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Identity Verification FlowPolicy
FlowPolicy is a lightweight structure used to manage dependencies between Identity Verification steps


The FlowPolicy ensures that a user is allowed to be on a given page. The user is allowed to go back and forward with the browser buttons. If the user submits a step, we clear all future steps. If the user jumps to an Identity Verification step, we check the idv_session and current_user to see if they are allowed. If not, we redirect them to the latest step where they are allowed.

This is how individual Identity Verification controllers implement the FlowPolicy.


FlowPolicy code

FlowPolicy contains a private hash of steps. The new controller's key and step_info need to be added to the hash. For example: agreement: Idv::AgreementController.step_info,

FlowPolicy has three public methods. They are called from helper methods in IdvStepConcern (see below) rather than being used directly.

controller_allowed? uses the controller's StepInfo.preconditions to determine if the user is allowed to visit the given controller.

info_for_latest_step returns the StepInfo object for the latest step the user is allowed to be on. The StepInfo object contains enough information to build a url to redirect the user.

undo_future_steps_from_controller! uses the controller's StepInfo.next_steps to find all future steps and tail-recursively call undo_step on them.

FlowPolicy specs

FlowPolicy specs for each step in the flow

When a controller is added to the steps hash, add a spec to flow_policy_spec that checks whether the flow policy methods handle that controller correctly. For example:

    context 'preconditions for agreement are present' do
      it 'returns agreement' do
        stub_up_to(:welcome, idv_session: idv_session)

        expect(subject.info_for_latest_step.key).to eq(:agreement)
        expect(subject.controller_allowed?(controller: Idv::AgreementController)).to be
        expect(subject.controller_allowed?(controller: Idv::HybridHandoffController)).not_to be


StepInfo code

Each controller needs a step_info class method that returns a StepInfo object with the following fields:

  • key - a unique key which is a symbol, for example :agreement
  • controller - set this to self, which is converted to the full controller "path" by initialize, for example /idv/agreement
  • next_steps - an array of keys of following steps once this step is submitted. Some controllers only have one. Agreement has several: [:hybrid_handoff, :document_capture, :how_to_verify]. If there is no following step, use FlowPolicy::FINAL, for example in PhoneErrorsController.step_info. It can be tricky to determine where a step belongs. For example :request_letter is in the next_steps array for VerifyInfo because even though it is accessed from the Phone step, the Phone step does not have to be submitted to reach RequestLetter.
  • preconditions - a proc with arguments (idv_session:, user:) that returns true if a user is allowed to be on this step. For example, the AgreementController preconditions is set to idv_session.welcome_visited, to confirm that the user has completed the Welcome step.
  • undo_step - a proc with arguments (idv_session:, user:) that clears any fields set by this step. Called from clear_future_steps!. For example, the AgreementController undo_step sets idv_session.idv_consent_given to nil, since that is the attribute that is set when the Agreement step is submitted.
  • action - a symbol for the controller action to use if jumping to this step. Defaults to :show, so it is only needed for controllers that use :new or :index.

Idv::Session state figma

The implementations of preconditions and undo_step procs were guided by this Figma of idv_session changes during the Identity Verification flow.

IdvStepConcern methods

IdvStepConcern methods


The new controller should call the :confirm_step_allowed before action which implicitly takes an argument of self. It redirects to url_for_latest_step if the current step is not allowed. This might happen if the user jumped directly to a later step via a bookmark.

This general before action replaces specific before actions that check that the previous step is complete, so they can be deleted. Before actions that check if this step is needed would prevent the back button from working, so they should be deleted.


The first line in #update (or #create for a few controllers) should call clear_future_steps!. When the user submits a step, their session is reset to invalidate all downstream steps. This is important for security to make sure someone cannot verify one set of data and then change parts of it afterward.

clear_future_steps! looks at step_info.next_steps for the current step and calls step_info.undo_step for all future steps, using tail recursion to traverse the tree of steps and then work back from the end. It does not call undo_step for the current step, because some steps allow editing of information that was already entered.

If a controller starts a background job and then polls until the job is complete, mark the current step as invalid at the beginning of #update or #create as well. This happens in VerifyInfoController and PhoneController.


This method is used to build a redirect for confirm_step_allowed when the current step is not allowed. It can also be used directly when a redirect is needed, for example when the user goes to /verify.

Idv::Session status methods

Idv::Session code

Idv::Session has methods to invalidate individual steps, mark them complete, or check if they are complete. For example, invalidate_verify_info_step!, mark_verify_info_step_complete!, and verify_info_step_complete?. Prefer using and adding to these rather than checking individual idv_session attributes in the code.

Controller specs

Add the following controller specs for a new controller.

A spec to confirm that this controller's StepInfo object is valid. Substitute the controller class for AgreementController.

  describe '#step_info' do
    it 'returns a valid StepInfo object' do
      expect(Idv::AgreementController.step_info).to be_valid

A spec to confirm that clear_future_steps! is called.

    it 'invalidates future steps' do
      expect(subject).to receive(:clear_future_steps!)

      put :update, params: params

To confirm that certain actions are taken, for example that idv_session.applicant is deleted when DocumentCapture is submitted, add .and_call_original to the clear_future_steps! stub and then check the effect on idv_session.

    it 'invalidates future steps' do
      subject.idv_session.applicant = Idp::Constants::MOCK_IDV_APPLICANT
      expect(subject).to receive(:clear_future_steps!).and_call_original

      put :update
      expect(subject.idv_session.applicant).to be_nil


Code for FlowPolicyHelper

Because url_for_latest_step stops at the first step whose conditions are not met, controller specs now have to have idv_session fully set up for the step under test. FlowPolicyHelper provides stubs for idv_session setup.

Use the stub_up_to helper in FlowPolicyHelper with the key of the previous step. For example, stub_up_to(:ssn, idv_session: idv_session) prepares the session for testing in verify_info_controller_spec, since Ssn is the previous step.

When you add a new key and controller to FlowPolicy, you may also want to extend FlowPolicyHelper to set up conditions for that controller.

Future Work

We want to make it easier for developers to add and remove steps from the Identity Verification flow. Suggestions welcome!

We want to improve clear_future_steps! to make fewer assumptions about having a linear flow of steps.