title | description | layout | category | subcategory |
CloudWatch Dashboards |
How to search for, create, and manage CloudWatch dashboards |
article |
Reporting |
CloudWatch |
Amazon CloudWatch makes it possible to search Login.gov logs and AWS metrics to create visualizations or display statistics. CloudWatch Insights is the tool that makes it possible to query logs. See [CloudWatch 101][cloudwatch-101] for more information on how to write queries, or the [Devops CloudWatch Guide][devops-cloudwatch].
[cloudwatch-101]: {% link _articles/cloudwatch-101.md %} [devops-cloudwatch]: https://gitlab.login.gov/lg/identity-devops/-/wikis/Guide:-Cloudwatch-Logs,-Metrics-and-Dashboards
Login.gov's CloudWatch Dashboards can be found by navigating to the Cloudwatch service in the AWS Console and selecting "Dashboards" in the left pane. From here you will see a list of available dashboards and there is functionality for searching dashboards.
The source for CloudWatch Dashboards should be maintained in Terraform code under version control in the identity-devops repo.
Creating dashboards can be tricky and require some experimentation that are impeded by the long feedback loop of making and applying changes to terraform code. As a result, Login.gov supports experimental dashboards. These are ephemeral dashboards which can be used to create source for long-lived dashboards.
Terraformed dashboards are distinguished from experimental dashboards by the
prefix in the dashboard name.
A terraformed dashboard will have a prefix which is an environment name.
For example, a terraformed dashboard may be named prod-sample-dashboard
Conversely, an experimental dashboard will use a name that identifies the author.
For example, my-example-dashboard
Once an experimental dashboard reaches the desired state it should be converted
into a terraformed dashboard.
The identity-devops
repo has tooling for converting dashboards to terraformed
Given an experimental dashboard named my-sample-dashboard
, run the
following in the identity-devops
repo to create prod-my-sample-dashboard
, staging-my-sample-dashboard
, etc.:
aws-vault exec prod-power -- bin/copy-cloudwatch-dashboard -i my-sample-dashboard
This will create a terraform file in the devops repo for the dashboard. When this file is checked in and applied by terraform a dashboard matching the experimental one will be created for all environments.
For technical information on creating dashboards and alerts, see Monitoring and observability: CloudWatch queries, alarms and dashboards.