- More type hinting for composite_solution/cached.py
- Testing against Python 3.10, 3.11
- Update to use solvis 0.11.1
- Update to use solvis-store 2.0.3
- Update to use nzshm-model 0.4.0
- Testing against Python 3.7, 3.8
- parent_fault_names passes through sorting parameter
- solvis-store == v2.0.2
- added pynamoDB / solvis store test cover
- fix get_rupture_ids_for_location_radius_stored logic
- version config for package.json
- new filter_set_options argument
- sane defaults for location_radius & fault_name set ops
- using solvis-store cache for fault_name filtering
- updated upstream solvis libs
- removed monkeypatching for solvis/solvis-store
- added list support for corupture queries
- remove alpha from hexrgb color strings to improve geojson portability
- optional filter argument for co-rupture analysis.
- new resolver get_parent_fault_names
- fix color scale for all puy
- new mfd_histogram resolver (to solvis method)
- new mfd_histogram resolver uses rate_weighted_mean.sum instead of .mean
- more test coverage
- composite_rupture_sections resolver
- mfd_histogram resolver
- color_scale resolver
- now using zipped dependencies for AWS
- update werkzeug>=2.3 to fix watchdog[inotify] spurious reloads
- update solvis 0.7.0
- replace embedded solution file
- handle fill style properly
- remove rounding on rupture rate attributes
- add version to about resolver
- added solvis-store
- use solvis-store for rupture-ids (TEST env only)
- updated serverless npm modules
- updated nzshm-common, nzshm-model, solvis
- location_by_id root query
- location_code -> location_id
- code -> location_id
- filter_ruptures query
- sorting for filter_ruptures
- CompositeSolution model
- CompositeRuptureDetail models
- relay pagination
- style option on fault_surfaces
- InversionSolutoin
Initial release of the NZ NSHM 2022 revision