GKS Playground is a web app that uses on PHP5. In order to develop you'll need to setup a server configuration that to support this.
Setup was done on ubuntu but should be similar for other Debian based systems
Install PHP5:
sudo apt-get install php5
check out project from git:
git clone https://github.com/GamesKnightStudios/GKSPlayground.git
To run the php built in server on port 8080 (you can use whatever port you please): /usr/bin/php -S -t GKSPlayground
The instructions assume you are using Windows 10 x64, some modification might be needed if you are using a different OS or 32-bit.
Create a folder to store your local server (Recommend to use 'C:\localserver')
Download Apache from here
Extract Apache to your server folder.
Set SVRROOT in 'C:\localserver\Apache24\conf\httpd.conf' file (line 37):
Define SRVROOT "C:/localserver/Apache24"
Setup the Apache Windows service by running the following command:
cd C:\localserver\Apache24\bin
httpd -k install
After installing the service, you need to start the service. You can manage it from the windows service program. You need to open the “RUN” box using “Windows + R” key where you can type “services.msc” command to open the Service” program. Open the program and search Apache. Right-click and select 'Start' to start the service.
In your web browser type 'locahost' and hit enter. If working this should bring up a webpage that says 'It works!'.
Down PHP 5 from here. Recommend using v5.6.9.
Extract PHP to your server folder.
Rename php-ini-development.ini to php.ini.
Add PHP in system environment variable using “setx path” command at command prompt.
setx path "%PATH%, C:\localserver\php-5.6.9" /M
Append to the end of 'C:\localserver\Apache24\conf\httpd.conf' the following snippet:
PHPIniDir "C:\localserver\php-5.6.9"
AddHandler application/x-httpd-php .php
LoadModule php5_module "C:\localserver\php-5.6.9/php5apache2_4.dll"
Create a PHP file name 'phpinfo.php' in C:\Apache24\htdocs with the following contents:
// Show all information, defaults to INFO_ALL
In the PHP folder copy the 'php.ini-development' file and rename it to 'pho.ini'.
Set the extension_dir in this file to the absolute path to php ext folder (line 736):
extension_dir = "C:/Code/GameKnightsStudio/Googulator/localserver/php-5.6.9/ext/"
Un-comment extension modules for curl, MySQL and openSSL (line 893):
Copy libeay32.dll, libssh2.dll, and ssleay32.dll files from PHP folder to the Apache/bin folder.
Restart the “Apache2.4” service.
In your web browser type 'locahost/phpinfo.php' and hit enter. If working this should bring up a webpage with PHP information.
Check extension modules are loaded correctly by looking for 'OpenSSL support' to be enabled.
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