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File metadata and controls

764 lines (536 loc) · 13.2 KB

Format details and implementation

The sections below describe some details of the SimaPro CSV format and how it is implemented in this library.

File encoding

SimaPro uses Windows-1252 as default file encoding for reading and writing. You can set the file encoding in the respective methods of reading and writing, but you should make sure that you use Windows-1252 for files that directly come from SimaPro or should be read by it.

The file header

A SimaPro CSV file starts with a header which looks like this:

{Date: 2019-10-24}
{Time: 18:35:10}
{Project: Methods}
{CSV Format version: 8.0.5}
{CSV separator: Semicolon}
{Decimal separator: .}
{Date separator: -}
{Short date format: yyyy-MM-dd}
{Selection: Selection (1)}
{Related objects (system descriptions, substances, units, etc.): Yes}
{Include sub product stages and processes: No}
{Open library: 'Methods'}

This header starts with the first line and each header entry is enclosed in curly brackets. Before you read the actual data from the file you need this information to parse the data into the correct format because things like the column or decimal separator are defined in this header. This makes it a bit hard to read the format because you need to jump back to the top when starting reading the file with the assumption of another column separator until you come to the CSV separator entry.

Blocks, sections, rows

After the header, a SimaPro CSV file contains a set of blocks with data. All data blocks start with a header and end with the keyword End. For example the following is a block of quantities:



A block can contain data rows directly, like in the example above, or contain sections with data rows. For example a process block starts with the header Process and contains a set of sections like Category type, Process identifier, etc:


Category type

Process identifier

Unit process



As for the blocks each section has a header, however it does not end with the keyword End but with an empty line. Data rows of a block or section are directly located in the next line under the header. A section of a block starts with an empty line.

Data types


Booleans are represented in the SimaPro CSV format with the following strings:

  • Yes means true
  • No means false

Numeric data

Sometimes the value of an attribute can contain a formula string or a floating point number. The data type of these fields is then Numeric which has specific methods for testing and getting the field's value.

Identification of entities

In general, things are identified by name in the SimaPro CSV format. Flows are identified by their category type, which is an enumeration, and their name (thus, you can have different flows with the same name for different category types). Elementary, product, and product-stage flows have different category types respectively.

There are some problems with this approach. For example, assemblies have a section for inputs of materials or other assemblies, but there are only the names of the flows available in the section and if there is an assembly and material with the same name in the database, you have a problem.

Reference data blocks

System descriptions

A system description block in the CSV looks like this:

System description

system name


text for description

text for sub-systems

Cut-off rules
text for cut-off rules

Energy model
text for energy model

Transport model
text for transport model

Waste model
text for waste model

Other assumptions
text for other assumptions

Other information
text for other information

Allocation rules
text for allocation rules


Literature references

A literature reference block in the CSV looks like this:

Literature reference

US EPA (1995)

Documentation link


Test description



A block of quantities looks like this:




Each row in a quantity block represents a quantity. The attributes of a row are:

0    Name
1    Has dimension


A block of units looks like this:




Each row in a unit block represents a unit. The attributes of a unit are:

0    Name
1    Quantity
2    Conversion factor
3    Reference unit


There are two levels of parameters:

  • Database parameters
  • Project parameters

Furthermore, there are two types of parameters:

  • Input parameters: they are named values which can have an associated uncertainty.
  • Calculates parameters: they are expressions which can refer other parameters.

Input parameters

A block of database input parameters looks like this:

Database Input parameters
db_input_param;1;Lognormal;1;0;0;No;database parameter


While a block of project input parameters is as follows:

Project Input parameters
proj_input_param;32;Uniform;0;10;35;No;project input parameter


Each row is an input parameter with the following attributes:

0    Name
1    Value
2-5  Uncertainty
6    Is hidden
7    Comment

Calculated parameters

A block including the calculated parameters in the database level and in the project level:

Database Calculated parameters
db_calc_param;db_input_param * 3;calculated database parameter


Project Calculated parameters
proj_calc_param;db_input_param *4;project calculated parameter


Each row is a calculated parameter with the following attributes:

0    name
1    expression
2    comment

Elementary flows

Different blocks are presented for different elementary flow types:

Raw materials


Airborne emissions


Waterborne emissions


Final waste flows


Emissions to soil
1'-Acetoxysafrole;kg;034627-78-6;No formula available�


Non material emissions
Noise from bus km;km;;


Social issues
venting of argon, crude, liquid;kg;;


Economic issues
Sample economic issue;kg;;


The SimaPro CSV format uses different names to identify these types in different contexts.

Each row of one of these elementary flow blocks represent an elementary flow metadata with the following attributes:

0    name
1    unit
2    cas
3    comment
4    platform ID

Uncertainty record

An uncertainty distribution can be stored in 4 slots of a CSV row (as in the previous input parameters examples). The first slot contains the distribution type:

  • Undefined
  • Lognormal
  • Normal
  • Triangle
  • Uniform

The other slots contain the distribution parameters.


A process block has the following sections:

Single sections

Sections with only one entry (no rows). In code block their corresponding type in the API:

  • PlatformId String
  • Category type ProcessCategory
  • Process identifier String
  • Type ProcessType
  • Process name String
  • Status String
  • Time period String
  • Geography String
  • Technology String
  • Representativeness String
  • Multiple output allocation String
  • Substitution allocation String
  • Cut off rules String
  • Capital goods String
  • Boundary with nature String
  • Infrastructure Boolean
  • Date String
  • Record String
  • Generator String
  • Collection method String
  • Data treatment String
  • Verification String
  • Comment String
  • Allocation rules String

Row sections

Literature references

A literature reference row looks like this in the CSV:

Literature references
Ecoinvent 3;is copyright protected: false


0    name
1    comment
System description

A system description row example in the CSV could be:

System description
U.S. LCI Database;system description comment


0    name
1    comment

A product block in the CSV looks like follows. It can have multiple lines (one for each product):

my product;kg;0,5;100;not defined;Agricultural;


0    name
1    unit
2    amount
3    allocation
4    waste type
5    category
6    comment
7    platform ID
Technosphere exchanges

Different blocks are presented for different technosphere exchange types:

Avoided products
Wool, at field/US;kg;1;Undefined;0;0;0;

Soy oil, refined, at plant/kg/RNA;kg;0;Undefined;0;0;0;

Electricity, biomass, at power plant/US;kWh;0,1;Undefined;0;0;0;


0    name
1    unit
2    amount
3-6  uncertainty
7    comment
8    platform ID
Elementary flow exchanges

There is one block for each elementary flow type:


Emissions to air
(+-)-Citronellol;low. pop.;kg;1;Lognormal;2;0;0;(1,2,3,4,5) with comment

Emissions to water

Emissions to soil


0    name
1    subcompartment
2    unit
3    amount
4-7  uncertainty
8    comment
9    platform ID
Input and calculated parameters

Analogous to the explained rows in the Reference data section, but applied to the process level.

Waste treatment and waste scenario

A waste treatment block looks like this:

Waste treatment
Waste treatment 1;kg;1;All waste types;Others;

While a waste scenario block is as follows:

Waste scenario
Waste scenario 1;kg;1;All waste types;Others;

Both have one line with the following attributes:

0    name
1    unit
2    amount
3    waste type
4    category
5    comment
6    platform ID

Waste fractions

There are two types of waste fractions:

  • Separated waste: Defines the waste treatments of the separated fractions.
  • Remaining waste: Defines the waste treatment of the remaining fractions after the separation processes.

A separated waste and a remaining waste blocks looks like this in the CSV:

Separated waste
Waste treatment 1;All waste types;90;

Remaining waste
Waste treatment 2;Plastics;100;

Each block could have several rows with the following attributes:

0    waste treatment
1    waste type
2    fraction (%)
3    comment

Product stages

A product stage block has the following sections:

Single sections

Sections with only one entry (no rows). In code block their corresponding type in the API:

  • Category ProductStageCategory
  • Status String

Row sections


The products block looks like this:



0    name
1    unit
2    amount
3    category
4    comment
5    platform ID
Technosphere exchanges

Analogous to Processes, but with different types. On the one hand, there are single row exchanges:

  • Assembly
  • Reference assembly
  • Waste or disposal scenario

On the other hand, there are technosphere exchange blocks:

  • Materials and assemblies
  • Processes
  • Waste scenarios
  • Dissassemblies
  • Disposal scenarios
  • Reuses
  • Additional life cycles
Input and calculated parameters

Analogous to Processes.


An impact method block has the following sections:

Single sections

Sections with only one entry (no rows). In code block their corresponding type in the API:

  • Name String
  • Comment String
  • Category String
  • Use Damage Assessment Boolean
  • Use Normalization Boolean
  • Use Weighting Boolean
  • Use Addition Boolean
  • Weighting unit String

Row sections


A version block looks like this:



0    major
1    minor
Impact category

An impact category block is as the following example:

Impact category
Climate change, ecosystem quality, short term;PDF.m2.yr


0    name
1    unit

Each impact category has a Substances section with the characterization factors:


Each row has the following attributes:

0    compartment
1    subcompartment
2    flow
3    cas number
4    factor
5    unit
Damage category

A damage category block example could be:

Damage category
Ecosystem quality;PDF.m2.yr


0    name
1    unit

Each damage category has a Impact categories section with the damage factors:

Impact categories
Climate change, ecosystem quality, long term;1.00E+00
Climate change, ecosystem quality, short term;1.00E+00

Each row has the following attributes:

0    impact category
1    factor

Normalization-Weighting set

A normalization and weighting set looks like this in the CSV file:

Normalization-Weighting set
IMPACT World+ (Stepwise 2006 values)


0    name

Each set has a Normalization and a Weighting sections:

Human health;1.37E+01
Ecosystem quality;1.01E-04

Human health;5401.459854
Ecosystem quality;1386.138614

With the following attributes:

0    impact category
1    factor