Goal of this project is to create a base empty project for everyone to use.
Project is built on these technologies:
- Git
- Source control
- CMake
- Used as build tool
- Doxygen generation
- CTest - for running tests
- CPack - for packaging the releases
- NSIS - windows installer
- RPM / DEB - linux packages
- compressed archives
- Doxygen
- For documentation and API reference generation
- Generates wiki from markdown files
- Custom modern style included
- to try modern style see doc/doxygen/Doxyfile.in line 3
- if you do not care feel free to delete
- Graphviz - for creating UML diagrams with doxygen
- clang-format
- Configuration file in the root of project for easy formating
- Clang-format automatically uses nearest .clang-format file
- Target format will run format on all source files
- clang-tidy
- With target tidy you can run static code analysis
- cppcheck
- With target cppcheck you can run static code analysis
- Catch
- Modern unit test framework
- Downloaded via externalproject from external/CMakeLists.txt
There is extra support for these:
- .ycm_extra_conf.py for ycmd support
- Smart autocompletion, goto def, etc.
- Works in Vim, Emacs, Sublime Text 3, Atom, Visual Studio Code
- Site: github.com/Valloric/ycmd
- Sublime text 3 project file
- with build system targets
To showcase PlantUML, here is a graph for you:
\startuml top to bottom direction
frame "Internal network" {
frame "git server" {
artifact "git repository" as gitS
frame "build server" {
artifact "build git repository" as gitB
node doxygen
node "build system" as buildB
frame "developer machine" as dev {
artifact "local git repository" as gitD
node "build system" as buildD
artifact "binaries" as releaseD
gitD --> buildD
buildD --> releaseD
gitS --> gitB
gitS <--> gitD
frame "internal web server" {
artifact "generated documentation" as doc
gitB --> doxygen
doxygen --> doc
frame "external web server" { artifact "customer support, etc." artifact "released versions" as release }
gitB --> buildB buildB -right-> release \enduml
This graph was generated from this:
top to bottom direction
frame "Internal network" {
frame "git server" {
artifact "git repository" as gitS
frame "build server" {
artifact "build git repository" as gitB
node doxygen
node "build system" as buildB
frame "developer machine" as dev {
artifact "local git repository" as gitD
node "build system" as buildD
artifact "binaries" as releaseD
gitD --> buildD
buildD --> releaseD
gitS --> gitB
gitS <--> gitD
frame "internal web server" {
artifact "generated documentation" as doc
gitB --> doxygen
doxygen --> doc
frame "external web server" {
artifact "customer support, etc."
artifact "released versions" as release
gitB --> buildB
buildB -right-> release
For more inspiration on what can be done with PlantUML look at their pages plantuml.com, and see #main function for example sequence diagram.