- Methyltransferase accessible genome region finder (MAGNIFIER) is a bioinformatic tools designed for nanopore-based chromatin methylatransferase accessible chromatin detection.
- Python version >= 3.7
- numpy version >= 1.19.2
- pandas version >= 1.2.1
- pysam version >= 0.15.3
- megalodon version >= 2.2.9
- pybedtools version >= 0.8.1
- scipy version >= 1.6.0
You can download and compile the latest code from github as follows:
git clone https://github.com/Goatofmountain/MAGNIFIER.git
- We recommand a megalodon methylation base calling pipeline for Case and Control sample before MAGNIFIER calculation (megalodon: https://github.com/nanoporetech/megalodon)
megalodon <fast5 file dir> --outputs mappings mod_mappings mods --reference <Human reference> --devices 0 1 2 3 --processes 40 --guppy-server-path <Path to guppy_basecall_server> --guppy-params -d <basecallmodels Dir> --guppy-config res_dna_r941_min_modbases-all-context_v001.cfg --overwrite --mod-min-prob 0 --output-directory ./megalodon_CG_A --mod-motif Z CG 0 --mod-motif Y A 0
megalodon <fast5 file dir> --outputs mappings mod_mappings mods --reference <Human reference> --devices 0 1 2 3 --processes 40 --guppy-server-path <Path to guppy_basecall_server> --guppy-params -d <basecallmodels Dir> --guppy-config res_dna_r941_min_modbases-all-context_v001.cfg --overwrite --mod-min-prob 0 --output-directory ./megalodon_GC --mod-motif Z GC 1
- Then using our main script to calculate the chromatin accessibility:
python MAGNIFIER.py -c config.config
- All parameter should be written into the configure file (config.config). The example configure file could be found in this Repostories with path: ./example/ExampleTXT.config
- Detailed config file annotation is represent as follow:
CaseDBList = <Dir path to megalodon_db1 of Case Data>,<Dir path to megalodon_db2 of Case Data>
ControlDBList = <Dir path to megalodon_db1 of Control Data>,<Dir path to megalodon_db2 of Control Data>
ModBaseList = <base marker character for megalodon_db1>;<base marker character for megalodon_db2> # Y means A, Z means C, multiple base maker in one database should be seperated with ",", eg. Y,Z means both A and C base modification profile is in this megalodon database
AimBaseList = <mod-base motif character for megalodon_db1>;<mod-base motif character for megalodon_db2> # ordered according to the ModBaseList, you can choose m6A, CpG, and GpC. Same as ModBaseList multiple mod-base motif should be seperated with ",", eg. m6A,CpG
CaseBedDir = <TMP bed dir for megalodon_db1 of Case Data>,<TMPbed dir for megalodon_db2 of Case Data>
ControlBedDir = <TMP bed dir for megalodon_db1 of Control Data>,<TMPbed dir for megalodon_db2 of Control Data>
PerReadOutDir = <Per-read Z status data output dir>
SignalOutDir = <Final Result output dir>
RefFile = <abstract path to reference genome fasta file>
RegionFile = <abstract path to interested genome region in bed format>
- Please firstly run the following example program to check whether all package is ready to work.
cd ./example
python MAGNIFIER_Example.py -h