Co-chairs / Organizers:
- Timothy G. Mattson, The Human Learning Group
- Benjamin Brock, Intel, Parallel Computing Lab
- Scott McMillan, CMU Software Engineering Institute
The GraphBLAS Forum members and anyone else is invited to attend this meeting that occurs every year in September at the IEEE High Performance Extreme Computing (HPEC) Conference.
When: 5:30-7:30PM EDT Tuesday, September 24.
- Welcome Message, Tim Mattson/Ben Brock
- Report on the binsparse Specification, Ben Brock
- Implementor Updates
- SuiteSparse Update, Tim Davis
- Python GraphBLAS Update, Jim Kitchen/Erik Welch
- Julia GraphBLAS Update, Raye Kimmerer
- Postgres GraphBLAS Update, Michel Pelletier
- Wild and crazy ideas for GraphBLAS 3.0, Raye Kimmerer
- Keynote: The future of sparse computing is compilers, Fredrik Kjolstad, Stanford
- Community Discussion
When: 5:30PM EDT Tuesday, September 26
- Welcome Message, Tim Mattson/Scott McMillan
- Keynote: GraphBLAS and NetworkX, Erik Welch
- GraphBLAS C Committee Update, Tim Mattson
- GraphBLAS C++ Committee Update, Benjamin Brock
- Implementor Updates
- SuiteSparse Update, Tim Davis
- Python GraphBLAS Update, Jim Kitchen
- Go GraphBLAS Update, Pascal Costanza
- Community Discussion:
- Passing the Baton, Tim Mattson/Scott McMillan
- It is time to stop writing API Specifications!, Jose Moreira
When: 5:30PM EDT Tuesday, September 20
- Introduction and State of the GraphBLAS Committees, Tim Mattson
- GraphBLAS C Committee Update, Manoj Kumar
- GraphBLAS C++ Spec Update, Benjamin Brock
- LAGraph Update, TBD
- Implementor Updates
- SuiteSparse Update, Tim Davis
- Python GraphBLAS Update, Erik Welch and Jim Kitchen
- Non-Blocking C++ GraphBLAS Update, Albert-Jan Yzelman
- Keynote: What GraphBLAS Got Wrong and How to Fix It, John Gilbert
- Welcome Message, Mattson/McMillan
- GraphBLAS in C++, Benjamin Brock, UC Berkeley
- Updates from the Ecosystem (5 minutes per)
- SuiteSparse GraphBLAS, Tim Davis
- GraphBLAS Work at Lucata, Jason Riedy
- GBTL and GraphBLAS with C++, Scott McMillan
- pygraphblas: A Python API for GraphBLAS, Michel Pelletier
- grblas: A High-Level API for GraphBLAS in Python, Erik Welch
- SuiteSparseGraphBLAS.jl: A Julia Package for GraphBLAS, Will Kimmerer
- Implementing GraphBLAS with MLIR, Jim Kitchen
- Binary Storage Formats for GraphS, Erik Welch, Anaconda
- Open Discussion