ASIS (Advanced Social Image Search) indexes Flickr and MRSS images and provides a search API across both indexes.
You are reading documentation for ASIS API v1.
The server code that runs the image search component of is here on Github. Fork this repo to add features like additional datasets, or to fix bugs.
Use rvm to install the version of Ruby specified in .ruby-version
- Copy
and update the fields with your Flickr credentials.
Docker can be used to: 1) run just the required services (MySQL, Elasticsearch, etc.) while running the asis application in your local machine, and/or 2) run the entire asis
application in a Docker container. Please refer to searchgov-services for detailed instructions on centralized configuration for the services.
When running in a Docker container (option 2 above), the asis
application is configured to run on port 3300. Required dependencies - (Ruby, and Gems) - are installed using Docker. However, other data or configuration may need to be setup manually, which can be done in the running container using bash
Any operations (using rails console, running rake commands, etc.) on ASIS application running in Docker container can be performed by executing below command in search-services
$ docker compose run asis bash
For example, to setup DB in Docker:
$ docker compose run asis bash
$ bin/rails oasis:seed_profiles
The Elasticsearch service provided by searchgov-services
is configured to run on the default port, 9200. To use a different host (with or without port) or set of hosts, set the ES_HOSTS
environment variable. For example, use following command to run the specs using Elasticsearch running on localhost:9207
ES_HOSTS=localhost:9207 bundle exec rspec spec
We use bundler to manage gems. You can install bundler and other required gems like this:
gem install bundler
bundle install
rails oasis:create_index
You can bootstrap the system with some government Flickr profiles and MRSS feeds to see the system working.
Sample lists are in config/flickr_profiles.csvand
bundle exec rake oasis:seed_profiles
You can keep the indexes up to date by periodically refreshing the last day's images. To do this manually via the Rails console:
Fire up a server and try it all out.
bundle exec rails s
Here are the profiles you have just bootstrapped. Note: Chrome does a nice job of pretty-printing the JSON response.
You can add a new profile manually via the REST API:
curl -XPOST "http://localhost:3000/api/v1/flickr_profiles.json?name=commercegov&id=61913304@N07&profile_type=user"
curl -XPOST "http://localhost:3000/api/v1/mrss_profiles.json?url="
MRSS profiles work a little differently than Flickr profiles. When you create the MRSS profile, Oasis assigns a short name to it that you will use when performing searches. The JSON result from the POST request will look something like this:
"created_at": "2014-10-26T18:25:21.167+00:00",
"updated_at": "2014-10-26T18:25:21.173+00:00",
"name": "72",
"id": ""
We use Sidekiq for job processing. You can see all your jobs queued up here:
Kick off the indexing process:
bundle exec sidekiq
In the Rails console, you can query each index manually using the Elasticsearch Query DSL:
bin/rails c
These parameters are accepted for the blended search API:
- query
- flickr_groups (comma separated)
- flickr_users (comma separated)
- mrss_names (comma separated list of Oasis-assigned names)
- size
- from
The top level JSON contains these fields:
: The overridden spelling suggestionresults
Each result contains these fields:
: FlickrPhototitle
We support API versioning with the JSON format. The current version is v1. You can specify a specific JSON API version like this:
curl "http://localhost:3000/api/v1/image.json?flickr_groups=1058319@N21&flickr_users=35067687@n04,24662369@n07&mrss_names=72,73&query=earth"
These require an Elasticsearch server and Redis server to be running.
bundle exec rspec
We track test coverage of the codebase over time, to help identify areas where we could write better tests and to see when poorly tested code got introduced.
After running your tests, view the report by opening coverage/index.html
Click around on the files that have < 100% coverage to see what lines weren't exercised.
We use Rubocop for static code analysis. Settings specific to ASIS are configured via .rubocop.yml. Settings that can be shared among all repos should be configured via the searchgov_style gem.
We "eat our own dog food" and use this ASIS API to display image results on the government websites that use
See the results for a search for bird on
You can send feedback via Github Issues.