title | description | layout | category | subcategory | cSpell |
Services and Accounts |
List of external services and logins to manage |
article |
Team |
People Ops |
ignore Hubspot |
Per our [onboarding][onboarding] and [offboarding][offboarding] instructions, please add people when they need these for their teams. Then remove people once they leave the team or no longer need the tools.
Check out the [Handbook Appendix][handbook-appendix] for the names of people who have admin access to the various services
This page lists various services that Login.gov team uses to do work.
- Figma
- Google SearchConsole
- Hubspot
- Login.gov dashboard
- Login.gov Google Groups
- NewRelic
- NPM Package registry
- search.gov dashboard
- StatusPage
[onboarding]: {% link _articles/onboarding.md %} [offboarding]: {% link _articles/offboarding.md %} [handbook-appendix]: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1ZMpi7Gj-Og1dn-qUBfQHqLc1Im7rUzDmIxKn11DPJzk/edit#heading=h.1c3ohc5eqn5r