The application infrastructure pipeline deploys the application-specific CI/CD resources as well as any additional application-specific services, such as databases or other managed services.
An overview of application inrastruction pipeline is shown below, in the context of deploying a new applicaiton across the Enterprise Application blueprint.
The application infrastructure pipeline creates the following resources to establish the application CI/CD pipeline, as defined in the cicd-pipeline
- Cloud Build trigger
- Artifact Registry repository
- Cloud Deploy pipeline and targets
- Cloud Storage buckets for build cache and other build artifacts
- Custom service accounts and IAM bindings
The application infrastructure pipeline can create additional resources on a per-environment basis.
In this example, some services are using the alloydb-psc-setup
submodule for creating an AlloyDB Cluster with Private Service Connect.
You may add additional infrastructure like application-specifc databases or other managed services by creating and invoking new submodules.
The steps below assume that you are checked out on the same level as terraform-google-enterprise-application
and terraform-example-foundation
├── terraform-example-foundation
├── terraform-google-enterprise-application
└── .
Retrieve repositories created on 4-appfactory.
cd eab-applicationfactory/envs/shared/ terraform init export helloworld_project=$(terraform output -json app-group | jq -r '.["default-example.hello-world"]["app_admin_project_id"]') echo helloworld_project=$helloworld_project export helloworld_repository=$(terraform output -json app-group | jq -r '.["default-example.hello-world"]["app_infra_repository_name"]') echo helloworld_repository=$helloworld_repository export helloworld_statebucket=$(terraform output -json app-group | jq -r '.["default-example.hello-world"]["app_cloudbuild_workspace_state_bucket_name"]' | sed 's/.*\///') echo helloworld_statebucket=$helloworld_statebucket cd ../../../
terraform output
to get the state bucket value from 1-bootstrap output and replace the placeholder interraform.tfvars
.terraform -chdir="./terraform-google-enterprise-application/1-bootstrap/" init export remote_state_bucket=$(terraform -chdir="./terraform-google-enterprise-application/1-bootstrap/" output -raw state_bucket) echo "remote_state_bucket = ${remote_state_bucket}"
Clone the repositories for each service and initialize:
gcloud source repos clone $helloworld_repository --project=$helloworld_project
Copy terraform code for each service repository and replace backend bucket:
cp -R ./terraform-google-enterprise-application/5-appinfra/* $helloworld_repository mv $helloworld_repository/apps/default-example/hello-world/envs/shared/terraform.example.tfvars $helloworld_repository/apps/default-example/hello-world/envs/shared/terraform.tfvars cp ./terraform-example-foundation/build/cloudbuild-tf-* $helloworld_repository/ cp ./terraform-example-foundation/build/ $helloworld_repository/ chmod 755 $helloworld_repository/ sed -i'' -e 's/max_depth=1/max_depth=5/' $helloworld_repository/ cp -RT ./terraform-example-foundation/policy-library/ $helloworld_repository/policy-library rm -rf $helloworld_repository/policy-library/policies/constraints/* sed -i 's/CLOUDSOURCE/FILESYSTEM/g' $helloworld_repository/cloudbuild-tf-* sed -i'' -e "s/UPDATE_INFRA_REPO_STATE/$helloworld_statebucket/" $helloworld_repository/apps/default-example/hello-world/envs/shared/ sed -i'' -e "s/REMOTE_STATE_BUCKET/${remote_state_bucket}/" $helloworld_repository/apps/default-example/hello-world/envs/shared/terraform.tfvars
Commit files to transactionhistory repository a plan branch:
cd $helloworld_repository git checkout -b plan git add . git commit -m 'Initialize helloworld repo' git push --set-upstream origin plan
Merge plan to production branch:
git checkout -b production git push --set-upstream origin production
IMPORTANT The next instructions assume that you are in the
terraform-google-enterprise-application/5-appinfra terraform-google-enterprise-application/5-appinfra
Retrieve state bucket from 4-appfactory and update the example with it:
export hello_world_statebucket=$(terraform -chdir=../4-appfactory/envs/shared output -json app-group | jq -r '.["default-example.hello-world"].app_cloudbuild_workspace_state_bucket_name' | sed 's/.*\///') echo hello_world_statebucket=$hello_world_statebucket sed -i'' -e "s/UPDATE_INFRA_REPO_STATE/$hello_world_statebucket/" apps/default-example/hello-world/envs/shared/
terraform output
to get the state bucket value from 1-bootstrap output and replace the placeholder interraform.tfvars
.terraform -chdir="../1-bootstrap/" init export remote_state_bucket=$(terraform -chdir="../1-bootstrap/" output -raw state_bucket) echo "remote_state_bucket = ${remote_state_bucket}" sed -i'' -e "s/REMOTE_STATE_BUCKET/${remote_state_bucket}/" apps/default-example/hello-world/envs/shared/terraform.tfvars
Under the apps
folder are examples for each of the applications.
- Change directory into any of these folders to deploy.
cd apps/default-example/hello-world
- Use example terraform.tfvars and update values from your environment:
cp envs/shared/terraform.example.tfvars envs/shared/terraform.tfvars
- Update the configuration with values for your environment.
Deploy the shared
environment first, which contains the application CI/CD pipeline.
and review the output.terraform -chdir=./envs/shared init terraform -chdir=./envs/shared plan
apply shared
.terraform -chdir=./envs/shared apply
You can now deploy each of your environments (e.g. production).
and review the output.terraform -chdir=./envs/production init terraform -chdir=./envs/production plan
apply production
.terraform -chdir=./envs/production apply
If you receive any errors or made any changes to the Terraform config or terraform.tfvars
, re-run terraform -chdir=./envs/production plan
before you run terraform apply -chdir=./envs/production