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Cymbal Shop Example

The application is a web-based e-commerce app where users can browse items, add them to the cart, and purchase them.

In the developer platform, it is deployed into a single namespace/fleet scope (cymbalshops). All the 11 microservices that build this application are deployed through a single admin project using Cloud Deploy. This means only one skaffold.yaml file is required to deploy all services.

For more information about the Cymbal Bank application, please visit microservices-demo repository.


This example requires:

  1. 1-bootstrap phase executed successfully.
  2. 2-multitenant phase executed successfully.
  3. 3-fleetscope phase executed successfully.


Deploying with Google Cloud Build

IMPORTANT: The steps below assume that you are checked out on the same level as terraform-google-enterprise-application and terraform-example-foundation directories.

├── terraform-example-foundation
├── terraform-google-enterprise-application
└── .

Ensure the app acronym is present in 2-multitenant terraform.tfvars file

  1. Navigate to the Multitenant repository and add the value below if it is not present:

    apps = {
    +    "cymbal-shop": {
    +        "acronym" = "cs",
    +    },

Add Cymbal Shop Namespaces at the Fleetscope repository

The namespaces created at 3-fleetscope will be used in the application kubernetes manifests, when specifying where the workload will run. Typically, the application namespace will be created on 3-fleetscope and specified in 6-appsource.

  1. Navigate to Fleetscope repository and add the Cymbal Shop namespaces at terraform.tfvars, if the namespace was not created already:

    namespace_ids = {
    +    "cymbalshops"     = "[email protected]",
  2. Commit and push changes. Because the plan branch is not a named environment branch, pushing your plan branch triggers terraform plan but not terraform apply. Review the plan output in your Cloud Build project.;region=DEFAULT_REGION?project=YOUR_CLOUD_BUILD_PROJECT_ID

    git checkout plan
    git add .
    git commit -m 'Adds Cymbal shop namespaces.'
    git push --set-upstream origin plan
  3. Merge changes to development. Because this is a named environment branch, pushing to this branch triggers both terraform plan and terraform apply. Review the apply output in your Cloud Build project;region=DEFAULT_REGION?project=YOUR_CLOUD_BUILD_PROJECT_ID

    git checkout development
    git merge plan
    git push origin development
  4. Merge changes to nonproduction. Because this is a named environment branch, pushing to this branch triggers both terraform plan and terraform apply. Review the apply output in your Cloud Build project;region=DEFAULT_REGION?project=YOUR_CLOUD_BUILD_PROJECT_ID

    git checkout nonproduction
    git merge development
    git push origin nonproduction
  5. Merge changes to production. Because this is a named environment branch, pushing to this branch triggers both terraform plan and terraform apply. Review the apply output in your Cloud Build project;region=DEFAULT_REGION?project=YOUR_CLOUD_BUILD_PROJECT_ID

    git checkout production
    git merge nonproduction
    git push origin production
  6. Navigate out of the Fleetscope repository:

    cd ../

Deploy Cymbal shop App Factory

This stage will setup the application admin project, and infrastructure specific projects if created.

  1. Navigate to Application Factory repository and checkout plan branch:

    cd eab-applicationfactory
    git checkout plan
  2. Navigate to the Application Factory repository and add the value below to the applications variable on terraform.tfvars:

    applications = {
    +    "cymbal-shop" = {
    +        "cymbalshop" = {
    +            create_infra_project = false
    +            create_admin_project = true
    +        },
    +    }
  3. After the modification, commit changes:

    git commit -am 'Adds Cymbal shop'
    git push --set-upstream origin plan
  4. Merge changes to production. Because this is a named environment branch, pushing to this branch triggers both terraform plan and terraform apply. Review the apply output in your Cloud Build project;region=DEFAULT_REGION?project=YOUR_CLOUD_BUILD_PROJECT_ID

    git checkout production
    git merge plan
    git push origin production
  5. Move out of App Factory folder:

    cd ../

Deploy Cymbal Shop App Infra

This stage will create the CI/CD pipeline for the service, and application specific infrastructure if specified.

IMPORTANT: The steps below assume that you are checked out on the same level as terraform-google-enterprise-application and terraform-example-foundation directories.

├── terraform-example-foundation
├── terraform-google-enterprise-application
└── .
  1. Retrieve Cymbal Shop repository, Admin Project, and Application specific State Bucket that were created on 4-appfactory stage.

    cd eab-applicationfactory/envs/shared/
    terraform init
    export cymbalshop_project=$(terraform output -json app-group | jq -r '.["cymbal-shop.cymbalshop"]["app_admin_project_id"]')
    echo cymbalshop_project=$cymbalshop_project
    export cymbalshop_infra_repo=$(terraform output -json app-group | jq -r '.["cymbal-shop.cymbalshop"]["app_infra_repository_name"]')
    echo cymbalshop_infra_repo=$cymbalshop_infra_repo
    export cymbalshop_statebucket=$(terraform output -json app-group | jq -r '.["cymbal-shop.cymbalshop"]["app_cloudbuild_workspace_state_bucket_name"]' | sed 's/.*\///')
    echo cymbalshop_statebucket=$cymbalshop_statebucket
    cd ../../../
  2. Use terraform output to get the state bucket value from 1-bootstrap output and replace the placeholder in terraform.tfvars.

    terraform -chdir="./terraform-google-enterprise-application/1-bootstrap/" init
    export remote_state_bucket=$(terraform -chdir="./terraform-google-enterprise-application/1-bootstrap/" output -raw state_bucket)
    echo "remote_state_bucket = ${remote_state_bucket}"
  3. Clone the repositories for each service and initialize:

    gcloud source repos clone $cymbalshop_infra_repo --project=$cymbalshop_project
  4. Copy terraform code for each service repository and replace backend bucket:

    rm -rf $cymbalshop_infra_repo/modules
    cp -R ./terraform-google-enterprise-application/examples/cymbal-shop/5-appinfra/cymbal-shop/cymbalshop/envs $cymbalshop_infra_repo
    rm -rf $cymbalshop_infra_repo/modules
    cp -R ./terraform-google-enterprise-application//5-appinfra/modules $cymbalshop_infra_repo
    cp ./terraform-example-foundation/build/cloudbuild-tf-* $cymbalshop_infra_repo/
    cp ./terraform-example-foundation/build/ $cymbalshop_infra_repo/
    chmod 755 $cymbalshop_infra_repo/
    cp -RT ./terraform-example-foundation/policy-library/ $cymbalshop_infra_repo/policy-library
    rm -rf $cymbalshop_infra_repo/policy-library/policies/constraints/*
    sed -i 's/CLOUDSOURCE/FILESYSTEM/g' $cymbalshop_infra_repo/cloudbuild-tf-*
    sed -i'' -e "s/UPDATE_INFRA_REPO_STATE/$cymbalshop_statebucket/" $cymbalshop_infra_repo/envs/shared/
    sed -i'' -e "s/REMOTE_STATE_BUCKET/${remote_state_bucket}/" $cymbalshop_infra_repo/envs/shared/terraform.tfvars
Commit changes to repository
  1. Commit files to cymbalshop repository in the plan branch:

    cd $cymbalshop_infra_repo
    git checkout -b plan
    git add .
    git commit -m 'Initialize cymbalshop repo'
    git push --set-upstream origin plan
  2. Merge plan branch to production branch and push to remote:

     git checkout -b production
     git push --set-upstream origin production
  3. You can view the build results on Google Cloud Build at the admin project.

Deploy Cymbal Shop App Source

IMPORTANT: The steps below assume that you are checked out on the same level as terraform-google-enterprise-application and terraform-example-foundation directories.

├── terraform-example-foundation
├── terraform-google-enterprise-application
└── .
  1. Clone the microservices-demo repository, it contains the cymbal-shop source code:

    git clone --branch v0.10.1 cymbal-shop
  2. Navigate to the repository and create main branch on top of the current version:

    cd cymbal-shop
    git checkout -b main
  3. Add the remote source repository, this repository will host your application source code:

    git remote add google$cymbalshop_project/r/eab-cymbal-shop-cymbalshop
  4. Overwrite the repository source code with the overlays defined in examples/cymbal-shop:

    cp -r ../terraform-google-enterprise-application/examples/cymbal-shop/6-appsource/cymbal-shop/* .
  5. Add changes and commit to the specified remote, this will trigger the associated Cloud Build CI/CD pipeline:

    git add .
    git commit -m "Add Cymbal Shop Code"
    git push google main
  6. You can view the build results on the Cymbal Shop Admin Project.

Deploying with Terraform Locally

IMPORTANT: The steps below assume that you are checked out on the same level as terraform-google-enterprise-application and terraform-example-foundation directories.

├── terraform-google-enterprise-application
└── .

Ensure the app acronym is present in 2-multitenant terraform.tfvars file

  1. Navigate to the Multitenant repository and add the value below if it is not present:

    apps = {
    +    "cymbal-shop": {
    +        "acronym" = "cs",
    +    },

Add Cymbal Shop Namespaces at the Fleetscope repository

The namespaces created at 3-fleetscope will be used in the application kubernetes manifests, when specifying where the workload will run. Typically, the application namespace will be created on 3-fleetscope and specified in 6-appsource.

  1. Navigate to Fleetscope repository and add the Cymbal Shop namespaces at terraform.tfvars, if the namespace was not created already:

    namespace_ids = {
    +    "cymbalshops"     = "[email protected]",

Deploy Cymbal Shop App Factory

  1. Add the cymbal shop application to the terraform.tfvars file on 4-appfactory:

    applications = {
    +    "cymbal-shop" = {
    +        "cymbalshop" = {
    +           create_infra_project = false
    +           create_admin_project = true
    +        },
    +    }

The specified values above will create a sigle admin project for cymbal-shop application. In this case, all cymbal-shop microservices CI/CD pipelines will be on the same project.

  1. Run terraform apply command on 4-appfactory/envs/shared.

Deploy Cymbal Shop App Infra

  1. Copy the directories under examples/cymbal-shop/5-appinfra to 5-appinfra.

    APP_INFRA_REPO=$(readlink -f ./terraform-google-enterprise-application/5-appinfra)
    cp -r $APP_INFRA_REPO/../examples/cymbal-shop/5-appinfra/* $APP_INFRA_REPO/apps/
    (cd $APP_INFRA_REPO/apps/cymbal-shop/cymbalshop && rm -rf modules && ln -s ../../../modules modules)

    NOTE: This command must be run on the same level as terraform-google-enterprise-application directory.

  2. Navigate to terraform-google-enterprise-application/5-appinfra directory

    cd terraform-google-enterprise-application/5-appinfra
  3. Adjust the file with values from your environment. Follow the steps below to retrieve the backend and replace the placeholder:

    • Retrieve state bucket from 4-appfactory and update the example with it:

      export cymbalshop_statebucket=$(terraform -chdir=../4-appfactory/envs/shared output -json app-group | jq -r '.["cymbal-shop.cymbalshop"].app_cloudbuild_workspace_state_bucket_name' | sed 's/.*\///')
      echo cymbalshop_statebucket=$cymbalshop_statebucket
      sed -i'' -e "s/UPDATE_INFRA_REPO_STATE/$cymbalshop_statebucket/" $APP_INFRA_REPO/apps/cymbal-shop/cymbalshop/envs/shared/
  4. Adjust the terraform.tfvars file with values from your environment. Follow the steps below to retrieve the state bucket and replace the placeholder:

    • Use terraform output to get the state bucket value from 1-bootstrap output and replace the placeholder in terraform.tfvars.

      terraform -chdir="../1-bootstrap/" init
      export remote_state_bucket=$(terraform -chdir="../1-bootstrap/" output -raw state_bucket)
      echo "remote_state_bucket = ${remote_state_bucket}"
      sed -i'' -e "s/REMOTE_STATE_BUCKET/${remote_state_bucket}/" $APP_INFRA_REPO/apps/cymbal-shop/cymbalshop/envs/shared//terraform.tfvars
  5. Navigate to the service path (5-appinfra/apps/cymbal-shop/cymbalshop/envs/shared) and run terraform apply command.

Deploy Cymbal Shop App Source

IMPORTANT: The steps below assume that you are checked out on the same level as terraform-google-enterprise-application and terraform-example-foundation directories.

├── terraform-google-enterprise-application
└── .
  1. Clone the microservices-demo repository, it contains the cymbal-shop source code:

    git clone --branch v0.10.1 cymbal-shop
  2. Navigate to the repository and create main branch on top of the current version:

    cd cymbal-shop
    git checkout -b main
  3. Retrieve the admin project value:

    export cymbalshop_project=$(terraform -chdir=../terraform-google-enterprise-application/4-appfactory/envs/shared output -json app-group | jq -r '.["cymbal-shop.cymbalshop"]["app_admin_project_id"]')
    echo cymbalshop_project=$cymbalshop_project
  4. Add the remote source repository, this repository will host your application source code:

    git remote add google$cymbalshop_project/r/eab-cymbal-shop-cymbalshop
  5. Overwrite the repository source code with the overlays defined in examples/cymbal-shop:

    cp -r ../terraform-google-enterprise-application/examples/cymbal-shop/6-appsource/cymbal-shop/* .
  6. Add changes and commit to the specified remote, this will trigger the associated Cloud Build CI/CD pipeline:

    git add .
    git commit -m "Add Cymbal Shop Code"
    git push google main
  7. You can view the build results on the Cymbal Shop Admin Project.