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Realtime Database

Kyle Szklenski edited this page Jun 8, 2023 · 17 revisions

The Realtime Database functionality includes dynamic updates via the server-sent events protocol as implemented by Firebase. As such, database updates can happen and everyone connected to any path that's updated will be updated directly without the need to do a get at that path. This will store the data automatically for you as well and send a signal with the latest info.

Contents on this page:



Functions Description
get_database_reference(path: String, filter: Dictionary) -> FirebaseDatabaseReference

Create a reference to a specific path inside the Realtime Database.



Signals Description
new_data_update(data) Emitted when new data is added to the path.
patch_data_update(data) Emitted when data is updated within the path.
push_successful() Emitted when data has been successfully pushed to the path.
push_failed() Emitted when a request to push data to the path has failed.



Note you need to be authenticated for this to work

The below will get you a basic reference to a path in the database; this will be updated automatically as the path is updated in the realtime database.

var db_ref = Firebase.Database.get_database_reference("path_to_position_in_database", {})


Note you need to be authenticated for this to work

The below will get you a filtered database reference to a path in your database. Note the constants supported for filtering are contained in FirebaseDatabaseReference, near the top of the file.

var db_ref = Firebase.Database.get_database_reference("path_to_position_in_database", { FirebaseDatabaseReference.LIMIT_TO_LAST : 10 })

Note that any data which is filtered is returned UNORDERED, regardless of which order you try to set on it. The reason for this can be found here:

Push data

db_ref.push({'username': username}) # new entry created in list at path_to_position_in_database; # listen to new_data_update to get the key and data that was pushed

Update data

db_ref.update(data_key, {'user_name': new_username}) # patch_data_update will fire with the appropriate data; can get data_key from a successful new_data_update after a push