Clam was browsing when suddenly a popup appeared saying "GET YOUR FREE FLAGS HERE!!!" along with a download. Can you fill out the survey for free flags?
Find it on the shell server at /problems/2021/free_flags or over netcat at nc 21703.
Author: aplet123
We're given a relatively small binary file and a socket to connect to.
uint64_t main(void)
int32_t iVar1;
uint64_t uVar2;
undefined8 extraout_RDX;
int64_t iVar3;
char *pcVar4;
undefined4 uVar5;
int64_t in_FS_OFFSET;
int64_t var_140h;
int64_t var_120h;
uint32_t var_118h;
uint32_t var_114h;
char *s1;
int64_t var_8h;
var_8h = *(int64_t *)(in_FS_OFFSET + 0x28);
var_120h._0_4_ = 0;
sym.imp.puts("Congratulations! You are the 1000th CTFer!!! Fill out this short survey to get FREE FLAGS!!!");
sym.imp.puts("What number am I thinking of???");
pcVar4 = (char *)&var_114h;
sym.imp.__isoc99_scanf("%d", pcVar4);
if (var_114h == 0x7a69) {
sym.imp.puts("What two numbers am I thinking of???");
pcVar4 = (char *)&var_118h;
sym.imp.__isoc99_scanf("%d %d", pcVar4, (int64_t)&var_120h + 4);
if ((var_118h + var_120h._4_4_ == 0x476) && (var_118h * var_120h._4_4_ == 0x49f59)) {
sym.imp.puts("What animal am I thinking of???");
sym.imp.__isoc99_scanf(" %256s", &s1);
iVar3 = sym.imp.strcspn(&s1, 0x202d);
*(undefined *)((int64_t)&s1 + iVar3) = 0;
pcVar4 = "banana";
iVar1 = sym.imp.strcmp(&s1, "banana");
if (iVar1 == 0) {
sym.imp.puts("Wow!!! Now I can sell your information to the Russian government!!!");
uVar5 = 0x2156;
sym.imp.puts("Oh yeah, here\'s the FREE FLAG:");
var_120h._0_4_ = 0;
} else {
uVar5 = 0x20ac;
sym.imp.puts("Wrong >:((((");
var_120h._0_4_ = 1;
} else {
uVar5 = 0x20ac;
sym.imp.puts("Wrong >:((((");
var_120h._0_4_ = 1;
} else {
uVar5 = 0x20ac;
sym.imp.puts("Wrong >:((((");
var_120h._0_4_ = 1;
if (*(int64_t *)(in_FS_OFFSET + 0x28) != var_8h) {
iVar3 = 0;
do {
uVar2 = (**(code **)(segment.LOAD3 + iVar3 * 8))(uVar5, pcVar4, extraout_RDX);
iVar3 = iVar3 + 1;
} while (iVar3 != 1);
return uVar2;
return (uint64_t)(uint32_t)var_120h;
The code is fairly easy to read. There are 3 conditions we have to satisfy to get the flag:
if (var_114h == 0x7a69)
The first condition is satisfied by entering 31337
if ((var_118h + var_120h._4_4_ == 0x476) && (var_118h * var_120h._4_4_ == 0x49f59))
The second condition requires 2 numbers that add to 0x476 and multiply to 0x49f59.
If we test factors of 0x49f59, we find that 419
and 723
satisfy these requirements.
iVar1 = sym.imp.strcmp(&s1, "banana");
if (iVar1 == 0)
The third condition is satisfied by entering banana
-> % nc 21703
Congratulations! You are the 1000th CTFer!!! Fill out this short survey to get FREE FLAGS!!!
What number am I thinking of???
What two numbers am I thinking of???
419 723
What animal am I thinking of???
Wow!!! Now I can sell your information to the Russian government!!!
Oh yeah, here's the FREE FLAG: