API and example code for work with the Proteus P9484M (all in one AWG from Tabor Inc.)
- Python 3.8 and above.
- Jupter Enviroment.
Clone the repository into your local machine and open the \Notebooks\Signal_generation\EXAMPLE.ipynb with jupyter notebook or lab. Follow the notebook's guidance.
Sample code, to demonstrate the execution of the device's capabilities (especially for quantum computing applications), this would inculde:
Device initializations
Defintion of pulses for quantum control
- Cos packet pulse
- Gaussian pulse
- DRAG pulse
- Simple sinusoid pulse
- Rabi pulse
- Readout pulse (for now it is the same as the Rabi pulse)
Task tables to manipulte the sequence of pulses and their triggering/synchronization
Signal generation with the AWG module
Readout with the Digitizer + ADC module
Libraries written by yours truly for the quantum computing purposes (these define the API):
- initializers
- tasks
- pulse_lib
- helpers
- readers
Libraries taken from the manifacturer Tabor Inc. (https://github.com/pgwijesinghe/taborelec-proteusawg-new) (these are the drivers for the device) under GPL license:
- pyte_visa_utils
- tep_interleaved_wave
- tep_task_table
- tevisainst
- teproteus