Oobee provides functionalities that makes it possible to be integrated with end-to-end testing frameworks such as Cypress and Playwright.
In order to use this functionality, the testing framework must support:
- Execution of scripts in a NodeJS environment.
- Injection of JavaScript into the document that is being tested.
- Execution of JavaScript in the context of the document and retrieval of results back into the NodeJS environment after execution.
Add Oobee to your project by running the following command:
npm install --save-dev @govtechsg/oobee
In the file of choice, import Oobee using:
import oobeeA11yInit from '@govtechsg/oobee'
Note that Oobee should be imported in a script that runs in a NodeJS environment.
Create an instance of Oobee with:
const oobeeA11y = await oobeeA11yInit(entryUrl)
should be a valid URL referring to the domain of the website to be scanned with Oobee.
async oobeeA11yInit({entryUrl, testLabel, name, email, includeScreenshots, viewportSettings, thresholds, scanAboutMetadata, zip, deviceChosen, strategy, ruleset, specifiedMaxConcurrency, followRobots})
Returns an instance of Oobee
- Initial URL to start the oobee oobee scan
- Label for test in report
- For Oobee data collection purposes
- For Oobee data collection purposes
(optional)- Include screenshots of affected elements in the report. Defaults to false.
(optional)- Viewport settings used in cypress tests needed to optimize screenshot function. Defaults to cypress’ default viewport settings. Example:
{ width: 1000, height: 600 }
- Viewport settings used in cypress tests needed to optimize screenshot function. Defaults to cypress’ default viewport settings. Example:
(optional)- Object containing the max number of mustFix or goodToFix issue occurrences before an error is thrown for test failure. Does not fail tests by default. Example:
{ mustFix: 1, goodToFix: 3 }
- Object containing the max number of mustFix or goodToFix issue occurrences before an error is thrown for test failure. Does not fail tests by default. Example:
(optional)- Include additional information in the Scan About section of the report by passing in a JSON object.
(optional)- Name of the generated zip of Oobee results at the end of scan. Defaults to "oobee-scan-results".
(optional)- Name of the device to scan on. Example:
iPhone 13 Pro Max
- Name of the device to scan on. Example:
(optional)- The EnqueueStrategy to use. Options:
- The EnqueueStrategy to use. Options:
(optional)- The array of rulesets to use. Options:
- The array of rulesets to use. Options:
(optional)- The maximum number of concurrent requests to be made. Defaults to 25.
(optional)- Whether to follow robots.txt. Defaults to false.
Object containing details about the scan
- E.g.
{ startTime: 1700104789495, crawlType: 'Customized', requestUrl: 'https://govtechsg.github.io', urlsCrawled: { } }
Unique identifier for the scan instance
Get the axe-core script to be injected into the browser, along with other custom Oobee scripts
runA11yScan(elementsToScan, gradingReadabilityFlag)
Runs axe scan on the current page.Parameter(s):
: Specifies which element should and which should not be testedgradingReadabilityFlag
: This is the readability score as a string. If it is non-empty, a readability violation will be added.
- Object consisting of the current page url, current page title and axe scan result.
{ pageUrl, pageTitle, axeScanResults }
async pushScanResults(res, metadata, elementsToClick)
Process scan results to be included in the report.
: Object consisting of the current page url, current page title and axe scan result.{pageUrl, pageTitle, axeScanResults}
(optional): Additional information to be displayed for each page scanned in the reportelementsToClick
(optional): Elements clicked during the test to reveal hidden elements. Required to be able identify hidden elements if they were scanned for screenshot purposes. Ensure selectors resolve to a single element.
- Object containing the number of mustFix and goodToFix issue occurrences for this scan run e.g.
{ mustFix: 1, goodToFix: 5 }
Checks the accumulated issue occurrences count against the specified threshold.
- Terminates oobeeA11y instance and throws an error if the number of accumulated mustFix or goodToFix issue occurrences exceeds either of the specified thresholds.
async terminate()
Stops the Oobee instance and generates the scan report and other scan result artifacts. Returns the name of the generated folder containing the results.
Example usages for Cypress and Playwright can be found in this section.
With reference to an instance of Oobee as oobeeA11y
- Fetch the necessary scripts needed to be injected to document to be scanned by executing
. The scripts will be returned as a string. - Inject the scripts into the document to be scanned. The easiest way that this can be done is by using
in the document's environment.- Note that this step needs to be done for every page visited.
- Run a scan by executing
in the document's environment.- By default, the scan will be run for the entire page.
- It is possible to run the scan for specific sections or elements in the page. One way to do this is to pass an array of CSS selectors of the elements to be scanned into
. For example,runA11yScan(['#my-component', 'button'])
. Other acceptable forms of argument can be found here.
- Pass the scan results back into the NodeJS environment where
is in. - Push the results using
await oobeeA11y.pushScanResults(scanResults)
. - Repeat steps 2-5 as many times as desired.
- Terminate Oobee by using
await oobeeA11y.terminate()
. A folder containing the details and report of your scan will be created, under the directoryresults
which can be found in your project's root directory.
Click here to see an example usage in an E2E Cypress test (javascript)
We will be creating the following files in a demo Cypress project:
├── cypress
│ ├── e2e
│ │ └── spec.cy.js
│ └── support
│ └── e2e.js
├── cypress.config.js
└── package.json
Create a package.json
by running npm init
. Accept the default options or customise it as needed.
Change the type of npm package to module by running npm pkg set type="module"
Install the following node dependencies by running npm install cypress @govtechsg/oobee --save-dev
Navigate to node_modules/@govtechsg/oobee
and run npm install
and npm run build
within the folder to install remaining Oobee dependencies:
cd node_modules/@govtechsg/oobee
npm install
npm run build
cd ../../..
Create cypress.config.js
with the following contents, and change your Name, E-mail address, and boolean value for whether rule items requiring manual review in the report should be displayed below:
import { defineConfig } from "cypress";
import oobeeA11yInit from "@govtechsg/oobee";
// viewport used in tests to optimise screenshots
const viewportSettings = { width: 1920, height: 1040 };
// specifies the number of occurrences before error is thrown for test failure
const thresholds = { mustFix: 20, goodToFix: 25 };
// additional information to include in the "Scan About" section of the report
const scanAboutMetadata = { browser: 'Chrome (Desktop)' };
// name of the generated zip of the results at the end of scan
const resultsZipName = "oobee-scan-results"
const oobeeA11y = await oobeeA11yInit({
entryUrl: "https://govtechsg.github.io", // initial url to start scan
testLabel: "Demo Cypress Scan", // label for test
name: "Your Name",
email: "[email protected]",
includeScreenshots: true, // include screenshots of affected elements in the report
thresholds: { mustFix: undefined, goodToFix: undefined },
scanAboutMetadata: undefined,
zip: resultsZipName,
deviceChosen: "",
strategy: undefined,
ruleset: ["enable-wcag-aaa"], // add "disable-oobee" to disable Oobee custom checks
specifiedMaxConcurrency: undefined,
followRobots: undefined,
export default defineConfig({
taskTimeout: 120000, // need to extend as screenshot function requires some time
viewportHeight: viewportSettings.height,
viewportWidth: viewportSettings.width,
e2e: {
setupNodeEvents(on, _config) {
on("task", {
getPurpleA11yScripts() {
return oobeeA11y.getScripts();
gradeReadability(sentences) {
return oobeeA11y.gradeReadability(sentences);
async pushPurpleA11yScanResults({res, metadata, elementsToClick}) {
return await oobeeA11y.pushScanResults(res, metadata, elementsToClick);
returnResultsDir() {
return `results/${oobeeA11y.randomToken}_${oobeeA11y.scanDetails.urlsCrawled.scanned.length}pages/report.html`;
finishPurpleA11yTestCase() {
return null;
async terminatePurpleA11y() {
return await oobeeA11y.terminate();
Create a sub-folder and file cypress/support/e2e.js
with the following contents:
Cypress.Commands.add("injectPurpleA11yScripts", () => {
cy.task("getPurpleA11yScripts").then((s) => {
cy.window().then((win) => {
Cypress.Commands.add("runPurpleA11yScan", (items={}) => {
cy.window().then(async (win) => {
const { elementsToScan, elementsToClick, metadata } = items;
// extract text from the page for readability grading
const sentences = win.extractText();
// run readability grading separately as it cannot be done within the browser context
cy.task("gradeReadability", sentences).then(
async (gradingReadabilityFlag) => {
// passing the grading flag to runA11yScan to inject violation as needed
const res = await win.runA11yScan(
cy.task("pushPurpleA11yScanResults", {
}).then((count) => {
return count;
cy.task("finishPurpleA11yTestCase"); // test the accumulated number of issue occurrences against specified thresholds. If exceed, terminate oobeeA11y instance.
Cypress.Commands.add("terminatePurpleA11y", () => {
Create cypress/e2e/spec.cy.js
with the following contents:
describe("template spec", () => {
it("should run oobee A11y", () => {
// Run a scan on <input> and <button> elements
elementsToScan: ["input", "button"],
elementsToClick: ["button[onclick=\"toggleSecondSection()\"]"],
metadata: "Clicked button"
Run your test with npx cypress run
You will see Oobee results generated in results
Click here to see an example usage in an E2E Cypress test (typescript)
We will be creating the following files in a demo Cypress project:
├── cypress.config.ts
├── cypress.d.ts
├── package.json
├── src
│ └── cypress
│ ├── e2e
│ │ └── spec.cy.ts
│ └── support
│ └── e2e.ts
└── tsconfig.json
Create a package.json
by running npm init
. Accept the default options or customise it as needed.
Change the type of npm package to module by running npm pkg set type="module"
Install the following node dependencies by running npm install cypress @types/cypress @govtechsg/oobee typescript --save-dev
Create a tsconfig.json
in the root directory and add the following:
"compilerOptions": {
"outDir": "./dist",
"allowJs": true,
"target": "es2021",
"module": "nodenext",
"rootDir": "./src",
"skipLibCheck": true,
"types": ["cypress"]
"include": ["./src/**/*", "cypress.d.ts"]
Navigate to node_modules/@govtechsg/oobee
and run npm install
and npm run build
within the folder to install remaining Oobee dependencies:
cd node_modules/@govtechsg/oobee
npm install
npm run build
cd ../../..
Create cypress.config.ts
with the following contents, and change your Name, E-mail address, and boolean value for whether rule items requiring manual review in the report should be displayed below:
import { defineConfig } from "cypress";
import oobeeA11yInit from "@govtechsg/oobee";
interface ViewportSettings {
width: number;
height: number;
interface Thresholds {
mustFix: number;
goodToFix: number;
interface ScanAboutMetadata {
browser: string;
// viewport used in tests to optimise screenshots
const viewportSettings: ViewportSettings = { width: 1920, height: 1040 };
// specifies the number of occurrences before error is thrown for test failure
const thresholds: Thresholds = { mustFix: 20, goodToFix: 20 };
// additional information to include in the "Scan About" section of the report
const scanAboutMetadata: ScanAboutMetadata = { browser: 'Chrome (Desktop)' };
// name of the generated zip of the results at the end of scan
const resultsZipName: string = "oobee-scan-results"
const oobeeA11y = await oobeeA11yInit({
"https://govtechsg.github.io", // initial url to start scan
"Demo Cypress Scan", // label for test
"Your Name",
"[email protected]",
true, // include screenshots of affected elements in the report
thresholds: { mustFix: undefined, goodToFix: undefined },
scanAboutMetadata: undefined,
zip: resultsZipName,
deviceChosen: "",
strategy: undefined,
ruleset: ["enable-wcag-aaa"], // add "disable-oobee" to disable Oobee custom checks
specifiedMaxConcurrency: undefined,
followRobots: undefined,
export default defineConfig({
taskTimeout: 120000, // need to extend as screenshot function requires some time
viewportHeight: viewportSettings.height,
viewportWidth: viewportSettings.width,
e2e: {
setupNodeEvents(on, _config) {
on("task", {
getPurpleA11yScripts(): string {
return oobeeA11y.getScripts();
gradeReadability(sentences: string[]): string {
return oobeeA11y.gradeReadability(sentences);
async pushPurpleA11yScanResults({res, metadata, elementsToClick}: { res: any, metadata: any, elementsToClick: any[] }): Promise<{ mustFix: number, goodToFix: number }> {
return await oobeeA11y.pushScanResults(res, metadata, elementsToClick);
returnResultsDir(): string {
return `results/${oobeeA11y.randomToken}_${oobeeA11y.scanDetails.urlsCrawled.scanned.length}pages/reports/report.html`;
finishPurpleA11yTestCase(): null {
return null;
async terminatePurpleA11y(): Promise<string> {
return await oobeeA11y.terminate();
supportFile: 'dist/cypress/support/e2e.js',
specPattern: 'dist/cypress/e2e/**/*.cy.{js,jsx,ts,tsx}',
Create a sub-folder and file src/cypress/support/e2e.ts
with the following contents:
Cypress.Commands.add("injectPurpleA11yScripts", () => {
cy.task("getPurpleA11yScripts").then((s: string) => {
cy.window().then((win) => {
Cypress.Commands.add("runPurpleA11yScan", (items={}) => {
cy.window().then(async (win) => {
const { elementsToScan, elementsToClick, metadata } = items;
// extract text from the page for readability grading
const sentences = win.extractText();
// run readability grading separately as it cannot be done within the browser context
cy.task("gradeReadability", sentences).then(
async (gradingReadabilityFlag: string) => {
// passing the grading flag to runA11yScan to inject violation as needed
const res = await win.runA11yScan(
cy.task("pushPurpleA11yScanResults", {
}).then((count) => {
return count;
cy.task("finishPurpleA11yTestCase"); // test the accumulated number of issue occurrences against specified thresholds. If exceed, terminate oobeeA11y instance.
Cypress.Commands.add("terminatePurpleA11y", () => {
Create src/cypress/e2e/spec.cy.ts
with the following contents:
describe("template spec", () => {
it("should run oobee A11y", () => {
// Run a scan on <input> and <button> elements
elementsToScan: ["input", "button"],
elementsToClick: ["button[onclick=\"toggleSecondSection()\"]"],
metadata: "Clicked button"
Create cypress.d.ts
in the root directory with the following contents:
declare namespace Cypress {
interface Chainable<Subject> {
injectPurpleA11yScripts(): Chainable<void>;
runPurpleA11yScan(options?: PurpleA11yScanOptions): Chainable<void>;
terminatePurpleA11y(): Chainable<any>;
interface PurpleA11yScanOptions {
elementsToScan?: string[];
elementsToClick?: string[];
metadata?: string;
interface Window {
runA11yScan: (elementsToScan?: string[]) => Promise<any>;
extractText: () => string[];
Compile your typescript code with npx tsc
Run your test with npx cypress run
You will see Oobee results generated in results
Click here to see an example usage in Playwright (javascript)
Create a package.json
by running npm init
. Accept the default options or customise it as needed.
Change the type of npm package to module by running npm pkg set type="module"
Install the following node dependencies by running npm install playwright @govtechsg/oobee --save-dev
and npx playwright install
Navigate to node_modules/@govtechsg/oobee
and run npm install
and npm run build
within the folder to install remaining Oobee dependencies:
cd node_modules/@govtechsg/oobee
npm install
npm run build
cd ../../..
On your project's root folder, create a Playwright test file oobeeA11y-playwright-demo.js
import { chromium } from "playwright";
import oobeeA11yInit from "@govtechsg/oobee";
import { extractText } from "@govtechsg/oobee/dist/crawlers/custom/extractText.js";
// viewport used in tests to optimise screenshots
const viewportSettings = { width: 1920, height: 1040 };
// specifies the number of occurrences before error is thrown for test failure
const thresholds = { mustFix: 20, goodToFix: 25 };
// additional information to include in the "Scan About" section of the report
const scanAboutMetadata = { browser: 'Chrome (Desktop)' };
const oobeeA11y = await oobeeA11yInit({
entryUrl: "https://govtechsg.github.io", // initial url to start scan
testLabel: "Demo Cypress Scan", // label for test
name: "Your Name",
email: "[email protected]",
includeScreenshots: true, // include screenshots of affected elements in the report
thresholds: { mustFix: undefined, goodToFix: undefined },
scanAboutMetadata: undefined,
zip: resultsZipName,
deviceChosen: "",
strategy: undefined,
ruleset: ["enable-wcag-aaa"],
specifiedMaxConcurrency: undefined,
followRobots: undefined,
(async () => {
const browser = await chromium.launch({
headless: false,
const context = await browser.newContext();
const page = await context.newPage();
const runPurpleA11yScan = async (elementsToScan, gradingReadabilityFlag) => {
const scanRes = await page.evaluate(
async ({ elementsToScan, gradingReadabilityFlag }) => await runA11yScan(elementsToScan, gradingReadabilityFlag),
{ elementsToScan, gradingReadabilityFlag },
await oobeeA11y.pushScanResults(scanRes);
oobeeA11y.testThresholds(); // test the accumulated number of issue occurrences against specified thresholds. If exceed, terminate oobeeA11y instance.
await page.goto('https://govtechsg.github.io/purple-banner-embeds/purple-integrated-scan-example.htm');
await page.evaluate(oobeeA11y.getScripts());
const sentences = await page.evaluate(() => extractText());
const gradingReadabilityFlag = await oobeeA11y.gradeReadability(sentences);
await runPurpleA11yScan([], gradingReadabilityFlag);;
await page.getByRole('button', { name: 'Click Me' }).click();
// Run a scan on <input> and <button> elements
await runPurpleA11yScan(['input', 'button'])
// ---------------------
await context.close();
await browser.close();
await oobeeA11y.terminate();
Run your test with node oobeeA11y-playwright-demo.js
You will see Oobee results generated in results
Click here to see an example usage in Playwright (typescript)
Create a package.json
by running npm init
. Accept the default options or customise it as needed.
Change the type of npm package to module by running npm pkg set type="module"
Install the following node dependencies by running npm install playwright @govtechsg/oobee typescript --save-dev
and npx playwright install
Create a tsconfig.json
in the root directory and add the following:
"compilerOptions": {
"outDir": "./dist",
"allowJs": true,
"target": "es2021",
"module": "nodenext",
"rootDir": "./src",
"skipLibCheck": true
"include": ["./src/**/*"]
Navigate to node_modules/@govtechsg/oobee
and run npm install
and npm run build
within the folder to install remaining Oobee dependencies:
cd node_modules/@govtechsg/oobee
npm install
npm run build
cd ../../..
Create a sub-folder and Playwright test file src/oobeeA11y-playwright-demo.ts
with the following contents:
import { Browser, BrowserContext, Page, chromium } from "playwright";
import oobeeA11yInit from "@govtechsg/oobee";
import { extractText } from "@govtechsg/oobee/dist/crawlers/custom/extractText.js";
declare const runA11yScan: (
elementsToScan?: string[],
gradingReadabilityFlag?: string,
) => Promise<any>;
interface ViewportSettings {
width: number;
height: number;
interface Thresholds {
mustFix: number;
goodToFix: number;
interface ScanAboutMetadata {
browser: string;
// viewport used in tests to optimise screenshots
const viewportSettings: ViewportSettings = { width: 1920, height: 1040 };
// specifies the number of occurrences before error is thrown for test failure
const thresholds: Thresholds = { mustFix: 20, goodToFix: 25 };
// additional information to include in the "Scan About" section of the report
const scanAboutMetadata: ScanAboutMetadata = { browser: 'Chrome (Desktop)' };
const oobeeA11y = await oobeeA11yInit({
entryUrl: "https://govtechsg.github.io", // initial url to start scan
testLabel: "Demo Cypress Scan", // label for test
name: "Your Name",
email: "[email protected]",
includeScreenshots: true, // include screenshots of affected elements in the report
thresholds: { mustFix: undefined, goodToFix: undefined },
scanAboutMetadata: undefined,
zip: resultsZipName,
deviceChosen: "",
strategy: undefined,
ruleset: ["enable-wcag-aaa"],
specifiedMaxConcurrency: undefined,
followRobots: undefined,
(async () => {
const browser: Browser = await chromium.launch({
headless: false,
const context: BrowserContext = await browser.newContext();
const page: Page = await context.newPage();
const runPurpleA11yScan = async (elementsToScan?: string[], gradingReadabilityFlag?: string) => {
const scanRes = await page.evaluate(
async ({ elementsToScan, gradingReadabilityFlag }) => await runA11yScan(elementsToScan, gradingReadabilityFlag),
{ elementsToScan, gradingReadabilityFlag },
await oobeeA11y.pushScanResults(scanRes);
oobeeA11y.testThresholds(); // test the accumulated number of issue occurrences against specified thresholds. If exceed, terminate oobeeA11y instance.
await page.goto('https://govtechsg.github.io/purple-banner-embeds/purple-integrated-scan-example.htm');
await page.evaluate(oobeeA11y.getScripts());
const sentences = await page.evaluate(() => extractText());
const gradingReadabilityFlag = await oobeeA11y.gradeReadability(sentences);
await runPurpleA11yScan([], gradingReadabilityFlag);
await page.getByRole('button', { name: 'Click Me' }).click();
// Run a scan on <input> and <button> elements
await runPurpleA11yScan(['input', 'button'])
// ---------------------
await context.close();
await browser.close();
await oobeeA11y.terminate();
Compile your typescript code with npx tsc
Run your test with node dist/oobeeA11y-playwright-demo.js
You will see Oobee results generated in results
Click here to see an example automated web crawler login (javascript)
import { chromium } from 'playwright';
import { exec } from 'child_process';
const loginAndCaptureHeaders = async (url, email, password) => {
const browser = await chromium.launch({ headless: true });
const page = await browser.newPage();
await page.goto(url);
await page.fill('input[name="email"]', email);
await page.fill('input[name="password"]', password);
const [response] = await Promise.all([
// Format cookie retrieved from page
const formatCookies = cookies => {
return cookies.map(cookie => `cookie ${cookie.name}=${cookie.value}`).join('; ');
// Retrieve cookies after login
let cookies = await page.context().cookies();
const formattedCookies = formatCookies(cookies);
// Close browser
await browser.close();
return formattedCookies;
const runPurpleA11yScan = command => {
exec(command, (error, stdout, stderr) => {
if (error) {
console.error(`Error: ${error.message}`);
if (stderr) {
const runScript = () => {
// Test example with authenticationtest.com
'[email protected]',
.then(formattedCookies => {
console.log('Cookies retrieved.\n');
// where -m "..." are the headers needed in the format "header1 value1, header2 value2" etc
// where -u ".../loginSuccess/" is the destination page after login
const command = `npm run cli -- -c website -u "https://authenticationtest.com/loginSuccess/" -p 1 -k "Your Name:[email protected]" -m "${formattedCookies}"`;
console.log(`Executing PurpleA11y scan command:\n> ${command}\n`);
.catch(err => {
console.error('Error:', err);
Click here to see an example automated web crawler login (typescript)
import { chromium, Browser, Page, Cookie } from 'playwright';
import { exec } from 'child_process';
const loginAndCaptureHeaders = async (url: string, email: string, password: string): Promise<string> => {
const browser: Browser = await chromium.launch({ headless: true });
const page: Page = await browser.newPage();
await page.goto(url);
await page.fill('input[name="email"]', email);
await page.fill('input[name="password"]', password);
const [response] = await Promise.all([
// Format cookie retrieved from page
const formatCookies = (cookies: Cookie[]): string => {
return cookies.map(cookie => `cookie ${cookie.name}=${cookie.value}`).join('; ');
// Retrieve cookies after login
let cookies: Cookie[] = await page.context().cookies();
const formattedCookies: string = formatCookies(cookies);
// Close browser
await browser.close();
return formattedCookies;
const runPurpleA11yScan = (command: string): void => {
exec(command, (error, stdout, stderr) => {
if (error) {
console.error(`Error: ${error.message}`);
if (stderr) {
const runScript = (): void => {
// Test example with authenticationtest.com
'[email protected]',
.then((formattedCookies: string) => {
console.log('Cookies retrieved.\n');
// where -m "..." are the headers needed in the format "header1 value1, header2 value2" etc
// where -u ".../loginSuccess/" is the destination page after login
const command: string = `npm run cli -- -c website -u "https://authenticationtest.com/loginSuccess/" -p 1 -k "Your Name:[email protected]" -m "${formattedCookies}"`;
console.log(`Executing PurpleA11y scan command:\n> ${command}\n`);
.catch((err: Error) => {
console.error('Error:', err);