Used to store the breakdown info for a bus.
The Event named breakdown-info-created on channel busno-channel is generated when this api returns
Response with status code 201 Created
. The api user's must bind to the event-name breakdown-info-created .
Also the "record_id" in the "success response" must be saved , so that "coordinator" can later "update the message for this breakdown information".
NOTE: {busno} is to be passed in the API-URL only, not as Form Payload.
let breakdownInfoCreated = this.pusher.init('busno-channel');
breakdownInfoCreated.bind('breakdown-info-created', (data) => {
URL : /api/1.0/buses/{busno}/breakdowns
Method : POST
Auth required : NO
Data constraints
"type" : "[valid string, to be passed in form.]",
"time" : "[Time is valid DateTime string in format year-month-day hour:min:sec, to be passed in form]"
Data example for a bus
"type" : "puncture",
"time" : "2018-06-10 12:51:23"
Code : 201 Created
Content example on ist time
"record_id" :"id of the created record",
"status": "created",
"message": "The Breakdown message has been saved successfully."
Condition : If '{busno}' passed i not found in database.
Code : 404 Not Found
Content :
"error": {
"error_code" : "resource_not_found_error",
"error_message": "Resource not found errors arise when your request is trying to access the resources not found in datbase."
Condition : If validation fails
Code : 400 Bad Request
Content :
"errors": {
"time": [
"The time does not match the format Y-m-d h:i:s."