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Migration Guide

From version 1.x.x to 2.x.x

Architectural Changes

In version 1, we use @govtechsg/sgds as a dependency to style the web components. While that saved us a lot of time building the web components and reduced maintenance overload across all our SGDS repositories, it has several drawbacks like big bundle size per component which CSS cannot be purged and customisation limitations by css properties.

In version 2, we rectified the issues by changing up the architecture of the library. Each component only carries their specific styles and any common styles that are shared are kept to a minimal. We also introduced a global css file to be imported with the components. The global css file contains all the css properties tokens and values referenced by the components.

Package Updates

We took this opportunity to upgrade our dependency packages.

Not loading the polyfill by default will also allow sites to opt out of it altogether. This means until the browser ships scoped registries, the developer can choose to fall back to the global registry, by not loading the polyfill. This will save bandwidth & complexity since it doesn't need to be loaded by the client in that case. Source

Breaking Changes

Import of a global css file is now required

In version 1, only import of the entry point is required

import "@govtechsg/sgds-web-component"

In version 2, import of global css file is required

import "@govtechsg/sgds-web-component/themes/day.css";
import "@govtechsg/sgds-web-component"

Removal of props *Classes from components API

Due to the software architecture changes, props *Classes are no longer relevant.

The following components and their respective *Classes prop are affected in version 2

Component *Classes prop removed
sgds-accordion-item accordionItemClasses
sgds-alert alertClasses
sgds-badge badgeClasses
sgds-button buttonClasses
sgds-input inputClasses
sgds-progress progressClasses
sgds-spinner spinnerClasses
sgds-tab-group tabsClasses, bodyClasses
sgds-textarea textareaClasses
sgds-toast toastClasses

Change in CSS properties names

We made our naming conventions for css properties stricter Here are the css properties renamed in version 2

Component css properties in v1 renamed css properties in v2
sgds-datepicker --datepicker-closebutton-bg-color --datepicker-close-btn-bg
--datepicker-closebutton-hover-bg-color --datepicker-close-btn-hover-bg
--datepicker-hover-bg-color --datepicker-hover-bg
--datepicker-bg-color --datepicker-bg
--datepicker-closebutton-color --datepicker-close-btn-color
--datepicker-selected-date-bg-color --datepicker-selected-date-bg
--datepicker-selected-date-text-color --datepicker-selected-date-color
sgds-drawer --sgds-drawer-size --drawer-size
--sgds-drawer-padding --drawer-padding
--sgds-drawer-background-color --drawer-bg
-sgds-drawer-button-gap --drawer-button-gap
sgds-file-upload --fileupload-file-icon-fill --file-upload-left-icon-color
--fileupload-remove-icon-fill --file-upload-remove-icon-color
sgds-toast --fileupload-remove-icon-hover-fill --file-upload-remove-icon-hover-color
sgds-mainnav-item --mainnav-item-borderBottom-width --mainnav-item-border-bottom-width
sgds-mainnav --mainnav-background-color --mainnav-bg
--mainnav-borderBottom-width --mainnav-border-bottom-width
--mainnav-borderBottom-color --mainnav-border-bottom-color
sgds-modal --modal-panel-background-color --modal-panel-bg
--modal-overlay-background-color --modal-overlay-bg
sgds-pagination --pagination-bg-color --pagination-bg
--pagination-hover-bg-color --pagination-hover-bg
--pagination-active-bg-color --pagination-active-bg
--pagination-disabled-bg-color --pagination-disabled-bg
sgds-sidenav-item --sidenav-item-padding-x --sidenav-item-btn-padding-x
sgds-sidenav-item --sidenav-item-padding-y --sidenav-item-btn-padding-y
sgds-sidenav-item --sidenav-item-button-border-left-width --sidenav-item-btn-border-left-width

Deleted CSS properties in some components

We deleted some css properties in some components that have to maintain its style.

Component css properties removed in v2 notes
sgds-masthead --masthead-font-family
sgds-mainnav-item --mainnav-item-theme-color replaced with --mainnav-theme-color in
sgds-pagination --pagination-hover-border-color

sgds-badge: Renamed isLight to outlined prop

isLight prop is now renamed to outlined for better naming consistency.

sgds-toast: Status and bg prop removed

status and bg prop is removed in favour of variant prop for better naming consistency. The default value of variant is now info.

sgds-progress-bar : animated and striped prop removed

animated and striped prop are removed from v2.0 onwards



The following types in variant prop are deprecated in v2 and will be removed in v3.

  • All outline-* types. Instead outlined type button is introduced.
  • Success, warning, light, dark and info variants