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File metadata and controls

241 lines (185 loc) · 12 KB

Input JSON

An input JSON file includes all genomic data files, parameters and metadata for running pipelines. Our pipeline will use default values if they are not defined in an input JSON file. We provide a set of template JSON files: minimum and full. We recommend to use a minimum template instead of full one. A full template includes all parameters of the pipeline with default values defined.

Please read through the following step-by-step instruction to compose a input JSON file.

Pipeline metadata

Parameter Description
atac.title Title for experiment which will be shown in a final HTML report
atac.description Description for experiment which will be shown in a final HTML report

Pipeline parameters

Parameter Default Description
atac.pipeline_type atac atac for ATAC-seq or dnase for DNase-seq
atac.align_only false Peak calling and its downstream analyses will be disabled. Useful if you just want to map your FASTQs into filtered BAMs/TAG-ALIGNs and don't want to call peaks on them.
atac.true_rep_only false Disable pseudo replicate generation and all related analyses

Reference genome

All reference genome specific reference files/parameters can be defined in a single TSV file atac.genome_tsv. However, you can also individally define each file/parameter instead of a TSV file. If both a TSV file and individual parameters are defined, then individual parameters will override those defined in a TSV file. For example, if you define both atac.genome_tsv and atac.blacklist, then atac.blacklist will override that is defined in atac.genome_tsv. This is useful when you want to use your own for a specific parameter while keeping all the other parameters same as original.

Parameter Type Description
atac.genome_tsv File Choose one of the TSV files listed below or build your own
atac.ref_fa File Reference FASTA file
atac.bowtie2_idx_tar File Bowtie2 index TAR file (uncompressed) built from FASTA file
atac.chrsz File 2-col chromosome sizes file built from FASTA file with faidx
atac.blacklist File 3-col BED file. Peaks overlapping these regions will be filtered out
atac.gensz String MACS2's genome sizes (hs for human, mm for mouse or sum of 2nd col in chrsz)

Additional reference genome data for ATAqC:

Parameter Type Description
atac.tss File TSS file
atac.dnase File Open chromatin region file
atac.prom File Promoter region file
atac.enh File Enhancer region file
atac.reg2map File File with cell type signals
atac.reg2map_bed File File of regions used to generate reg2map signals
atac.roadmap_meta File Roadmap metadata

We currently provide TSV files for 4 genomes as shown in the below table. GENOME should be hg38, mm10, hg19 or mm9. You can download/build it on your local computer. You can also build a genome database for your own genome.

Platform Path/URI
Google Cloud Platform gs://encode-pipeline-genome-data/[GENOME]_google.tsv
Stanford Sherlock /home/groups/cherry/encode/pipeline_genome_data/[GENOME]_sherlock.tsv
Stanford SCG /reference/ENCODE/pipeline_genome_data/[GENOME]_scg.tsv
Local/SLURM/SGE You need to build or download a genome database].
DNAnexus (CLI) dx://project-BKpvFg00VBPV975PgJ6Q03v6:pipeline-genome-data/[GENOME]_dx.tsv
DNAnexus (CLI, Azure) dx://project-F6K911Q9xyfgJ36JFzv03Z5J:pipeline-genome-data/[GENOME]_dx_azure.tsv
DNAnexus (Web) Choose [GENOME]_dx.tsv from here
DNAnexus (Web, Azure) Choose [GENOME]_dx.tsv from here

Additional information about each genome:

Genome Source built from
hg38 ENCODE GRCh38_no_alt_analysis_set_GCA_000001405
mm10 ENCODE mm10_no_alt_analysis_set_ENCODE
hg19 UCSC GRCh37/hg19
mm9 UCSC mm9, NCBI Build 37

Input genomic data

Choose endedness of your dataset first.

Parameter Description
atac.paired_end Boolean to define endedness for ALL replicates. This will override per-replicate definition in atac.paired_ends
atac.paired_ends Array of Boolean to define endedness for each replicate

Define atac.paired_end if all replicates in your dataset has the same endedness. You can also individually define endedness for each replicate. For example, rep1, rep2 are PE and rep3 is SE.

    "atac.paired_ends" : [true, true, false]

Pipeline can start from any of the following data type (FASTQ, BAM, NODUP_BAM and TAG-ALIGN).

Parameter Description
atac.fastqs_repX_R1 Array of R1 FASTQ files for replicate X. These files will be merged into one FASTQ file for rep X.
atac.fastqs_repX_R2 Array of R2 FASTQ files for replicate X. These files will be merged into one FASTQ file for rep X. Do not define for single ended dataset.
atac.bams Array of BAM file for each replicate. (e.g. ["rep1.bam", "rep2.bam", ...])
atac.nodup_bams Array of filtered/deduped BAM file for each replicate.
atac.tas Array of TAG-ALIGN file for each replicate.

You can mix up different data types for individual replicate/control replicate. For example, pipeline can start from FASTQs for rep1 and rep3, BAMs for rep2, NODUP_BAMs for rep4 and TAG-ALIGNs for rep5. You can define similarly for control replicates.

    "atac.fastqs_rep1_R1" : ["rep1.fastq.gz"],
    "atac.fastqs_rep3_R1" : ["rep3.fastq.gz"],
    "atac.bams" : [null, "rep2.bam", null, null, null],
    "atac.nodup_bams" : [null, "rep2.bam", null, "rep4.nodup.bam", null],
    "atac.tas" : [null, null, null, null, "rep5.tagAlign.gz"]

Adapter-trimming for FASTQs

If you choose to use auto-detection for adapters, then remove adapter arrays from input JSON. Otherwise define adapters for each FASTQ.

WARNING: Individually defined adapters arrays should have the same dimension as FASTQs.

Parameter Description
atac.adapter You can define an adapter sequence for ALL fastqs. If defined, this will override below adapter sequence definition for individual fastqs
atac.adapters_repX_R1 Array of adapter sequences for R1 FASTQs of replicate X
atac.adapters_repX_R2 Array of adapter sequences for R1 FASTQs of replicate X. Do not define it for singled-ended dataset

Optional adapter-trimming parameters

Parameter Default Description
atac.auto_detect_adapter false You can use auto-detection for adapters. List of adapters can be detected: AGATCGGAAGAGC (Illumina), CTGTCTCTTATA (Nextera) and TGGAATTCTCGG (smallRNA)
atac.cutadapt_param -e 0.1 -m 5 cutadapt (trim_adapter) parameters (default: min_trim_len=5, err_rate=0.1)

Optional mapping parameters

Parameter Default Description
atac.multimapping 4 Multimapping reads
atac.bowtie2_param_pe -X2000 --mm --local bowtie2 parameters for each read-endedness (paired-end). See bowtie2 --help for details.
atac.bowtie2_param_se --local bowtie2 parameters for each read-endedness (single-ended). See bowtie2 --help for details.

Optional filtering parameters

Parameter Default Description
atac.mapq_thresh 30 Threshold for mapped reads quality (samtools view -q)
atac.dup_marker picard Choose a dup marker between picard and sambamba. picard is recommended, use sambamba only when picard fails.
atac.no_dup_removal false Skip dup removal in a BAM filtering stage.

Optional subsampling parameters

Parameter Default Description
atac.subsample_reads 0 Subsample reads (0: no subsampling). Subsampled reads will be used for all downsteam analyses including peak-calling
atac.xcor_subsample_reads 15000000 Subsample reads for cross-corr. analysis only (0: no subsampling). Subsampled reads will be used for cross-corr. analysis only

Optional peak-calling parameters

Parameter Default Description
atac.cap_num_peak 500000 Cap number of peaks called from a peak-caller (MACS2)
atac.pval_thresh 0.01 P-value threshold for MACS2 (macs2 callpeak -p)
atac.enable_idr true Enable IDR (irreproducible discovery rate)
atac.idr_thresh 0.05 Threshold for IDR

Optional pipeline flags

Parameter Default Description
atac.enable_xcor false Enable cross-correlation analysis
atac.enable_count_signal_track false Enable count signal track generation
atac.keep_irregular_chr_in_bfilt_peak false Keep irregular chromosome names. Use this for custom genomes without canonical chromosome names (chr1, chrX, ...)
atac.disable_ataqc false Disable ATAqC (including all annotation-based analyses in it)

Other optional parameters

Parameter Default Description
atac.mito_chr_name chrM Name of mito chromosome. THIS IS NOT A REG-EX! you can define only one chromosome name for mito.
atac.regex_filter_reads chrM Regular expression to filter out reads with given chromosome name (1st column of BED/TAG-ALIGN). Any read with chr name that matches with this reg-ex pattern will be removed from outputs If your have changed the above parameter atac.mito_chr_name and still want to filter out mito reads then make sure that atac.mito_chr_name and atac.regex_filter_reads are the same

Resource parameters

WARNING: It is recommened not to change the following parameters unless you get resource-related errors for a certain task and you want to increase resources for such task. The following parameters are provided for users who want to run our pipeline with Caper's local on HPCs and 2).

Resources defined here are PER REPLICATE. Therefore, total number of cores will be approximately atac.bowtie2_cpu x NUMBER_OF_REPLICATES because bowtie2 is a bottlenecking task of the pipeline. Use this total number of cores if you manually qsuborsbatchyour job (using local mode of Caper).disks` is used for Google Cloud and DNAnexus only.

Parameter Default
atac.trim_adapter_cpu 2
atac.trim_adapter_mem_mb 12000
atac.trim_adapter_time_hr 24
atac.trim_adapter_disks local-disk 100 HDD
Parameter Default
atac.bowtie2_cpu 4
atac.bowtie2_mem_mb 20000
atac.bowtie2_time_hr 48
atac.bowtie2_disks local-disk 100 HDD
Parameter Default
atac.filter_cpu 2
atac.filter_mem_mb 20000
atac.filter_time_hr 24
atac.filter_disks local-disk 100 HDD
Parameter Default
atac.bam2ta_cpu 2
atac.bam2ta_mem_mb 10000
atac.bam2ta_time_hr 6
atac.bam2ta_disks local-disk 100 HDD
Parameter Default
atac.spr_mem_mb 16000
Parameter Default
atac.fingerprint_cpu 2
atac.fingerprint_mem_mb 12000
atac.fingerprint_time_hr 6
atac.fingerprint_disks local-disk 100 HDD
Parameter Default
atac.xcor_cpu 2
atac.xcor_mem_mb 16000
atac.xcor_time_hr 6
atac.xcor_disks local-disk 100 HDD
Parameter Default
atac.macs2_mem_mb 16000
atac.macs2_time_hr 24
atac.macs2_disks local-disk 100 HDD

Make sure that ataqc_mem_java_mb < ataqc_mem_mb

Parameter Default
atac.ataqc_mem_mb 16000
atac.ataqc_mem_java_mb 15000
atac.ataqc_time_hr 24
atac.ataqc_disks local-disk 200 HDD