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Authentication and User Management

Nicolò Santilio edited this page Sep 16, 2021 · 39 revisions

You can query the Firebase Auth backend through a REST API. This can be used for various operations such as creating new users, signing in existing ones and editing or deleting these users.

This plugin offers several methods to call these APIs just with one line of code.

Contents on this page:



Functions Description
signup_with_email_and_password(email :String, password :String) Register a new user with email/password combination.
login_anonymous() Register and login with an anonymous client. Note: must be enabled from Firebase in sign-methods and proper rules must be applied to Firestore/Database.
login_with_email_and_password(email :String, password :String) Login a client with email/password combination.
login_with_oauth(oauth_token :String) Login a client with an oauth token. Note: an oauth2 authorization method must be implemented
Signals Description
signup_succeeded(auth_info : Dictionary) Emitted upon successful signup_with_email_and_password() or login_anonymous() call.
signup_failed(auth_info : Dictionary) Emitted upon unsuccessful signup_with_email_and_password() or login_anonymous() call.
login_succeeded(auth_info : Dictionary) Emitted upon successful login_with_email_and_password() or login_with_oauth() call.
login_failed(code :, message: String) Emitted upon unsuccessful login functions
userdata_received(auth_info : FirebaseUserData) Emitted upon successful get_user_data(). Returns a FirebaseUserData instance of the current authorized client.

Signup with Email

Firebase.Auth.signup_with_email(email, password)

This will create the login_request_body variable and insert the correct data into it.

var login_request_body = {
    "returnSecureToken": true

From there the script will POST the data to the signup_request_url and add the user to the application.
This method will emit a signup_succeeded(auth_info : Dictionary) signal if successful.
Otherwise, login_failed(code :, message: String) will be emitted.


Login with Email

Firebase.Auth.login_with_email(email, password)

Usage Example

This will create the login_request_body variable and insert the correct data into it.

var login_request_body = {
    "returnSecureToken": true

From there the script will POST the data to the signin_request_url, and wait for a response. The function func _on_FirebaseAuth_request_completed(result, response_code, headers, body) will take that response and parse it out for you.
This method will emit a login_succeeded(auth_info : Dictionary) signal if successful.
Otherwise, login_failed(code :, message: String) will be emitted.

Unable to parse body

If the script is unable to parse the body, it will print our an error to the console and 'return' out of the function


If the response body has RESPONSE_SIGNIN, RESPONSE_SIGNUP, the user will be logged in and the refresh countdown will start This refresh is needed for Firebase, as there is a limit to how long a connection can be left open, and you need the connection to stay open for updates


If the response body has RESPONSE_USERDATA, the script will emit a signal "userdata_received" with the userdata


If the response body has INVALID_EMAIL, EMAIL_NOT_FOUND, INVALID_PASSWORD, USER_DISABLED or WEAK_PASSWORD, the login has failed and the script will emit a signal "login_failed". It will also pass the error code and error message to be printed into the console


Login Anonymously


This will issue an anonymous request login to Firebase.
If successful, an anonymous user will be identified with an UUID in users list.
The UUID will be returned in the response body, if signup_succeeded properly connected.
This method will emit a signup_succeeded(auth_info : Dictionary) signal if successful.
Otherwise, login_failed(code :, message: String) will be emitted.


If the response body has ADMIN_ONLY_OPERATION or an error 400 ADMIN_ONLY_OPERATION is returned from login_failed signal, Anonymous Sign-in has not been enabled in your project settings.
To do so, go to Authentication > Sign-in method inside your project and enable Anonymous (the last one in the list).


Login with OAuth (Manual)

var oath_token : String = "<An oauth token, taken from the browser. Can be pasted to a LineEdit>"

Usage Example

In order to login with OAuth, additional configuration passages are mandatory. This is due to Google requirements with WEB applications.
Once the configuration is completed, call the Firebase.Auth.get_google_auth_manual() to open user's web browser redirecting to a Google Access page.
Here the user can chose whatever Google account prefers to give permissions to log in.
Once an account is selected, the user will be redirected to a page containing the oath token required to log in your app.
The oath token could be pasted to a LineEdit or a custom editable text Control, then to log in with oauth call the Firebase.Auth.login_with_oauth(oauth_token) with oauth_token being the pasted token. Can directly be $LineEdit.get_text().
If login was successful, the response body will contain all user's informations related to the Google account. The user account will be listed.
This method will emit a login_succeeded(auth_info : Dictionary) signal if successful.
Otherwise, login_failed(code :, message: String) will be emitted.


Login with OAuth (Automatic)


Usage Example

In order to login with OAuth, additional configuration passages are mandatory. This is due to Google requirements with WEB applications.
Once the configuration is completed, call the Firebase.Auth.get_google_auth_localhost() to open user's web browser redirecting to a Google Access page.
Our plugin will automatically detect the generated OAuth2 token from the browser URL.
Even though the browser will show a 404 page, the user in your app will be correctly authenticated, so you can close the browser page. Notice: this process is configured to work on localhost. If you want to handle the token generation and redirect using a custom ip/domain, please contact us.


Save Encrypted Auth File


This function is used to store the returned auth data after logging in to an encrypted file on any device. This file can be used to keep a user signed in and not force them to login every time they open the application. This uses the apiKey configured in your .env file to secure the auth file with a password.


Check Encrypted Auth File


This function is used to check if the encrypted auth file exists on the device. The function checks the location used by the function save_auth(), and if the file is there it will load it for you.


Load Encrypted Auth File


This function is used to load the data from an encrypted auth file saved with the function save_auth(). It will take the data and overwrite the current state of the variable auth. This function has no logic check to make sure the file exists, for that please use the function check_auth_file()


Verify User Account


This function is used to send an account verification to an email associated with an ID. This will auto generate the account_verification_body and insert the correct data. This is best used after the user registers their account.

var account_verification_body = {

From there the script will POST the data to the oobcode_request_url, and wait for a response. The email associated with the ID will receive an email with a link to verify their account.


Get User Data


This function returns all the information for the currently logged in user by send the current ID Token. The script will post the data to the userdata_request_url, and wait for a response.
This method will emit a userdata_received(userdata : FirebaseUserData) signal if successful.


Change User Email

Note that there is no verify step here. This function will change the email as soon as it is run


This function is used to change the email address associated with the currently logged in user account. This function generates the change_email_body and inserts the correct data.

var change_email_body = {
	"returnSecureToken": true,

From there the script will post the data to the update_account_request_url, and wait for a response. The email for the associated user will then be updated in Firebase. Note that this function is for a user to change their own email, an admin can edit the email with the Web GUI.


Change User Password

Note that there is no verify step here. This function will change the password as soon as it is run


This function is used to change the password associated with the currently logged in user account. This function generates the change_password_body and inserts the correct data.

var change_password_body = {
	"returnSecureToken": true,

From there the script will post the data to the update_account_request_url, and wait for a response. The password for the associated user will then be updated in Firebase. Note that this function is for a user to change their own password.


Send Password Reset Email


This function is used to send a password reset email to a user. The function requires the email of the user who needs to be reset. It generates the password_reset_body and inserts all the correct data.

var password_reset_body = {

From there the script will POST the data to the oobcode_request_url, and wait for a response. The user will get an email from the system with a link to reset their password.


Delete User Account

Note that there is no verify step here. This function will delete the user account as soon as it is run


This function is used to delete the user account from Firebase for the currently logged in user by sending the current ID Token. The script will post the data to the delete_account_request_url.

This should be used with extreme caution as there is no restoring an account once it is gone. Note that this function is for a user to delete their own account, an admin can also do this via the Web GUI.



List of examples:

ex. Login with Email and Password

signup login page

extends Node2D

func _ready():
	Firebase.Auth.connect("login_succeeded", self, "_on_FirebaseAuth_login_succeeded")
	Firebase.Auth.connect("signup_succeeded", self, "_on_FirebaseAuth_login_succeeded")
	Firebase.Auth.connect("login_failed", self, "on_login_failed")
	Firebase.Auth.connect("signup_failed", self, "on_signup_failed")

func _on_login_pressed():
	var email = $email.text
	var password = $password.text
	Firebase.Auth.login_with_email_and_password(email, password)

func _on_register_pressed():
	var email = $email.text
	var password = $password.text
	Firebase.Auth.signup_with_email_and_password(email, password)

func _on_FirebaseAuth_login_succeeded(auth):
	var user = Firebase.Auth.get_user_data()
func on_login_failed(error_code, message):
	print("error code: " + str(error_code))
	print("message: " + str(message))

func on_signup_failed(error_code, message):
	print("error code: " + str(error_code))
	print("message: " + str(message))

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ex. Login with Google OAuth

signup login page

extends Node

func _ready():
	Firebase.Auth.connect("login_succeeded", self, "_on_login_succeeded")
	Firebase.Auth.connect("login_failed",self, "_on_login_failed")

func _on_login_succeeded(user : Dictionary):
	$Label.set_text("Successfully logged in with oAuth2 as: {email}".format({}))

func _on_GetGoogleAuth_button_pressed():
	$Label.set_text("Waiting for an authorization code...")

func _on_SignInWithGoogle_button_pressed():
	$Label.set_text("Exchanging authorization code with a oath token...")

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