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Aaron D Borden edited this page Oct 4, 2019 · 30 revisions

This document describes common procedures for operation of


TODO is this different than the Incident Response guide?

Whoever gets the alert would follow this process. You are now the Incident Commander.

  • Alert received (via slack/email/twitter)
  • "Acknowledge" the alert if available e.g. New Relic
  • Drop an @here note on slack w/ alert content and context #datagov-devsecops channel: "Looking into this". Use the Slack thread to communicate updates within the team.
  • Request a pair for assistance. Others acknowledge, verify, and offer support in Slack thread.
  • Open an Issue in Incident Response with link to alert. This is to document the Incident.
  • Assign and delegate tasks to person(s) most capable to solve issue with @user
  • Get written confirmation as a comment that assigned member is handling the issue and they have needed support to resolve.
    • If after hours or during weekend, the assigned person should be phoned to have this immediately brought to their attention if there is no response on the issue in 10 minutes. This step is not complete until there is written confirmation that work is underway.
  • All project team members are responsible for monitoring progress and providing updates/context to github issue with more information as it is received.

Note: If at all possible, there should be two sets of eyes to review the code on any emergency changes pushed straight to production.

Once Resolved:

  • Ensure that issue is fully up to date with all information learned about the problem

  • Schedule retroactive meeting to review response (and update this document with lessons learned) and conduct root cause analysis.

    • write up additional github issue and submit PR if it was preventable via code
    • prioritize and resolve github issues


This section covers procedures for common alerts and events.

We designate two types of alerts, "Critical" and "Warning".

Critical alerts are the kind of stuff that you should drop what you're doing to address because it means that an outage is happening or an action is required to prevent an outage. Critical alerts should go to #datagov-alerts as well as email.

Warnings are things that indicate a problem, but they can wait until Monday morning to be addressed. We usually send warnings as email notifications to datagovhelp@.

Generic "" is down error from Uptrends


  • Investigate CKAN error logs on catalog-web hosts dsh -g catalog-web -c -M sudo tail -f /var/log/apache2/ckan.error.log

If it appears to be a solr issue, restart the solr service.

ssh to jump
cd datagov-deploy/ansible
pipenv shell
ansible solr -m service -a "name=solr state=restarted" -f 1
ansible catalog-web -m service -a "name=apache2 state=restarted" -f 1
ansible inventory-web -m service -a "name=apache2 state=restarted" -f 1

"awscloudfront-AWS-CloudFront-High-5xx-Error-Rate" and "awscloudfront-AWS-CloudFront-High-4xx-Error-Rate" email notifications

These alerts come from our CloudFront AWS account (this is separate from BSP or sandbox). These notifications are only setup for catalog on production. They indicate that catalog-web is having an issue.


  • Investigate CKAN error logs on catalog-web hosts dsh -g catalog-web -c -M sudo tail -f /var/log/apache2/ckan.error.log

Note: as of March 2019, the GSA DNS system is having intermittent timeouts that result in 5xx alarm from CloudFront. You can correlate this against Uptrends alerts, which would appear as a DNS Lookup Error.

Status Check Alarm: "DATAGOV-Production-DatagovSolr1StatusCheckAlarm"

These notifications signal that one of the solr hosts is not responding properly. Identify which host it is and reboot the host. Usually there is a New Relic "Host unavailable" alert that goes with it.


  • Identify the solr host and reboot ansible-playbook actions/reboot.yml --limit $solr_host

"Reboot required" email notification from unattended-upgrades/reboot-notifier

unattended-upgrades is an apt package that installs the latest OS packages and security updates. Usually packages are updated and services are restarted without any additional action. If this notification is received, a reboot is required to complete the upgrade.

  • ansible-playbook actions/reboot.yml --limit $host

Note: jumpboxes are not included in the reboot playbook and should be rebooted manually:

  • sudo reboot
  • wait for jumpbox to restart and ensure connectivity.

If any host does not come back up, open a ticket with BSP.

Broken links detected email notification


AWS CloudWatch Alarm email notification

These emails have different subject lines e.g "ALARM: "DATAGOV-Production-CatalogPostgresRDSDBInstanceReplica2CPUAlarm..." in US East (N. Virginia)".

The alarms are configured in the BSP environment and therefore need to be edited by creating BSP tickets. The resolution is specific to the alarm.

Troubleshooting Nessus scans

SecOps performs regular scans on our hosts. Occasionally, there is an issue with the nessus agent and the ISSO might contact us regarding specific IPs that could not be authenticated.

  • Lookup the host IP address in our System Inventory to confirm it is still a valid host
  • Connect to the host and run sudo /opt/nessus_agent/sbin/nessuscli agent status

You should see that it is linked to a Helix endpoint and no errors.

If you need to re-link the nessus agent, run common playbook.

  • ansible-playbook common.yml --tags nessus --limit $host
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