diff --git a/_data/Mutual_Aid_Supply_Side_Contacts.csv b/_data/Mutual_Aid_Supply_Side_Contacts.csv
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--- a/_data/Mutual_Aid_Supply_Side_Contacts.csv
+++ b/_data/Mutual_Aid_Supply_Side_Contacts.csv
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-Mutual Aid Org,First Name,Last Name,Title / Org,Address 1,Address 2,City,State,Zip,Telephone,E-mail,Cell,States Covered,Sourced From
-International Code Council Regional Office ,Dorothy M.,Mazzarella,Vice President - Government Relations,,,,,,888.422.7233 Ext. 7722,dmazzarella@iccsafe.org,518.852.6025,"NY, FL",
-International Code Council Regional Office ,Kraig M.,Stevenson,Senior Regional Manager,,,,,,888.422.7233 Ext. 7603,kstevenson@iccsafe.org,562.201.9209,"AK, ID, OR, MT, WA, HI",
-International Code Council Regional Office ,Rick,Hauffe,Senior Regional Manager,,,,,,888.422.7233 Ext. 7222,rhauffe@iccsafe.org,605.215.2055,"UT, ND, SD, MN, NE, IA, WY",
-International Code Council Regional Office ,Susan,Dowty,Regional Manager,,,,,,888.422.7233 Ext. 3111,sdowty@iccsafe.org,949.463.3544,"CA, NV, GU, AS, MP",
-International Code Council Regional Office ,Stephen,Jones,"Lead Senior Regional Manager, CBO, MCP",,,,,,,sjones@iccsafe.org,973.296.5210,"GA, NJ, NC, SC, TN",
-International Code Council Regional Office ,Bill,Nash,Senior Regional Manager,,,,,,888.422.7233 Ext. 4876,wnash@iccsafe.org,401.265.0003,"MA, ME, VT, NH, RI, CT",
-International Code Council Regional Office ,Tim,Schmitz,Lead Senior Regional Manager,,,,,,888-422-7233 x4778,tschmitz@iccsafe.org,630.774.9008,"CO, IL, KS, MO, WI",
-International Code Council Regional Office ,Mark,Roberts,"Lead Senior Regional Manager, CBO, MCP",,,,,,888.422.7233 Ext. 7265,mroberts@iccsafe.org,985.635.9305,"LA, MS, AL",
-International Code Council Regional Office ,Kelly,Sadler,Regional Manager,,,,,,888 422.7233 x5566,ksadler@iccsafe.org,512.827.6471,"AR, AZ, NM, OK, TX",
-International Code Council Regional Office ,Corey M.,Roblee,Vice President - Government Relations,,,,,,888.422.7233 Ext. 7202,croblee@iccsafe.org,,"PA, KY, MI, OH, IN, PR, VI",
-International Code Council Regional Office ,Jacob,Karson,"GR Coordinator & Office Manager, DC Office",,,,,,888.422.7233 x6279,jkarson@iccsafe.org,202.570.1334,"MD, DC, DE",
-International Code Council Regional Office ,Lisa,Berger,"Government Relations Associate, DC Office",,,,,,888.422.7233 x6278,lberger@iccsafe.org,716.200.3070,"VA, WV",
-International Code Council Regional Office ,Neil A.,Burning,"Vice President - Government Relations Technical Resources, CBO",,,,,,888.422.7233 x5702,nburning@iccsafe.org,702.305.5231,FL,
-Association of State Flood Plain Managers ,Harmony,Curtis,Alaska Div. of Community & Regional Affairs,,,,,,907-269-7904,harmony.curtis@alaska.gov,,AK,
-Association of State Flood Plain Managers ,Corey,Garyotis,"PE, CFM, Alabama Dept. of Economic and Community Affairs, Office of Water Resources",,,,,,334-353-0853,corey.garyotis@adeca.alabama.gov,,AL,
-Association of State Flood Plain Managers ,Brian,Cosson,CFM AZ Dept. of Water Resources,,,,,,602-771-8657,btcosson@azwater.gov,,AZ,
-Association of State Flood Plain Managers ,Kelly,Soule,"P.E., MBA, CFM California Dept. of Water Resources",,,,,,916-820-7570,kelly.soule@water.ca.gov,,CA,
-Association of State Flood Plain Managers ,Doug,Mahan,CFM Colorado Water Conservation Board,,,,,,303-866-3441 x3221,doug.mahan@state.co.us,,CO,
-Association of State Flood Plain Managers ,Diane,Ifkovic,"NFIP State Coordinator, CT Department of Energy & Environmental Protection",,,,,,860-424-3537,diane.ifkovic@ct.gov,,CT,
-Association of State Flood Plain Managers ,Nicholas,Bonard,Dist. of Columbia - Dept. Energy & Env.,,,,,,202-763-4112,nicholas.bonard@dc.gov,,DC,
-Association of State Flood Plain Managers ,Jackie,Zidar,Dist. of Columbia - Dept. Energy & Env.,,,,,,202-568-9102,jackie.zidar@dc.gov,,DC,
-Association of State Flood Plain Managers ,Katharyn,Potter,Delaware Dept. of Natural Resources & Environmental Control,,,,,,302-608-5496,katharyn.potter@delaware.gov,,DE,
-Association of State Flood Plain Managers ,Jillian,Kraynak,"Acting State NFIP Coordinator/State Floodplain Manager, Office of Floodplain Management - Bureau of Mitigation, Florida Division of Emergency Management",,,,,,850-815-4560,jillian.kraynak@em.myflorida.com,,FL,
-Association of State Flood Plain Managers ,Joseph,Martinenza,"P.E., Georgia Dept of Natural Resources, Environmental Protection Division",,,,,,470-938-3355,joseph.martinenza@dnr.ga.gov,,GA,
-Association of State Flood Plain Managers ,Carol,Tyau-Beam,"PE, CFM Hawaii Dept. of Land & Natural Resources",,,,,,808-587-0267,carol.l.tyau@hawaii.gov,,HI,
-Association of State Flood Plain Managers ,Jason,Conn,"CFM, Iowa Dept. of Natural Resources, Wallace State Office Bldg.",,,,,,515-782-8104,jason.conn@dnr.iowa.gov,,IA,
-Association of State Flood Plain Managers ,Peter,Jackson,Idaho Dept. of Water Resources,,,,,,208-287-4973,peter.jackson@idwr.idaho.gov,,ID,
-Association of State Flood Plain Managers ,Erin,Conley,CFM Illinois Dept. of Natural Resources,,,,,,217-782-4428,erin.c.conley@illinois.gov,,IL,
-Association of State Flood Plain Managers ,Darren,Pearson,CFM Indiana Dept. of Natural Resources,,,,,,317-234-1082,dpearson@dnr.in.gov,,IN,
-Association of State Flood Plain Managers ,Tara,Lanzrath,CFM Kansas Dept. of Agriculture,,,,,,785-296-2513,tara.lanzrath@ks.gov,,KS,
-Association of State Flood Plain Managers ,Alex,VanPelt,CFM Kentucky Div. of Water,,,,,,502-782-7120,alex.vanpelt@ky.gov,,KY,
-Association of State Flood Plain Managers ,Susan,Veillon,"CFM, Louisiana Dept. of Transportation & Dev.",,,,,,225-379-3005,susan.veillon@la.gov,,LA,
-Association of State Flood Plain Managers ,Joy,Duperault,CFM MA Dept. of Conservation & Recreation,,,,,,857-286-0326,joy.duperault@mass.gov,,MA,
-Association of State Flood Plain Managers ,David,Guignet,"Maryland Dept. of the Environment, Water and Science Administration",,,,,,410-537-3775,dave.guignet@maryland.gov,,MD,
-Association of State Flood Plain Managers ,Matthew,Occhipinti,"P.E., CFM Michigan Dept. of Env., Great Lakes & Energy",,,,,,616-204-1708,occhipintim@michigan.gov,,MI,
-Association of State Flood Plain Managers ,Ceil,Strauss,"CFM, Minnesota Dept Natural Res. – Ecological & Water Resources",,,,,,651-259-5713,ceil.strauss@state.mn.us,,MN,
-Association of State Flood Plain Managers ,Karen,McHugh,CFM Missouri State Emerg. Mgmt. Agency,,,,,,573-526-9129,karen.mchugh@sema.dps.mo.gov,,MO,
-Association of State Flood Plain Managers ,Edwin,Tmarsel,"Floodplain Administrator, Commonwealth of Northern Mariana Islands (CNMI), DPW Building Safety Code",,,,,,670-234-2296,etmarsel.dpwtsd@gmail.com,,MP,
-Association of State Flood Plain Managers ,DiMaya,Randle,CFM Mississippi Emerg. Mgmt. Agency,,,,,,601-933-6605,drandle@mema.ms.gov,,MS,
-Association of State Flood Plain Managers ,Traci,Sears,CFM MT Dept. of Natural Resources & Conservation,,,,,,406-444-6654,tsears@mt.gov,,MT,
-Association of State Flood Plain Managers ,Steve,Garrett,CFM North Carolina Dept. of Public Safety,,,,,,919-825-2316,steve.garrett@ncdps.gov,,NC,
-Association of State Flood Plain Managers ,Tyler,Spomer,CFM ND Dept. of Water Resources,,,,,,701-328-2750,tlspomer@nd.gov,,ND,
-Association of State Flood Plain Managers ,Jamie,Reinke,"P.E., CFM, Team Lead - Floodplain Management, Nebraska Department of Natural Resources",,,,,,402-471-3957,jamie.reinke@nebraska.gov,,NE,
-Association of State Flood Plain Managers ,Katie,Paight,CFM New Hampshire Office of Planning & Development,,,,,,603-271-1755,katharyn.o.paight@livefree.nh.gov,,NH,
-Association of State Flood Plain Managers ,Kunal,Patel,"P.E., CFM, New Jersey Dept. of Environmental Protection",,,,,,609-292-2296,kunal.patel@dep.nj.gov,,NJ,
-Association of State Flood Plain Managers ,Jeremy,Klass,New Mexico Dept. of Homeland Security and Emergency Management,,,,,,505-476-9600,jeremy.klass@dhsem.nm.gov,,NM,
-Association of State Flood Plain Managers ,Kelli,Higgins-Roche,"P.E., CFM, New York State Dept. of Environmental Conservation",,,,,,518-408-0340,kelli.higgins-roche@dec.ny.gov,,NY,
-Association of State Flood Plain Managers ,Alicia,Silverio,CFM Ohio Dept. of Natural Resources,,,,,,614-265-1006,alicia.silverio@dnr.ohio.gov,,OH,
-Association of State Flood Plain Managers ,Jonathan,Phillips,Oklahoma Water Resources Board,,,,,,405-530-8800,jon.phillips@owrb.ok.gov,,OK,
-Association of State Flood Plain Managers ,Amanda,Richardson,Washington Department of Ecology,,,,,,509-385-3076,amri461@ecy.wa.gov,,OR,
-Association of State Flood Plain Managers ,Kenneth J.,Roberts,CFM Pennsylvania Emergency Management Agency,,,,,,717-651-2141,kennrobert@pa.gov,,PA,
-Association of State Flood Plain Managers ,Manuel A.G.,Hidalgo Rivera,Puerto Rico Planning Board,,,,,,787-723-6200 ext. 16152,hidalgo_m@jp.pr.gov,,PR,
-Association of State Flood Plain Managers ,Morgan,Reilly,Rhode Island Emergency Mgmt. Agency,,,,,,401-451-2606,morgan.reilly@ema.ri.gov,,RI,
-Association of State Flood Plain Managers ,Maria,Cox Lamm,"CFM, South Carolina Dept. of Natural Res., Flood Mitigation Program",,,,,,803-734-3672,coxm@dnr.sc.gov,,SC,
-Association of State Flood Plain Managers ,Marc,Macy,CFM South Dakota Div. of Emergency Mgt,,,,,,605-773-2199,marc.macy@state.sd.us,,SD,
-Association of State Flood Plain Managers ,Jeremy,Holley,CFM Tennessee Emergency Management Agency,,,,,,629-266-9961,jeremy.b.holley@tn.gov,,TN,
-Association of State Flood Plain Managers ,Richie,Hernandez,Texas Water Development Board,,,,,,512-656-6081,richie.hernandez@twdb.texas.gov,,TX,
-Association of State Flood Plain Managers ,Tracie,Harrison,"BS, CFM, Utah Div. of Emergency Management",,,,,,385-499-2077,tjharrison@utah.gov,,UT,
-Association of State Flood Plain Managers ,Angela,Davis,"CFM, Virginia Dept. of Conservation & Recreation, Division of Dam Safety and Floodplain Mgmt.",,,,,,804-371-6135,angela.davis@dcr.virginia.gov,,VA,
-Association of State Flood Plain Managers ,,,Virgin Islands Planning & Nat. Res.,,,,,,340-773-1082,,,VI,
-Association of State Flood Plain Managers ,Rebecca,Pfeiffer,CFM Vermont Dept. Env. Consvn.,,,,,,802-490-6157,rebecca.pfeiffer@vermont.gov,,VT,
-Association of State Flood Plain Managers ,Sarah,Rafajko,CFM Wisconsin Dept. of Natural Resources,,,,,,608-893-8710,sarah.rafajko@wisconsin.gov,,WI,
-Association of State Flood Plain Managers ,Tim W.,Keaton,CFM West Virginia Emergency Management Division,,,,,,304-414-7659,tim.w.keaton@wv.gov,,WV,
-Association of State Flood Plain Managers ,Mr. Kim,Johnson,CFM WY Office of Homeland Security,,,,,,307-777-4910,kim.johnson@wyo.gov,,WY,
-Association of State Flood Plain Managers ,,,Alabama Association of Floodplain Managers,P.O. Box 622,,Montgomery,AL,36101,334-353-0853,,,AL,
-Association of State Flood Plain Managers ,,,Northwest Regional Floodplain Management Association,Attn: Michelle Gilbert,"4001 Summitview Ave, Suite 5, PMB 186",Yakima,WA,98909,425.245.0834,norfma@norfma.org,,"AK, ID, OR, WA",
\ No newline at end of file
+Mutual Aid Org,Full Name,Title / Org,Telephone,Fax,Cell,E-mail,States Covered,Sourced From
+International Code Council Regional Office ,Dorothy M. Mazzarella,Vice President - Government Relations,888.422.7233 Ext. 7722,,518.852.6025,dmazzarella@iccsafe.org,"NY, FL",
+International Code Council Regional Office ,Kraig M. Stevenson,Senior Regional Manager,888.422.7233 Ext. 7603,,562.201.9209,kstevenson@iccsafe.org,"AK, ID, OR, MT, WA, HI",
+International Code Council Regional Office ,Rick Hauffe,Senior Regional Manager,888.422.7233 Ext. 7222,,605.215.2055,rhauffe@iccsafe.org,"UT, ND, SD, MN, NE, IA, WY",
+International Code Council Regional Office ,Susan Dowty,Regional Manager,888.422.7233 Ext. 3111,,949.463.3544,sdowty@iccsafe.org,"CA, NV, GU, AS, MP",
+International Code Council Regional Office ,Stephen Jones,"Lead Senior Regional Manager, CBO, MCP",,,973.296.5210,sjones@iccsafe.org,"GA, NJ, NC, SC, TN",
+International Code Council Regional Office ,Bill Nash,Senior Regional Manager,888.422.7233 Ext. 4876,,401.265.0003,wnash@iccsafe.org,"MA, ME, VT, NH, RI, CT",
+International Code Council Regional Office ,Tim Schmitz,Lead Senior Regional Manager,888-422-7233 x4778,,630.774.9008,tschmitz@iccsafe.org,"CO, IL, KS, MO, WI",
+International Code Council Regional Office ,Mark Roberts,"Lead Senior Regional Manager, CBO, MCP",888.422.7233 Ext. 7265,,985.635.9305,mroberts@iccsafe.org,"LA, MS, AL",
+International Code Council Regional Office ,Kelly Sadler,Regional Manager,888 422.7233 x5566,,512.827.6471,ksadler@iccsafe.org,"AR, AZ, NM, OK, TX",
+International Code Council Regional Office ,Corey M. Roblee,Vice President - Government Relations,888.422.7233 Ext. 7202,,,croblee@iccsafe.org,"PA, KY, MI, OH, IN, PR, VI",
+International Code Council Regional Office ,Jacob Karson,"GR Coordinator & Office Manager, DC Office",888.422.7233 x6279,,202.570.1334,jkarson@iccsafe.org,"MD, DC, DE",
+International Code Council Regional Office ,Lisa Berger,"Government Relations Associate, DC Office",888.422.7233 x6278,,716.200.3070,lberger@iccsafe.org,"VA, WV",
+International Code Council Regional Office ,Neil A. Burning,"Vice President - Government Relations Technical Resources, CBO",888.422.7233 x5702,,702.305.5231,nburning@iccsafe.org,FL,
+Association of State Flood Plain Managers ,Harmony Curtis,Alaska Div. of Community & Regional Affairs,907-269-7904,,,harmony.curtis@alaska.gov,AK,
+Association of State Flood Plain Managers ,Corey Garyotis,"PE, CFM, Alabama Dept. of Economic and Community Affairs, Office of Water Resources",334-353-0853,,,corey.garyotis@adeca.alabama.gov,AL,
+Association of State Flood Plain Managers ,Brian Cosson,CFM AZ Dept. of Water Resources,602-771-8657,,,btcosson@azwater.gov,AZ,
+Association of State Flood Plain Managers ,Kelly Soule,"P.E., MBA, CFM California Dept. of Water Resources",916-820-7570,,,kelly.soule@water.ca.gov,CA,
+Association of State Flood Plain Managers ,Doug Mahan,CFM Colorado Water Conservation Board,303-866-3441 x3221,,,doug.mahan@state.co.us,CO,
+Association of State Flood Plain Managers ,Diane Ifkovic,"NFIP State Coordinator, CT Department of Energy & Environmental Protection",860-424-3537,,,diane.ifkovic@ct.gov,CT,
+Association of State Flood Plain Managers ,Nicholas Bonard,Dist. of Columbia - Dept. Energy & Env.,202-763-4112,,,nicholas.bonard@dc.gov,DC,
+Association of State Flood Plain Managers ,Jackie Zidar,Dist. of Columbia - Dept. Energy & Env.,202-568-9102,,,jackie.zidar@dc.gov,DC,
+Association of State Flood Plain Managers ,Katharyn Potter,Delaware Dept. of Natural Resources & Environmental Control,302-608-5496,,,katharyn.potter@delaware.gov,DE,
+Association of State Flood Plain Managers ,Jillian Kraynak,"Acting State NFIP Coordinator/State Floodplain Manager, Office of Floodplain Management - Bureau of Mitigation, Florida Division of Emergency Management",850-815-4560,,,jillian.kraynak@em.myflorida.com,FL,
+Association of State Flood Plain Managers ,Joseph Martinenza,"P.E., Georgia Dept of Natural Resources, Environmental Protection Division",470-938-3355,,,joseph.martinenza@dnr.ga.gov,GA,
+Association of State Flood Plain Managers ,Carol Tyau-Beam,"PE, CFM Hawaii Dept. of Land & Natural Resources",808-587-0267,,,carol.l.tyau@hawaii.gov,HI,
+Association of State Flood Plain Managers ,Jason Conn,"CFM, Iowa Dept. of Natural Resources, Wallace State Office Bldg.",515-782-8104,,,jason.conn@dnr.iowa.gov,IA,
+Association of State Flood Plain Managers ,Peter Jackson,Idaho Dept. of Water Resources,208-287-4973,,,peter.jackson@idwr.idaho.gov,ID,
+Association of State Flood Plain Managers ,Erin Conley,CFM Illinois Dept. of Natural Resources,217-782-4428,,,erin.c.conley@illinois.gov,IL,
+Association of State Flood Plain Managers ,Darren Pearson,CFM Indiana Dept. of Natural Resources,317-234-1082,,,dpearson@dnr.in.gov,IN,
+Association of State Flood Plain Managers ,Tara Lanzrath,CFM Kansas Dept. of Agriculture,785-296-2513,,,tara.lanzrath@ks.gov,KS,
+Association of State Flood Plain Managers ,Alex VanPelt,CFM Kentucky Div. of Water,502-782-7120,,,alex.vanpelt@ky.gov,KY,
+Association of State Flood Plain Managers ,Susan Veillon,"CFM, Louisiana Dept. of Transportation & Dev.",225-379-3005,,,susan.veillon@la.gov,LA,
+Association of State Flood Plain Managers ,Joy Duperault,CFM MA Dept. of Conservation & Recreation,857-286-0326,,,joy.duperault@mass.gov,MA,
+Association of State Flood Plain Managers ,David Guignet,"Maryland Dept. of the Environment, Water and Science Administration",410-537-3775,,,dave.guignet@maryland.gov,MD,
+Association of State Flood Plain Managers ,Matthew Occhipinti,"P.E., CFM Michigan Dept. of Env., Great Lakes & Energy",616-204-1708,,,occhipintim@michigan.gov,MI,
+Association of State Flood Plain Managers ,Ceil Strauss,"CFM, Minnesota Dept Natural Res. – Ecological & Water Resources",651-259-5713,,,ceil.strauss@state.mn.us,MN,
+Association of State Flood Plain Managers ,Karen McHugh,CFM Missouri State Emerg. Mgmt. Agency,573-526-9129,,,karen.mchugh@sema.dps.mo.gov,MO,
+Association of State Flood Plain Managers ,Edwin Tmarsel,"Floodplain Administrator, Commonwealth of Northern Mariana Islands (CNMI), DPW Building Safety Code",670-234-2296,,,etmarsel.dpwtsd@gmail.com,MP,
+Association of State Flood Plain Managers ,DiMaya Randle,CFM Mississippi Emerg. Mgmt. Agency,601-933-6605,,,drandle@mema.ms.gov,MS,
+Association of State Flood Plain Managers ,Traci Sears,CFM MT Dept. of Natural Resources & Conservation,406-444-6654,,,tsears@mt.gov,MT,
+Association of State Flood Plain Managers ,Steve Garrett,CFM North Carolina Dept. of Public Safety,919-825-2316,,,steve.garrett@ncdps.gov,NC,
+Association of State Flood Plain Managers ,Tyler Spomer,CFM ND Dept. of Water Resources,701-328-2750,,,tlspomer@nd.gov,ND,
+Association of State Flood Plain Managers ,Jamie Reinke,"P.E., CFM, Team Lead - Floodplain Management, Nebraska Department of Natural Resources",402-471-3957,,,jamie.reinke@nebraska.gov,NE,
+Association of State Flood Plain Managers ,Katie Paight,CFM New Hampshire Office of Planning & Development,603-271-1755,,,katharyn.o.paight@livefree.nh.gov,NH,
+Association of State Flood Plain Managers ,Kunal Patel,"P.E., CFM, New Jersey Dept. of Environmental Protection",609-292-2296,,,kunal.patel@dep.nj.gov,NJ,
+Association of State Flood Plain Managers ,Jeremy Klass,New Mexico Dept. of Homeland Security and Emergency Management,505-476-9600,,,jeremy.klass@dhsem.nm.gov,NM,
+Association of State Flood Plain Managers ,Kelli Higgins-Roche,"P.E., CFM, New York State Dept. of Environmental Conservation",518-408-0340,,,kelli.higgins-roche@dec.ny.gov,NY,
+Association of State Flood Plain Managers ,Alicia Silverio,CFM Ohio Dept. of Natural Resources,614-265-1006,,,alicia.silverio@dnr.ohio.gov,OH,
+Association of State Flood Plain Managers ,Jonathan Phillips,Oklahoma Water Resources Board,405-530-8800,,,jon.phillips@owrb.ok.gov,OK,
+Association of State Flood Plain Managers ,Amanda Richardson,Washington Department of Ecology,509-385-3076,,,amri461@ecy.wa.gov,OR,
+Association of State Flood Plain Managers ,Kenneth J. Roberts,CFM Pennsylvania Emergency Management Agency,717-651-2141,,,kennrobert@pa.gov,PA,
+Association of State Flood Plain Managers ,Manuel A.G. Hidalgo Rivera,Puerto Rico Planning Board,787-723-6200 ext. 16152,,,hidalgo_m@jp.pr.gov,PR,
+Association of State Flood Plain Managers ,Morgan Reilly,Rhode Island Emergency Mgmt. Agency,401-451-2606,,,morgan.reilly@ema.ri.gov,RI,
+Association of State Flood Plain Managers ,Maria Cox Lamm,"CFM, South Carolina Dept. of Natural Res., Flood Mitigation Program",803-734-3672,,,coxm@dnr.sc.gov,SC,
+Association of State Flood Plain Managers ,Marc Macy,CFM South Dakota Div. of Emergency Mgt,605-773-2199,,,marc.macy@state.sd.us,SD,
+Association of State Flood Plain Managers ,Jeremy Holley,CFM Tennessee Emergency Management Agency,629-266-9961,,,jeremy.b.holley@tn.gov,TN,
+Association of State Flood Plain Managers ,Richie Hernandez,Texas Water Development Board,512-656-6081,,,richie.hernandez@twdb.texas.gov,TX,
+Association of State Flood Plain Managers ,Tracie Harrison,"BS, CFM, Utah Div. of Emergency Management",385-499-2077,,,tjharrison@utah.gov,UT,
+Association of State Flood Plain Managers ,Angela Davis,"CFM, Virginia Dept. of Conservation & Recreation, Division of Dam Safety and Floodplain Mgmt.",804-371-6135,,,angela.davis@dcr.virginia.gov,VA,
+Association of State Flood Plain Managers , ,Virgin Islands Planning & Nat. Res.,340-773-1082,,,,VI,
+Association of State Flood Plain Managers ,Rebecca Pfeiffer,CFM Vermont Dept. Env. Consvn.,802-490-6157,,,rebecca.pfeiffer@vermont.gov,VT,
+Association of State Flood Plain Managers ,Sarah Rafajko,CFM Wisconsin Dept. of Natural Resources,608-893-8710,,,sarah.rafajko@wisconsin.gov,WI,
+Association of State Flood Plain Managers ,Tim W. Keaton,CFM West Virginia Emergency Management Division,304-414-7659,,,tim.w.keaton@wv.gov,WV,
+Association of State Flood Plain Managers ,Mr. Kim Johnson,CFM WY Office of Homeland Security,307-777-4910,,,kim.johnson@wyo.gov,WY,
+State Hazard Mitigation Officer,Michael Johnson,Alabama Law Enforcement Agency,(205) 280-2474,(205) 280-2493,,michael.johnson@ema.alabama.gov,Alabama,
+State Hazard Mitigation Officer,Garrett Brooks,Alaska Division of Homeland Security & Emergency Management,(907) 428-7085,(907) 428-7009,,garrett.brooks@alaska.gov,Alaska,
+State Hazard Mitigation Officer,Sandi Tonumaipea,Office of Disaster Assistance and Petroleum Management,(684) 699-6481,,,Sandi.tonumaipea@odapm.as.gov,American Samoa,
+State Hazard Mitigation Officer,Destiny Colorado,Arizona Department of Emergency and Military Affairs,,,,Mitigation@azdema.gov,Arizona,
+State Hazard Mitigation Officer,Lacye Blake,Arkansas Division of Emergency Management,(501) 683-6724,(501) 683-7890,,Lacye.Blake@adem.arkansas.gov,Arkansas,
+State Hazard Mitigation Officer,Ron Miller,California Office of Emergency Services,(916) 328-7450,,,HMA@caloes.ca.gov,California,
+State Hazard Mitigation Officer,Robyn Fennig,California Office of Emergency Services,(916) 328-7450,,,Robyn.Fennig@caloes.ca.gov,California,
+State Hazard Mitigation Officer,Elizabeth S. Balajadia,Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands Homeland Security and Emergency Management,(670) 664-2402,,,Elizabeth.Balajadia@gov.mp,Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands,
+State Hazard Mitigation Officer,Mark W. Thompson,"Colorado Department of Public Safety, Division of Homeland Security & Emergency Management",(720) 852-6600,(720) 852-6600,,markw.thompson@state.co.us,Colorado,
+State Hazard Mitigation Officer,Ken Dumais,Department of Emergency Services & Public Protection,(860) 250-2472,,,Kenneth.dumais@ct.gov,Connecticut,
+State Hazard Mitigation Officer,Phillip Cane,Delaware Emergency Management Agency,(302) 659-2325,,(302) 505-0904,Phillip.cane@delaware.gov,Delaware,
+State Hazard Mitigation Officer,Vermecia Alsop,District of Columbia Homeland Security & Emergency Management Agency,(202) 313-8765,,,vermecia.alsop@dc.gov,District of Columbia,
+State Hazard Mitigation Officer,Laura Dhuwe,Florida Division of Emergency Management,,,,Laura.Dhuwe@em.myflorida.com ResidentialMitigation@em.myflorida.com,Florida,
+State Hazard Mitigation Officer,Stephen Clark,Georgia Emergency Management & Homeland Security Agency,(404) 635-4573,,,stephen.clark@gema.ga.gov,Georgia,
+State Hazard Mitigation Officer,Ronald Obispo,"Guam Homeland Security, Office of Civil Defense",(671) 797-1052,,,Ronald.Obispo@ghs.guam.gov,Guam,
+State Hazard Mitigation Officer,Kelsey Yamanaka,Hawaii Emergency Management Agency,(808) 983-2570,,,HIEMA.HMGrants@hawaii.gov kelsey.a.yamanaka@hawaii.gov,Hawaii,
+State Hazard Mitigation Officer,Susan Cleverley,Idaho Military Division / Idaho Office of Emergency Management,(208) 258-6545,,,scleverley@imd.idaho.gov,Idaho,
+State Hazard Mitigation Officer,Zachary Krug,Illinois Emergency Management Agency,(217) 524-6513,,,Zachary.Krug@Illinois.gov,Illinois,
+State Hazard Mitigation Officer,Ashley Steeb,Indiana Department of Homeland Security,(317) 234-8426,(317) 232-4987,,assteeb@dhs.in.gov,Indiana,
+State Hazard Mitigation Officer,Mathew Noble,Iowa Homeland Security & Emergency Management Department,(515) 321-8528,,,Mathew.Noble@iowa.gov,Iowa,
+State Hazard Mitigation Officer,Jeanne Bunting,Homeland Security Emergency Operations,(785) 646-2307,(785) 274-1426,,jeanne.l.bunting.nfg@mail.mil,Kansas,
+State Hazard Mitigation Officer,Geni Jo Brawner,Kentucky Division of Emergency Management,(502) 607-5797,(502) 607-5740,,geneva.j.brawner.nfg@army.mil,Kentucky,
+State Hazard Mitigation Officer,Jeffrey Giering,Governor's Office of Homeland Security & Emergency Preparedness,(225) 932-6300,,,jeffrey.giering@la.gov,Louisiana,
+State Hazard Mitigation Officer,Heather Dumais,Maine Emergency Management Agency,(207) 441-9510,,,Heather.Dumais@maine.gov,Maine,
+State Hazard Mitigation Officer,Caitlin Whiteleather,Maryland Department of Emergency Management,(410) 702-3874,,,Caitlin.Whiteleather@Maryland.gov,Maryland,
+State Hazard Mitigation Officer,Mark Talbot,Executive Office of Public Safety & Security,(508) 820-2053,,,Mark.Talbot@state.ma.us,Massachusetts,
+State Hazard Mitigation Officer,Matt Schnepp,Michigan State Police Department / Emergency Management & Homeland Security Division,(517) 284-3950,(517) 284-3857,,schneppm1@michigan.gov,Michigan,
+State Hazard Mitigation Officer,Angela Wynn,"Minnesota Department of Public Safety, Division of Homeland Security & Emergency Management",(651) 201-7496,,,hazard.mitigation@state.mn.us,Minnesota,
+State Hazard Mitigation Officer,Jana Henderson,Mississippi Office of Homeland Security Agency,(601) 933-6636,,,jhenderson@mema.ms.gov,Mississippi,
+State Hazard Mitigation Officer,Heidi Carver,Missouri Office of Homeland Security / Department of Public Safety,(573) 526-9116,(573) 526-9193,,heidi.carver@sema.dps.mo.gov,Missouri,
+State Hazard Mitigation Officer,Sara Hartley,"Montana Department of Military Affairs, Disaster & Emergency Services Division",(406) 417-9238,,,Sara.Hartley@mt.gov,Montana,
+State Hazard Mitigation Officer,Chelsea Harris,Nebraska Emergency Management Agency,(402) 471-7184,(402) 430-2252,,chelsea.harris@nebraska.gov,Nebraska,
+State Hazard Mitigation Officer,Janell Woodward,Nevada Division of Emergency Management,(775) 687-0314,(775) 687-0322,(715) 870-7111,janell.woodward@dem.nv.gov,Nevada,
+State Hazard Mitigation Officer,Austin T. Brown,New Hampshire Department of Safety,(603) 271-2231,,,NH.HM@dos.nh.gov,New Hampshire,
+State Hazard Mitigation Officer,Lt. Dinan Amin,New Jersey Office of Emergency Management,609-882-2000 ext 3004,,,dinan.amin@njsp.gov,New Jersey,
+State Hazard Mitigation Officer,Jeremy Klass,New Mexico Department of Homeland Security & Emergency Management,,(505) 479-0170,,,New Mexico,
+State Hazard Mitigation Officer,Alison Maura,NYS Division of Homeland Security & Emergency Services,(518) 473-8541,,,alison.maura@dhses.ny.gov,New York,
+State Hazard Mitigation Officer,Steve McGugan,North Carolina Department of Public Safety,(919) 873-5843,,(919) 971-1290,Steve.McGugan@ncdps.gov,North Carolina,
+State Hazard Mitigation Officer,Todd Joersz,North Dakota Department of Emergency Services,(701) 328-8261,(701) 328-8181,,tjoersz@nd.gov,North Dakota,
+State Hazard Mitigation Officer,Steven Ferryman,Ohio Emergency Management Agency,(614) 799-3539,(614) 799-3526,,saferryman@dps.ohio.gov,Ohio,
+State Hazard Mitigation Officer,Matthew Rollins,Oklahoma Office of Homeland Security,(405) 521- 3140,(405) 521-4053,,matthew.rollins@oem.ok.gov,Oklahoma,
+State Hazard Mitigation Officer,Stephen Richardson,Oregon Department of Emergency Management,(503) 378-3316,,(971) 332-0005,Stephen.J.richardson@oem.oregon.gov,Oregon,
+State Hazard Mitigation Officer,Richard (Rick) Deal,Pennsylvania Emergency Management Agency,(717) 651-2711,,(717) 433-3178,rdeal@pa.gov,Pennsylvania,
+State Hazard Mitigation Officer,Margarita Mosquera,Office for Public Security Affairs,(787) 273-8196,,,mmosquera@cor3.pr.gov,Puerto Rico,
+State Hazard Mitigation Officer,Rae-Anne Culp,Rhode Island Emergency Management Agency,(401) 462-7048,,,,Rhode Island,
+State Hazard Mitigation Officer,Tyler Spires (HMGP/BRIC/PDM),"South Carolina Emergency Management Division - Hazard Mitigation Grant Program, the Pre-Disaster Mitigation program, and the Building Resilient Infrastructure and Communities program",(803) 737-8797 (803) 734-4007,(803) 734-9809,,mitigation@emd.sc.gov rboyles@dnr.sc.gov,South Carolina,
+State Hazard Mitigation Officer,"Robert H. Boyles, Jr (FMA)",South Carolina Emergency Management Division - Flood Mitigation Assistance program,(803) 737-8797 (803) 734-4007,(803) 734-9809,,mitigation@emd.sc.gov rboyles@dnr.sc.gov,South Carolina,
+State Hazard Mitigation Officer,Jim Poppen,South Dakota Department of Public Safety,(605) 773-3231,(605) 773-3580,,Jim.Poppen@state.sd.us,South Dakota,
+State Hazard Mitigation Officer,Shannon Ball,Tennessee Emergency Management Agency,(615) 946-5887,,,shannon.ball@tn.gov,Tennessee,
+State Hazard Mitigation Officer,Josh Davies Kathy Hopkins,Texas Division of Emergency Management,(512) 936-7489 (512) 463-6198,,,,Texas,
+State Hazard Mitigation Officer,Graciela Rivera,Virgin Islands Territorial Emergency Management Agency,(340) 773-2244,,(340) 332-3051,graciela.rivera@vitema.vi.gov,US Virgin Islands,
+State Hazard Mitigation Officer,Kathy Holder,"Utah Department of Public Safety, Division of Emergency Management",(385) 315-3566,,,kcholder@utah.gov,Utah,
+State Hazard Mitigation Officer,Stephanie Smith,Vermont Department of Public Safety – Homeland Security Unit,(802) 989-6793,,,stephanie.a.smith@vermont.gov,Vermont,
+State Hazard Mitigation Officer,Debbie Messmer,Virginia Department of Emergency Management,(804) 267-7732,,,Debbie.Messmer@vdem.virginia.gov,Virginia,
+State Hazard Mitigation Officer,Tim Cook,Washington State Military Department – Emergency Management Division,(253) 512-7072,(253) 512-7207,,tim.cook@mil.wa.gov,Washington,
+State Hazard Mitigation Officer,Gabriel Reed,West Virginia Division of Emergency Management,(304) 414-7673,,,Gabriel.a.reed@wv.gov,West Virginia,
+State Hazard Mitigation Officer,Heather Thole,Wisconsin Emergency Management – Department of Military Affairs,(608) 282-5301,,,Heather.Thole@widma.gov,Wisconsin,
+State Hazard Mitigation Officer,Shamika McDonald,Wyoming Office of Homeland Security,(307) 777-4914,(307) 635-6017,,shamika.mcdonald1@wyo.gov,Wyoming,
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+State,Official name of EMA,Local EMA page,Main Phone #,Local EMA name,Local EMA / EOC page,Notes
+Alabama,Alabama Emergency Management Agency (EMA),https://ema.alabama.gov/,205-280-2200,Alabama County EMAs ,https://ema.alabama.gov/county-ema-directory/,
+Alaska,"Alaska Department of Military And Veterans Affairs - Division of Homeland Security and Emergency Management (DHS & EM)
+",https://ready.alaska.gov/,907-428-7000,Local Emergency Planning Committees (LEPCs),https://ready.alaska.gov/SERC/LEPC,
+American Samoa,American Samoa Territorial Emergency Management Coordination (TEMCO),,(011) 684-699-6415,,,"Contact number not validated, found at: https://www.emacweb.org/index.php/contact/contact-your-state-ema#:~:text=American%20Samoa%20Territorial%20Emergency%20Management%20Coordination%0A(TEMCO)"
+Arizona,Arizona Department of Emergency and Military Affairs - Division of Emergency Management (DEMA),https://dema.az.gov/emergency-management,602-267-2700,,,
+Arkansas,"Arkansas Division of Emergency Management (ADEM)
+",https://www.dps.arkansas.gov/emergency-management/adem/,501-683-6700,County Emergency Management Coordinators,https://www.dps.arkansas.gov/emergency-management/adem/response/emergency-management-coordinators/,
+California,California Governor’s Office of Emergency Services (Cal OES),https://www.caloes.ca.gov/,916-845-8510,Cal OES Regional Offices,https://experience.arcgis.com/experience/1e4a2d879dfd49a785ec46e906b35671,
+Colorado,Colorado Division of Homeland Security and Emergency Management (DHSEM),https://dhsem.colorado.gov/,720-852-6600,DHSEM Field Managers,https://dhsem.colorado.gov/fieldoperations,
+Connecticut,Connecticut State Division of Emergency Management and Homeland Security (DEMHS),https://portal.ct.gov/demhs,860-685-8531,DEMHS Regional Offices,https://portal.ct.gov/demhs/emergency-management/resources-for-officials/regional-offices,
+Delaware,Delaware Emergency Management Agency (DEMA),https://dema.delaware.gov/,302-659-3362,Delaware County Emergency Management Offices,https://dema.delaware.gov/aboutDema/index.shtml?dc=contact,
+Florida,Florida Division of Emergency Management (FDEM),https://www.floridadisaster.org/,850-815-4000,Florida County Emergency Managers,https://www.floridadisaster.org/counties/,
+Georgia,Georgia Emergency Management and Homeland Security Agency (GEMA/HS),https://gema.georgia.gov/, 404-635-7200,GEMA/HS Field and Homeland Security Coordinators ,https://gema.georgia.gov/locations,
+Guam,Guam Homeland Security - Office of Civil Defense (GHS/OCD),https://ghs.guam.gov/,671-475-9600,,,
+Hawaii,Hawaiʻi Emergency Management Agency (HI-EMA),https://dod.hawaii.gov/hiema/,808-733-4300,HI-EMA County Partners,https://dod.hawaii.gov/hiema/contact-us/,
+Idaho,Idaho Office of Emergency Management (IOEM),https://ioem.idaho.gov/,208-258-6500,IOEM Area Field Officers (AFOs),https://ioem.idaho.gov/about/area-field-officers/,
+Illinois,Illinois Emergency Management Agency and Office of Homeland Security (IEMA),https://iemaohs.illinois.gov/,217-782-2700,IEMA Local EMA Resources,https://iemaohs.illinois.gov/contacts/contacts-localema.html,
+Indiana,Indiana Department of Homeland Security (IDHS) - Emergency Management and Preparedness Division,https://www.in.gov/dhs/emergency-management-and-preparedness/,317-232-2222,IDHS district personnel and county emergency management agencies (EMAs),https://www.in.gov/dhs/contact-us/#StatewideContactMap,
+Iowa,Iowa Homeland Security and Emergency Management (HSEMD),https://homelandsecurity.iowa.gov/,515-725-3231,Iowa Local Emergency Planning Committees (LEPCs),https://homelandsecurity.iowa.gov/programs/local-emergency-planning-committees#contact,"Local link sends to a big page with ""Local Emergency Planning Committees"", which seems to include EMAs"
+Kansas,Kansas Division of Emergency Management (KDEM),https://www.kansastag.gov/101/KDEM,785-646-2000,KDEM County Emergency Manager Contacts,https://www.kansastag.gov/449/County-Emergency-Manager-Contacts,
+Kentucky,Kentucky Emergency Management (KYEM),https://kyem.ky.gov/Pages/default.aspx,800-255-2587,KYEM Area Offices,https://kyem.ky.gov/Who%20We%20Are/Pages/AreaOffices.aspx,
+Louisiana,Louisiana Governor’s Office of Homeland Security and Emergency Preparedness (OHSEP),https://gohsep.la.gov/,225-925-7500,OHSEP Parish Contacts,https://gohsep.la.gov/about/contact-us/parish-ohsep-contacts/,
+Maine,Maine Emergency Management Agency (MEMA),https://www.maine.gov/mema/,800-452-8735,Maine County Emergency Management Agencies,https://www.maine.gov/mema/ema-community/county-local/county-emergency-management-agencies,
+Maryland,Maryland Department of Emergency Management (MDEM),https://mdem.maryland.gov/Pages/default.aspx,877-636-2872,Maryland Local Emergency Center Contacts,https://mdem.maryland.gov/Pages/Local-EOC.aspx,
+Massachusetts,Massachusetts Emergency Management Agency (MEMA),https://www.mass.gov/orgs/massachusetts-emergency-management-agency,508-820-2001,Massachusetts Local Emergency Management Directors (EMDs),https://www.mass.gov/find-your-local-emergency-management-director-emd,
+Michigan,Michigan State Police - Emergency Management and Homeland Security Division (EMHSD),https://www.michigan.gov/msp/divisions/emhsd,517-284-3821 ,Michigan Local Emergency Management Programs,https://www.michigan.gov/msp/divisions/emhsd/local-emergency-management-programs,
+Minnesota,Minnesota Department of Public Safety - Homeland Security and Emergency Management Division (HSEM),https://dps.mn.gov/divisions/hsem/Pages/default.aspx,651-201-7400,Minnesota County Emergency Managers,https://dps.mn.gov/divisions/hsem/contact/Pages/county-emergency-managers.aspx,
+Mississippi,Mississippi Emergency Management Agency (MEMA),https://www.msema.org/,601-933-6362,MEMA local emergency management offices,https://www.msema.org/county-ema/,
+Missouri,Missouri State Emergency Management Agency (SEMA),https://sema.dps.mo.gov/,573-526-9100,Missouri Local Emergency Management Agencies,https://sema.dps.mo.gov/county/,
+Montana,Montana Disaster and Emergency Services (MT DES),https://des.mt.gov/,406-324-4777,Montana Local Disaster and Emergency Services ,https://des.mt.gov/DES/Local-DES-Contacts1,
+Nebraska,Nebraska Emergency Management Agency (NEMA),https://nema.nebraska.gov/,402-471-7421,Nebraska County Emergency Managers,https://nema.nebraska.gov/em-directors.php,
+Nevada,Nevada Division of Emergency Management / Homeland Security (DEM),https://dem.nv.gov/,775-687-0300 ,,,No clear place for local EOCs but this is a large website.
+New Hampshire,New Hampshire Homeland Security and Emergency Management - Department of Safety (HSEM),https://www.nh.gov/safety/divisions/hsem/,603-271-2231,,,No clear place but googling individually seems do-able
+New Jersey,State of New Jersey Office of Emergency Management (NJOEM),https://www.nj.gov/njoem/,609-963-6900,NJOEM County Coordinators,https://nj.gov/njoem/about-us/county-coordinators.shtml,
+New Mexico,New Mexico Department of Homeland Security and Emergency Management (DHSEM),https://www.dhsem.nm.gov/,505-476-9600,,,
+New York,NYS Division of Homeland Security and Emergency Services (DHSES),https://www.dhses.ny.gov/office-emergency-management,518-242-5000,New York Field Operations,https://www.dhses.ny.gov/field-operations,
+North Carolina,North Carolina Department of Public Safety - Emergency Management (NCEM),https://www.ncdps.gov/our-organization/emergency-management,919-825-2500,NCEM Area Coordinators,https://www.ncdps.gov/ncem-area-coordinators-contact-map,page with a pdf link on it
+North Dakota,North Dakota Department of Emergency Services (NDDES),https://www.des.nd.gov/,701-328.8100,North Dakota Emergency Management Regions,https://www.des.nd.gov/contact/countytribal-contacts,
+Northern Mariana Islands,,,,,,
+Ohio,Ohio Emergency Management Agency (Ohio EMA),https://ema.ohio.gov/,614-889-7150,Ohio County Emergency Managers,https://webeoctraining.dps.ohio.gov/ohiocountyEMADirectorList/countyemalist_web.aspx,
+Oklahoma,Oklahoma Department of Emergency Management (OEM),https://oklahoma.gov/oem.html,405-521-2481,,,
+Oregon,Oregion Department of Emergency Management (ODEM),https://www.oregon.gov/OEM/Pages/default.aspx,971-719-0991,Oregion Regional Coordinators Program,https://www.oregon.gov/oem/emresources/Pages/Regional-Coordinators-Program.aspx,
+Pennsylvania,Pennsylvania Emergency Management Agency (PEMA),https://www.pema.pa.gov/Pages/default.aspx,717-651-2001,PEMA Emergency Management Coordinator,https://www.pema.pa.gov/County-EMC/Pages/default.aspx,Link to pdf is a bit hard to find
+Puerto Rico,Negociado para el Manejo de Emergencias y Administracion de De Desastres (NMEAD),https://manejodeemergencias.pr.gov/huracanes/,787-724-0124,,,Need a spanish speaker to did deeper into site
+Rhode Island,State of Rhode Island Emergency Managment Agency (RIEMA),https://riema.ri.gov/,401-946-9996,Rhode Island Local Contacts,https://riema.ri.gov/planning-mitigation/local-contacts,
+South Carolina,South Carolina Emergency Management Division (SCEMD),https://www.scemd.org/,803-737-8500,South Carolina County Emergency Managers,https://www.scemd.org/who-we-are/county-emergency-managers/,
+South Dakota,South Dakota Department of Public Safety - Office of Emergency Management (OEM),https://dps.sd.gov/emergency-services/emergency-management,605-773-3231,South Dakota County and Tribal Emergency Managers,https://dps.sd.gov/emergency-services/emergency-management/response/county-emergency-managers,
+Tennessee,Tennessee Emergency Management Agency (EMA),https://www.tn.gov/tema.html,615-741-0001,Tennessee Local EMA,https://www.tn.gov/tema/prepare/regional-ema-contacts.html,
+Texas,Texas Division of Emergency Management (TDEM),https://www.tdem.texas.gov/,512-424-2208,TDEM Regional Contacts,https://tdem.texas.gov/regions,"Link is a bit confusing. You'd have to go to your region, then look at what district your county is in and contact the district person who oversees multiple counties "
+U.S. Virgin Islands,"Virgin Islands Territorial (VITEMA)
+Emergency Management Agency",https://vitema.vi.gov/,340-774-2244,VITEMA Contacts,https://vitema.vi.gov/about/contact-us,There is a main (on st. thomas) but also a St Croix and a St John office on that contact page
+Utah,Utah Division of Emergency Management (DEM),https://dem.utah.gov/,801-538-3400,Utah Regional Contacts,"https://dem.utah.gov/#:~:text=invest%20tax%20dollars.-,Find%20my%20Emergency%20Manager,-Safety%20Topics","The easiest way to find the local is to go to the main page, scroll down to find my emergency manager, and switch from map view to list view. Unclear if we can just link to Esri directly? "
+Vermont,Vermont Emergency Management (VEM),https://vem.vermont.gov/,800-347-0488,Vermont Emergency Management Regional Coordinators ,https://vem.vermont.gov/programs/emd/partners,
+Virginia,Virginia Department of Emergency Management (VDEM),https://www.vaemergency.gov/,804-267-7600,VDEM Regional Offices,https://www.vaemergency.gov/divisions/regions-and-local,
+Washington,Washington State Emergency Management Division (EMD),https://mil.wa.gov/emergency-management-division,253-912-4901 ,EMD County Contacts,https://mil.wa.gov/emd-contact-us,
+District of Columbia,District of Columbia Homeland Security and Emergency Management Agency (HSEMA),https://hsema.dc.gov/,202-727-6161,,,
+West Virginia,West Virginia Emergency Management Division (WVEMD),https://emd.wv.gov/Pages/default.aspx,304-558-5380,West Virginia Local Emergency Management Agencies,https://emd.wv.gov/Preparedness/Pages/Emergency-Information-.aspx,
+Wisconsin,Wisconsin Emergency Management (WEM),https://wem.wi.gov/,608-242-3000,WEM Regional Offices,https://wem.wi.gov/regional-offices/,
+Wyoming,Wyoming Office of Homeland Security (WOHS),https://hls.wyo.gov/,307-777-4900,Wyoming County Coordinators,https://hls.wyo.gov/contacts/county-contacts,
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@@ -54,6 +54,6 @@
"admin.map": "/assets/js/admin-GBLI77MO.js.map",
"app.js": "/assets/js/app-34WFVF7Q.js",
"app.map": "/assets/js/app-34WFVF7Q.js.map",
- "index.css": "/assets/styles/index-Q7BANZGB.css",
- "index.map": "/assets/styles/index-Q7BANZGB.css.map"
+ "index.css": "/assets/styles/index-SACUB2CK.css",
+ "index.map": "/assets/styles/index-SACUB2CK.css.map"
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index 7895931..31d2bdb 100644
--- a/_data/csvData.js
+++ b/_data/csvData.js
@@ -16,6 +16,13 @@ module.exports = async function() {
skip_empty_lines: true
+ // Read and parse the third CSV file
+ const csv3 = fs.readFileSync('./_data/State_EMAs_Sheet1.csv', 'utf8');
+ const data3 = parse(csv3, {
+ columns: true,
+ skip_empty_lines: true
+ });
// Organize contacts by organization and states
let contactsByState = [];
@@ -32,9 +39,19 @@ module.exports = async function() {
+ // Organize EMA data by state from data3
+ let stateEMAs = {};
+ data3.forEach(ema => {
+ const state = ema['State'].trim();
+ if (!stateEMAs[state]) {
+ stateEMAs[state] = [];
+ }
+ stateEMAs[state].push(ema);
+ });
return {
stantecMABD: data1,
- contactsByState
+ contactsByState,
+ stateEMAs
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# Site Navigation
- - name: Training & resources
- url: /posts/training/
+ - name: Resources
+ url: /posts/resources/
- name: FAQs
url: /posts/faq/
- name: Contact
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+ This website contains references to non-federal resources and organizations. The references are solely
+ for informational purposes and are not an endorsement of any non-federal entity by FEMA, Department of
+ Homeland Security, or the U.S. government.
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Skip to main content
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- %}
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layout: layouts/default
This page offers answers to frequently asked questions about mutual aid assistance for local building department officials.
What building department functions can mutual aid help with after disasters?
Mutual aid can be utilized to assist with post-disaster inspections, permitting and enforcement tasks.
Who are these people coming to help?
Mutual aid personnel can be classified in two categories: Public-Sector Personnel, also referred to as state assets and can include local, state, and federal officials; and Private-Sector Personnel. The ability to use mutual aid for private sector resources varies from state to state.
The following public and private-sector resources are capable of assisting communities after disaster:
Building Code Officials
Building Safety & Code Inspectors
Floodplain Administrators
State NFIP Coordinators
Engineers & Architects
Technicians & Specialists
What is DRRA 1206 and how can it help me?
The Disaster Recovery Reform Act of 2018, Section 1206 (DRRA-1206) authorizes FEMA Public Assistance grant funding to support recovery staffing needs of local building code and floodplain management departments up to 180 days following the date of the major disaster declaration. DRRA-1206 can help reimburse communities that seek out trained and certified mutual aid responder teams that meet specific criteria.
Mutual aid personnel can be classified in two categories: Public-Sector Personnel, also referred to as state assets and can include local, state, and federal officials; and Private-Sector Personnel. The ability to use mutual aid for private sector resources varies from state to state.
The following public and private-sector resources are capable of assisting communities after disaster:
Building Code Officials
Building Safety & Code Inspectors
Floodplain Administrators
State NFIP Coordinators
Engineers & Architects
Technicians & Specialists
What is DRRA 1206 and how can it help me?
The Disaster Recovery Reform Act of 2018, Section 1206 (DRRA-1206) authorizes FEMA Public Assistance grant funding to support recovery staffing needs of local building code and floodplain management departments up to 180 days following the date of the major disaster declaration. DRRA-1206 can help reimburse communities that seek out trained and certified mutual aid responder teams that meet specific criteria.
+ The Association of State Floodplain Managers is a 501(c)(3) scientific and educational nonprofit organization dedicated to reducing flood loss in the nation.
+ The annual Building Code Adoption Tracking (BCAT) fact sheets provide an overview of the building code adoption status within each state and territory, organized by FEMA region.
+ The purpose of a Disaster Assistance Response Team (DART) is to assist communities handle floodplain management responsibilities after a natural disaster.
+ The Disaster Response Alliance's mission is to assist local, state and federal entities with easy access to a single, national database of skilled volunteers willing to assist with response and recovery activities, including post-disaster safety assessments, building damage assessments, inspections and other code-related functions in the aftermath of a disaster.
+ EMAC offers assistance during governor-declared states of emergency or disaster through a responsive, straightforward system that allows states to send personnel, equipment, and commodities to assist with response and recovery efforts in other states.
+ The Federal Alliance for Safe Homes (FLASH) — a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization — is the leading consumer advocate for strengthening homes and safeguarding families from natural and manmade disasters.
+ The International Code Council is the leading global source of model codes and standards and building safety solutions that include product evaluation, accreditation, technology, training, and certification.
+ A Mission Ready Package or MRP is everything you need to conduct a mission (personnel, equipment, commodities, travel, lodging, meals and more) identified in a single file with their associated costs.
+ The National Emergency Management Association (NEMA) is a nonpartisan, nonprofit 501(c)(3) association dedicated to enhancing public safety by improving the nation's ability to prepare for, respond to, and recover from all emergencies, disasters, and threats to our nation's security.
- This website contains references to non-federal resources and organizations. The references are solely
- for informational purposes and are not an endorsement of any non-federal entity by FEMA, Department of
- Homeland Security, or the U.S. government.
+ {% include "disclaimer.html" %}
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{% endcapture %}
{% capture imacIsPrivate %}
Your state may also allow jurisdictions to accept services and equipment from private and
- volunteer entities to carry out building department functions after disasters or emergencies.
Your state may also allow jurisdictions to accept services and equipment from private and
+ volunteer entities to carry out building department functions after disasters or emergencies.
For more information, please review your state's mutual aid
fact sheet.
{% endcapture %}
- {% assign imacNotPrivateText = "For your state, secondresponders.gov is unaware of any significant
- policies related to the deployment of private or volunteer entities to carry out building
- department functions after disasters or emergencies." %}
+ {% assign imacNotPrivateText = 'For your state, secondresponders.gov is unaware of
+ any
+ significant
+ policies related to the deployment of private or volunteer entities to carry out building
+ department functions after disasters or emergencies.' %}
{% capture imacNotPrivate %}
{{ imacNotPrivateText }}
@@ -107,7 +90,8 @@
{% endif %}
{% capture imacPublicOptOut %}
Your state/territory has a statewide opt-out IMAC program. This means:
Your state/territory has a statewide opt-out IMAC program. This means:
All local jurisdictions within the state or territory are automatically enrolled in the IMAC
agreement by default and must actively choose to opt out of the agreement if they do not wish to
@@ -119,7 +103,8 @@
{% endcapture %}
{% capture imacPublicOptIn %}
Your state/territory has a statewide opt-in IMAC program. This means:
Your state/territory has a statewide opt-in IMAC program. This means:
Local jurisdictions are not automatically enrolled and must actively choose to participate in the
IMAC agreement.
Your state/territory does not have a statewide IMAC program and instead utilizes individual
- compacts between local jurisdictions. This means:
Your state/territory does not have a statewide IMAC program and instead utilizes individual
+ compacts between local jurisdictions. This means:
Jurisdictions, such as cities and counties, with individual agreements in place can share resources
and personnel to perform building department functions following disasters and emergencies.
@@ -140,7 +126,9 @@
{% endcapture %}
{% capture noImac %}
Your state/territory has no known significant IMAC program between public entities.
Your state/territory has no known significant IMAC program between
+ public
+ entities.
{{ imacNotPrivateText }}
{% endcapture %}
@@ -184,15 +172,17 @@
- Understanding mutual aid options in {{ stateString }}
+ Step 1: Understanding mutual aid options in {{ stateString }}
- In-state mutual aid
+ Mutual aid from within your state or territory
Intrastate Mutual Aid Compact (IMAC)
@@ -205,10 +195,11 @@
- Federal mutual aid
+ Mutual aid from other states or territories
Emergency Mutual Aid Compact (EMAC)
@@ -223,15 +214,151 @@
- Mutual aid contacts in {{ stateString }}
+ Step 2: Mutual aid contacts in {{ stateString }}
The next step to rebuilding following a disaster should be to connect with
+ emergency management agencies and staff in your state, local, tribal or territorial location.
The following organizations are familiar with the processes for mutual aid in Florida and can help
- connect you with personnel and resources when you need them most. You can reach out to these
- organizations for guidance and assistance in navigating the EMAC and IMAC systems to support your
- building department during emergencies and disasters.
You may find that some local agencies are unfamiliar with coordinating mutual aid to support local
+ building departments.The following organizations are familiar with the processes for mutual aid in
+ Florida and can help connect you with personnel and resources when you need them most.
You can reach out to these organizations for guidance and assistance in
+ navigating the EMAC and IMAC systems to support your building department during emergencies and
+ disasters.
- {% assign stateData = csvData.contactsByState %}
{% for entry in stateData %}
{% if entry.state == item.Abbr %}
@@ -245,8 +372,10 @@
Assistance provided:
Group details:
The International Code Council (ICC) is a nonprofit association that is focused on building safety
- worldwide. The ICC can provide skilled volunteers to assist local building department officials with
The International Code Council (ICC) is a nonprofit association that is focused on building
+ safety
+ worldwide. The ICC can provide skilled volunteers to assist local building department officials
+ with
building inspections and code enforcement in the aftermath of a disaster.
{% endif %}
@@ -258,7 +387,8 @@
Assistance provided:
Group details:
The Association of State Floodplain Managers (ASFPM) is an organization of professionals involved
The Association of State Floodplain Managers (ASFPM) is an organization of professionals
+ involved
in floodplain management, flood hazard mitigation, National Flood Insurance Program, and flood
preparedness, warning and recovery. The ASFPM can provide communities with expert assistance in
handling floodplain management responsibilities, conducting damage assessments, and offering
@@ -271,48 +401,69 @@
Contact Information
{% for contact in entry.contacts %}
- {% if contact['First Name'] or contact['Title / Org'] != blank %}
+ {% if contact['Full Name'] != blank or contact['Title / Org'] != blank %}