title | description | layout | category |
Reporting Dashboard |
Overview of reporting dashboard architecture for data.login.gov |
article |
Architecture |
We serve a dashboard at data.login.gov with metrics that are safe to share with the public
(to update this diagram, edit the data.login.gov report architecture file in Figma and re-export it)
Reporting jobs in the IdP run once a day or so by compiling data from the RDS instance, and then and write JSON files to a private S3 bucket. (nb this is a different bucket than for Login.gov internal reports which includes billing information).
This S3 bucket is exposed publicly via a CloudFront distribution.
The data.login.gov frontend, GSA-TTS/identity-reporting repo, is served by Cloud.gov Pages. The code is a JavaScript-driven Single-Page App that dynamically loads data from our cloudfront distribution.