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Releases: Galileo-Galilei/kedro-mlflow

Release 0.7.0

17 Mar 22:56
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[0.7.0] - 2021-03-17


  • kedro-mlflow now supports kedro>=0.17.1 (#144).


  • Drop support for kedro==0.17.0, since the kedro core team made a breaking change in 0.17.1. All future plugin updates will be only compatible with kedro>=0.17.1.

Release 0.6.0

14 Mar 10:31
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[0.6.0] - 2021-03-14



  • The support of kedro==0.17.0 automatically makes the CLI commands available when the configuration is declared in a pyproject.toml instead of a .kedro.yml, which was not the case in previous version despite we claim it was (#157).


  • Drop support for kedro==0.16.x. All future plugin updates will be only compatible with kedro>=0.17.0.

Release 0.5.0

21 Feb 21:44
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[0.5.0] - 2021-02-21


  • A new long_parameters_strategy key is added in the mlflow.yml (under in the hook/node section). You can specify different strategies (fail, truncate or tag) to handle parameters over 250 characters which cause crashes for some mlflow backend. (#69)
  • Add an env parameter to kedro mlflow init command to specify under which conf/ subfolder the mlflow.yml should be created. (#159)
  • The input parameters of the inference pipeline of a PipelineML object are now automatically pickle-ised and converted as artifacts. (#158)
  • Detailed documentation on how to use pipeline_ml_factory function, and more generally on how to use kedro-mlflow as mlops framework. This comes from an example repo kedro-mlflow-tutorial. (#16)


  • Pin the kedro version to force it to be strictly inferior to 0.17 which is not compatible with current kedro-mlflow version (#143)
  • It is no longer assumed for the project to run that the mlflow.yml is located under conf/base. The project will run as soon as the configuration file is discovered by the registered ConfigLoader (#159)


  • The KedroPipelineModel.load_context() method now loads all the DataSets in memory in the DataCatalog. It is also now possible to specify the runner to execute the model as well as the copy_mode when executing the inference pipeline (instead of deepcopying the datasets between each nodes which is kedro's default). This makes the API serving with mlflow serve command considerably faster (~20 times faster) for models which need compiling (e.g. keras, tensorflow ...) (#133)
  • The CLI projects commands are now always accessible even if you have not called kedro mlflow init yet to create a mlflow.yml configuration file (#159)

Release 0.4.1

03 Dec 00:15
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[0.4.1] - 2020-12-03


  • It is now possible to supply credentials for the mlflow tracking server within mlflow.yml and credentials.yml. They will be exported as environment variables during the run. (#31)


  • Fix TypeError: unsupported operand type(s) for /: 'str' and 'str' when using MlflowArtifactDataSet with MlflowModelSaverDataSet (#116)
  • Fix various docs typo (#6)
  • When the underlying Kedro pipeline fails, the associated mlflow run is now marked as 'FAILED' instead of 'FINISHED'. It is rendered with a red cross instead of the green tick in the mlflow user interface (#121).
  • Fix a bug which made KedroPipelineModel impossible to load if one of its artifact was a MlflowModel<Saver/Logger>DataSet. These datasets were not deepcopiable because of one their attributes was a module (#122).


  • Refactor doc structure for readability (#6)
  • The KedroMlflowConfig no longer creates the mlflow experiment and access to the mlflow tracking server when it is instantiated. A new setup() method sets up the mlflow configuration (tracking uri, credentials and experiment management) but must now be called explicitly. (#97)

Release 0.4.0

03 Nov 23:32
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[0.4.0] - 2020-11-03


  • kedro-mlflow now supports kedro>=0.16.5 (#62)
  • kedro-mlflow now supports configuring the project in pyproject.toml (Only for kedro>=0.16.5) (#96)
  • pipeline_ml_factory now accepts that inference pipeline inputs may be in training pipeline inputs (#71)
  • pipeline_ml_factory now infer automatically the schema of the input dataset to validate data automatically at inference time. The output schema can be declared manually in model_signature argument (#70)
  • Add two DataSets for model logging and saving: MlflowModelLoggerDataSet and MlflowModelSaverDataSet (#12)
  • MlflowPipelineHook and MlflowNodeHook are now auto-registered if you use kedro>=0.16.4 (#29)


  • get_mlflow_config now uses the Kedro ProjectContext ConfigLoader to get configs (#66). This indirectly solves the following issues:
    • get_mlflow_config now works in interactive mode if load_context is called with a path different from the working directory (#30)
    • kedro_mlflow now works fine with kedro jupyter notebook independently of the working directory (#64)
    • You can use global variables in mlflow.yml which is now properly parsed if you use a TemplatedConfigLoader (#72)
  • MlflowMetricsDataset now saves in the specified run_id instead of the current one when the prefix is not specified (#62)
  • Other bug fixes and documentation improvements (#6, #99)


  • The KedroPipelineModel now unpacks the result of the inference pipeline and no longer returns a dictionary with the name in the DataCatalog but only the predicted value (#93)
  • The PipelineML.extract_pipeline_catalog is renamed PipelineML._extract_pipeline_catalog to indicate it is a private method and is not intended to be used directly by end users who should rely on PipelineML.extract_pipeline_artifacts (#100)
  • The MlflowArtifactDataSet is moved from folder to (#109)
  • The MlflowMetricsDataSet is moved from folder to (#109)


  • kedro mlflow init command is no longer declaring hooks in You must now register your hooks manually in the if you use kedro>=0.16.0, <0.16.3 (#62).
  • Remove pipeline_ml function which was deprecated in 0.3.0. It is now replaced by pipeline_ml_factory (#105)
  • Remove MlflowDataSet dataset which was deprecated in 0.3.0. It is now replaced by MlflowArtifactDataSet (#105)

Release 0.3.0

11 Oct 19:58
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[0.3.0] - 2020-10-11


  • Add dataset MlflowMetricsDataSet for metrics logging (#9) and update documentation for metrics.
  • Add CI workflow create-release to ensure release consistency and up-to-date CHANGELOG. (#57, #68)
  • Add templates for issues and pull requests (#57, #68)


  • Versioned datasets artifacts logging are handled correctly (#41)
  • MlflowDataSet handles correctly datasets which are inherited from AbstractDataSet (#45)
  • Change the test in _generate_kedro_command to accept both empty Iterables(default in CLI mode) and None values (default in interactive mode) (#50)
  • Force to close all mlflow runs when a pipeline fails. It prevents further execution of the pipeline to be logged within the same mlflow run_id as the failing pipeline. (#10)
  • Fix various documentation typos (#34, #35, #36 and more)
  • Update README (add badges for readibility, add a "main contributors" section to give credit, fix typo in install command, link to milestones for more up-to-date priorities) (#57, #68)
  • Fix bug in CI deployment workflow and rename it to publish (#57, #68)
  • Fix a bug in MlflowDataSet which sometimes failed to log on remote storage (S3, Azure Blob storage) with underlying log_artifacts when the kedro's AbstractDataset._filepath was a pathlib.PurePosixPath object instead of a string (#74).
  • Add a CI for release candidate creation and use actions to enforce semantic versioning and Keep a Changelog format.


  • Remove conda_env and model_name arguments from MlflowPipelineHook and add them to PipelineML and pipeline_ml. This is necessary for incoming hook auto-discovery in future release and it enables having multiple PipelineML in the same project (#58). This mechanically fixes #54 by making conda_env path absolute for airflow suppport.
  • flatten_dict_params, recursive and sep arguments of the MlflowNodeHook are moved to the mlflow.yml config file to prepare plugin auto registration. This also modifies the template (to remove the args) and the mlflow.yml keys to add a hooks entry. (#59)
  • Rename CI workflow to test (#57, #68)
  • The input_name attributes of PipelineML is now a python property and makes a check at setting time to prevent setting an invalid value. The check ensures that input_name is a valid input of the inference pipeline.


  • Deprecate MlflowDataSet which is renamed as MlflowArtifactDataSet for consistency with the other datasets. It will raise a DeprecationWarning in this realease, and will be totally supressed in next minor release. Please update your catalog.yml entries accordingly as soon as possible. (#63)
  • Deprecate pipeline_ml which is renamed as pipeline_ml_factory to avoid confusion between a PipelineML instance and the helper function to create PipelineMl instances from Kedro Pipelines.


06 Aug 21:41
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Many documentation improvements:

  • add a Code of conduct
  • add a Contributing guide -
  • Refactor README to separate clearly from documentation
  • Fix broken links
  • Fix bad markdwon rendering
  • Split old readme information in dedicated sections


  • Enable pipeline_ml to accept artifacts (encoder, binarizer...) to be "intermediary" outputs of the pipeline and not only "terminal" outputs (i.e. node outputs which are not re-used as another node input). This closes a bug discovered in a more general discussion in #16.
  • Only non-empty CLI arguments and options are logged as tags in MLflow (#32)


18 Jul 20:17
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Major features and improvements

  • Bump the codebase test coverage to 100% to improve stability
  • Improve rendering of template with a trailing newline to make them black-valid
  • Add a PipelineML.extract_pipeline_artifacts methods to make artifacts retrieving easier for a given pipeline
  • Use an official kedro release (>0.16.0, <0.17.0) instead of the development branch

Bug fixes and other changes

  • Add debug folder to gitignore for to avoid involuntary data leakage
  • Remove the inadequate warning "You have not initialized your project yet" when calling kedro mlflow init
  • Remove useless check to see if the commands are called inside a Kedro project since the commands are dynamically displayed based on whether the call is made inside a kedro project or not
  • Fix typos in error messages
  • Fix hardcoded path to the template
  • Make not implemented function raise a NotImplementError instead of failing silently
  • Fix wrong parsing when the mlflow_tracking_uri key of the mlflow.yml configuration file was an absolute local path
  • Remove unused KedroMlflowContextClass
  • Force the MlflowPipelineHook.before_pipeline_run method to set the mlflow_tracking_uri to the one from the configuration to enforce configuration file to be prevalent on environment variables or current active tracking uri in interactive mode
  • Fix wrong environment parsing case when passing a conda environment as a python dictionary in MlflowPipelineHook
  • Fix wrong artifact logging of MlflowDataSet when a run was already active and the save method was called in an interactive python session.
  • Force the user to declare an input_name for a PipelineMl object to fix difficult inference of what is the pipeline input
  • Update template to fit kedro new one.
  • Force _generate_kedro_commands to separate an option and its arguments with a "=" sign for readibility

Breaking changes to the API

  • hooks, context and cli folders are moved to framework to fit kedro new folder architecture
  • Rename get_mlflow_conf in get_mlflow_config for consistency (with ConfigLoader, KedroMlflowConfig...)
  • Rename keys of KedroMlflowConfig.to_dict() to remove the "_opts" suffix for consistency with the KedroMlflowConfig.from_dict method


18 Apr 13:23
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0.1.0 Pre-release

Major features and improvements

  • Add cli kedro mlflow init to udpdate the template and kedro mlflow ui to open mlflow user interface with your project configuration
  • Add hooks MlflowNodeHook and MlflowPipelineHook for parameters autologging and model autologging
  • Add MlflowDataSet for artifacts autologging
  • Add PipelineMl class and its pipeline_ml factory for pipeline packaging and service