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Cloudflare dns-01 challenge hook bash for dehydrated

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Cloudflare Bash hook for dehydrated.

CI / CD Status
Travis Build Status

Why Cloudflare? What is this script?

If you cannot solve the HTTP-01 challenge, you need to solve the DNS-01 challenge. Details here.

With use of Cloudflare API (valid also on free plan!), this script will verify your domain putting a new record with a special token inside DNS zone. At the end of Let's Encrypt validation, that record will be deleted.

Depends on jq: sudo apt get install -y jq

You only need:

  1. Register on Cloudflare (it works also on free plan)
  2. Change your domain DNS to manage them in Cloudflare (follow their guide).
  3. Run dehydrated with this hook (or run Docker image, see below)

You will find the certificates in the folder of dehydrated.

Classic mode: Prerequisites

cfhookbash has some prerequisites:

Classic mode: Setup

cd ~
git clone

Classic mode: Configuration

  1. Create a file domains.txt in the folder of dehydrated
  2. Put inside a list (one for line) of domains that need certificates.
  1. Move to the folder of cfhookbash
  2. Copy to
  3. Edit To get values:
Value Where to find
Zone ID Main page domain > Right Column > API section
Global API Key Account > My Profile > API Tokens > Api Keys > Global API Key

Classic mode: Usage

Make a first run with CA="" placed in a config file in root directory of dehydrated.

./dehydrated -c -t dns-01 -k '${PATH_WHERE_YOU_CLONED_CFHOOKBASH}/cfhookbash/'

You will find the certificates inside ~/dehydrated/certs/[

Classic mode: Post deploy

You can find in a recall to another file ( Here you can write different operation to execute AFTER every successfull challenge.

There is a stub file


copy && rm && nano

Classic mode: Cronjob

Remember that some action require sudo privilege (start and stop webserver, e.g.).

Best is run as root and running in cronjob specify full paths.

Following script will run every monday at 4AM and will create a log in home folder.

$ sudo crontab -e

0 4 * * 1 cd /home/YOUR_USER/dehydrated && /home/YOUR_USER/dehydrated/dehydrated -c -t dns-01 -k '/home/YOUR_USER/dehydrated/hooks/cfhookbash/' >> /home/YOUR_USER/cfhookbash.log

Update / upgrade

  • Move to folder where you downloaded it
  • Type git checkout master && git pull

Commons error messages

Error Body Solution
7003 { "code": 7003, "message": "Could not route to /zones/dns_records, perhaps your object identifier is invalid?" }, { "code": 7000, "message": "No route for that URI" } Check your Zone ID value. Probably is wrong.


Everyone is welcome to contribute! See

Contributors, credits and bug discovery :)

  • YasharF
  • Ramblurr

Inspired by

Docker mode - beware! Not stable and under development!

  • Make a new dir (e.g. mkdir -p /home/$USER/cfhookbashdocker)
  • Create a /certs folder
  • Create a /config folder
  • Create a file in /config/ and fill it (see below how to get data)
  • Create a domains.txt file in /config/ and insert a domain for every line
  • Make a first run in stage mode: create a config file under /config with this content CA=""


docker run -it \
  -v ${PWD}/certs:/certs \
  -v ${PWD}/config:/config \
  --name cfhookbash \
  • Certs will be available in /certs
  • Docker run a cronjob every minute