diff --git a/_pages/security-events.md b/_pages/security-events.md index 4c44ab44..2d9e4515 100644 --- a/_pages/security-events.md +++ b/_pages/security-events.md @@ -323,6 +323,9 @@ s41MmdQzalGuKMX3Hr7Rn5xtnmJiQ5HQ7pcdCh5ZidWvw7VcblStN-rTLEBCUUO14pCfdAzVCs09Wb1W * **typ** (string) The type header will be set to **secevent+jwt** +* **kid** (string) + The kid header provides a hint indicating which key was used to sign the JWT. The keys are listed in the [Certificates Endpoint](/oidc/certificates/). + #### JWT Claims * **aud** (string) @@ -340,6 +343,9 @@ s41MmdQzalGuKMX3Hr7Rn5xtnmJiQ5HQ7pcdCh5ZidWvw7VcblStN-rTLEBCUUO14pCfdAzVCs09Wb1W * **events** An object containing an event, keyed by event type. The keys and values depend on the event types, see [Supported Outgoing Events](#supported-outgoing-events) for event types and their payloads. +* **exp** (integer) + Time at which the JWT expires (12 hours after it was issued), an integer timestamp representing the number of seconds since the Unix Epoch. + ### Response Login.gov will interpret any response other than a 200-level status as a failure, and will ignore any response body. Failure requests may be retried.