Please read this introduction to understand the fundamentals of Geeo.
Or consult our website to learn more about Geeo and how to use it in your apps.
is the open source Javascript Client for, usable from node.js or an HTML5 browser.
You can get it with npm:
$ npm install geeo-javascript
or clone this repository.
is written with ES6 in the src
folder, babelified to ES5 in lib
and webpacked and minified in dist
The node.js module can be used with
const {GeeoWS, GeeoHTTP} = require("geeo-javascript")
If you're writing for browsers, include ./dist/geeo.js
or ./dist/geeo.min.js
to your webpage. See example.html for a working example.
You can find the API docs in the doc folder.
Note: functions I'm not allowed to use with my token are just ignored by the server.
var wsURL = "wss://"
var httpURL = ""
var geeo = new GeeoWS(wsURL)
var geeoHttp = new GeeoHTTP(httpURL)
geeoHttp.getGuestToken({name: 'chris', age: 45})
.then( function(token) {
}).catch(function(error) {
console.log("Server doesn't allow guest tokens)
geeo.on('error', function (error) {
geeo.on('connect', function() {
geeo.view.move(0,0,1,1) // lon1 lat1 lon2 lat2 (point1 is SW, point2 is NE)
geeo.move(0.5, 0.5) // lon lat
geeo.view.getPosition() // null if not set, [lon1, lat1, lon2, lat2] otherwise
geeo.getPosition() // null if not set [lon, lat] otherwise
geeo.on('viewUpdated', function() {
geeo.view.pois() // pois in the view
geeo.view.agents() // agents in the view
geeo.addPOI({id, [lon, lat], publicData})
geeo.addAirBeacon({id, [lon1, lat1, lon2, lat2], publicData})
geeo.view.on('agentEntered', function(agent){})
geeo.view.on('agentMoved', function(agent){})
geeo.view.on('agentLeft', function(agent){})
geeo.view.on('poiEntered', function(poi){})
geeo.view.on('poiMoved', function(poi){})
geeo.view.on('poiLeft', function(poi){})
Not implemented yet in Geeo REST api, coming soon:
geeoHttp.setToken(token) // necessary to use the following features
geeoHttp.view([0,0,1,1]) // returns agents + POIs