title | permalink | layout | exclude_from_index |
Login.gov Handbook |
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article |
true |
Welcome to the Login.gov handbook! This is our open source team documentation. Please help us keep things up to date, and make sure to [avoid contributing sensitive information][sensitive-information].
[sensitive-information]: {{ site.baseurl }}/articles/contributing.html#sensitive-information
{% component alert type=:info %} Internal documentation can be found in our Internal Login.gov Handbook. {% endcomponent %}
{% assign sorted_categories = site.categories | group_by: 'order' | sort: 'name' %}
{% for category_group in sorted_categories %}
{% assign sorted_category_items = category_group.items | sort: 'title' %}
{% for category in sorted_category_items %}
{% if category.icon %} {% include uswds-icon.html icon=category.icon %} {% endif %} [{{category.title}}]({% include article_url.txt article=category %})
{{ category.description }}
{% endfor %}
{% endfor %}
{% for category in site.categories %}
{{ category.description}}
{% include articles_category.md category=category %}
{% endfor %}