This project generates a PPM image from a list of GPS coordinates and their corresponding depths. The image is created by first projecting the coordinates onto a Cartesian plane using the proj.h library. The coordinates are then used to create pixels, and hillshading is applied to give the image a 3D effect. The resulting image is then saved as a PPM file.
To use this project, you will need to provide a list of GPS coordinates and their corresponding depths in a .txt format. The project can then be run from the command line, with the path to the input file as an argument.
Execute the file, or use this command :
$ mkdir build; cd build; cmake ..; make
The resulting PPM image will be saved in the same directory as the input file, with the 'MNT.ppm'. To generate it :
$ ./create_raster *nameOfYourTxtFile* *pixel width*
Note : if the file name is "data.txt", type only :
$ ./create_raster data 1000
The input file should be a plain text file, with one coordinate-depth pair per line. The coordinates should be in latitude and longitude, and the depth should be in meters. The values should be separated by a space.
A .txt file containing values separated by a blank : latitude longitude depth (GPS coordinates Lambert93) latitude longitude depth ...
The output image will be a PPM file, which can be opened with most image viewers. The colors of the image will represent the depths of the coordinates, with darker colors representing deeper depths.
This project requires the proj.h library for coordinate projection, the delaunator.hpp header to triangulate the image, and the C++ standard library for input/output and image generation. You also need cmake to compile the project with the code line. Else, use g++.