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jochengcd edited this page Jul 29, 2017 · 23 revisions

Where to find us

Planning, discussion and review of technical work for the Grand Comics Database primarily takes place on the gcd-tech mailing list.

Technical Volunteer Requirements (learn what's involved in doing tech work for the GCD!)

Large Project List

These are the really big things we'd like to work on in the next few years. Some are already underway. Others may not start for a year or more.


This will use Django Rest Framework 2.x and start out with a basic read-only API for accessing the same public data that is provided in the SQL dumps.

This is an additional site that will sit on top of the GCD proper and allow users to store information about their own collections.

UI Revamp with Bootstrap

The UI needs a revamp. The project is already planning to use Bootstrap for the UI, and we would like to do the same with the main site. Other front-end technologies may be endorsed as well as we flesh out this project.

Who's Who implementation and integration

The GCD is the custodian of Jerry Bails' Who's Who with a mandate to integrate it with the current GCD and support updates to the Who's Who data. A working committee set up by the GCD Board has produced a set of requirements for this work which will be linked to this wiki at some point.