Before working on a computer vision solution, the data science team at Adventure Works wants to standarize on a data science development environment.
After provisioning the development environment, you can use it to explore the images that Adventure Works has collected, and prepare them for use in training a machine learning model.
This challenge consists of three tasks:
- Provision a Data Science Virtual Machine in Azure
- Explore the JupyterHub Environment
- Prepare Image Data for Machine Learning
Each task includes some detailed requirements and hints to help you. Additionally, there's a References section at the bottom of this page with links to useful resources.
In this Hack, you will use the Azure-based Data Science Virtual Machine (DSVM) as a development environment for machine learning. This virtual machine image includes essential data science tools, including the Jupyterhub notebook environment; in which you will create and run Python code.
To set up the environment, sign into your Azure subscription the Azure portal, and create an Azure Data Science Virtual Machine (DSVM). The following DSVM configuration has been found to work well, and is the recommended environment for this hack:
- DSVM Image: Data Science Virtual Machine for Linux (Ubuntu)
- Region: Any available region
- Size: NC6 (Filter by Family to list GPU enabled images)
- Authentication type: Password
- Username: (Specify a lowercase user name of your choice)
- Password: (Specify a complex password)
After the DSVM has been created, connect to Jupyterhub and log in using the username and password you specified when provisioning the DSVM.
- If you are using an Azure subscription provided as an employee benefit, the ability to create a GPU-based VM may be restricted to specific regions. If you find that no GPU images are available, go back, change regions, and try again.
- When provisioning the DSVM, specify a lowercase user name and be sure to choose Password as the authentication type.
- Jupyterhub is at https://your.dsvm.ip.address:8000. For information about using Jupyterhub, see this video or this document.
- To get to the Jupyterhub, you must click through the non-private connection warnings in browser - this is expected behavior.
- If Jupyterhub takes a while to load, click the jupyter logo to open the folder tree page.
See the References section below for more guidance and help.
In the Jupyterhub folder tree, note that there are already folders and notebooks that you can use to learn about various data science frameworks and technologies.
In the New menu, click Terminal to create a new terminal session, which should open with the working directory set to your home folder (username@dsvm:/data/username). The terminal shell is a useful way to enter operating system (OS) commands.
Enter the following command to change the current directory to the root of the JupyterHub notebooks tree:
cd notebooks
Now enter the following command to clone this GitHub repository to this folder:
git clone
After the repo has been downloaded, switch back to the tab containing the folder tree, refresh the view if necessary, and verify that the ready2019 folder has been downloaded.
In the ready2019/notebooks folder, open the 01-DataPrep.ipynb notebook and examine the notes and code it contains. Run each code cell, and review the output. The code in the notebook:
- Downloads and extracts a folder hierarchy of image files that you will use in subsequent challenges.
- Displays the first image in each folder - each folder represents a category or class of product image.
- Standardizes the images so that they are a common format and size.
Note: In this challenge, the code has been provided for you to enable you to get familiar with the Jupyter notebook environment. However, you should take the time to review the code and ensure you understand it, because in later challenges you will need to write your own code to perform similar tasks!
Use the Python 3.5 kernel in Jupyterhub on your DSVM.
The os Python module includes functions for interacting with the file system.
The matplotlib Python library provides functions for plotting visualizations and images.
To ensure that plots are displayed in a notebook, you must run the following magic command before creating the first plot:
%matplotlib inline
Images are essentially just numeric arrays. In the case of color images, they are three-dimensional arrays that contain a two-dimensional array of pixels for each color channel. For example, a 128x128 Jpeg image is represented as three 128x128 pixel arrays (one each for the red, green, and blue color channels). The Python NumPy library provides a great way to work with multidimensional arrays. For example, you can use:
to exlicitly convert an image object to a numpy array.my_array.shape
to determine the size of the array dimensions - an image has three dimensions (height, width, and channels)
There are several Python libraries for working with images, as noted in the References section. You can use whatever combination of these packages works best to process your images, and rely on the numpy array data type as an intermediary format.
The PIL library uses a native format for images, but you can easily convert PIL images to numpy arrays using the
function, and you can convert a numpy array to a PIL Image object by using theImage.fromarray()
function. You can also convert PIL images between image formats (for example, from a 4-channel PNG to a 3-channel JPG) using themy_img.convert()
function. -
To open a file as a PIL Image object, use the
function. To save a PIL image as a file, use
function. -
A common strategy to resize an image while maintaining its aspect ratio is to:
- Scale the image so that its largest dimension (height or width) is set to the target size for that dimension. You can use the PIL
method to accomplish this. - Create a new image of the required size and shape with an appropriate background color. You can use the PIL
function to accomplish this. - Paste the rescaled image into the center of the new background image. You can use the PIL
function to accomplish this.
- Scale the image so that its largest dimension (height or width) is set to the target size for that dimension. You can use the PIL
When using matplotlib to plot multiple images in a grid format, create a figure and add a subplot for each image by using the
function. The parameters for this function are:- The total number of rows in the grid.
- The total number of columns in the grid.
- The ordinal position of this subplot in the grid (starting with 1 in the top-left cell).
To complete this challenge successfully, you must run the code in the DataPrep.ipynb notebook in the Jupyterhub environment hosted by your DSVM instance. The final code cell in the notebook should display the original and resized version of the first image in each folder, similar to the following:
When your coach has verified your team's solution, you can proceed to the next challenge.