Releases: Giswater/giswater_qgis_plugin
Releases · Giswater/giswater_qgis_plugin
Version 3.6.001
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- Info is now fully configurable via database (widgets from all tabs, actions, tableviews, etc.)
- New variable edit_link_check_arcdnom to check if new link is connected to an arc with smaller diameter than defined value (WS)
- New process to check existing connecs related to arcs with diameter bigger than defined value (WS)
- New process to check existing connects with more than 1 link on service
- Add region and province tables and add region_id and province_id fields to municipality and inventory tables
- Add new fields on inventory tables for UD:
- node, arc, connec, gully: adate, adescript
- gully: siphon_type, odorflap
- man_manhole, man_conduit: bottom_mat
- man_chamber: bottom_mat, slope
- cat_arc: visitability
- New functionality: get address and postnumber automatically when inserting node and connec
- Add staticpressure update on trg_edit_connec (harmonize with node)
- Add lastupdate and lastupdate_user to v_edit_element
- New function: gw_fct_mincut_show_current to show mincuts that are currently beeing executed in a field.
- New button: Toggle EPA World. Toggle an "EPA Point of View" to show the network as it would be exported to EPA software
- Added tab EPA in info
- Full refactor of inp database objects
- Create new object ws-virtualpump and remove import inppump and import inpvalves
- New function setoptimunoutlet and refactor of sutchament view for ud projects
- Added new actions in info to manage flow regulators & demands for EPA objects
- Do not allow to insert features with diferent expl_id than the psector
- Drop obsolete table selector_plan_psector
Version 3.5.037
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- Bug fix in Dscenario Manager.
- Fix section title in go2epa options dialog.
- Enhance options for go2epa (ws & ud)
- Bug fix with config files. If they break the plugin will still load.
Version 3.5.036
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- Minor bug fix when arc_id is not null and link does not exists
- Keep the scrolled amount on selector
- Enhance stats for minsector table adding num_border, num_connec, num_hydro and length
- Add new source pattern from inp_connec when new scenario is created
- Add "Show only active" checkbox to non-visual objects manager
- Epa result manager: "Set corporate" button is now "Toggle corporate"
- Refactor strategy of execute psector. New traceability tables for executed and canceled psectors
Version 3.5.035
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- Add new field expl_id2
- New field on WS man_netwjoin - wjoin_type;
- New vdefault on config for workcat_id_plan
- Add button "print" on NonVisualObject for export SHAPES png
Version 3.5.034
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- Bug fix from refactor links. Insert connects with state 0 on psector when planified node over operative node
- Enhance v_ui_arc_x_relations (UD)
- Rename v_plan_current_psector_* views to v_plan_psector_*
Version 3.5.033
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- Make Element layer identifiable with Giswater info
- Add new editable fields on man_meter: real_press_max, real_press_min, real_press_avg
- New function on toolbox to capture address values from closest street number
- New table node_border_sector, that stores relation between node and it's additional sectors
- New function gw_fct_calculate_sander for UD - calculates the depth of sander depending on node sys_ymax and arc sys_y1
- New system parameter edit_review_auto_field_checked - If true, at saving review data, it would be automatically set as finished
- Add new review status - only review observations added, no data modifications
Version 3.5.032
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- Bug fix from last release (search address, links behaviour when update arc_id)
Version 3.5.031
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- New fields related to steps and cover on man_manhole table and in the reviews
- New field on review tables - insert_date
- Improve address search returning values even if writing mismatch (fuzzystrmatch extension)
- New fields on UD node - parent_id, arc_id
- New fields on WS node, arc, connec - om_state, conserv_state
- New fields on WS connec - priority, valve_location, valve_type, shutoff_valve, access_type, placement_type, crmzone_id
- New fields on WS node - access_type, placement_type
- New fields on WS man_valve - valve_type; man_wjoin - wjoin_type; man_greentap - greentap_type, cat_valve; man_hydrant - hydrant_type
- Deep refactor on links to enhance usability and performance. Main changes:
- Add link features on "Add arc" toolbar button
- Links are right now Giswater objects with same capabilities in terms of map than arc, node, connec, gully
- Remove vnode table and any references
- Change exit_type and pjoint_type. New values are: ARC, NODE, CONNEC, GULLY
- It is possible to create planned links related to planned connects by using qgis tools
- it is possible to relate any planned connect no any other object of network
- Connects mapzones has consistency againts related arc, not only on operative state also on planned state
- Allow basic info editable
- Enhance "Check all" widget on selector form with help button and new functionalities
- New function gw_fct_epa2data (WS) that copies results from EPA to data form
- New field on UD inp_timeseries - active
- Enhancement for patterns managmement by using pattern method only to fill null values for pattern features
- Refactor trg_edit_psector merging different execution modes
- Add button "Toggle active" and checkbox "Show inactive" on psector manager form
- Add button "Toggle state / Toggle doable" on psector form (tab_relations)
- Update button "set_to_arc" on psector form, now there are two possibilities, closing point or user click coordinates (tab_relations)
- New parameter on config_param_system 'admin_isproduction' (If true, deleting the schema using Giswater button will not be possible)
- New system parameter 'admin_node_code_on_arc' - If true, codes of final nodes will be visible on arc's form. If false, node_id would be displayed
- Add system variable to skip audit in massive processes
- Reset dialog positions when load Giswater
Version 3.5.030
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- Allow searching for catalog_id in change feature type & replace feature tools
- Add editing action in dimensioning dialog
- Get district_id when new feature is inside a district
- Add type & streetaxis filters in mincut manager
- Add chlorine & turbidity fields in mincut
- Add forcetanksoninlet for pg2epa export
- New function gw_graphanalytics_upstream_section_control (UD) to control of sections inconsistencies between consecutive conduits
- Minor enhancement on pg2epa for gullies on 1D/2D coupled model
- Add 'Open plugin folder' action in Giswater menu
- Major bug fix in info. The first time saving worked fine but then it didn't work properly.
- Allow QLineEdit & QTextEdit to have tooltips via Qt translation
- Add field 'iseditable' on cat_manager
Version 3.5.029
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- Bug fix from previous release
- New toolbox function to check T candidate nodes with wrong topology