reportedPrices.length/2)
- For any observed pricing discrepancies, you may define an override on the default oracle configuration in network's config file which works better for the mispriced token(s).
An example override is defined under ORACLE CONFIG OVERRIDES
section in config/template.ts
Any new overrides shall be maintained in both the subgraph as well as the reference pricelib directory, so the same inconsistencies do not have to be handled separately.
├── calculations
│ ├── CalculationsCurve.ts
│ └── CalculationsSushiSwap.ts
├── common
│ ├── types.ts
│ ├── constants.ts
│ └── utils.ts
├── config
│ ├── arbitrum.ts
│ ├── aurora.ts
│ ├── avalanche.ts
│ ├── bsc.ts
│ ├── celo.ts
│ ├── cronos.ts
│ ├── fantom.ts
│ ├── fuse.ts
│ ├── gnosis.ts
│ ├── harmony.ts
│ ├── mainnet.ts
│ ├── moonbeam.ts
│ ├── optimism.ts
│ ├── polygon.ts
│ └── template.ts
├── oracles
│ ├── AaveOracle.ts
│ ├── ChainLinkFeed.ts
│ └── YearnLensOracle.ts
├── routers
│ ├── CurveRouter.ts
│ └── UniswapForksRouter.ts
└── index.ts
🔨 = In progress.
🛠 = Feature complete. Additional testing required.
= If the method uses more than two JSON RPC Call
Method |
Address |
StartBlock |
MultiCall |
YearnLens |
0x043518ab266485dc085a1db095b8d9c2fc78e9b9 |
2396321 |
❎ |
AaveOracle |
0xb56c2F0B653B2e0b10C9b928C8580Ac5Df02C7C7 |
7740843 |
❎ |
Curve |
0x3268c3bda100ef0ff3c2d044f23eab62c80d78d2 |
11707234 |
❎ |
SushiSwap |
0x5ea7e501c9a23f4a76dc7d33a11d995b13a1dd25 |
2396120 |
❎ |
CurveRouters |
0x445FE580eF8d70FF569aB36e80c647af338db351 |
1362056 |
✅ |
0x0E9fBb167DF83EdE3240D6a5fa5d40c6C6851e15 |
4530115 |
✅ |
UniswapForks |
0x1b02da8cb0d097eb8d57a175b88c7d8b47997506 |
73 |
✅ |
Method |
Address |
StartBlock |
MultiCall |
CurveRouters |
0x5B5CFE992AdAC0C9D48E05854B2d91C73a003858 |
62440525 |
✅ |
UniswapForks |
0x2CB45Edb4517d5947aFdE3BEAbF95A582506858B |
✅ |
Method |
Address |
StartBlock |
MultiCall |
AaveOracle |
0xEBd36016B3eD09D4693Ed4251c67Bd858c3c7C9C |
11970477 |
❎ |
CurveRouters |
0x8474DdbE98F5aA3179B3B3F5942D724aFcdec9f6 |
5254206 |
✅ |
0x90f421832199e93d01b64DaF378b183809EB0988 |
9384663 |
✅ |
UniswapForks |
0x60aE616a2155Ee3d9A68541Ba4544862310933d4 |
2486393 |
✅ |
0xE54Ca86531e17Ef3616d22Ca28b0D458b6C89106 |
56879 |
✅ |
0x1b02dA8Cb0d097eB8D57A175b88c7D8b47997506 |
506236 |
✅ |
Method |
Address |
StartBlock |
MultiCall |
UniswapForks |
0x10ED43C718714eb63d5aA57B78B54704E256024E |
6810080 |
✅ |
0x05fF2B0DB69458A0750badebc4f9e13aDd608C7F |
586899 |
✅ |
Method |
Address |
StartBlock |
MultiCall |
UniswapForks |
0xe3d8bd6aed4f159bc8000a9cd47cffdb95f96121 |
5272598 |
✅ |
0x1b02da8cb0d097eb8d57a175b88c7d8b47997506 |
7254057 |
✅ |
Method |
Address |
StartBlock |
MultiCall |
UniswapForks |
0x145863eb42cf62847a6ca784e6416c1682b1b2ae |
5247 |
✅ |
Method |
Address |
StartBlock |
MultiCall |
YearnLens |
0x57aa88a0810dfe3f9b71a9b179dd8bf5f956c46a |
17091856 |
❎ |
Curve |
0x0b53e9df372e72d8fdcdbedfbb56059957a37128 |
27067399 |
❎ |
SushiSwap |
0x44536de2220987d098d1d29d3aafc7f7348e9ee4 |
3809480 |
❎ |
CurveRouters |
0x0f854EA9F38ceA4B1c2FC79047E9D0134419D5d6 |
5655918 |
✅ |
0x4fb93D7d320E8A263F22f62C2059dFC2A8bCbC4c |
27552509 |
✅ |
UniswapForks |
0xbe4fc72f8293f9d3512d58b969c98c3f676cb957 |
3796241 |
✅ |
0x16327E3FbDaCA3bcF7E38F5Af2599D2DDc33aE52 |
4250168 |
✅ |
0x1b02da8cb0d097eb8d57a175b88c7d8b47997506 |
2457904 |
✅ |
Method |
Address |
StartBlock |
MultiCall |
UniswapForks |
0xe3f85aad0c8dd7337427b9df5d0fb741d65eeeb5 |
15645719 |
✅ |
0x1b02da8cb0d097eb8d57a175b88c7d8b47997506 |
12936314 |
✅ |
Method |
Address |
StartBlock |
MultiCall |
CurveRouters |
0x55E91365697EB8032F98290601847296eC847210 |
20754886 |
✅ |
0x8A4694401bE8F8FCCbC542a3219aF1591f87CE17 |
23334728 |
✅ |
UniswapForks |
0x1b02dA8Cb0d097eB8D57A175b88c7D8b47997506 |
14735910 |
✅ |
Method |
Address |
StartBlock |
MultiCall |
AaveOracle |
0x3c90887ede8d65ccb2777a5d577beab2548280ad |
23930344 |
❎ |
CurveRouters |
0x0a53FaDa2d943057C47A301D25a4D9b3B8e01e8E |
18003250 |
✅ |
UniswapForks |
0x1b02dA8Cb0d097eB8D57A175b88c7D8b47997506 |
11256069 |
✅ |
Method |
Address |
StartBlock |
MultiCall |
YearnLens |
0x83d95e0d5f402511db06817aff3f9ea88224b030 |
12242339 |
❎ |
ChainLink |
0x47Fb2585D2C56Fe188D0E6ec628a38b74fCeeeDf |
12864088 |
❎ |
Curve |
0x25BF7b72815476Dd515044F9650Bf79bAd0Df655 |
12370088 |
❎ |
SushiSwap |
0x8263e161A855B644f582d9C164C66aABEe53f927 |
12692284 |
❎ |
CurveRouters |
0x7D86446dDb609eD0F5f8684AcF30380a356b2B4c |
11154794 |
✅ |
0x8F942C20D02bEfc377D41445793068908E2250D0 |
13986752 |
✅ |
UniswapForks |
0xd9e1cE17f2641f24aE83637ab66a2cca9C378B9F |
10794261 |
✅ |
0x7a250d5630b4cf539739df2c5dacb4c659f2488d |
10207858 |
✅ |
Method |
Address |
StartBlock |
MultiCall |
CurveRouters |
0xC2b1DF84112619D190193E48148000e3990Bf627 |
1452049 |
✅ |
UniswapForks |
0x1b02dA8Cb0d097eB8D57A175b88c7D8b47997506 |
503734 |
✅ |
Method |
Address |
StartBlock |
MultiCall |
YearnLens |
0xb082d9f4734c535d9d80536f7e87a6f4f471bf65 |
18109291 |
❎ |
AaveOracle |
0xD81eb3728a631871a7eBBaD631b5f424909f0c77 |
4365625 |
❎ |
Curve |
0x0ffe8434eae67c9838b12c3cd11ac4005daa7227 |
18368996 |
❎ |
SushiSwap |
0x5fd3815dcb668200a662114fbc9af13ac0a55b4d |
18216910 |
❎ |
CurveRouters |
0xC5cfaDA84E902aD92DD40194f0883ad49639b023 |
2373837 |
✅ |
0x7DA64233Fefb352f8F501B357c018158ED8aA455 |
3729171 |
✅ |
UniswapForks |
0x9c12939390052919aF3155f41Bf4160Fd3666A6f |
19702709 |
✅ |
Method |
Address |
StartBlock |
MultiCall |
AaveOracle |
0xb023e699F5a33916Ea823A16485e259257cA8Bd1 |
25825996 |
❎ |
CurveRouters |
0x094d12e5b541784701FD8d65F11fc0598FBC6332 |
13991825 |
✅ |
0x47bB542B9dE58b970bA50c9dae444DDB4c16751a |
23556360 |
✅ |
UniswapForks |
0xa5e0829caced8ffdd4de3c43696c57f7d7a678ff |
4931900 |
✅ |
0x1b02dA8Cb0d097eB8D57A175b88c7D8b47997506 |
11333235 |
✅ |