Sample Kittens List Application written using ReSwift.
This application is a sample who shows a way that can be used to modularize an application written using ReSwift. The repository contains 2 different branches:
- develop: contains the not modularized version of the application, the one who needs to be refactored
- feature/modularization: contains the result of the modularization.
The steps to modularize the application are:
create the pullback function to convert the Middlewares from LocalState to GlobalState, in order to assign it to the store during its instantiation.
create a Store wrapper class focused on the LocalState instead of the global one.
create the view extension function for the Store, which computes a new LocalStore focused on some LocalState
From Wikipedia:
Precomposition with a function probably provides the most elementary notion of pullback: in simple terms, a function f of a variable y, where y itself is a function of another variable x, may be written as a function of x. This is the pullback of f by the function y.
f(y(x)) ≡ g(x)
In our case, we need to find a function f that pulls back a Middleware from a LocalState to a GlobalState, in order to assign it to the store.
From ReSwift code, we have that the correct definition of Middleware depends on these two typealiases
public typealias DispatchFunction = (Action) -> Void
public typealias Middleware<State> = (@escaping DispatchFunction, @escaping () -> State?)
-> (@escaping DispatchFunction) -> DispatchFunction
So, from the definitions we see that we just need to transform the return of the right parameter in order to make it work ( because the DispatchFunction doesn't involve the State in any operation ).
The function we are looking for is:
func pullback<GlobalState, LocalState>(input: @escaping Middleware<LocalState>,
state: KeyPath<GlobalState, LocalState>) -> Middleware<GlobalState> {
return { globalDispatch, globalStateFunction in
return input(globalDispatch, { globalStateFunction()?[keyPath: state] })
We need to create a LocalStore wrapper in order to pass it to the submodules. The wrapper must wrap all the important functions of the store, that are:
- dispatch: needed to dispatch a new action
- subscribe: needed to the views to subscribe to the state changes
- unsubscribe: needed to the views to unsubscribe from the state changes
- state: needed to get the current state
public class LocalStore<State, S: StoreSubscriber> where State == S.StoreSubscriberStateType {
var dispatchFunction: DispatchFunction
var subscribeFunction: (S) -> Void
var unsubscribeFunction: (AnyStoreSubscriber) -> Void
var getState: () -> State
public init(getState: @escaping () -> State,
dispatchFunction: @escaping DispatchFunction,
subscribeFunction: @escaping (S) -> Void,
unsubscribeFunction: @escaping (AnyStoreSubscriber) -> Void) {
self.getState = getState
self.dispatchFunction = dispatchFunction
self.subscribeFunction = subscribeFunction
self.unsubscribeFunction = unsubscribeFunction
public var state: State {
public func dispatch(_ action: Action) {
public func subscribe(_ subscriber: S) where S: StoreSubscriber, State == S.StoreSubscriberStateType {
public func subscribe<SelectedState>(_ subscriber: S,
transform: ((ReSwift.Subscription<State>) -> ReSwift.Subscription<SelectedState>)?)
where SelectedState == S.StoreSubscriberStateType, S : StoreSubscriber {
public func unsubscribe(_ subscriber: AnyStoreSubscriber) {
public func dispatch(_ asyncActionCreator: Action, callback: ((State) -> Void)?) {}
This is not the single solution to this problem. You can find another solution described in this solved issue: ReSwift/ReSwift#377
We can now add a new function to the store, in order to compute a LocalStore of LocalState from a Store of GlobalState, and passing it through the views.
public extension Store {
func view<LocalState, S: StoreSubscriber>(state: KeyPath<State, LocalState>) -> LocalStore<LocalState, S> where S.StoreSubscriberStateType == LocalState {
LocalStore<LocalState, S>(getState: { self.state[keyPath: state] },
dispatchFunction: { self.dispatch($0) },
subscribeFunction: { self.subscribe($0) { $ { $0[keyPath: state] }} },
unsubscribeFunction: { self.unsubscribe($0) })
The view function consists in the creation of a new local store wrapper starting from the global one.
All the stuff described here is born following the Point-Free composable architecture videos. You can find the video references and the repo at