diff --git a/src/gt4py/next/iterator/transforms/pass_manager_legacy.py b/src/gt4py/next/iterator/transforms/pass_manager_legacy.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 94c962e92d..0000000000
--- a/src/gt4py/next/iterator/transforms/pass_manager_legacy.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,181 +0,0 @@
-# GT4Py - GridTools Framework
-# Copyright (c) 2014-2024, ETH Zurich
-# All rights reserved.
-# Please, refer to the LICENSE file in the root directory.
-# SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause
-# FIXME[#1582](tehrengruber): file should be removed after refactoring to GTIR
-import enum
-from typing import Callable, Optional
-from gt4py.eve import utils as eve_utils
-from gt4py.next import common
-from gt4py.next.iterator import ir as itir
-from gt4py.next.iterator.transforms import fencil_to_program, inline_fundefs
-from gt4py.next.iterator.transforms.collapse_list_get import CollapseListGet
-from gt4py.next.iterator.transforms.collapse_tuple import CollapseTuple
-from gt4py.next.iterator.transforms.constant_folding import ConstantFolding
-from gt4py.next.iterator.transforms.cse import CommonSubexpressionElimination
-from gt4py.next.iterator.transforms.eta_reduction import EtaReduction
-from gt4py.next.iterator.transforms.fuse_maps import FuseMaps
-from gt4py.next.iterator.transforms.inline_center_deref_lift_vars import InlineCenterDerefLiftVars
-from gt4py.next.iterator.transforms.inline_into_scan import InlineIntoScan
-from gt4py.next.iterator.transforms.inline_lambdas import InlineLambdas
-from gt4py.next.iterator.transforms.inline_lifts import InlineLifts
-from gt4py.next.iterator.transforms.merge_let import MergeLet
-from gt4py.next.iterator.transforms.normalize_shifts import NormalizeShifts
-from gt4py.next.iterator.transforms.propagate_deref import PropagateDeref
-from gt4py.next.iterator.transforms.scan_eta_reduction import ScanEtaReduction
-from gt4py.next.iterator.transforms.unroll_reduce import UnrollReduce
-class LiftMode(enum.Enum):
-    FORCE_INLINE = enum.auto()
-    USE_TEMPORARIES = enum.auto()
-def _inline_lifts(ir, lift_mode):
-    if lift_mode == LiftMode.FORCE_INLINE:
-        return InlineLifts().visit(ir)
-    elif lift_mode == LiftMode.USE_TEMPORARIES:
-        return InlineLifts(
-            flags=InlineLifts.Flag.INLINE_TRIVIAL_DEREF_LIFT
-            | InlineLifts.Flag.INLINE_DEREF_LIFT  # some tuple exprs found in FVM don't work yet.
-        ).visit(ir)
-    else:
-        raise ValueError()
-    return ir
-def _inline_into_scan(ir, *, max_iter=10):
-    for _ in range(10):
-        # in case there are multiple levels of lambdas around the scan we have to do multiple iterations
-        inlined = InlineIntoScan().visit(ir)
-        inlined = InlineLambdas.apply(inlined, opcount_preserving=True, force_inline_lift_args=True)
-        if inlined == ir:
-            break
-        ir = inlined
-    else:
-        raise RuntimeError(f"Inlining into 'scan' did not converge within {max_iter} iterations.")
-    return ir
-def apply_common_transforms(
-    ir: itir.Node,
-    *,
-    lift_mode=None,
-    offset_provider=None,
-    unroll_reduce=False,
-    common_subexpression_elimination=True,
-    force_inline_lambda_args=False,
-    unconditionally_collapse_tuples=False,
-    temporary_extraction_heuristics: Optional[
-        Callable[[itir.StencilClosure], Callable[[itir.Expr], bool]]
-    ] = None,
-    symbolic_domain_sizes: Optional[dict[str, str]] = None,
-    offset_provider_type: Optional[common.OffsetProviderType] = None,
-) -> itir.Program:
-    assert isinstance(ir, itir.FencilDefinition)
-    # TODO(havogt): if the runtime `offset_provider` is not passed, we cannot run global_tmps
-    if offset_provider_type is None:
-        offset_provider_type = common.offset_provider_to_type(offset_provider)
-    ir = fencil_to_program.FencilToProgram().apply(ir)
-    icdlv_uids = eve_utils.UIDGenerator()
-    if lift_mode is None:
-        lift_mode = LiftMode.FORCE_INLINE
-    assert isinstance(lift_mode, LiftMode)
-    ir = MergeLet().visit(ir)
-    ir = inline_fundefs.InlineFundefs().visit(ir)
-    ir = inline_fundefs.prune_unreferenced_fundefs(ir)  # type: ignore[arg-type] # all previous passes return itir.Program
-    ir = PropagateDeref.apply(ir)
-    ir = NormalizeShifts().visit(ir)
-    for _ in range(10):
-        inlined = ir
-        inlined = InlineCenterDerefLiftVars.apply(inlined, uids=icdlv_uids)  # type: ignore[arg-type]  # always a fencil
-        inlined = _inline_lifts(inlined, lift_mode)
-        inlined = InlineLambdas.apply(
-            inlined,
-            opcount_preserving=True,
-            force_inline_lift_args=(lift_mode == LiftMode.FORCE_INLINE),
-            # If trivial lifts are not inlined we might create temporaries for constants. In all
-            #  other cases we want it anyway.
-            force_inline_trivial_lift_args=True,
-        )
-        inlined = ConstantFolding.apply(inlined)
-        # This pass is required to be in the loop such that when an `if_` call with tuple arguments
-        # is constant-folded the surrounding tuple_get calls can be removed.
-        inlined = CollapseTuple.apply(
-            inlined,
-            offset_provider_type=offset_provider_type,
-            # TODO(tehrengruber): disabled since it increases compile-time too much right now
-            flags=~CollapseTuple.Flag.PROPAGATE_TO_IF_ON_TUPLES,
-        )
-        # This pass is required such that a deref outside of a
-        # `tuple_get(make_tuple(let(...), ...))` call is propagated into the let after the
-        # `tuple_get` is removed by the `CollapseTuple` pass.
-        inlined = PropagateDeref.apply(inlined)
-        if inlined == ir:
-            break
-        ir = inlined
-    else:
-        raise RuntimeError("Inlining 'lift' and 'lambdas' did not converge.")
-    if lift_mode != LiftMode.FORCE_INLINE:
-        raise NotImplementedError()
-    # Since `CollapseTuple` relies on the type inference which does not support returning tuples
-    # larger than the number of closure outputs as given by the unconditional collapse, we can
-    # only run the unconditional version here instead of in the loop above.
-    if unconditionally_collapse_tuples:
-        ir = CollapseTuple.apply(
-            ir,
-            ignore_tuple_size=True,
-            offset_provider_type=offset_provider_type,
-            # TODO(tehrengruber): disabled since it increases compile-time too much right now
-            flags=~CollapseTuple.Flag.PROPAGATE_TO_IF_ON_TUPLES,
-        )
-    if lift_mode == LiftMode.FORCE_INLINE:
-        ir = _inline_into_scan(ir)
-    ir = NormalizeShifts().visit(ir)
-    ir = FuseMaps().visit(ir)
-    ir = CollapseListGet().visit(ir)
-    if unroll_reduce:
-        for _ in range(10):
-            unrolled = UnrollReduce.apply(ir, offset_provider_type=offset_provider_type)
-            if unrolled == ir:
-                break
-            ir = unrolled
-            ir = CollapseListGet().visit(ir)
-            ir = NormalizeShifts().visit(ir)
-            ir = _inline_lifts(ir, LiftMode.FORCE_INLINE)
-            ir = NormalizeShifts().visit(ir)
-        else:
-            raise RuntimeError("Reduction unrolling failed.")
-    ir = EtaReduction().visit(ir)
-    ir = ScanEtaReduction().visit(ir)
-    if common_subexpression_elimination:
-        ir = CommonSubexpressionElimination.apply(ir, offset_provider_type=offset_provider_type)  # type: ignore[type-var]  # always an itir.Program
-        ir = MergeLet().visit(ir)
-    ir = InlineLambdas.apply(
-        ir, opcount_preserving=True, force_inline_lambda_args=force_inline_lambda_args
-    )
-    assert isinstance(ir, itir.Program)
-    return ir
diff --git a/src/gt4py/next/program_processors/runners/dace.py b/src/gt4py/next/program_processors/runners/dace.py
index 95186e0b5d..1b3b930818 100644
--- a/src/gt4py/next/program_processors/runners/dace.py
+++ b/src/gt4py/next/program_processors/runners/dace.py
@@ -8,45 +8,34 @@
 import factory
+import gt4py._core.definitions as core_defs
+import gt4py.next.allocators as next_allocators
 from gt4py.next import backend
+from gt4py.next.otf import workflow
 from gt4py.next.program_processors.runners.dace_fieldview import workflow as dace_fieldview_workflow
-from gt4py.next.program_processors.runners.dace_iterator import workflow as dace_iterator_workflow
 from gt4py.next.program_processors.runners.gtfn import GTFNBackendFactory
-class DaCeIteratorBackendFactory(GTFNBackendFactory):
+class DaCeFieldviewBackendFactory(GTFNBackendFactory):
+    class Meta:
+        model = backend.Backend
     class Params:
-        otf_workflow = factory.SubFactory(
-            dace_iterator_workflow.DaCeWorkflowFactory,
-            device_type=factory.SelfAttribute("..device_type"),
-            use_field_canonical_representation=factory.SelfAttribute(
-                "..use_field_canonical_representation"
-            ),
+        name_device = "cpu"
+        name_cached = ""
+        name_postfix = ""
+        gpu = factory.Trait(
+            allocator=next_allocators.StandardGPUFieldBufferAllocator(),
+            device_type=next_allocators.CUPY_DEVICE or core_defs.DeviceType.CUDA,
+            name_device="gpu",
-        auto_optimize = factory.Trait(
-            otf_workflow__translation__auto_optimize=True, name_postfix="_opt"
+        cached = factory.Trait(
+            executor=factory.LazyAttribute(
+                lambda o: workflow.CachedStep(o.otf_workflow, hash_function=o.hash_function)
+            ),
+            name_cached="_cached",
-        use_field_canonical_representation: bool = False
-    name = factory.LazyAttribute(
-        lambda o: f"run_dace_{o.name_device}{o.name_temps}{o.name_cached}{o.name_postfix}.itir"
-    )
-    transforms = backend.LEGACY_TRANSFORMS
-run_dace_cpu = DaCeIteratorBackendFactory(cached=True, auto_optimize=True)
-run_dace_cpu_noopt = DaCeIteratorBackendFactory(cached=True, auto_optimize=False)
-run_dace_gpu = DaCeIteratorBackendFactory(gpu=True, cached=True, auto_optimize=True)
-run_dace_gpu_noopt = DaCeIteratorBackendFactory(gpu=True, cached=True, auto_optimize=False)
-itir_cpu = run_dace_cpu
-itir_gpu = run_dace_gpu
-class DaCeFieldviewBackendFactory(GTFNBackendFactory):
-    class Params:
+        device_type = core_defs.DeviceType.CPU
         otf_workflow = factory.SubFactory(
@@ -55,11 +44,16 @@ class Params:
         auto_optimize = factory.Trait(name_postfix="_opt")
     name = factory.LazyAttribute(
-        lambda o: f"run_dace_{o.name_device}{o.name_temps}{o.name_cached}{o.name_postfix}.gtir"
+        lambda o: f"run_dace_{o.name_device}{o.name_cached}{o.name_postfix}"
+    executor = factory.LazyAttribute(lambda o: o.otf_workflow)
+    allocator = next_allocators.StandardCPUFieldBufferAllocator()
     transforms = backend.DEFAULT_TRANSFORMS
-gtir_cpu = DaCeFieldviewBackendFactory(cached=True, auto_optimize=False)
-gtir_gpu = DaCeFieldviewBackendFactory(gpu=True, cached=True, auto_optimize=False)
+run_dace_cpu = DaCeFieldviewBackendFactory(cached=True, auto_optimize=True)
+run_dace_cpu_noopt = DaCeFieldviewBackendFactory(cached=True, auto_optimize=False)
+run_dace_gpu = DaCeFieldviewBackendFactory(gpu=True, cached=True, auto_optimize=True)
+run_dace_gpu_noopt = DaCeFieldviewBackendFactory(gpu=True, cached=True, auto_optimize=False)
diff --git a/src/gt4py/next/program_processors/runners/dace_common/dace_backend.py b/src/gt4py/next/program_processors/runners/dace_common/dace_backend.py
index 56ba08015b..90e7e07ad5 100644
--- a/src/gt4py/next/program_processors/runners/dace_common/dace_backend.py
+++ b/src/gt4py/next/program_processors/runners/dace_common/dace_backend.py
@@ -24,7 +24,7 @@
     cp = None
-def _convert_arg(arg: Any, sdfg_param: str, use_field_canonical_representation: bool) -> Any:
+def _convert_arg(arg: Any, sdfg_param: str) -> Any:
     if not isinstance(arg, gtx_common.Field):
         return arg
     if len(arg.domain.dims) == 0:
@@ -41,26 +41,14 @@ def _convert_arg(arg: Any, sdfg_param: str, use_field_canonical_representation:
         raise RuntimeError(
             f"Field '{sdfg_param}' passed as array slice with offset {dim_range.start} on dimension {dim.value}."
-    if not use_field_canonical_representation:
-        return arg.ndarray
-    # the canonical representation requires alphabetical ordering of the dimensions in field domain definition
-    sorted_dims = dace_utils.get_sorted_dims(arg.domain.dims)
-    ndim = len(sorted_dims)
-    dim_indices = [dim_index for dim_index, _ in sorted_dims]
-    if isinstance(arg.ndarray, np.ndarray):
-        return np.moveaxis(arg.ndarray, range(ndim), dim_indices)
-    else:
-        assert cp is not None and isinstance(arg.ndarray, cp.ndarray)
-        return cp.moveaxis(arg.ndarray, range(ndim), dim_indices)
-def _get_args(
-    sdfg: dace.SDFG, args: Sequence[Any], use_field_canonical_representation: bool
-) -> dict[str, Any]:
+    return arg.ndarray
+def _get_args(sdfg: dace.SDFG, args: Sequence[Any]) -> dict[str, Any]:
     sdfg_params: Sequence[str] = sdfg.arg_names
     flat_args: Iterable[Any] = gtx_utils.flatten_nested_tuple(tuple(args))
     return {
-        sdfg_param: _convert_arg(arg, sdfg_param, use_field_canonical_representation)
+        sdfg_param: _convert_arg(arg, sdfg_param)
         for sdfg_param, arg in zip(sdfg_params, flat_args, strict=True)
@@ -154,10 +142,10 @@ def get_sdfg_conn_args(
 def get_sdfg_args(
     sdfg: dace.SDFG,
+    offset_provider: gtx_common.OffsetProvider,
     *args: Any,
     check_args: bool = False,
     on_gpu: bool = False,
-    use_field_canonical_representation: bool = True,
     **kwargs: Any,
 ) -> dict[str, Any]:
     """Extracts the arguments needed to call the SDFG.
@@ -166,10 +154,10 @@ def get_sdfg_args(
         sdfg:               The SDFG for which we want to get the arguments.
+        offset_provider:    Offset provider.
-    offset_provider = kwargs["offset_provider"]
-    dace_args = _get_args(sdfg, args, use_field_canonical_representation)
+    dace_args = _get_args(sdfg, args)
     dace_field_args = {n: v for n, v in dace_args.items() if not np.isscalar(v)}
     dace_conn_args = get_sdfg_conn_args(sdfg, offset_provider, on_gpu)
     dace_shapes = _get_shape_args(sdfg.arrays, dace_field_args)
diff --git a/src/gt4py/next/program_processors/runners/dace_common/utility.py b/src/gt4py/next/program_processors/runners/dace_common/utility.py
index 3e96ef3cec..ac15bc1cbf 100644
--- a/src/gt4py/next/program_processors/runners/dace_common/utility.py
+++ b/src/gt4py/next/program_processors/runners/dace_common/utility.py
@@ -9,7 +9,7 @@
 from __future__ import annotations
 import re
-from typing import Final, Literal, Optional, Sequence
+from typing import Final, Literal, Optional
 import dace
@@ -96,10 +96,3 @@ def filter_connectivity_types(
         for offset, conn in offset_provider_type.items()
         if isinstance(conn, gtx_common.NeighborConnectivityType)
-def get_sorted_dims(
-    dims: Sequence[gtx_common.Dimension],
-) -> Sequence[tuple[int, gtx_common.Dimension]]:
-    """Sort list of dimensions in alphabetical order."""
-    return sorted(enumerate(dims), key=lambda v: v[1].value)
diff --git a/src/gt4py/next/program_processors/runners/dace_common/workflow.py b/src/gt4py/next/program_processors/runners/dace_common/workflow.py
index 91e83dba9d..5d9ac863c5 100644
--- a/src/gt4py/next/program_processors/runners/dace_common/workflow.py
+++ b/src/gt4py/next/program_processors/runners/dace_common/workflow.py
@@ -150,9 +150,9 @@ def decorated_program(
         sdfg_args = dace_backend.get_sdfg_args(
+            offset_provider,
-            offset_provider=offset_provider,
diff --git a/src/gt4py/next/program_processors/runners/dace_iterator/__init__.py b/src/gt4py/next/program_processors/runners/dace_iterator/__init__.py
deleted file mode 100644
index ef09cf51cd..0000000000
--- a/src/gt4py/next/program_processors/runners/dace_iterator/__init__.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,377 +0,0 @@
-# GT4Py - GridTools Framework
-# Copyright (c) 2014-2024, ETH Zurich
-# All rights reserved.
-# Please, refer to the LICENSE file in the root directory.
-# SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause
-import dataclasses
-import warnings
-from collections import OrderedDict
-from collections.abc import Callable, Sequence
-from dataclasses import field
-from inspect import currentframe, getframeinfo
-from pathlib import Path
-from typing import Any, ClassVar, Optional
-import dace
-import numpy as np
-from dace.sdfg import utils as sdutils
-from dace.transformation.auto import auto_optimize as autoopt
-import gt4py.next.iterator.ir as itir
-from gt4py.next import common
-from gt4py.next.ffront import decorator
-from gt4py.next.iterator import transforms as itir_transforms
-from gt4py.next.iterator.ir import SymRef
-from gt4py.next.iterator.transforms import (
-    pass_manager_legacy as legacy_itir_transforms,
-    program_to_fencil,
-from gt4py.next.iterator.type_system import inference as itir_type_inference
-from gt4py.next.program_processors.runners.dace_common import utility as dace_utils
-from gt4py.next.type_system import type_specifications as ts
-from .itir_to_sdfg import ItirToSDFG
-def preprocess_program(
-    program: itir.FencilDefinition,
-    offset_provider_type: common.OffsetProviderType,
-    lift_mode: legacy_itir_transforms.LiftMode,
-    symbolic_domain_sizes: Optional[dict[str, str]] = None,
-    temporary_extraction_heuristics: Optional[
-        Callable[[itir.StencilClosure], Callable[[itir.Expr], bool]]
-    ] = None,
-    unroll_reduce: bool = False,
-    node = legacy_itir_transforms.apply_common_transforms(
-        program,
-        common_subexpression_elimination=False,
-        force_inline_lambda_args=True,
-        lift_mode=lift_mode,
-        offset_provider_type=offset_provider_type,
-        symbolic_domain_sizes=symbolic_domain_sizes,
-        temporary_extraction_heuristics=temporary_extraction_heuristics,
-        unroll_reduce=unroll_reduce,
-    )
-    node = itir_type_inference.infer(node, offset_provider_type=offset_provider_type)
-    if isinstance(node, itir.Program):
-        fencil_definition = program_to_fencil.program_to_fencil(node)
-        tmps = node.declarations
-        assert all(isinstance(tmp, itir.Temporary) for tmp in tmps)
-    else:
-        raise TypeError(f"Expected 'Program', got '{type(node).__name__}'.")
-    return fencil_definition, tmps
-def build_sdfg_from_itir(
-    program: itir.FencilDefinition,
-    arg_types: Sequence[ts.TypeSpec],
-    offset_provider_type: common.OffsetProviderType,
-    auto_optimize: bool = False,
-    on_gpu: bool = False,
-    column_axis: Optional[common.Dimension] = None,
-    lift_mode: legacy_itir_transforms.LiftMode = legacy_itir_transforms.LiftMode.FORCE_INLINE,
-    symbolic_domain_sizes: Optional[dict[str, str]] = None,
-    temporary_extraction_heuristics: Optional[
-        Callable[[itir.StencilClosure], Callable[[itir.Expr], bool]]
-    ] = None,
-    load_sdfg_from_file: bool = False,
-    save_sdfg: bool = True,
-    use_field_canonical_representation: bool = True,
-) -> dace.SDFG:
-    """Translate a Fencil into an SDFG.
-    Args:
-        program:             The Fencil that should be translated.
-        arg_types:           Types of the arguments passed to the fencil.
-        offset_provider:     The set of offset providers that should be used.
-        auto_optimize:       Apply DaCe's `auto_optimize` heuristic.
-        on_gpu:              Performs the translation for GPU, defaults to `False`.
-        column_axis:         The column axis to be used, defaults to `None`.
-        lift_mode:           Which lift mode should be used, defaults `FORCE_INLINE`.
-        symbolic_domain_sizes: Used for generation of liskov bindings when temporaries are enabled.
-        load_sdfg_from_file: Allows to read the SDFG from file, instead of generating it, for debug only.
-        save_sdfg:           If `True`, the default the SDFG is stored as a file and can be loaded, this allows to skip the lowering step, requires `load_sdfg_from_file` set to `True`.
-        use_field_canonical_representation: If `True`,  assume that the fields dimensions are sorted alphabetically.
-    """
-    sdfg_filename = f"_dacegraphs/gt4py/{program.id}.sdfg"
-    if load_sdfg_from_file and Path(sdfg_filename).exists():
-        sdfg: dace.SDFG = dace.SDFG.from_file(sdfg_filename)
-        sdfg.validate()
-        return sdfg
-    # visit ITIR and generate SDFG
-    program, tmps = preprocess_program(
-        program,
-        offset_provider_type,
-        lift_mode,
-        symbolic_domain_sizes,
-        temporary_extraction_heuristics,
-    )
-    sdfg_genenerator = ItirToSDFG(
-        list(arg_types),
-        offset_provider_type,
-        tmps,
-        use_field_canonical_representation,
-        column_axis,
-    )
-    sdfg = sdfg_genenerator.visit(program)
-    if sdfg is None:
-        raise RuntimeError(f"Visit failed for program {program.id}.")
-    for nested_sdfg in sdfg.all_sdfgs_recursive():
-        if not nested_sdfg.debuginfo:
-            _, frameinfo = (
-                warnings.warn(
-                    f"{nested_sdfg.label} does not have debuginfo. Consider adding them in the corresponding nested sdfg.",
-                    stacklevel=2,
-                ),
-                getframeinfo(currentframe()),  # type: ignore[arg-type]
-            )
-            nested_sdfg.debuginfo = dace.dtypes.DebugInfo(
-                start_line=frameinfo.lineno, end_line=frameinfo.lineno, filename=frameinfo.filename
-            )
-    # TODO(edopao): remove `inline_loop_blocks` when DaCe transformations support LoopRegion construct
-    sdutils.inline_loop_blocks(sdfg)
-    # run DaCe transformations to simplify the SDFG
-    sdfg.simplify()
-    # run DaCe auto-optimization heuristics
-    if auto_optimize:
-        # TODO: Investigate performance improvement from SDFG specialization with constant symbols,
-        #       for array shape and strides, although this would imply JIT compilation.
-        symbols: dict[str, int] = {}
-        device = dace.DeviceType.GPU if on_gpu else dace.DeviceType.CPU
-        sdfg = autoopt.auto_optimize(sdfg, device, symbols=symbols, use_gpu_storage=on_gpu)
-    elif on_gpu:
-        autoopt.apply_gpu_storage(sdfg)
-    if on_gpu:
-        sdfg.apply_gpu_transformations()
-    # Store the sdfg such that we can later reuse it.
-    if save_sdfg:
-        sdfg.save(sdfg_filename)
-    return sdfg
-class Program(decorator.Program, dace.frontend.python.common.SDFGConvertible):
-    """Extension of GT4Py Program implementing the SDFGConvertible interface."""
-    sdfg_closure_vars: dict[str, Any] = field(default_factory=dict)
-    # Being a ClassVar ensures that in an SDFG with multiple nested GT4Py Programs,
-    # there is no name mangling of the connectivity tables used across the nested SDFGs
-    # since they share the same memory address.
-    connectivity_tables_data_descriptors: ClassVar[
-        dict[str, dace.data.Array]
-    ] = {}  # symbolically defined
-    def __sdfg__(self, *args, **kwargs) -> dace.sdfg.sdfg.SDFG:
-        if "dace" not in self.backend.name.lower():  # type: ignore[union-attr]
-            raise ValueError("The SDFG can be generated only for the DaCe backend.")
-        params = {str(p.id): p.type for p in self.itir.params}
-        fields = {str(p.id): p.type for p in self.itir.params if hasattr(p.type, "dims")}
-        arg_types = [*params.values()]
-        dace_parsed_args = [*args, *kwargs.values()]
-        gt4py_program_args = [*params.values()]
-        _crosscheck_dace_parsing(dace_parsed_args, gt4py_program_args)
-        if self.connectivities is None:
-            raise ValueError(
-                "[DaCe Orchestration] Connectivities -at compile time- are required to generate the SDFG. Use `with_connectivities` method."
-            )
-        offset_provider_type = {**self.connectivities, **self._implicit_offset_provider}
-        sdfg = self.backend.executor.step.translation.generate_sdfg(  # type: ignore[union-attr]
-            self.itir,
-            arg_types,
-            offset_provider_type=offset_provider_type,
-            column_axis=kwargs.get("column_axis", None),
-        )
-        self.sdfg_closure_vars["sdfg.arrays"] = sdfg.arrays  # use it in __sdfg_closure__
-        # Halo exchange related metadata, i.e. gt4py_program_input_fields, gt4py_program_output_fields, offset_providers_per_input_field
-        # Add them as dynamic properties to the SDFG
-        assert all(
-            isinstance(in_field, SymRef)
-            for closure in self.itir.closures
-            for in_field in closure.inputs
-        )  # backend only supports SymRef inputs, not `index` calls
-        input_fields = [
-            str(in_field.id)  # type: ignore[union-attr]  # ensured by assert
-            for closure in self.itir.closures
-            for in_field in closure.inputs
-            if str(in_field.id) in fields  # type: ignore[union-attr]  # ensured by assert
-        ]
-        sdfg.gt4py_program_input_fields = {
-            in_field: dim
-            for in_field in input_fields
-            for dim in fields[in_field].dims  # type: ignore[union-attr]
-            if dim.kind == common.DimensionKind.HORIZONTAL
-        }
-        output_fields = []
-        for closure in self.itir.closures:
-            output = closure.output
-            if isinstance(output, itir.SymRef):
-                if str(output.id) in fields:
-                    output_fields.append(str(output.id))
-            else:
-                for arg in output.args:
-                    if str(arg.id) in fields:  # type: ignore[attr-defined]
-                        output_fields.append(str(arg.id))  # type: ignore[attr-defined]
-        sdfg.gt4py_program_output_fields = {
-            output: dim
-            for output in output_fields
-            for dim in fields[output].dims  # type: ignore[union-attr]
-            if dim.kind == common.DimensionKind.HORIZONTAL
-        }
-        sdfg.offset_providers_per_input_field = {}
-        itir_tmp = legacy_itir_transforms.apply_common_transforms(
-            self.itir, offset_provider_type=offset_provider_type
-        )
-        itir_tmp_fencil = program_to_fencil.program_to_fencil(itir_tmp)
-        for closure in itir_tmp_fencil.closures:
-            params_shifts = itir_transforms.trace_shifts.trace_stencil(
-                closure.stencil, num_args=len(closure.inputs)
-            )
-            for param, shifts in zip(closure.inputs, params_shifts):
-                assert isinstance(
-                    param, SymRef
-                )  # backend only supports SymRef inputs, not `index` calls
-                if not isinstance(param.id, str):
-                    continue
-                if param.id not in sdfg.gt4py_program_input_fields:
-                    continue
-                sdfg.offset_providers_per_input_field.setdefault(param.id, []).extend(list(shifts))
-        return sdfg
-    def __sdfg_closure__(self, reevaluate: Optional[dict[str, str]] = None) -> dict[str, Any]:
-        """
-        Returns the closure arrays of the SDFG represented by this object
-        as a mapping between array name and the corresponding value.
-        The connectivity tables are defined symbolically, i.e. table sizes & strides are DaCe symbols.
-        The need to define the connectivity tables in the `__sdfg_closure__` arises from the fact that
-        the offset providers are not part of GT4Py Program's arguments.
-        Keep in mind, that `__sdfg_closure__` is called after `__sdfg__` method.
-        """
-        offset_provider_type = self.connectivities
-        # Define DaCe symbols
-        connectivity_table_size_symbols = {
-            dace_utils.field_size_symbol_name(
-                dace_utils.connectivity_identifier(k), axis
-            ): dace.symbol(
-                dace_utils.field_size_symbol_name(dace_utils.connectivity_identifier(k), axis)
-            )
-            for k, v in offset_provider_type.items()  # type: ignore[union-attr]
-            for axis in [0, 1]
-            if isinstance(v, common.NeighborConnectivityType)
-            and dace_utils.connectivity_identifier(k) in self.sdfg_closure_vars["sdfg.arrays"]
-        }
-        connectivity_table_stride_symbols = {
-            dace_utils.field_stride_symbol_name(
-                dace_utils.connectivity_identifier(k), axis
-            ): dace.symbol(
-                dace_utils.field_stride_symbol_name(dace_utils.connectivity_identifier(k), axis)
-            )
-            for k, v in offset_provider_type.items()  # type: ignore[union-attr]
-            for axis in [0, 1]
-            if isinstance(v, common.NeighborConnectivityType)
-            and dace_utils.connectivity_identifier(k) in self.sdfg_closure_vars["sdfg.arrays"]
-        }
-        symbols = {**connectivity_table_size_symbols, **connectivity_table_stride_symbols}
-        # Define the storage location (e.g. CPU, GPU) of the connectivity tables
-        if "storage" not in Program.connectivity_tables_data_descriptors:
-            for k, v in offset_provider_type.items():  # type: ignore[union-attr]
-                if not isinstance(v, common.NeighborConnectivityType):
-                    continue
-                if dace_utils.connectivity_identifier(k) in self.sdfg_closure_vars["sdfg.arrays"]:
-                    Program.connectivity_tables_data_descriptors["storage"] = (
-                        self.sdfg_closure_vars[
-                            "sdfg.arrays"
-                        ][dace_utils.connectivity_identifier(k)].storage
-                    )
-                    break
-        # Build the closure dictionary
-        closure_dict = {}
-        for k, v in offset_provider_type.items():  # type: ignore[union-attr]
-            conn_id = dace_utils.connectivity_identifier(k)
-            if (
-                isinstance(v, common.NeighborConnectivityType)
-                and conn_id in self.sdfg_closure_vars["sdfg.arrays"]
-            ):
-                if conn_id not in Program.connectivity_tables_data_descriptors:
-                    Program.connectivity_tables_data_descriptors[conn_id] = dace.data.Array(
-                        dtype=dace.int64 if v.dtype.scalar_type == np.int64 else dace.int32,
-                        shape=[
-                            symbols[dace_utils.field_size_symbol_name(conn_id, 0)],
-                            symbols[dace_utils.field_size_symbol_name(conn_id, 1)],
-                        ],
-                        strides=[
-                            symbols[dace_utils.field_stride_symbol_name(conn_id, 0)],
-                            symbols[dace_utils.field_stride_symbol_name(conn_id, 1)],
-                        ],
-                        storage=Program.connectivity_tables_data_descriptors["storage"],
-                    )
-                closure_dict[conn_id] = Program.connectivity_tables_data_descriptors[conn_id]
-        return closure_dict
-    def __sdfg_signature__(self) -> tuple[Sequence[str], Sequence[str]]:
-        args = []
-        for arg in self.past_stage.past_node.params:
-            args.append(arg.id)
-        return (args, [])
-def _crosscheck_dace_parsing(dace_parsed_args: list[Any], gt4py_program_args: list[Any]) -> bool:
-    for dace_parsed_arg, gt4py_program_arg in zip(dace_parsed_args, gt4py_program_args):
-        if isinstance(dace_parsed_arg, dace.data.Scalar):
-            assert dace_parsed_arg.dtype == dace_utils.as_dace_type(gt4py_program_arg)
-        elif isinstance(
-            dace_parsed_arg, (bool, int, float, str, np.bool_, np.integer, np.floating, np.str_)
-        ):  # compile-time constant scalar
-            assert isinstance(gt4py_program_arg, ts.ScalarType)
-            if isinstance(dace_parsed_arg, (bool, np.bool_)):
-                assert gt4py_program_arg.kind == ts.ScalarKind.BOOL
-            elif isinstance(dace_parsed_arg, (int, np.integer)):
-                assert gt4py_program_arg.kind in [ts.ScalarKind.INT32, ts.ScalarKind.INT64]
-            elif isinstance(dace_parsed_arg, (float, np.floating)):
-                assert gt4py_program_arg.kind in [ts.ScalarKind.FLOAT32, ts.ScalarKind.FLOAT64]
-            elif isinstance(dace_parsed_arg, (str, np.str_)):
-                assert gt4py_program_arg.kind == ts.ScalarKind.STRING
-        elif isinstance(dace_parsed_arg, dace.data.Array):
-            assert isinstance(gt4py_program_arg, ts.FieldType)
-            assert len(dace_parsed_arg.shape) == len(gt4py_program_arg.dims)
-            assert dace_parsed_arg.dtype == dace_utils.as_dace_type(gt4py_program_arg.dtype)
-        elif isinstance(
-            dace_parsed_arg, (dace.data.Structure, dict, OrderedDict)
-        ):  # offset_provider
-            continue
-        else:
-            raise ValueError(f"Unresolved case for {dace_parsed_arg} (==, !=) {gt4py_program_arg}")
-    return True
diff --git a/src/gt4py/next/program_processors/runners/dace_iterator/itir_to_sdfg.py b/src/gt4py/next/program_processors/runners/dace_iterator/itir_to_sdfg.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 823943cfd5..0000000000
--- a/src/gt4py/next/program_processors/runners/dace_iterator/itir_to_sdfg.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,809 +0,0 @@
-# GT4Py - GridTools Framework
-# Copyright (c) 2014-2024, ETH Zurich
-# All rights reserved.
-# Please, refer to the LICENSE file in the root directory.
-# SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause
-import warnings
-from typing import Optional, Sequence, cast
-import dace
-from dace.sdfg.state import LoopRegion
-import gt4py.eve as eve
-from gt4py.next import Dimension, DimensionKind, common
-from gt4py.next.ffront import fbuiltins as gtx_fbuiltins
-from gt4py.next.iterator import ir as itir
-from gt4py.next.iterator.ir import Expr, FunCall, Literal, Sym, SymRef
-from gt4py.next.program_processors.runners.dace_common import utility as dace_utils
-from gt4py.next.type_system import type_info, type_specifications as ts, type_translation as tt
-from .itir_to_tasklet import (
-    Context,
-    GatherOutputSymbolsPass,
-    PythonTaskletCodegen,
-    SymbolExpr,
-    TaskletExpr,
-    ValueExpr,
-    closure_to_tasklet_sdfg,
-    is_scan,
-from .utility import (
-    add_mapped_nested_sdfg,
-    flatten_list,
-    get_used_connectivities,
-    map_nested_sdfg_symbols,
-    new_array_symbols,
-    unique_var_name,
-def _get_scan_args(stencil: Expr) -> tuple[bool, Literal]:
-    """
-    Parse stencil expression to extract the scan arguments.
-    Returns
-    -------
-    tuple(is_forward, init_carry)
-        The output tuple fields verify the following semantics:
-            - is_forward: forward boolean flag
-            - init_carry: carry initial value
-    """
-    stencil_fobj = cast(FunCall, stencil)
-    is_forward = stencil_fobj.args[1]
-    assert isinstance(is_forward, Literal) and type_info.is_logical(is_forward.type)
-    init_carry = stencil_fobj.args[2]
-    assert isinstance(init_carry, Literal)
-    return is_forward.value == "True", init_carry
-def _get_scan_dim(
-    column_axis: Dimension,
-    storage_types: dict[str, ts.TypeSpec],
-    output: SymRef,
-    use_field_canonical_representation: bool,
-) -> tuple[str, int, ts.ScalarType]:
-    """
-    Extract information about the scan dimension.
-    Returns
-    -------
-    tuple(scan_dim_name, scan_dim_index, scan_dim_dtype)
-        The output tuple fields verify the following semantics:
-            - scan_dim_name: name of the scan dimension
-            - scan_dim_index: domain index of the scan dimension
-            - scan_dim_dtype: data type along the scan dimension
-    """
-    output_type = storage_types[output.id]
-    assert isinstance(output_type, ts.FieldType)
-    sorted_dims = [
-        dim
-        for _, dim in (
-            dace_utils.get_sorted_dims(output_type.dims)
-            if use_field_canonical_representation
-            else enumerate(output_type.dims)
-        )
-    ]
-    return (column_axis.value, sorted_dims.index(column_axis), output_type.dtype)
-def _make_array_shape_and_strides(
-    name: str,
-    dims: Sequence[Dimension],
-    offset_provider_type: common.OffsetProviderType,
-    sort_dims: bool,
-) -> tuple[list[dace.symbol], list[dace.symbol]]:
-    """
-    Parse field dimensions and allocate symbols for array shape and strides.
-    For local dimensions, the size is known at compile-time and therefore
-    the corresponding array shape dimension is set to an integer literal value.
-    Returns
-    -------
-    tuple(shape, strides)
-        The output tuple fields are arrays of dace symbolic expressions.
-    """
-    dtype = dace.dtype_to_typeclass(gtx_fbuiltins.IndexType)
-    sorted_dims = dace_utils.get_sorted_dims(dims) if sort_dims else list(enumerate(dims))
-    connectivity_types = dace_utils.filter_connectivity_types(offset_provider_type)
-    shape = [
-        (
-            connectivity_types[dim.value].max_neighbors
-            if dim.kind == DimensionKind.LOCAL
-            # we reuse the same gt4py symbol for field size passed as scalar argument which is used in closure domain
-            else dace.symbol(dace_utils.field_size_symbol_name(name, i), dtype)
-        )
-        for i, dim in sorted_dims
-    ]
-    strides = [
-        dace.symbol(dace_utils.field_stride_symbol_name(name, i), dtype) for i, _ in sorted_dims
-    ]
-    return shape, strides
-def _check_no_lifts(node: itir.StencilClosure):
-    """
-    Parse stencil closure ITIR to check that lift expressions only appear as child nodes in neighbor reductions.
-    Returns
-    -------
-    True if lifts do not appear in the ITIR exception lift expressions in neighbor reductions. False otherwise.
-    """
-    neighbors_call_count = 0
-    for fun in eve.walk_values(node).if_isinstance(itir.FunCall).getattr("fun"):
-        if getattr(fun, "id", "") == "neighbors":
-            neighbors_call_count = 3
-        elif getattr(fun, "id", "") == "lift" and neighbors_call_count != 1:
-            return False
-        neighbors_call_count = max(0, neighbors_call_count - 1)
-    return True
-class ItirToSDFG(eve.NodeVisitor):
-    param_types: list[ts.TypeSpec]
-    storage_types: dict[str, ts.TypeSpec]
-    column_axis: Optional[Dimension]
-    offset_provider_type: common.OffsetProviderType
-    unique_id: int
-    use_field_canonical_representation: bool
-    def __init__(
-        self,
-        param_types: list[ts.TypeSpec],
-        offset_provider_type: common.OffsetProviderType,
-        tmps: list[itir.Temporary],
-        use_field_canonical_representation: bool,
-        column_axis: Optional[Dimension] = None,
-    ):
-        self.param_types = param_types
-        self.column_axis = column_axis
-        self.offset_provider_type = offset_provider_type
-        self.storage_types = {}
-        self.tmps = tmps
-        self.use_field_canonical_representation = use_field_canonical_representation
-    def add_storage(self, sdfg: dace.SDFG, name: str, type_: ts.TypeSpec, sort_dimensions: bool):
-        if isinstance(type_, ts.FieldType):
-            shape, strides = _make_array_shape_and_strides(
-                name, type_.dims, self.offset_provider_type, sort_dimensions
-            )
-            dtype = dace_utils.as_dace_type(type_.dtype)
-            sdfg.add_array(name, shape=shape, strides=strides, dtype=dtype)
-        elif isinstance(type_, ts.ScalarType):
-            dtype = dace_utils.as_dace_type(type_)
-            if name in sdfg.symbols:
-                assert sdfg.symbols[name].dtype == dtype
-            else:
-                sdfg.add_symbol(name, dtype)
-        else:
-            raise NotImplementedError()
-        self.storage_types[name] = type_
-    def add_storage_for_temporaries(
-        self, node_params: list[Sym], defs_state: dace.SDFGState, program_sdfg: dace.SDFG
-    ) -> dict[str, str]:
-        symbol_map: dict[str, TaskletExpr] = {}
-        # The shape of temporary arrays might be defined based on scalar values passed as program arguments.
-        # Here we collect these values in a symbol map.
-        for sym in node_params:
-            if isinstance(sym.type, ts.ScalarType):
-                name_ = str(sym.id)
-                symbol_map[name_] = SymbolExpr(name_, dace_utils.as_dace_type(sym.type))
-        tmp_symbols: dict[str, str] = {}
-        for tmp in self.tmps:
-            tmp_name = str(tmp.id)
-            # We visit the domain of the temporary field, passing the set of available symbols.
-            assert isinstance(tmp.domain, itir.FunCall)
-            domain_ctx = Context(program_sdfg, defs_state, symbol_map)
-            tmp_domain = self._visit_domain(tmp.domain, domain_ctx)
-            if isinstance(tmp.type, ts.TupleType):
-                raise NotImplementedError("Temporaries of tuples are not supported.")
-            assert isinstance(tmp.type, ts.FieldType) and isinstance(tmp.dtype, ts.ScalarType)
-            # We store the FieldType for this temporary array.
-            self.storage_types[tmp_name] = tmp.type
-            # N.B.: skip generation of symbolic strides and just let dace assign default strides, for now.
-            # Another option, in the future, is to use symbolic strides and apply auto-tuning or some heuristics
-            # to assign optimal stride values.
-            tmp_shape, _ = new_array_symbols(tmp_name, len(tmp.type.dims))
-            _, tmp_array = program_sdfg.add_array(
-                tmp_name, tmp_shape, dace_utils.as_dace_type(tmp.dtype), transient=True
-            )
-            # Loop through all dimensions to visit the symbolic expressions for array shape and offset.
-            # These expressions are later mapped to interstate symbols.
-            for (_, (begin, end)), shape_sym in zip(tmp_domain, tmp_array.shape):
-                # The temporary field has a dimension range defined by `begin` and `end` values.
-                # Therefore, the actual size is given by the difference `end.value - begin.value`.
-                # Instead of allocating the actual size, we allocate space to enable indexing from 0
-                # because we want to avoid using dace array offsets (which will be deprecated soon).
-                # The result should still be valid, but the stencil will be using only a subset
-                # of the array.
-                if not (isinstance(begin, SymbolExpr) and begin.value == "0"):
-                    warnings.warn(
-                        f"Domain start offset for temporary {tmp_name} is ignored.", stacklevel=2
-                    )
-                tmp_symbols[str(shape_sym)] = end.value
-        return tmp_symbols
-    def create_memlet_at(self, field_name: str, index: dict[str, str]):
-        field_type = self.storage_types[field_name]
-        assert isinstance(field_type, ts.FieldType)
-        if self.use_field_canonical_representation:
-            field_index = [
-                index[dim.value] for _, dim in dace_utils.get_sorted_dims(field_type.dims)
-            ]
-        else:
-            field_index = [index[dim.value] for dim in field_type.dims]
-        subset = ", ".join(field_index)
-        return dace.Memlet(data=field_name, subset=subset)
-    def get_output_nodes(
-        self, closure: itir.StencilClosure, sdfg: dace.SDFG, state: dace.SDFGState
-    ) -> dict[str, dace.nodes.AccessNode]:
-        # Visit output node, which could be a `make_tuple` expression, to collect the required access nodes
-        output_symbols_pass = GatherOutputSymbolsPass(sdfg, state)
-        output_symbols_pass.visit(closure.output)
-        # Visit output node again to generate the corresponding tasklet
-        context = Context(sdfg, state, output_symbols_pass.symbol_refs)
-        translator = PythonTaskletCodegen(
-            self.offset_provider_type, context, self.use_field_canonical_representation
-        )
-        output_nodes = flatten_list(translator.visit(closure.output))
-        return {node.value.data: node.value for node in output_nodes}
-    def visit_FencilDefinition(self, node: itir.FencilDefinition):
-        program_sdfg = dace.SDFG(name=node.id)
-        program_sdfg.debuginfo = dace_utils.debug_info(node)
-        entry_state = program_sdfg.add_state("program_entry", is_start_block=True)
-        # Filter neighbor tables from offset providers.
-        connectivity_types = get_used_connectivities(node, self.offset_provider_type)
-        # Add program parameters as SDFG storages.
-        for param, type_ in zip(node.params, self.param_types):
-            self.add_storage(
-                program_sdfg, str(param.id), type_, self.use_field_canonical_representation
-            )
-        if self.tmps:
-            tmp_symbols = self.add_storage_for_temporaries(node.params, entry_state, program_sdfg)
-            # on the first interstate edge define symbols for shape and offsets of temporary arrays
-            last_state = program_sdfg.add_state("init_symbols_for_temporaries")
-            program_sdfg.add_edge(
-                entry_state, last_state, dace.InterstateEdge(assignments=tmp_symbols)
-            )
-        else:
-            last_state = entry_state
-        # Add connectivities as SDFG storages.
-        for offset, connectivity_type in connectivity_types.items():
-            scalar_type = tt.from_dtype(connectivity_type.dtype)
-            type_ = ts.FieldType(
-                [connectivity_type.source_dim, connectivity_type.neighbor_dim], scalar_type
-            )
-            self.add_storage(
-                program_sdfg,
-                dace_utils.connectivity_identifier(offset),
-                type_,
-                sort_dimensions=False,
-            )
-        # Create a nested SDFG for all stencil closures.
-        for closure in node.closures:
-            # Translate the closure and its stencil's body to an SDFG.
-            closure_sdfg, input_names, output_names = self.visit(
-                closure, array_table=program_sdfg.arrays
-            )
-            # Create a new state for the closure.
-            last_state = program_sdfg.add_state_after(last_state)
-            # Create memlets to transfer the program parameters
-            input_mapping = {
-                name: dace.Memlet.from_array(name, program_sdfg.arrays[name])
-                for name in input_names
-            }
-            output_mapping = {
-                name: dace.Memlet.from_array(name, program_sdfg.arrays[name])
-                for name in output_names
-            }
-            symbol_mapping = map_nested_sdfg_symbols(program_sdfg, closure_sdfg, input_mapping)
-            # Insert the closure's SDFG as a nested SDFG of the program.
-            nsdfg_node = last_state.add_nested_sdfg(
-                sdfg=closure_sdfg,
-                parent=program_sdfg,
-                inputs=set(input_names),
-                outputs=set(output_names),
-                symbol_mapping=symbol_mapping,
-                debuginfo=closure_sdfg.debuginfo,
-            )
-            # Add access nodes for the program parameters and connect them to the nested SDFG's inputs via edges.
-            for inner_name, memlet in input_mapping.items():
-                access_node = last_state.add_access(inner_name, debuginfo=nsdfg_node.debuginfo)
-                last_state.add_edge(access_node, None, nsdfg_node, inner_name, memlet)
-            for inner_name, memlet in output_mapping.items():
-                access_node = last_state.add_access(inner_name, debuginfo=nsdfg_node.debuginfo)
-                last_state.add_edge(nsdfg_node, inner_name, access_node, None, memlet)
-        # Create the call signature for the SDFG.
-        #  Only the arguments requiered by the Fencil, i.e. `node.params` are added as positional arguments.
-        #  The implicit arguments, such as the offset providers or the arguments created by the translation process, must be passed as keywords only arguments.
-        program_sdfg.arg_names = [str(a) for a in node.params]
-        program_sdfg.validate()
-        return program_sdfg
-    def visit_StencilClosure(
-        self, node: itir.StencilClosure, array_table: dict[str, dace.data.Array]
-    ) -> tuple[dace.SDFG, list[str], list[str]]:
-        assert _check_no_lifts(node)
-        # Create the closure's nested SDFG and single state.
-        closure_sdfg = dace.SDFG(name="closure")
-        closure_sdfg.debuginfo = dace_utils.debug_info(node)
-        closure_state = closure_sdfg.add_state("closure_entry")
-        closure_init_state = closure_sdfg.add_state_before(closure_state, "closure_init", True)
-        assert all(
-            isinstance(inp, SymRef) for inp in node.inputs
-        )  # backend only supports SymRef inputs, not `index` calls
-        input_names = [str(inp.id) for inp in node.inputs]  # type: ignore[union-attr]  # ensured by assert
-        neighbor_tables = get_used_connectivities(node, self.offset_provider_type)
-        connectivity_names = [
-            dace_utils.connectivity_identifier(offset) for offset in neighbor_tables.keys()
-        ]
-        output_nodes = self.get_output_nodes(node, closure_sdfg, closure_state)
-        output_names = [k for k, _ in output_nodes.items()]
-        # Add DaCe arrays for inputs, outputs and connectivities to closure SDFG.
-        input_transients_mapping = {}
-        for name in [*input_names, *connectivity_names, *output_names]:
-            if name in closure_sdfg.arrays:
-                assert name in input_names and name in output_names
-                # In case of closures with in/out fields, there is risk of race condition
-                # between read/write access nodes in the (asynchronous) map tasklet.
-                transient_name = unique_var_name()
-                closure_sdfg.add_array(
-                    transient_name,
-                    shape=array_table[name].shape,
-                    strides=array_table[name].strides,
-                    dtype=array_table[name].dtype,
-                    transient=True,
-                )
-                closure_init_state.add_nedge(
-                    closure_init_state.add_access(name, debuginfo=closure_sdfg.debuginfo),
-                    closure_init_state.add_access(transient_name, debuginfo=closure_sdfg.debuginfo),
-                    dace.Memlet.from_array(name, closure_sdfg.arrays[name]),
-                )
-                input_transients_mapping[name] = transient_name
-            elif isinstance(self.storage_types[name], ts.FieldType):
-                closure_sdfg.add_array(
-                    name,
-                    shape=array_table[name].shape,
-                    strides=array_table[name].strides,
-                    dtype=array_table[name].dtype,
-                )
-            else:
-                assert isinstance(self.storage_types[name], ts.ScalarType)
-        input_field_names = [
-            input_name
-            for input_name in input_names
-            if isinstance(self.storage_types[input_name], ts.FieldType)
-        ]
-        # Closure outputs should all be fields
-        assert all(
-            isinstance(self.storage_types[output_name], ts.FieldType)
-            for output_name in output_names
-        )
-        # Update symbol table and get output domain of the closure
-        program_arg_syms: dict[str, TaskletExpr] = {}
-        for name, type_ in self.storage_types.items():
-            if isinstance(type_, ts.ScalarType):
-                dtype = dace_utils.as_dace_type(type_)
-                if name in input_names:
-                    out_name = unique_var_name()
-                    closure_sdfg.add_scalar(out_name, dtype, transient=True)
-                    out_tasklet = closure_init_state.add_tasklet(
-                        f"get_{name}",
-                        {},
-                        {"__result"},
-                        f"__result = {name}",
-                        debuginfo=closure_sdfg.debuginfo,
-                    )
-                    access = closure_init_state.add_access(
-                        out_name, debuginfo=closure_sdfg.debuginfo
-                    )
-                    value = ValueExpr(access, dtype)
-                    memlet = dace.Memlet(data=out_name, subset="0")
-                    closure_init_state.add_edge(out_tasklet, "__result", access, None, memlet)
-                    program_arg_syms[name] = value
-                else:
-                    program_arg_syms[name] = SymbolExpr(name, dtype)
-            else:
-                assert isinstance(type_, ts.FieldType)
-                # make shape symbols (corresponding to field size) available as arguments to domain visitor
-                if name in input_names or name in output_names:
-                    field_symbols = [
-                        val
-                        for val in closure_sdfg.arrays[name].shape
-                        if isinstance(val, dace.symbol) and str(val) not in input_names
-                    ]
-                    for sym in field_symbols:
-                        sym_name = str(sym)
-                        program_arg_syms[sym_name] = SymbolExpr(sym, sym.dtype)
-        closure_ctx = Context(closure_sdfg, closure_state, program_arg_syms)
-        closure_domain = self._visit_domain(node.domain, closure_ctx)
-        # Map SDFG tasklet arguments to parameters
-        input_local_names = [
-            (
-                input_transients_mapping[input_name]
-                if input_name in input_transients_mapping
-                else (
-                    input_name
-                    if input_name in input_field_names
-                    else cast(ValueExpr, program_arg_syms[input_name]).value.data
-                )
-            )
-            for input_name in input_names
-        ]
-        input_memlets = [
-            dace.Memlet.from_array(name, closure_sdfg.arrays[name])
-            for name in [*input_local_names, *connectivity_names]
-        ]
-        # create and write to transient that is then copied back to actual output array to avoid aliasing of
-        # same memory in nested SDFG with different names
-        output_connectors_mapping = {unique_var_name(): output_name for output_name in output_names}
-        # scan operator should always be the first function call in a closure
-        if is_scan(node.stencil):
-            assert len(output_connectors_mapping) == 1, "Scan does not support multiple outputs"
-            transient_name, output_name = next(iter(output_connectors_mapping.items()))
-            nsdfg, map_ranges, scan_dim_index = self._visit_scan_stencil_closure(
-                node, closure_sdfg.arrays, closure_domain, transient_name
-            )
-            results = [transient_name]
-            _, (scan_lb, scan_ub) = closure_domain[scan_dim_index]
-            output_subset = f"{scan_lb.value}:{scan_ub.value}"
-            domain_subset = {
-                dim: (
-                    f"i_{dim}"
-                    if f"i_{dim}" in map_ranges
-                    else f"0:{closure_sdfg.arrays[output_name].shape[scan_dim_index]}"
-                )
-                for dim, _ in closure_domain
-            }
-            output_memlets = [self.create_memlet_at(output_name, domain_subset)]
-        else:
-            nsdfg, map_ranges, results = self._visit_parallel_stencil_closure(
-                node, closure_sdfg.arrays, closure_domain
-            )
-            output_subset = "0"
-            output_memlets = [
-                self.create_memlet_at(output_name, {dim: f"i_{dim}" for dim, _ in closure_domain})
-                for output_name in output_connectors_mapping.values()
-            ]
-        input_mapping = {
-            param: arg for param, arg in zip([*input_names, *connectivity_names], input_memlets)
-        }
-        output_mapping = {param: memlet for param, memlet in zip(results, output_memlets)}
-        symbol_mapping = map_nested_sdfg_symbols(closure_sdfg, nsdfg, input_mapping)
-        nsdfg_node, map_entry, map_exit = add_mapped_nested_sdfg(
-            closure_state,
-            sdfg=nsdfg,
-            map_ranges=map_ranges or {"__dummy": "0"},
-            inputs=input_mapping,
-            outputs=output_mapping,
-            symbol_mapping=symbol_mapping,
-            output_nodes=output_nodes,
-            debuginfo=nsdfg.debuginfo,
-        )
-        access_nodes = {edge.data.data: edge.dst for edge in closure_state.out_edges(map_exit)}
-        for edge in closure_state.in_edges(map_exit):
-            memlet = edge.data
-            if memlet.data not in output_connectors_mapping:
-                continue
-            transient_access = closure_state.add_access(memlet.data, debuginfo=nsdfg.debuginfo)
-            closure_state.add_edge(
-                nsdfg_node,
-                edge.src_conn,
-                transient_access,
-                None,
-                dace.Memlet(data=memlet.data, subset=output_subset, debuginfo=nsdfg.debuginfo),
-            )
-            inner_memlet = dace.Memlet(
-                data=memlet.data, subset=output_subset, other_subset=memlet.subset
-            )
-            closure_state.add_edge(transient_access, None, map_exit, edge.dst_conn, inner_memlet)
-            closure_state.remove_edge(edge)
-            access_nodes[memlet.data].data = output_connectors_mapping[memlet.data]
-        return closure_sdfg, input_field_names + connectivity_names, output_names
-    def _visit_scan_stencil_closure(
-        self,
-        node: itir.StencilClosure,
-        array_table: dict[str, dace.data.Array],
-        closure_domain: tuple[
-            tuple[str, tuple[ValueExpr | SymbolExpr, ValueExpr | SymbolExpr]], ...
-        ],
-        output_name: str,
-    ) -> tuple[dace.SDFG, dict[str, str | dace.subsets.Subset], int]:
-        # extract scan arguments
-        is_forward, init_carry_value = _get_scan_args(node.stencil)
-        # select the scan dimension based on program argument for column axis
-        assert self.column_axis
-        assert isinstance(node.output, SymRef)
-        scan_dim, scan_dim_index, scan_dtype = _get_scan_dim(
-            self.column_axis,
-            self.storage_types,
-            node.output,
-            self.use_field_canonical_representation,
-        )
-        assert isinstance(node.output, SymRef)
-        neighbor_tables = get_used_connectivities(node, self.offset_provider_type)
-        assert all(
-            isinstance(inp, SymRef) for inp in node.inputs
-        )  # backend only supports SymRef inputs, not `index` calls
-        input_names = [str(inp.id) for inp in node.inputs]  # type: ignore[union-attr]  # ensured by assert
-        connectivity_names = [
-            dace_utils.connectivity_identifier(offset) for offset in neighbor_tables.keys()
-        ]
-        # find the scan dimension, same as output dimension, and exclude it from the map domain
-        map_ranges = {}
-        for dim, (lb, ub) in closure_domain:
-            lb_str = lb.value.data if isinstance(lb, ValueExpr) else lb.value
-            ub_str = ub.value.data if isinstance(ub, ValueExpr) else ub.value
-            if not dim == scan_dim:
-                map_ranges[f"i_{dim}"] = f"{lb_str}:{ub_str}"
-            else:
-                scan_lb_str = lb_str
-                scan_ub_str = ub_str
-        # the scan operator is implemented as an SDFG to be nested in the closure SDFG
-        scan_sdfg = dace.SDFG(name="scan")
-        scan_sdfg.debuginfo = dace_utils.debug_info(node)
-        # the carry value of the scan operator exists only in the scope of the scan sdfg
-        scan_carry_name = unique_var_name()
-        scan_sdfg.add_scalar(
-            scan_carry_name, dtype=dace_utils.as_dace_type(scan_dtype), transient=True
-        )
-        # create a loop region for lambda call over the scan dimension
-        scan_loop_var = f"i_{scan_dim}"
-        if is_forward:
-            scan_loop = LoopRegion(
-                label="scan",
-                condition_expr=f"{scan_loop_var} < {scan_ub_str}",
-                loop_var=scan_loop_var,
-                initialize_expr=f"{scan_loop_var} = {scan_lb_str}",
-                update_expr=f"{scan_loop_var} = {scan_loop_var} + 1",
-                inverted=False,
-            )
-        else:
-            scan_loop = LoopRegion(
-                label="scan",
-                condition_expr=f"{scan_loop_var} >= {scan_lb_str}",
-                loop_var=scan_loop_var,
-                initialize_expr=f"{scan_loop_var} = {scan_ub_str} - 1",
-                update_expr=f"{scan_loop_var} = {scan_loop_var} - 1",
-                inverted=False,
-            )
-        scan_sdfg.add_node(scan_loop)
-        compute_state = scan_loop.add_state("lambda_compute", is_start_block=True)
-        update_state = scan_loop.add_state("lambda_update")
-        scan_loop.add_edge(compute_state, update_state, dace.InterstateEdge())
-        start_state = scan_sdfg.add_state("start", is_start_block=True)
-        scan_sdfg.add_edge(start_state, scan_loop, dace.InterstateEdge())
-        # tasklet for initialization of carry
-        carry_init_tasklet = start_state.add_tasklet(
-            "get_carry_init_value",
-            {},
-            {"__result"},
-            f"__result = {init_carry_value}",
-            debuginfo=scan_sdfg.debuginfo,
-        )
-        start_state.add_edge(
-            carry_init_tasklet,
-            "__result",
-            start_state.add_access(scan_carry_name, debuginfo=scan_sdfg.debuginfo),
-            None,
-            dace.Memlet(data=scan_carry_name, subset="0"),
-        )
-        # add storage to scan SDFG for inputs
-        for name in [*input_names, *connectivity_names]:
-            assert name not in scan_sdfg.arrays
-            if isinstance(self.storage_types[name], ts.FieldType):
-                scan_sdfg.add_array(
-                    name,
-                    shape=array_table[name].shape,
-                    strides=array_table[name].strides,
-                    dtype=array_table[name].dtype,
-                )
-            else:
-                scan_sdfg.add_scalar(
-                    name,
-                    dtype=dace_utils.as_dace_type(cast(ts.ScalarType, self.storage_types[name])),
-                )
-        # add storage to scan SDFG for output
-        scan_sdfg.add_array(
-            output_name,
-            shape=(array_table[node.output.id].shape[scan_dim_index],),
-            strides=(array_table[node.output.id].strides[scan_dim_index],),
-            dtype=array_table[node.output.id].dtype,
-        )
-        # implement the lambda function as a nested SDFG that computes a single item in the scan dimension
-        lambda_domain = {dim: f"i_{dim}" for dim, _ in closure_domain}
-        input_arrays = [(scan_carry_name, scan_dtype)] + [
-            (name, self.storage_types[name]) for name in input_names
-        ]
-        connectivity_arrays = [(scan_sdfg.arrays[name], name) for name in connectivity_names]
-        lambda_context, lambda_outputs = closure_to_tasklet_sdfg(
-            node,
-            self.offset_provider_type,
-            lambda_domain,
-            input_arrays,
-            connectivity_arrays,
-            self.use_field_canonical_representation,
-        )
-        lambda_input_names = [name for name, _ in input_arrays]
-        lambda_output_names = [connector.value.data for connector in lambda_outputs]
-        input_memlets = [
-            dace.Memlet.from_array(name, scan_sdfg.arrays[name]) for name in lambda_input_names
-        ]
-        connectivity_memlets = [
-            dace.Memlet.from_array(name, scan_sdfg.arrays[name]) for name in connectivity_names
-        ]
-        input_mapping = {param: arg for param, arg in zip(lambda_input_names, input_memlets)}
-        connectivity_mapping = {
-            param: arg for param, arg in zip(connectivity_names, connectivity_memlets)
-        }
-        array_mapping = {**input_mapping, **connectivity_mapping}
-        symbol_mapping = map_nested_sdfg_symbols(scan_sdfg, lambda_context.body, array_mapping)
-        scan_inner_node = compute_state.add_nested_sdfg(
-            lambda_context.body,
-            parent=scan_sdfg,
-            inputs=set(lambda_input_names) | set(connectivity_names),
-            outputs=set(lambda_output_names),
-            symbol_mapping=symbol_mapping,
-            debuginfo=lambda_context.body.debuginfo,
-        )
-        # connect scan SDFG to lambda inputs
-        for name, memlet in array_mapping.items():
-            access_node = compute_state.add_access(name, debuginfo=lambda_context.body.debuginfo)
-            compute_state.add_edge(access_node, None, scan_inner_node, name, memlet)
-        output_names = [output_name]
-        assert len(lambda_output_names) == 1
-        # connect lambda output to scan SDFG
-        for name, connector in zip(output_names, lambda_output_names):
-            compute_state.add_edge(
-                scan_inner_node,
-                connector,
-                compute_state.add_access(name, debuginfo=lambda_context.body.debuginfo),
-                None,
-                dace.Memlet(data=name, subset=scan_loop_var),
-            )
-        update_state.add_nedge(
-            update_state.add_access(output_name, debuginfo=lambda_context.body.debuginfo),
-            update_state.add_access(scan_carry_name, debuginfo=lambda_context.body.debuginfo),
-            dace.Memlet(data=output_name, subset=scan_loop_var, other_subset="0"),
-        )
-        return scan_sdfg, map_ranges, scan_dim_index
-    def _visit_parallel_stencil_closure(
-        self,
-        node: itir.StencilClosure,
-        array_table: dict[str, dace.data.Array],
-        closure_domain: tuple[
-            tuple[str, tuple[ValueExpr | SymbolExpr, ValueExpr | SymbolExpr]], ...
-        ],
-    ) -> tuple[dace.SDFG, dict[str, str | dace.subsets.Subset], list[str]]:
-        neighbor_tables = get_used_connectivities(node, self.offset_provider_type)
-        assert all(
-            isinstance(inp, SymRef) for inp in node.inputs
-        )  # backend only supports SymRef inputs, not `index` calls
-        input_names = [str(inp.id) for inp in node.inputs]  # type: ignore[union-attr]  # ensured by assert
-        connectivity_names = [
-            dace_utils.connectivity_identifier(offset) for offset in neighbor_tables.keys()
-        ]
-        # find the scan dimension, same as output dimension, and exclude it from the map domain
-        map_ranges = {}
-        for dim, (lb, ub) in closure_domain:
-            lb_str = lb.value.data if isinstance(lb, ValueExpr) else lb.value
-            ub_str = ub.value.data if isinstance(ub, ValueExpr) else ub.value
-            map_ranges[f"i_{dim}"] = f"{lb_str}:{ub_str}"
-        # Create an SDFG for the tasklet that computes a single item of the output domain.
-        index_domain = {dim: f"i_{dim}" for dim, _ in closure_domain}
-        input_arrays = [(name, self.storage_types[name]) for name in input_names]
-        connectivity_arrays = [(array_table[name], name) for name in connectivity_names]
-        context, results = closure_to_tasklet_sdfg(
-            node,
-            self.offset_provider_type,
-            index_domain,
-            input_arrays,
-            connectivity_arrays,
-            self.use_field_canonical_representation,
-        )
-        return context.body, map_ranges, [r.value.data for r in results]
-    def _visit_domain(
-        self, node: itir.FunCall, context: Context
-    ) -> tuple[tuple[str, tuple[SymbolExpr | ValueExpr, SymbolExpr | ValueExpr]], ...]:
-        assert isinstance(node.fun, itir.SymRef)
-        assert node.fun.id == "cartesian_domain" or node.fun.id == "unstructured_domain"
-        bounds: list[tuple[str, tuple[ValueExpr, ValueExpr]]] = []
-        for named_range in node.args:
-            assert isinstance(named_range, itir.FunCall)
-            assert isinstance(named_range.fun, itir.SymRef)
-            assert len(named_range.args) == 3
-            dimension = named_range.args[0]
-            assert isinstance(dimension, itir.AxisLiteral)
-            lower_bound = named_range.args[1]
-            upper_bound = named_range.args[2]
-            translator = PythonTaskletCodegen(
-                self.offset_provider_type,
-                context,
-                self.use_field_canonical_representation,
-            )
-            lb = translator.visit(lower_bound)[0]
-            ub = translator.visit(upper_bound)[0]
-            bounds.append((dimension.value, (lb, ub)))
-        return tuple(bounds)
-    @staticmethod
-    def _check_shift_offsets_are_literals(node: itir.StencilClosure):
-        fun_calls = eve.walk_values(node).if_isinstance(itir.FunCall)
-        shifts = [nd for nd in fun_calls if getattr(nd.fun, "id", "") == "shift"]
-        for shift in shifts:
-            if not all(isinstance(arg, (itir.Literal, itir.OffsetLiteral)) for arg in shift.args):
-                return False
-        return True
diff --git a/src/gt4py/next/program_processors/runners/dace_iterator/itir_to_tasklet.py b/src/gt4py/next/program_processors/runners/dace_iterator/itir_to_tasklet.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 2b2669187a..0000000000
--- a/src/gt4py/next/program_processors/runners/dace_iterator/itir_to_tasklet.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1564 +0,0 @@
-# GT4Py - GridTools Framework
-# Copyright (c) 2014-2024, ETH Zurich
-# All rights reserved.
-# Please, refer to the LICENSE file in the root directory.
-# SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause
-from __future__ import annotations
-import copy
-import dataclasses
-import itertools
-from collections.abc import Sequence
-from typing import Any, Callable, Optional, TypeAlias, cast
-import dace
-import numpy as np
-import gt4py.eve.codegen
-from gt4py import eve
-from gt4py.next import common
-from gt4py.next.common import _DEFAULT_SKIP_VALUE as neighbor_skip_value
-from gt4py.next.iterator import ir as itir
-from gt4py.next.iterator.ir import FunCall, Lambda
-from gt4py.next.iterator.type_system import type_specifications as it_ts
-from gt4py.next.program_processors.runners.dace_common import utility as dace_utils
-from gt4py.next.type_system import type_specifications as ts
-from .utility import (
-    add_mapped_nested_sdfg,
-    flatten_list,
-    get_used_connectivities,
-    map_nested_sdfg_symbols,
-    new_array_symbols,
-    unique_name,
-    unique_var_name,
-    "float": dace.float64,
-    "float32": dace.float32,
-    "float64": dace.float64,
-    "int": dace.int32 if np.dtype(int).itemsize == 4 else dace.int64,
-    "int32": dace.int32,
-    "int64": dace.int64,
-    "bool": dace.bool_,
-def itir_type_as_dace_type(type_: ts.TypeSpec):
-    # TODO(tehrengruber): this function just converts the scalar type of whatever it is given,
-    #  let it be a field, iterator, or directly a scalar. The caller should take care of the
-    #  extraction.
-    dtype: ts.TypeSpec
-    if isinstance(type_, ts.FieldType):
-        dtype = type_.dtype
-    elif isinstance(type_, it_ts.IteratorType):
-        dtype = type_.element_type
-    else:
-        dtype = type_
-    assert isinstance(dtype, ts.ScalarType)
-    return _TYPE_MAPPING[dtype.kind.name.lower()]
-def get_reduce_identity_value(op_name_: str, type_: Any):
-    if op_name_ == "plus":
-        init_value = type_(0)
-    elif op_name_ == "multiplies":
-        init_value = type_(1)
-    elif op_name_ == "minimum":
-        init_value = type_("inf")
-    elif op_name_ == "maximum":
-        init_value = type_("-inf")
-    else:
-        raise NotImplementedError()
-    return init_value
-    "abs": "abs({})",
-    "sin": "math.sin({})",
-    "cos": "math.cos({})",
-    "tan": "math.tan({})",
-    "arcsin": "asin({})",
-    "arccos": "acos({})",
-    "arctan": "atan({})",
-    "sinh": "math.sinh({})",
-    "cosh": "math.cosh({})",
-    "tanh": "math.tanh({})",
-    "arcsinh": "asinh({})",
-    "arccosh": "acosh({})",
-    "arctanh": "atanh({})",
-    "sqrt": "math.sqrt({})",
-    "exp": "math.exp({})",
-    "log": "math.log({})",
-    "gamma": "tgamma({})",
-    "cbrt": "cbrt({})",
-    "isfinite": "isfinite({})",
-    "isinf": "isinf({})",
-    "isnan": "isnan({})",
-    "floor": "math.ifloor({})",
-    "ceil": "ceil({})",
-    "trunc": "trunc({})",
-    "minimum": "min({}, {})",
-    "maximum": "max({}, {})",
-    "fmod": "fmod({}, {})",
-    "power": "math.pow({}, {})",
-    "float": "dace.float64({})",
-    "float32": "dace.float32({})",
-    "float64": "dace.float64({})",
-    "int": "dace.int32({})" if np.dtype(int).itemsize == 4 else "dace.int64({})",
-    "int32": "dace.int32({})",
-    "int64": "dace.int64({})",
-    "bool": "dace.bool_({})",
-    "plus": "({} + {})",
-    "minus": "({} - {})",
-    "multiplies": "({} * {})",
-    "divides": "({} / {})",
-    "floordiv": "({} // {})",
-    "eq": "({} == {})",
-    "not_eq": "({} != {})",
-    "less": "({} < {})",
-    "less_equal": "({} <= {})",
-    "greater": "({} > {})",
-    "greater_equal": "({} >= {})",
-    "and_": "({} & {})",
-    "or_": "({} | {})",
-    "xor_": "({} ^ {})",
-    "mod": "({} % {})",
-    "not_": "(not {})",  # ~ is not bitwise in numpy
-# Define type of variables used for field indexing
-class SymbolExpr:
-    value: dace.symbolic.SymbolicType
-    dtype: dace.typeclass
-class ValueExpr:
-    value: dace.nodes.AccessNode
-    dtype: dace.typeclass
-class IteratorExpr:
-    field: dace.nodes.AccessNode
-    indices: dict[str, dace.nodes.AccessNode]
-    dtype: dace.typeclass
-    dimensions: list[str]
-# Union of possible expression types
-TaskletExpr: TypeAlias = IteratorExpr | SymbolExpr | ValueExpr
-class Context:
-    body: dace.SDFG
-    state: dace.SDFGState
-    symbol_map: dict[str, TaskletExpr]
-    # if we encounter a reduction node, the reduction state needs to be pushed to child nodes
-    reduce_identity: Optional[SymbolExpr]
-    def __init__(
-        self,
-        body: dace.SDFG,
-        state: dace.SDFGState,
-        symbol_map: dict[str, TaskletExpr],
-        reduce_identity: Optional[SymbolExpr] = None,
-    ):
-        self.body = body
-        self.state = state
-        self.symbol_map = symbol_map
-        self.reduce_identity = reduce_identity
-def _visit_lift_in_neighbors_reduction(
-    transformer: PythonTaskletCodegen,
-    node: itir.FunCall,
-    node_args: Sequence[IteratorExpr | list[ValueExpr]],
-    connectivity_type: common.NeighborConnectivityType,
-    map_entry: dace.nodes.MapEntry,
-    map_exit: dace.nodes.MapExit,
-    neighbor_index_node: dace.nodes.AccessNode,
-    neighbor_value_node: dace.nodes.AccessNode,
-) -> list[ValueExpr]:
-    assert transformer.context.reduce_identity is not None
-    neighbor_dim = connectivity_type.codomain.value
-    origin_dim = connectivity_type.source_dim.value
-    lifted_args: list[IteratorExpr | ValueExpr] = []
-    for arg in node_args:
-        if isinstance(arg, IteratorExpr):
-            if origin_dim in arg.indices:
-                lifted_indices = arg.indices.copy()
-                lifted_indices.pop(origin_dim)
-                lifted_indices[neighbor_dim] = neighbor_index_node
-                lifted_args.append(
-                    IteratorExpr(arg.field, lifted_indices, arg.dtype, arg.dimensions)
-                )
-            else:
-                lifted_args.append(arg)
-        else:
-            lifted_args.append(arg[0])
-    lift_context, inner_inputs, inner_outputs = transformer.visit(node.args[0], args=lifted_args)
-    assert len(inner_outputs) == 1
-    inner_out_connector = inner_outputs[0].value.data
-    input_nodes = {}
-    iterator_index_nodes = {}
-    lifted_index_connectors = []
-    for x, y in inner_inputs:
-        if isinstance(y, IteratorExpr):
-            field_connector, inner_index_table = x
-            input_nodes[field_connector] = y.field
-            for dim, connector in inner_index_table.items():
-                if dim == neighbor_dim:
-                    lifted_index_connectors.append(connector)
-                iterator_index_nodes[connector] = y.indices[dim]
-        else:
-            assert isinstance(y, ValueExpr)
-            input_nodes[x] = y.value
-    neighbor_tables = get_used_connectivities(node.args[0], transformer.offset_provider_type)
-    connectivity_names = [
-        dace_utils.connectivity_identifier(offset) for offset in neighbor_tables.keys()
-    ]
-    parent_sdfg = transformer.context.body
-    parent_state = transformer.context.state
-    input_mapping = {
-        connector: dace.Memlet.from_array(node.data, node.desc(parent_sdfg))
-        for connector, node in input_nodes.items()
-    }
-    connectivity_mapping = {
-        name: dace.Memlet.from_array(name, parent_sdfg.arrays[name]) for name in connectivity_names
-    }
-    array_mapping = {**input_mapping, **connectivity_mapping}
-    symbol_mapping = map_nested_sdfg_symbols(parent_sdfg, lift_context.body, array_mapping)
-    nested_sdfg_node = parent_state.add_nested_sdfg(
-        lift_context.body,
-        parent_sdfg,
-        inputs={*array_mapping.keys(), *iterator_index_nodes.keys()},
-        outputs={inner_out_connector},
-        symbol_mapping=symbol_mapping,
-        debuginfo=lift_context.body.debuginfo,
-    )
-    for connectivity_connector, memlet in connectivity_mapping.items():
-        parent_state.add_memlet_path(
-            parent_state.add_access(memlet.data, debuginfo=lift_context.body.debuginfo),
-            map_entry,
-            nested_sdfg_node,
-            dst_conn=connectivity_connector,
-            memlet=memlet,
-        )
-    for inner_connector, access_node in input_nodes.items():
-        parent_state.add_memlet_path(
-            access_node,
-            map_entry,
-            nested_sdfg_node,
-            dst_conn=inner_connector,
-            memlet=input_mapping[inner_connector],
-        )
-    for inner_connector, access_node in iterator_index_nodes.items():
-        memlet = dace.Memlet(data=access_node.data, subset="0")
-        if inner_connector in lifted_index_connectors:
-            parent_state.add_edge(access_node, None, nested_sdfg_node, inner_connector, memlet)
-        else:
-            parent_state.add_memlet_path(
-                access_node, map_entry, nested_sdfg_node, dst_conn=inner_connector, memlet=memlet
-            )
-    parent_state.add_memlet_path(
-        nested_sdfg_node,
-        map_exit,
-        neighbor_value_node,
-        src_conn=inner_out_connector,
-        memlet=dace.Memlet(data=neighbor_value_node.data, subset=",".join(map_entry.params)),
-    )
-    if connectivity_type.has_skip_values:
-        # check neighbor validity on if/else inter-state edge
-        # use one branch for connectivity case
-        start_state = lift_context.body.add_state_before(
-            lift_context.body.start_state,
-            "start",
-            condition=f"{lifted_index_connectors[0]} != {neighbor_skip_value}",
-        )
-        # use the other branch for skip value case
-        skip_neighbor_state = lift_context.body.add_state("skip_neighbor")
-        skip_neighbor_state.add_edge(
-            skip_neighbor_state.add_tasklet(
-                "identity", {}, {"val"}, f"val = {transformer.context.reduce_identity.value}"
-            ),
-            "val",
-            skip_neighbor_state.add_access(inner_outputs[0].value.data),
-            None,
-            dace.Memlet(data=inner_outputs[0].value.data, subset="0"),
-        )
-        lift_context.body.add_edge(
-            start_state,
-            skip_neighbor_state,
-            dace.InterstateEdge(condition=f"{lifted_index_connectors[0]} == {neighbor_skip_value}"),
-        )
-    return [ValueExpr(neighbor_value_node, inner_outputs[0].dtype)]
-def builtin_neighbors(
-    transformer: PythonTaskletCodegen, node: itir.Expr, node_args: list[itir.Expr]
-) -> list[ValueExpr]:
-    sdfg: dace.SDFG = transformer.context.body
-    state: dace.SDFGState = transformer.context.state
-    di = dace_utils.debug_info(node, default=sdfg.debuginfo)
-    offset_literal, data = node_args
-    assert isinstance(offset_literal, itir.OffsetLiteral)
-    offset_dim = offset_literal.value
-    assert isinstance(offset_dim, str)
-    connectivity_type = transformer.offset_provider_type[offset_dim]
-    if not isinstance(connectivity_type, common.NeighborConnectivityType):
-        raise NotImplementedError(
-            "Neighbor reduction only implemented for connectivity based on neighbor tables."
-        )
-    lift_node = None
-    if isinstance(data, FunCall):
-        assert isinstance(data.fun, itir.FunCall)
-        fun_node = data.fun
-        if isinstance(fun_node.fun, itir.SymRef) and fun_node.fun.id == "lift":
-            lift_node = fun_node
-            lift_args = transformer.visit(data.args)
-            iterator = next(filter(lambda x: isinstance(x, IteratorExpr), lift_args), None)
-    if lift_node is None:
-        iterator = transformer.visit(data)
-    assert isinstance(iterator, IteratorExpr)
-    field_desc = iterator.field.desc(transformer.context.body)
-    origin_index_node = iterator.indices[connectivity_type.source_dim.value]
-    assert transformer.context.reduce_identity is not None
-    assert transformer.context.reduce_identity.dtype == iterator.dtype
-    # gather the neighbors in a result array dimensioned for `max_neighbors`
-    neighbor_value_var = unique_var_name()
-    sdfg.add_array(
-        neighbor_value_var,
-        dtype=iterator.dtype,
-        shape=(connectivity_type.max_neighbors,),
-        transient=True,
-    )
-    neighbor_value_node = state.add_access(neighbor_value_var, debuginfo=di)
-    # allocate scalar to store index for direct addressing of neighbor field
-    neighbor_index_var = unique_var_name()
-    sdfg.add_scalar(neighbor_index_var, _INDEX_DTYPE, transient=True)
-    neighbor_index_node = state.add_access(neighbor_index_var, debuginfo=di)
-    # generate unique map index name to avoid conflict with other maps inside same state
-    neighbor_map_index = unique_name(f"{offset_dim}_neighbor_map_idx")
-    me, mx = state.add_map(
-        f"{offset_dim}_neighbor_map",
-        ndrange={neighbor_map_index: f"0:{connectivity_type.max_neighbors}"},
-        debuginfo=di,
-    )
-    table_name = dace_utils.connectivity_identifier(offset_dim)
-    shift_tasklet = state.add_tasklet(
-        "shift",
-        code=f"__result = __table[__idx, {neighbor_map_index}]",
-        inputs={"__table", "__idx"},
-        outputs={"__result"},
-        debuginfo=di,
-    )
-    state.add_memlet_path(
-        state.add_access(table_name, debuginfo=di),
-        me,
-        shift_tasklet,
-        memlet=dace.Memlet.from_array(table_name, sdfg.arrays[table_name]),
-        dst_conn="__table",
-    )
-    state.add_memlet_path(
-        origin_index_node,
-        me,
-        shift_tasklet,
-        memlet=dace.Memlet(data=origin_index_node.data, subset="0"),
-        dst_conn="__idx",
-    )
-    state.add_edge(
-        shift_tasklet,
-        "__result",
-        neighbor_index_node,
-        None,
-        dace.Memlet(data=neighbor_index_var, subset="0"),
-    )
-    if lift_node is not None:
-        _visit_lift_in_neighbors_reduction(
-            transformer,
-            lift_node,
-            lift_args,
-            connectivity_type,
-            me,
-            mx,
-            neighbor_index_node,
-            neighbor_value_node,
-        )
-    else:
-        sorted_dims = transformer.get_sorted_field_dimensions(iterator.dimensions)
-        data_access_index = ",".join(f"{dim}_v" for dim in sorted_dims)
-        connector_neighbor_dim = f"{connectivity_type.codomain.value}_v"
-        data_access_tasklet = state.add_tasklet(
-            "data_access",
-            code=f"__data = __field[{data_access_index}] "
-            + (
-                f"if {connector_neighbor_dim} != {neighbor_skip_value} else {transformer.context.reduce_identity.value}"
-                if connectivity_type.has_skip_values
-                else ""
-            ),
-            inputs={"__field"} | {f"{dim}_v" for dim in iterator.dimensions},
-            outputs={"__data"},
-            debuginfo=di,
-        )
-        state.add_memlet_path(
-            iterator.field,
-            me,
-            data_access_tasklet,
-            memlet=dace.Memlet.from_array(iterator.field.data, field_desc),
-            dst_conn="__field",
-        )
-        for dim in iterator.dimensions:
-            connector = f"{dim}_v"
-            if dim == connectivity_type.codomain.value:
-                state.add_edge(
-                    neighbor_index_node,
-                    None,
-                    data_access_tasklet,
-                    connector,
-                    dace.Memlet(data=neighbor_index_var, subset="0"),
-                )
-            else:
-                state.add_memlet_path(
-                    iterator.indices[dim],
-                    me,
-                    data_access_tasklet,
-                    dst_conn=connector,
-                    memlet=dace.Memlet(data=iterator.indices[dim].data, subset="0"),
-                )
-        state.add_memlet_path(
-            data_access_tasklet,
-            mx,
-            neighbor_value_node,
-            memlet=dace.Memlet(data=neighbor_value_var, subset=neighbor_map_index),
-            src_conn="__data",
-        )
-    if not connectivity_type.has_skip_values:
-        return [ValueExpr(neighbor_value_node, iterator.dtype)]
-    else:
-        """
-        In case of neighbor tables with skip values, in addition to the array of neighbor values this function also
-        returns an array of booleans to indicate if the neighbor value is present or not. This node is only used
-        for neighbor reductions with lambda functions, a very specific case. For single input neighbor reductions,
-        the regular case, this node will be removed by the simplify pass.
-        """
-        neighbor_valid_var = unique_var_name()
-        sdfg.add_array(
-            neighbor_valid_var,
-            dtype=dace.dtypes.bool,
-            shape=(connectivity_type.max_neighbors,),
-            transient=True,
-        )
-        neighbor_valid_node = state.add_access(neighbor_valid_var, debuginfo=di)
-        neighbor_valid_tasklet = state.add_tasklet(
-            f"check_valid_neighbor_{offset_dim}",
-            {"__idx"},
-            {"__valid"},
-            f"__valid = True if __idx != {neighbor_skip_value} else False",
-            debuginfo=di,
-        )
-        state.add_edge(
-            neighbor_index_node,
-            None,
-            neighbor_valid_tasklet,
-            "__idx",
-            dace.Memlet(data=neighbor_index_var, subset="0"),
-        )
-        state.add_memlet_path(
-            neighbor_valid_tasklet,
-            mx,
-            neighbor_valid_node,
-            memlet=dace.Memlet(data=neighbor_valid_var, subset=neighbor_map_index),
-            src_conn="__valid",
-        )
-        return [
-            ValueExpr(neighbor_value_node, iterator.dtype),
-            ValueExpr(neighbor_valid_node, dace.dtypes.bool),
-        ]
-def builtin_can_deref(
-    transformer: PythonTaskletCodegen, node: itir.Expr, node_args: list[itir.Expr]
-) -> list[ValueExpr]:
-    di = dace_utils.debug_info(node, default=transformer.context.body.debuginfo)
-    # first visit shift, to get set of indices for deref
-    can_deref_callable = node_args[0]
-    assert isinstance(can_deref_callable, itir.FunCall)
-    shift_callable = can_deref_callable.fun
-    assert isinstance(shift_callable, itir.FunCall)
-    assert isinstance(shift_callable.fun, itir.SymRef)
-    assert shift_callable.fun.id == "shift"
-    iterator = transformer._visit_shift(can_deref_callable)
-    # TODO: remove this special case when ITIR reduce-unroll pass is able to catch it
-    if not isinstance(iterator, IteratorExpr):
-        assert len(iterator) == 1 and isinstance(iterator[0], ValueExpr)
-        # We can always deref a value expression, therefore hard-code `can_deref` to True.
-        # Returning a SymbolExpr would be preferable, but it requires update to type-checking.
-        result_name = unique_var_name()
-        transformer.context.body.add_scalar(result_name, dace.dtypes.bool, transient=True)
-        result_node = transformer.context.state.add_access(result_name, debuginfo=di)
-        transformer.context.state.add_edge(
-            transformer.context.state.add_tasklet(
-                "can_always_deref", {}, {"_out"}, "_out = True", debuginfo=di
-            ),
-            "_out",
-            result_node,
-            None,
-            dace.Memlet(data=result_name, subset="0"),
-        )
-        return [ValueExpr(result_node, dace.dtypes.bool)]
-    # create tasklet to check that field indices are non-negative (-1 is invalid)
-    args = [ValueExpr(access_node, _INDEX_DTYPE) for access_node in iterator.indices.values()]
-    internals = [f"{arg.value.data}_v" for arg in args]
-    expr_code = " and ".join(f"{v} != {neighbor_skip_value}" for v in internals)
-    return transformer.add_expr_tasklet(
-        list(zip(args, internals)), expr_code, dace.dtypes.bool, "can_deref", dace_debuginfo=di
-    )
-def builtin_if(
-    transformer: PythonTaskletCodegen, node: itir.Expr, node_args: list[itir.Expr]
-) -> list[ValueExpr]:
-    assert len(node_args) == 3
-    sdfg = transformer.context.body
-    current_state = transformer.context.state
-    is_start_state = sdfg.start_block == current_state
-    # build an empty state to join true and false branches
-    join_state = sdfg.add_state_before(current_state, "join")
-    def build_if_state(arg, state):
-        symbol_map = copy.deepcopy(transformer.context.symbol_map)
-        node_context = Context(sdfg, state, symbol_map)
-        node_taskgen = PythonTaskletCodegen(
-            transformer.offset_provider_type,
-            node_context,
-            transformer.use_field_canonical_representation,
-        )
-        return node_taskgen.visit(arg)
-    # represent the if-statement condition as a tasklet inside an `if_statement` state preceding `join` state
-    stmt_state = sdfg.add_state_before(join_state, "if_statement", is_start_state)
-    stmt_node = build_if_state(node_args[0], stmt_state)[0]
-    assert isinstance(stmt_node, ValueExpr)
-    assert stmt_node.dtype == dace.dtypes.bool
-    assert sdfg.arrays[stmt_node.value.data].shape == (1,)
-    # visit true and false branches (here called `tbr` and `fbr`) as separate states, following `if_statement` state
-    tbr_state = sdfg.add_state("true_branch")
-    sdfg.add_edge(
-        stmt_state, tbr_state, dace.InterstateEdge(condition=f"{stmt_node.value.data} == True")
-    )
-    sdfg.add_edge(tbr_state, join_state, dace.InterstateEdge())
-    tbr_values = flatten_list(build_if_state(node_args[1], tbr_state))
-    #
-    fbr_state = sdfg.add_state("false_branch")
-    sdfg.add_edge(
-        stmt_state, fbr_state, dace.InterstateEdge(condition=f"{stmt_node.value.data} == False")
-    )
-    sdfg.add_edge(fbr_state, join_state, dace.InterstateEdge())
-    fbr_values = flatten_list(build_if_state(node_args[2], fbr_state))
-    assert isinstance(stmt_node, ValueExpr)
-    assert stmt_node.dtype == dace.dtypes.bool
-    # make the result of the if-statement evaluation available inside current state
-    ctx_stmt_node = ValueExpr(current_state.add_access(stmt_node.value.data), stmt_node.dtype)
-    # we distinguish between select if-statements, where both true and false branches are symbolic expressions,
-    # and therefore do not require exclusive branch execution, and regular if-statements where at least one branch
-    # is a value expression, which has to be evaluated at runtime with conditional state transition
-    result_values = []
-    assert len(tbr_values) == len(fbr_values)
-    for tbr_value, fbr_value in zip(tbr_values, fbr_values):
-        assert isinstance(tbr_value, (SymbolExpr, ValueExpr))
-        assert isinstance(fbr_value, (SymbolExpr, ValueExpr))
-        assert tbr_value.dtype == fbr_value.dtype
-        if all(isinstance(x, SymbolExpr) for x in (tbr_value, fbr_value)):
-            # both branches return symbolic expressions, therefore the if-node can be translated
-            # to a select-tasklet inside current state
-            # TODO: use select-memlet when it becomes available in dace
-            code = f"{tbr_value.value} if _cond else {fbr_value.value}"
-            if_expr = transformer.add_expr_tasklet(
-                [(ctx_stmt_node, "_cond")], code, tbr_value.dtype, "if_select"
-            )[0]
-            result_values.append(if_expr)
-        else:
-            # at least one of the two branches contains a value expression, which should be evaluated
-            # only if the corresponding true/false condition is satisfied
-            desc = sdfg.arrays[
-                tbr_value.value.data if isinstance(tbr_value, ValueExpr) else fbr_value.value.data
-            ]
-            var = unique_var_name()
-            if isinstance(desc, dace.data.Scalar):
-                sdfg.add_scalar(var, desc.dtype, transient=True)
-            else:
-                sdfg.add_array(var, desc.shape, desc.dtype, transient=True)
-            # write result to transient data container and access it in the original state
-            for state, expr in [(tbr_state, tbr_value), (fbr_state, fbr_value)]:
-                val_node = state.add_access(var)
-                if isinstance(expr, ValueExpr):
-                    state.add_nedge(
-                        expr.value, val_node, dace.Memlet.from_array(expr.value.data, desc)
-                    )
-                else:
-                    assert desc.shape == (1,)
-                    state.add_edge(
-                        state.add_tasklet("write_symbol", {}, {"_out"}, f"_out = {expr.value}"),
-                        "_out",
-                        val_node,
-                        None,
-                        dace.Memlet(var, "0"),
-                    )
-            result_values.append(ValueExpr(current_state.add_access(var), desc.dtype))
-    if tbr_state.is_empty() and fbr_state.is_empty():
-        # if all branches are symbolic expressions, the true/false and join states can be removed
-        # as well as the conditional state transition
-        sdfg.remove_nodes_from([join_state, tbr_state, fbr_state])
-        sdfg.add_edge(stmt_state, current_state, dace.InterstateEdge())
-    elif tbr_state.is_empty():
-        # use direct edge from if-statement to join state for true branch
-        tbr_condition = sdfg.edges_between(stmt_state, tbr_state)[0].condition
-        sdfg.edges_between(stmt_state, join_state)[0].contition = tbr_condition
-        sdfg.remove_node(tbr_state)
-    elif fbr_state.is_empty():
-        # use direct edge from if-statement to join state for false branch
-        fbr_condition = sdfg.edges_between(stmt_state, fbr_state)[0].condition
-        sdfg.edges_between(stmt_state, join_state)[0].contition = fbr_condition
-        sdfg.remove_node(fbr_state)
-    else:
-        # remove direct edge from if-statement to join state
-        sdfg.remove_edge(sdfg.edges_between(stmt_state, join_state)[0])
-        # the if-statement condition is not used in current state
-        current_state.remove_node(ctx_stmt_node.value)
-    return result_values
-def builtin_list_get(
-    transformer: PythonTaskletCodegen, node: itir.Expr, node_args: list[itir.Expr]
-) -> list[ValueExpr]:
-    di = dace_utils.debug_info(node, default=transformer.context.body.debuginfo)
-    args = list(itertools.chain(*transformer.visit(node_args)))
-    assert len(args) == 2
-    # index node
-    if isinstance(args[0], SymbolExpr):
-        index_value = args[0].value
-        result_name = unique_var_name()
-        transformer.context.body.add_scalar(result_name, args[1].dtype, transient=True)
-        result_node = transformer.context.state.add_access(result_name)
-        transformer.context.state.add_nedge(
-            args[1].value, result_node, dace.Memlet(data=args[1].value.data, subset=index_value)
-        )
-        return [ValueExpr(result_node, args[1].dtype)]
-    else:
-        expr_args = [(arg, f"{arg.value.data}_v") for arg in args]
-        internals = [f"{arg.value.data}_v" for arg in args]
-        expr = f"{internals[1]}[{internals[0]}]"
-        return transformer.add_expr_tasklet(
-            expr_args, expr, args[1].dtype, "list_get", dace_debuginfo=di
-        )
-def builtin_cast(
-    transformer: PythonTaskletCodegen, node: itir.Expr, node_args: list[itir.Expr]
-) -> list[ValueExpr]:
-    di = dace_utils.debug_info(node, default=transformer.context.body.debuginfo)
-    args = transformer.visit(node_args[0])
-    internals = [f"{arg.value.data}_v" for arg in args]
-    target_type = node_args[1]
-    assert isinstance(target_type, itir.SymRef)
-    expr = _MATH_BUILTINS_MAPPING[target_type.id].format(*internals)
-    type_ = itir_type_as_dace_type(node.type)  # type: ignore[arg-type]  # ensure by type inference
-    return transformer.add_expr_tasklet(
-        list(zip(args, internals)), expr, type_, "cast", dace_debuginfo=di
-    )
-def builtin_make_const_list(
-    transformer: PythonTaskletCodegen, node: itir.Expr, node_args: list[itir.Expr]
-) -> list[ValueExpr]:
-    di = dace_utils.debug_info(node, default=transformer.context.body.debuginfo)
-    args = [transformer.visit(arg)[0] for arg in node_args]
-    assert all(isinstance(x, (SymbolExpr, ValueExpr)) for x in args)
-    args_dtype = [x.dtype for x in args]
-    assert len(set(args_dtype)) == 1
-    dtype = args_dtype[0]
-    var_name = unique_var_name()
-    transformer.context.body.add_array(var_name, (len(args),), dtype, transient=True)
-    var_node = transformer.context.state.add_access(var_name, debuginfo=di)
-    for i, arg in enumerate(args):
-        if isinstance(arg, SymbolExpr):
-            transformer.context.state.add_edge(
-                transformer.context.state.add_tasklet(
-                    f"get_arg{i}", {}, {"val"}, f"val = {arg.value}"
-                ),
-                "val",
-                var_node,
-                None,
-                dace.Memlet(data=var_name, subset=f"{i}"),
-            )
-        else:
-            assert arg.value.desc(transformer.context.body).shape == (1,)
-            transformer.context.state.add_nedge(
-                arg.value,
-                var_node,
-                dace.Memlet(data=arg.value.data, subset="0", other_subset=f"{i}"),
-            )
-    return [ValueExpr(var_node, dtype)]
-def builtin_make_tuple(
-    transformer: PythonTaskletCodegen, node: itir.Expr, node_args: list[itir.Expr]
-) -> list[ValueExpr]:
-    args = [transformer.visit(arg) for arg in node_args]
-    return args
-def builtin_tuple_get(
-    transformer: PythonTaskletCodegen, node: itir.Expr, node_args: list[itir.Expr]
-) -> list[ValueExpr]:
-    elements = transformer.visit(node_args[1])
-    index = node_args[0]
-    if isinstance(index, itir.Literal):
-        return [elements[int(index.value)]]
-    raise ValueError("Tuple can only be subscripted with compile-time constants.")
-    str, Callable[[PythonTaskletCodegen, itir.Expr, list[itir.Expr]], list[ValueExpr]]
-] = {
-    "can_deref": builtin_can_deref,
-    "cast_": builtin_cast,
-    "if_": builtin_if,
-    "list_get": builtin_list_get,
-    "make_const_list": builtin_make_const_list,
-    "make_tuple": builtin_make_tuple,
-    "neighbors": builtin_neighbors,
-    "tuple_get": builtin_tuple_get,
-class GatherLambdaSymbolsPass(eve.NodeVisitor):
-    _sdfg: dace.SDFG
-    _state: dace.SDFGState
-    _symbol_map: dict[str, TaskletExpr | tuple[ValueExpr]]
-    _parent_symbol_map: dict[str, TaskletExpr]
-    def __init__(self, sdfg, state, parent_symbol_map):
-        self._sdfg = sdfg
-        self._state = state
-        self._symbol_map = {}
-        self._parent_symbol_map = parent_symbol_map
-    @property
-    def symbol_refs(self):
-        """Dictionary of symbols referenced from the lambda expression."""
-        return self._symbol_map
-    def _add_symbol(self, param, arg):
-        if isinstance(arg, ValueExpr):
-            # create storage in lambda sdfg
-            self._sdfg.add_scalar(param, dtype=arg.dtype)
-            # update table of lambda symbols
-            self._symbol_map[param] = ValueExpr(
-                self._state.add_access(param, debuginfo=self._sdfg.debuginfo), arg.dtype
-            )
-        elif isinstance(arg, IteratorExpr):
-            # create storage in lambda sdfg
-            ndims = len(arg.dimensions)
-            shape, strides = new_array_symbols(param, ndims)
-            self._sdfg.add_array(param, shape=shape, strides=strides, dtype=arg.dtype)
-            index_names = {dim: f"__{param}_i_{dim}" for dim in arg.indices.keys()}
-            for _, index_name in index_names.items():
-                self._sdfg.add_scalar(index_name, dtype=_INDEX_DTYPE)
-            # update table of lambda symbols
-            field = self._state.add_access(param, debuginfo=self._sdfg.debuginfo)
-            indices = {
-                dim: self._state.add_access(index_arg, debuginfo=self._sdfg.debuginfo)
-                for dim, index_arg in index_names.items()
-            }
-            self._symbol_map[param] = IteratorExpr(field, indices, arg.dtype, arg.dimensions)
-        else:
-            assert isinstance(arg, SymbolExpr)
-            self._symbol_map[param] = arg
-    def _add_tuple(self, param, args):
-        nodes = []
-        # create storage in lambda sdfg for each tuple element
-        for arg in args:
-            var = unique_var_name()
-            self._sdfg.add_scalar(var, dtype=arg.dtype)
-            arg_node = self._state.add_access(var, debuginfo=self._sdfg.debuginfo)
-            nodes.append(ValueExpr(arg_node, arg.dtype))
-        # update table of lambda symbols
-        self._symbol_map[param] = tuple(nodes)
-    def visit_SymRef(self, node: itir.SymRef):
-        name = str(node.id)
-        if name in self._parent_symbol_map and name not in self._symbol_map:
-            arg = self._parent_symbol_map[name]
-            self._add_symbol(name, arg)
-    def visit_Lambda(self, node: itir.Lambda, args: Optional[Sequence[TaskletExpr]] = None):
-        if args is not None:
-            if len(node.params) == len(args):
-                for param, arg in zip(node.params, args):
-                    self._add_symbol(str(param.id), arg)
-            else:
-                # implicitly make tuple
-                assert len(node.params) == 1
-                self._add_tuple(str(node.params[0].id), args)
-        self.visit(node.expr)
-class GatherOutputSymbolsPass(eve.NodeVisitor):
-    _sdfg: dace.SDFG
-    _state: dace.SDFGState
-    _symbol_map: dict[str, TaskletExpr]
-    @property
-    def symbol_refs(self):
-        """Dictionary of symbols referenced from the output expression."""
-        return self._symbol_map
-    def __init__(self, sdfg, state):
-        self._sdfg = sdfg
-        self._state = state
-        self._symbol_map = {}
-    def visit_SymRef(self, node: itir.SymRef):
-        param = str(node.id)
-        if param not in _GENERAL_BUILTIN_MAPPING and param not in self._symbol_map:
-            access_node = self._state.add_access(param, debuginfo=self._sdfg.debuginfo)
-            self._symbol_map[param] = ValueExpr(
-                access_node,
-                dtype=itir_type_as_dace_type(node.type),  # type: ignore[arg-type]  # ensure by type inference
-            )
-class PythonTaskletCodegen(gt4py.eve.codegen.TemplatedGenerator):
-    offset_provider_type: common.OffsetProviderType
-    context: Context
-    use_field_canonical_representation: bool
-    def get_sorted_field_dimensions(self, dims: Sequence[str]):
-        return sorted(dims) if self.use_field_canonical_representation else dims
-    def visit_FunctionDefinition(self, node: itir.FunctionDefinition, **kwargs):
-        raise NotImplementedError()
-    def visit_Lambda(
-        self, node: itir.Lambda, args: Sequence[TaskletExpr], use_neighbor_tables: bool = True
-    ) -> tuple[
-        Context,
-        list[tuple[str, ValueExpr] | tuple[tuple[str, dict], IteratorExpr]],
-        list[ValueExpr],
-    ]:
-        func_name = f"lambda_{abs(hash(node)):x}"
-        neighbor_tables = (
-            get_used_connectivities(node, self.offset_provider_type) if use_neighbor_tables else {}
-        )
-        connectivity_names = [
-            dace_utils.connectivity_identifier(offset) for offset in neighbor_tables.keys()
-        ]
-        # Create the SDFG for the lambda's body
-        lambda_sdfg = dace.SDFG(func_name)
-        lambda_sdfg.debuginfo = dace_utils.debug_info(node, default=self.context.body.debuginfo)
-        lambda_state = lambda_sdfg.add_state(f"{func_name}_body", is_start_block=True)
-        lambda_symbols_pass = GatherLambdaSymbolsPass(
-            lambda_sdfg, lambda_state, self.context.symbol_map
-        )
-        lambda_symbols_pass.visit(node, args=args)
-        # Add for input nodes for lambda symbols
-        inputs: list[tuple[str, ValueExpr] | tuple[tuple[str, dict], IteratorExpr]] = []
-        for sym, input_node in lambda_symbols_pass.symbol_refs.items():
-            params = [str(p.id) for p in node.params]
-            try:
-                param_index = params.index(sym)
-            except ValueError:
-                param_index = -1
-            if param_index >= 0:
-                outer_node = args[param_index]
-            else:
-                # the symbol is not found among lambda arguments, then it is inherited from parent scope
-                outer_node = self.context.symbol_map[sym]
-            if isinstance(input_node, IteratorExpr):
-                assert isinstance(outer_node, IteratorExpr)
-                index_params = {
-                    dim: index_node.data for dim, index_node in input_node.indices.items()
-                }
-                inputs.append(((sym, index_params), outer_node))
-            elif isinstance(input_node, ValueExpr):
-                assert isinstance(outer_node, ValueExpr)
-                inputs.append((sym, outer_node))
-            elif isinstance(input_node, tuple):
-                assert param_index >= 0
-                for i, input_node_i in enumerate(input_node):
-                    arg_i = args[param_index + i]
-                    assert isinstance(arg_i, ValueExpr)
-                    assert isinstance(input_node_i, ValueExpr)
-                    inputs.append((input_node_i.value.data, arg_i))
-        # Add connectivities as arrays
-        for name in connectivity_names:
-            shape, strides = new_array_symbols(name, ndim=2)
-            dtype = self.context.body.arrays[name].dtype
-            lambda_sdfg.add_array(name, shape=shape, strides=strides, dtype=dtype)
-        # Translate the lambda's body in its own context
-        lambda_context = Context(
-            lambda_sdfg,
-            lambda_state,
-            lambda_symbols_pass.symbol_refs,
-            reduce_identity=self.context.reduce_identity,
-        )
-        lambda_taskgen = PythonTaskletCodegen(
-            self.offset_provider_type,
-            lambda_context,
-            self.use_field_canonical_representation,
-        )
-        results: list[ValueExpr] = []
-        # We are flattening the returned list of value expressions because the multiple outputs of a lambda
-        # should be a list of nodes without tuple structure. Ideally, an ITIR transformation could do this.
-        node.expr.location = node.location
-        for expr in flatten_list(lambda_taskgen.visit(node.expr)):
-            if isinstance(expr, ValueExpr):
-                result_name = unique_var_name()
-                lambda_sdfg.add_scalar(result_name, expr.dtype, transient=True)
-                result_access = lambda_state.add_access(
-                    result_name, debuginfo=lambda_sdfg.debuginfo
-                )
-                lambda_state.add_nedge(
-                    expr.value, result_access, dace.Memlet(data=result_access.data, subset="0")
-                )
-                result = ValueExpr(value=result_access, dtype=expr.dtype)
-            else:
-                # Forwarding result through a tasklet needed because empty SDFG states don't properly forward connectors
-                result = lambda_taskgen.add_expr_tasklet(
-                    [], expr.value, expr.dtype, "forward", dace_debuginfo=lambda_sdfg.debuginfo
-                )[0]
-            lambda_sdfg.arrays[result.value.data].transient = False
-            results.append(result)
-        # remove isolated access nodes for connectivity arrays not consumed by lambda
-        for sub_node in lambda_state.nodes():
-            if isinstance(sub_node, dace.nodes.AccessNode):
-                if lambda_state.out_degree(sub_node) == 0 and lambda_state.in_degree(sub_node) == 0:
-                    lambda_state.remove_node(sub_node)
-        return lambda_context, inputs, results
-    def visit_SymRef(self, node: itir.SymRef) -> list[ValueExpr | SymbolExpr] | IteratorExpr:
-        param = str(node.id)
-        value = self.context.symbol_map[param]
-        if isinstance(value, (ValueExpr, SymbolExpr)):
-            return [value]
-        return value
-    def visit_Literal(self, node: itir.Literal) -> list[SymbolExpr]:
-        return [SymbolExpr(node.value, itir_type_as_dace_type(node.type))]
-    def visit_FunCall(self, node: itir.FunCall) -> list[ValueExpr] | IteratorExpr:
-        node.fun.location = node.location
-        if isinstance(node.fun, itir.SymRef) and node.fun.id == "deref":
-            return self._visit_deref(node)
-        if isinstance(node.fun, itir.FunCall) and isinstance(node.fun.fun, itir.SymRef):
-            if node.fun.fun.id == "shift":
-                return self._visit_shift(node)
-            elif node.fun.fun.id == "reduce":
-                return self._visit_reduce(node)
-        if isinstance(node.fun, itir.SymRef):
-            builtin_name = str(node.fun.id)
-            if builtin_name in _MATH_BUILTINS_MAPPING:
-                return self._visit_numeric_builtin(node)
-            elif builtin_name in _GENERAL_BUILTIN_MAPPING:
-                return self._visit_general_builtin(node)
-            else:
-                raise NotImplementedError(f"'{builtin_name}' not implemented.")
-        return self._visit_call(node)
-    def _visit_call(self, node: itir.FunCall):
-        args = self.visit(node.args)
-        args = [arg if isinstance(arg, Sequence) else [arg] for arg in args]
-        args = list(itertools.chain(*args))
-        node.fun.location = node.location
-        func_context, func_inputs, results = self.visit(node.fun, args=args)
-        nsdfg_inputs = {}
-        for name, value in func_inputs:
-            if isinstance(value, ValueExpr):
-                nsdfg_inputs[name] = dace.Memlet.from_array(
-                    value.value.data, self.context.body.arrays[value.value.data]
-                )
-            else:
-                assert isinstance(value, IteratorExpr)
-                field = name[0]
-                indices = name[1]
-                nsdfg_inputs[field] = dace.Memlet.from_array(
-                    value.field.data, self.context.body.arrays[value.field.data]
-                )
-                for dim, var in indices.items():
-                    store = value.indices[dim].data
-                    nsdfg_inputs[var] = dace.Memlet.from_array(
-                        store, self.context.body.arrays[store]
-                    )
-        neighbor_tables = get_used_connectivities(node.fun, self.offset_provider_type)
-        for offset in neighbor_tables.keys():
-            var = dace_utils.connectivity_identifier(offset)
-            nsdfg_inputs[var] = dace.Memlet.from_array(var, self.context.body.arrays[var])
-        symbol_mapping = map_nested_sdfg_symbols(self.context.body, func_context.body, nsdfg_inputs)
-        nsdfg_node = self.context.state.add_nested_sdfg(
-            func_context.body,
-            None,
-            inputs=set(nsdfg_inputs.keys()),
-            outputs=set(r.value.data for r in results),
-            symbol_mapping=symbol_mapping,
-            debuginfo=dace_utils.debug_info(node, default=func_context.body.debuginfo),
-        )
-        for name, value in func_inputs:
-            if isinstance(value, ValueExpr):
-                value_memlet = nsdfg_inputs[name]
-                self.context.state.add_edge(value.value, None, nsdfg_node, name, value_memlet)
-            else:
-                assert isinstance(value, IteratorExpr)
-                field = name[0]
-                indices = name[1]
-                field_memlet = nsdfg_inputs[field]
-                self.context.state.add_edge(value.field, None, nsdfg_node, field, field_memlet)
-                for dim, var in indices.items():
-                    store = value.indices[dim]
-                    idx_memlet = nsdfg_inputs[var]
-                    self.context.state.add_edge(store, None, nsdfg_node, var, idx_memlet)
-        for offset in neighbor_tables.keys():
-            var = dace_utils.connectivity_identifier(offset)
-            memlet = nsdfg_inputs[var]
-            access = self.context.state.add_access(var, debuginfo=nsdfg_node.debuginfo)
-            self.context.state.add_edge(access, None, nsdfg_node, var, memlet)
-        result_exprs = []
-        for result in results:
-            name = unique_var_name()
-            self.context.body.add_scalar(name, result.dtype, transient=True)
-            result_access = self.context.state.add_access(name, debuginfo=nsdfg_node.debuginfo)
-            result_exprs.append(ValueExpr(result_access, result.dtype))
-            memlet = dace.Memlet.from_array(name, self.context.body.arrays[name])
-            self.context.state.add_edge(nsdfg_node, result.value.data, result_access, None, memlet)
-        return result_exprs
-    def _visit_deref(self, node: itir.FunCall) -> list[ValueExpr]:
-        di = dace_utils.debug_info(node, default=self.context.body.debuginfo)
-        iterator = self.visit(node.args[0])
-        if not isinstance(iterator, IteratorExpr):
-            # already a list of ValueExpr
-            return iterator
-        sorted_dims = self.get_sorted_field_dimensions(iterator.dimensions)
-        if all([dim in iterator.indices for dim in iterator.dimensions]):
-            # The deref iterator has index values on all dimensions: the result will be a scalar
-            args = [ValueExpr(iterator.field, iterator.dtype)] + [
-                ValueExpr(iterator.indices[dim], _INDEX_DTYPE) for dim in sorted_dims
-            ]
-            internals = [f"{arg.value.data}_v" for arg in args]
-            expr = f"{internals[0]}[{', '.join(internals[1:])}]"
-            return self.add_expr_tasklet(
-                list(zip(args, internals)), expr, iterator.dtype, "deref", dace_debuginfo=di
-            )
-        else:
-            dims_not_indexed = [dim for dim in iterator.dimensions if dim not in iterator.indices]
-            assert len(dims_not_indexed) == 1
-            offset = dims_not_indexed[0]
-            offset_provider_type = self.offset_provider_type[offset]
-            assert isinstance(offset_provider_type, common.NeighborConnectivityType)
-            neighbor_dim = offset_provider_type.codomain.value
-            result_name = unique_var_name()
-            self.context.body.add_array(
-                result_name, (offset_provider_type.max_neighbors,), iterator.dtype, transient=True
-            )
-            result_array = self.context.body.arrays[result_name]
-            result_node = self.context.state.add_access(result_name, debuginfo=di)
-            deref_connectors = ["_inp"] + [
-                f"_i_{dim}" for dim in sorted_dims if dim in iterator.indices
-            ]
-            deref_nodes = [iterator.field] + [
-                iterator.indices[dim] for dim in sorted_dims if dim in iterator.indices
-            ]
-            deref_memlets = [
-                dace.Memlet.from_array(iterator.field.data, iterator.field.desc(self.context.body))
-            ] + [dace.Memlet(data=node.data, subset="0") for node in deref_nodes[1:]]
-            # we create a mapped tasklet for array slicing
-            index_name = unique_name(f"_i_{neighbor_dim}")
-            map_ranges = {index_name: f"0:{offset_provider_type.max_neighbors}"}
-            src_subset = ",".join(
-                [f"_i_{dim}" if dim in iterator.indices else index_name for dim in sorted_dims]
-            )
-            self.context.state.add_mapped_tasklet(
-                "deref",
-                map_ranges,
-                inputs={k: v for k, v in zip(deref_connectors, deref_memlets)},
-                outputs={"_out": dace.Memlet.from_array(result_name, result_array)},
-                code=f"_out[{index_name}] = _inp[{src_subset}]",
-                external_edges=True,
-                input_nodes={node.data: node for node in deref_nodes},
-                output_nodes={result_name: result_node},
-                debuginfo=di,
-            )
-            return [ValueExpr(result_node, iterator.dtype)]
-    def _split_shift_args(
-        self, args: list[itir.Expr]
-    ) -> tuple[list[itir.Expr], Optional[list[itir.Expr]]]:
-        pairs = [args[i : i + 2] for i in range(0, len(args), 2)]
-        assert len(pairs) >= 1
-        assert all(len(pair) == 2 for pair in pairs)
-        return pairs[-1], list(itertools.chain(*pairs[0:-1])) if len(pairs) > 1 else None
-    def _make_shift_for_rest(self, rest, iterator):
-        return itir.FunCall(
-            fun=itir.FunCall(fun=itir.SymRef(id="shift"), args=rest),
-            args=[iterator],
-            location=iterator.location,
-        )
-    def _visit_shift(self, node: itir.FunCall) -> IteratorExpr | list[ValueExpr]:
-        di = dace_utils.debug_info(node, default=self.context.body.debuginfo)
-        shift = node.fun
-        assert isinstance(shift, itir.FunCall)
-        tail, rest = self._split_shift_args(shift.args)
-        if rest:
-            iterator = self.visit(self._make_shift_for_rest(rest, node.args[0]))
-        else:
-            iterator = self.visit(node.args[0])
-        if not isinstance(iterator, IteratorExpr):
-            # shift cannot be applied because the argument is not iterable
-            # TODO: remove this special case when ITIR pass is able to catch it
-            assert isinstance(iterator, list) and len(iterator) == 1
-            assert isinstance(iterator[0], ValueExpr)
-            return iterator
-        assert isinstance(tail[0], itir.OffsetLiteral)
-        offset_dim = tail[0].value
-        assert isinstance(offset_dim, str)
-        offset_node = self.visit(tail[1])[0]
-        assert offset_node.dtype in dace.dtypes.INTEGER_TYPES
-        if isinstance(self.offset_provider_type[offset_dim], common.NeighborConnectivityType):
-            offset_provider_type = cast(
-                common.NeighborConnectivityType, self.offset_provider_type[offset_dim]
-            )  # ensured by condition
-            connectivity = self.context.state.add_access(
-                dace_utils.connectivity_identifier(offset_dim), debuginfo=di
-            )
-            shifted_dim_tag = offset_provider_type.source_dim.value
-            target_dim_tag = offset_provider_type.codomain.value
-            args = [
-                ValueExpr(connectivity, _INDEX_DTYPE),
-                ValueExpr(iterator.indices[shifted_dim_tag], offset_node.dtype),
-                offset_node,
-            ]
-            internals = [f"{arg.value.data}_v" for arg in args]
-            expr = f"{internals[0]}[{internals[1]}, {internals[2]}]"
-        else:
-            shifted_dim = self.offset_provider_type[offset_dim]
-            assert isinstance(shifted_dim, common.Dimension)
-            shifted_dim_tag = shifted_dim.value
-            target_dim_tag = shifted_dim_tag
-            args = [ValueExpr(iterator.indices[shifted_dim_tag], offset_node.dtype), offset_node]
-            internals = [f"{arg.value.data}_v" for arg in args]
-            expr = f"{internals[0]} + {internals[1]}"
-        shifted_value = self.add_expr_tasklet(
-            list(zip(args, internals)), expr, offset_node.dtype, "shift", dace_debuginfo=di
-        )[0].value
-        shifted_index = {dim: value for dim, value in iterator.indices.items()}
-        del shifted_index[shifted_dim_tag]
-        shifted_index[target_dim_tag] = shifted_value
-        return IteratorExpr(iterator.field, shifted_index, iterator.dtype, iterator.dimensions)
-    def visit_OffsetLiteral(self, node: itir.OffsetLiteral) -> list[ValueExpr]:
-        di = dace_utils.debug_info(node, default=self.context.body.debuginfo)
-        offset = node.value
-        assert isinstance(offset, int)
-        offset_var = unique_var_name()
-        self.context.body.add_scalar(offset_var, _INDEX_DTYPE, transient=True)
-        offset_node = self.context.state.add_access(offset_var, debuginfo=di)
-        tasklet_node = self.context.state.add_tasklet(
-            "get_offset", {}, {"__out"}, f"__out = {offset}", debuginfo=di
-        )
-        self.context.state.add_edge(
-            tasklet_node, "__out", offset_node, None, dace.Memlet(data=offset_var, subset="0")
-        )
-        return [ValueExpr(offset_node, self.context.body.arrays[offset_var].dtype)]
-    def _visit_reduce(self, node: itir.FunCall):
-        di = dace_utils.debug_info(node, default=self.context.body.debuginfo)
-        reduce_dtype = itir_type_as_dace_type(node.type)  # type: ignore[arg-type]  # ensure by type inference
-        if len(node.args) == 1:
-            assert (
-                isinstance(node.args[0], itir.FunCall)
-                and isinstance(node.args[0].fun, itir.SymRef)
-                and node.args[0].fun.id == "neighbors"
-            )
-            assert isinstance(node.fun, itir.FunCall)
-            op_name = node.fun.args[0]
-            assert isinstance(op_name, itir.SymRef)
-            reduce_identity = node.fun.args[1]
-            assert isinstance(reduce_identity, itir.Literal)
-            # set reduction state
-            self.context.reduce_identity = SymbolExpr(reduce_identity, reduce_dtype)
-            args = self.visit(node.args[0])
-            assert 1 <= len(args) <= 2
-            reduce_input_node = args[0].value
-        else:
-            assert isinstance(node.fun, itir.FunCall)
-            assert isinstance(node.fun.args[0], itir.Lambda)
-            fun_node = node.fun.args[0]
-            assert isinstance(fun_node.expr, itir.FunCall)
-            op_name = fun_node.expr.fun
-            assert isinstance(op_name, itir.SymRef)
-            reduce_identity = get_reduce_identity_value(op_name.id, reduce_dtype)
-            # set reduction state in visit context
-            self.context.reduce_identity = SymbolExpr(reduce_identity, reduce_dtype)
-            args = self.visit(node.args)
-            # clear context
-            self.context.reduce_identity = None
-            # check that all neighbor expressions have the same shape
-            args_shape = [
-                arg[0].value.desc(self.context.body).shape
-                for arg in args
-                if arg[0].value.desc(self.context.body).shape != (1,)
-            ]
-            assert len(set(args_shape)) == 1
-            nreduce_shape = args_shape[0]
-            input_args = [arg[0] for arg in args]
-            input_valid_args = [arg[1] for arg in args if len(arg) == 2]
-            assert len(nreduce_shape) == 1
-            nreduce_index = unique_name("_i")
-            nreduce_domain = {nreduce_index: f"0:{nreduce_shape[0]}"}
-            reduce_input_name = unique_var_name()
-            self.context.body.add_array(
-                reduce_input_name, nreduce_shape, reduce_dtype, transient=True
-            )
-            lambda_node = itir.Lambda(
-                expr=fun_node.expr.args[1], params=fun_node.params[1:], location=node.location
-            )
-            lambda_context, inner_inputs, inner_outputs = self.visit(
-                lambda_node, args=input_args, use_neighbor_tables=False
-            )
-            input_mapping = {
-                param: (
-                    dace.Memlet(data=arg.value.data, subset="0")
-                    if arg.value.desc(self.context.body).shape == (1,)
-                    else dace.Memlet(data=arg.value.data, subset=nreduce_index)
-                )
-                for (param, _), arg in zip(inner_inputs, input_args)
-            }
-            output_mapping = {
-                inner_outputs[0].value.data: dace.Memlet(
-                    data=reduce_input_name, subset=nreduce_index
-                )
-            }
-            symbol_mapping = map_nested_sdfg_symbols(
-                self.context.body, lambda_context.body, input_mapping
-            )
-            if input_valid_args:
-                """
-                The neighbors builtin returns an array of booleans in case the connectivity table contains skip values.
-                These booleans indicate whether the neighbor is present or not, and are used in a tasklet to select
-                the result of field access or the identity value, respectively.
-                If the neighbor table has full connectivity (no skip values by type definition), the input_valid node
-                is not built, and the construction of the select tasklet below is also skipped.
-                """
-                input_args.append(input_valid_args[0])
-                input_valid_node = input_valid_args[0].value
-                lambda_output_node = inner_outputs[0].value
-                # add input connector to nested sdfg
-                lambda_context.body.add_scalar("_valid_neighbor", dace.dtypes.bool)
-                input_mapping["_valid_neighbor"] = dace.Memlet(
-                    data=input_valid_node.data, subset=nreduce_index
-                )
-                # add select tasklet before writing to output node
-                # TODO: consider replacing it with a select-memlet once it is supported by DaCe SDFG API
-                output_edge = lambda_context.state.in_edges(lambda_output_node)[0]
-                assert isinstance(
-                    lambda_context.body.arrays[output_edge.src.data], dace.data.Scalar
-                )
-                select_tasklet = lambda_context.state.add_tasklet(
-                    "neighbor_select",
-                    {"_inp", "_valid"},
-                    {"_out"},
-                    f"_out = _inp if _valid else {reduce_identity}",
-                )
-                lambda_context.state.add_edge(
-                    output_edge.src,
-                    None,
-                    select_tasklet,
-                    "_inp",
-                    dace.Memlet(data=output_edge.src.data, subset="0"),
-                )
-                lambda_context.state.add_edge(
-                    lambda_context.state.add_access("_valid_neighbor"),
-                    None,
-                    select_tasklet,
-                    "_valid",
-                    dace.Memlet(data="_valid_neighbor", subset="0"),
-                )
-                lambda_context.state.add_edge(
-                    select_tasklet,
-                    "_out",
-                    lambda_output_node,
-                    None,
-                    dace.Memlet(data=lambda_output_node.data, subset="0"),
-                )
-                lambda_context.state.remove_edge(output_edge)
-            reduce_input_node = self.context.state.add_access(reduce_input_name, debuginfo=di)
-            nsdfg_node, map_entry, _ = add_mapped_nested_sdfg(
-                self.context.state,
-                sdfg=lambda_context.body,
-                map_ranges=nreduce_domain,
-                inputs=input_mapping,
-                outputs=output_mapping,
-                symbol_mapping=symbol_mapping,
-                input_nodes={arg.value.data: arg.value for arg in input_args},
-                output_nodes={reduce_input_name: reduce_input_node},
-                debuginfo=di,
-            )
-        reduce_input_desc = reduce_input_node.desc(self.context.body)
-        result_name = unique_var_name()
-        # we allocate an array instead of a scalar because the reduce library node is generic and expects an array node
-        self.context.body.add_array(result_name, (1,), reduce_dtype, transient=True)
-        result_access = self.context.state.add_access(result_name, debuginfo=di)
-        reduce_wcr = "lambda x, y: " + _MATH_BUILTINS_MAPPING[str(op_name)].format("x", "y")
-        reduce_node = self.context.state.add_reduce(reduce_wcr, None, reduce_identity)
-        self.context.state.add_nedge(
-            reduce_input_node,
-            reduce_node,
-            dace.Memlet.from_array(reduce_input_node.data, reduce_input_desc),
-        )
-        self.context.state.add_nedge(
-            reduce_node, result_access, dace.Memlet(data=result_name, subset="0")
-        )
-        return [ValueExpr(result_access, reduce_dtype)]
-    def _visit_numeric_builtin(self, node: itir.FunCall) -> list[ValueExpr]:
-        assert isinstance(node.fun, itir.SymRef)
-        fmt = _MATH_BUILTINS_MAPPING[str(node.fun.id)]
-        args = flatten_list(self.visit(node.args))
-        expr_args = [
-            (arg, f"{arg.value.data}_v") for arg in args if not isinstance(arg, SymbolExpr)
-        ]
-        internals = [
-            arg.value if isinstance(arg, SymbolExpr) else f"{arg.value.data}_v" for arg in args
-        ]
-        expr = fmt.format(*internals)
-        type_ = itir_type_as_dace_type(node.type)  # type: ignore[arg-type]  # ensure by type inference
-        return self.add_expr_tasklet(
-            expr_args,
-            expr,
-            type_,
-            "numeric",
-            dace_debuginfo=dace_utils.debug_info(node, default=self.context.body.debuginfo),
-        )
-    def _visit_general_builtin(self, node: itir.FunCall) -> list[ValueExpr]:
-        assert isinstance(node.fun, itir.SymRef)
-        expr_func = _GENERAL_BUILTIN_MAPPING[str(node.fun.id)]
-        return expr_func(self, node, node.args)
-    def add_expr_tasklet(
-        self,
-        args: list[tuple[ValueExpr, str]],
-        expr: str,
-        result_type: Any,
-        name: str,
-        dace_debuginfo: Optional[dace.dtypes.DebugInfo] = None,
-    ) -> list[ValueExpr]:
-        di = dace_debuginfo if dace_debuginfo else self.context.body.debuginfo
-        result_name = unique_var_name()
-        self.context.body.add_scalar(result_name, result_type, transient=True)
-        result_access = self.context.state.add_access(result_name, debuginfo=di)
-        expr_tasklet = self.context.state.add_tasklet(
-            name=name,
-            inputs={internal for _, internal in args},
-            outputs={"__result"},
-            code=f"__result = {expr}",
-            debuginfo=di,
-        )
-        for arg, internal in args:
-            edges = self.context.state.in_edges(expr_tasklet)
-            used = False
-            for edge in edges:
-                if edge.dst_conn == internal:
-                    used = True
-                    break
-            if used:
-                continue
-            elif not isinstance(arg, SymbolExpr):
-                memlet = dace.Memlet.from_array(
-                    arg.value.data, self.context.body.arrays[arg.value.data]
-                )
-                self.context.state.add_edge(arg.value, None, expr_tasklet, internal, memlet)
-        memlet = dace.Memlet(data=result_access.data, subset="0")
-        self.context.state.add_edge(expr_tasklet, "__result", result_access, None, memlet)
-        return [ValueExpr(result_access, result_type)]
-def is_scan(node: itir.Node) -> bool:
-    return isinstance(node, itir.FunCall) and node.fun == itir.SymRef(id="scan")
-def closure_to_tasklet_sdfg(
-    node: itir.StencilClosure,
-    offset_provider_type: common.OffsetProviderType,
-    domain: dict[str, str],
-    inputs: Sequence[tuple[str, ts.TypeSpec]],
-    connectivities: Sequence[tuple[dace.ndarray, str]],
-    use_field_canonical_representation: bool,
-) -> tuple[Context, Sequence[ValueExpr]]:
-    body = dace.SDFG("tasklet_toplevel")
-    body.debuginfo = dace_utils.debug_info(node)
-    state = body.add_state("tasklet_toplevel_entry", True)
-    symbol_map: dict[str, TaskletExpr] = {}
-    idx_accesses = {}
-    for dim, idx in domain.items():
-        name = f"{idx}_value"
-        body.add_scalar(name, dtype=_INDEX_DTYPE, transient=True)
-        tasklet = state.add_tasklet(
-            f"get_{dim}", set(), {"value"}, f"value = {idx}", debuginfo=body.debuginfo
-        )
-        access = state.add_access(name, debuginfo=body.debuginfo)
-        idx_accesses[dim] = access
-        state.add_edge(tasklet, "value", access, None, dace.Memlet(data=name, subset="0"))
-    for name, ty in inputs:
-        if isinstance(ty, ts.FieldType):
-            ndim = len(ty.dims)
-            shape, strides = new_array_symbols(name, ndim)
-            dims = [dim.value for dim in ty.dims]
-            dtype = dace_utils.as_dace_type(ty.dtype)
-            body.add_array(name, shape=shape, strides=strides, dtype=dtype)
-            field = state.add_access(name, debuginfo=body.debuginfo)
-            indices = {dim: idx_accesses[dim] for dim in domain.keys()}
-            symbol_map[name] = IteratorExpr(field, indices, dtype, dims)
-        else:
-            assert isinstance(ty, ts.ScalarType)
-            dtype = dace_utils.as_dace_type(ty)
-            body.add_scalar(name, dtype=dtype)
-            symbol_map[name] = ValueExpr(state.add_access(name, debuginfo=body.debuginfo), dtype)
-    for arr, name in connectivities:
-        shape, strides = new_array_symbols(name, ndim=2)
-        body.add_array(name, shape=shape, strides=strides, dtype=arr.dtype)
-    context = Context(body, state, symbol_map)
-    translator = PythonTaskletCodegen(
-        offset_provider_type, context, use_field_canonical_representation
-    )
-    args = [itir.SymRef(id=name) for name, _ in inputs]
-    if is_scan(node.stencil):
-        stencil = cast(FunCall, node.stencil)
-        assert isinstance(stencil.args[0], Lambda)
-        lambda_node = itir.Lambda(
-            expr=stencil.args[0].expr, params=stencil.args[0].params, location=node.location
-        )
-        fun_node = itir.FunCall(fun=lambda_node, args=args, location=node.location)
-    else:
-        fun_node = itir.FunCall(fun=node.stencil, args=args, location=node.location)
-    results = translator.visit(fun_node)
-    for r in results:
-        context.body.arrays[r.value.data].transient = False
-    return context, results
diff --git a/src/gt4py/next/program_processors/runners/dace_iterator/utility.py b/src/gt4py/next/program_processors/runners/dace_iterator/utility.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 72bb32f003..0000000000
--- a/src/gt4py/next/program_processors/runners/dace_iterator/utility.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,149 +0,0 @@
-# GT4Py - GridTools Framework
-# Copyright (c) 2014-2024, ETH Zurich
-# All rights reserved.
-# Please, refer to the LICENSE file in the root directory.
-# SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause
-import itertools
-from typing import Any
-import dace
-import gt4py.next.iterator.ir as itir
-from gt4py import eve
-from gt4py.next import common
-from gt4py.next.ffront import fbuiltins as gtx_fbuiltins
-from gt4py.next.program_processors.runners.dace_common import utility as dace_utils
-def get_used_connectivities(
-    node: itir.Node, offset_provider_type: common.OffsetProviderType
-) -> dict[str, common.NeighborConnectivityType]:
-    connectivities = dace_utils.filter_connectivity_types(offset_provider_type)
-    offset_dims = set(eve.walk_values(node).if_isinstance(itir.OffsetLiteral).getattr("value"))
-    return {offset: connectivities[offset] for offset in offset_dims if offset in connectivities}
-def map_nested_sdfg_symbols(
-    parent_sdfg: dace.SDFG, nested_sdfg: dace.SDFG, array_mapping: dict[str, dace.Memlet]
-) -> dict[str, str]:
-    symbol_mapping: dict[str, str] = {}
-    for param, arg in array_mapping.items():
-        arg_array = parent_sdfg.arrays[arg.data]
-        param_array = nested_sdfg.arrays[param]
-        if not isinstance(param_array, dace.data.Scalar):
-            assert len(arg.subset.size()) == len(param_array.shape)
-            for arg_shape, param_shape in zip(arg.subset.size(), param_array.shape):
-                if isinstance(param_shape, dace.symbol):
-                    symbol_mapping[str(param_shape)] = str(arg_shape)
-            assert len(arg_array.strides) == len(param_array.strides)
-            for arg_stride, param_stride in zip(arg_array.strides, param_array.strides):
-                if isinstance(param_stride, dace.symbol):
-                    symbol_mapping[str(param_stride)] = str(arg_stride)
-        else:
-            assert arg.subset.num_elements() == 1
-    for sym in nested_sdfg.free_symbols:
-        if str(sym) not in symbol_mapping:
-            symbol_mapping[str(sym)] = str(sym)
-    return symbol_mapping
-def add_mapped_nested_sdfg(
-    state: dace.SDFGState,
-    map_ranges: dict[str, str | dace.subsets.Subset] | list[tuple[str, str | dace.subsets.Subset]],
-    inputs: dict[str, dace.Memlet],
-    outputs: dict[str, dace.Memlet],
-    sdfg: dace.SDFG,
-    symbol_mapping: dict[str, Any] | None = None,
-    schedule: Any = dace.dtypes.ScheduleType.Default,
-    unroll_map: bool = False,
-    location: Any = None,
-    debuginfo: Any = None,
-    input_nodes: dict[str, dace.nodes.AccessNode] | None = None,
-    output_nodes: dict[str, dace.nodes.AccessNode] | None = None,
-) -> tuple[dace.nodes.NestedSDFG, dace.nodes.MapEntry, dace.nodes.MapExit]:
-    if not symbol_mapping:
-        symbol_mapping = {sym: sym for sym in sdfg.free_symbols}
-    nsdfg_node = state.add_nested_sdfg(
-        sdfg,
-        None,
-        set(inputs.keys()),
-        set(outputs.keys()),
-        symbol_mapping,
-        name=sdfg.name,
-        schedule=schedule,
-        location=location,
-        debuginfo=debuginfo,
-    )
-    map_entry, map_exit = state.add_map(
-        f"{sdfg.name}_map", map_ranges, schedule, unroll_map, debuginfo
-    )
-    if input_nodes is None:
-        input_nodes = {
-            memlet.data: state.add_access(memlet.data, debuginfo=debuginfo)
-            for name, memlet in inputs.items()
-        }
-    if output_nodes is None:
-        output_nodes = {
-            memlet.data: state.add_access(memlet.data, debuginfo=debuginfo)
-            for name, memlet in outputs.items()
-        }
-    if not inputs:
-        state.add_edge(map_entry, None, nsdfg_node, None, dace.Memlet())
-    for name, memlet in inputs.items():
-        state.add_memlet_path(
-            input_nodes[memlet.data],
-            map_entry,
-            nsdfg_node,
-            memlet=memlet,
-            src_conn=None,
-            dst_conn=name,
-            propagate=True,
-        )
-    if not outputs:
-        state.add_edge(nsdfg_node, None, map_exit, None, dace.Memlet())
-    for name, memlet in outputs.items():
-        state.add_memlet_path(
-            nsdfg_node,
-            map_exit,
-            output_nodes[memlet.data],
-            memlet=memlet,
-            src_conn=name,
-            dst_conn=None,
-            propagate=True,
-        )
-    return nsdfg_node, map_entry, map_exit
-def unique_name(prefix):
-    unique_id = getattr(unique_name, "_unique_id", 0)  # static variable
-    setattr(unique_name, "_unique_id", unique_id + 1)  # noqa: B010 [set-attr-with-constant]
-    return f"{prefix}_{unique_id}"
-def unique_var_name():
-    return unique_name("_var")
-def new_array_symbols(name: str, ndim: int) -> tuple[list[dace.symbol], list[dace.symbol]]:
-    dtype = dace.dtype_to_typeclass(gtx_fbuiltins.IndexType)
-    shape = [dace.symbol(dace_utils.field_size_symbol_name(name, i), dtype) for i in range(ndim)]
-    strides = [
-        dace.symbol(dace_utils.field_stride_symbol_name(name, i), dtype) for i in range(ndim)
-    ]
-    return shape, strides
-def flatten_list(node_list: list[Any]) -> list[Any]:
-    return list(
-        itertools.chain.from_iterable(
-            [flatten_list(e) if isinstance(e, list) else [e] for e in node_list]
-        )
-    )
diff --git a/src/gt4py/next/program_processors/runners/dace_iterator/workflow.py b/src/gt4py/next/program_processors/runners/dace_iterator/workflow.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 653ed4719d..0000000000
--- a/src/gt4py/next/program_processors/runners/dace_iterator/workflow.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,150 +0,0 @@
-# GT4Py - GridTools Framework
-# Copyright (c) 2014-2024, ETH Zurich
-# All rights reserved.
-# Please, refer to the LICENSE file in the root directory.
-# SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause
-from __future__ import annotations
-import dataclasses
-import functools
-from typing import Callable, Optional, Sequence
-import dace
-import factory
-from gt4py._core import definitions as core_defs
-from gt4py.next import common, config
-from gt4py.next.iterator import ir as itir
-from gt4py.next.iterator.transforms import program_to_fencil
-from gt4py.next.otf import languages, recipes, stages, step_types, workflow
-from gt4py.next.otf.binding import interface
-from gt4py.next.otf.languages import LanguageSettings
-from gt4py.next.program_processors.runners.dace_common import workflow as dace_workflow
-from gt4py.next.type_system import type_specifications as ts
-from . import build_sdfg_from_itir
-class DaCeTranslator(
-    workflow.ChainableWorkflowMixin[
-        stages.CompilableProgram, stages.ProgramSource[languages.SDFG, languages.LanguageSettings]
-    ],
-    step_types.TranslationStep[languages.SDFG, languages.LanguageSettings],
-    auto_optimize: bool = False
-    device_type: core_defs.DeviceType = core_defs.DeviceType.CPU
-    symbolic_domain_sizes: Optional[dict[str, str]] = None
-    temporary_extraction_heuristics: Optional[
-        Callable[[itir.StencilClosure], Callable[[itir.Expr], bool]]
-    ] = None
-    use_field_canonical_representation: bool = False
-    def _language_settings(self) -> languages.LanguageSettings:
-        return languages.LanguageSettings(
-            formatter_key="", formatter_style="", file_extension="sdfg"
-        )
-    def generate_sdfg(
-        self,
-        program: itir.FencilDefinition,
-        arg_types: Sequence[ts.TypeSpec],
-        offset_provider_type: common.OffsetProviderType,
-        column_axis: Optional[common.Dimension],
-    ) -> dace.SDFG:
-        on_gpu = (
-            True
-            if self.device_type in [core_defs.DeviceType.CUDA, core_defs.DeviceType.ROCM]
-            else False
-        )
-        return build_sdfg_from_itir(
-            program,
-            arg_types,
-            offset_provider_type=offset_provider_type,
-            auto_optimize=self.auto_optimize,
-            on_gpu=on_gpu,
-            column_axis=column_axis,
-            symbolic_domain_sizes=self.symbolic_domain_sizes,
-            temporary_extraction_heuristics=self.temporary_extraction_heuristics,
-            load_sdfg_from_file=False,
-            save_sdfg=False,
-            use_field_canonical_representation=self.use_field_canonical_representation,
-        )
-    def __call__(
-        self, inp: stages.CompilableProgram
-    ) -> stages.ProgramSource[languages.SDFG, LanguageSettings]:
-        """Generate DaCe SDFG file from the ITIR definition."""
-        program: itir.FencilDefinition | itir.Program = inp.data
-        if isinstance(program, itir.Program):
-            program = program_to_fencil.program_to_fencil(program)
-        sdfg = self.generate_sdfg(
-            program,
-            inp.args.args,
-            common.offset_provider_to_type(inp.args.offset_provider),
-            inp.args.column_axis,
-        )
-        param_types = tuple(
-            interface.Parameter(param, arg) for param, arg in zip(sdfg.arg_names, inp.args.args)
-        )
-        module: stages.ProgramSource[languages.SDFG, languages.LanguageSettings] = (
-            stages.ProgramSource(
-                entry_point=interface.Function(program.id, param_types),
-                source_code=sdfg.to_json(),
-                library_deps=tuple(),
-                language=languages.SDFG,
-                language_settings=self._language_settings(),
-                implicit_domain=inp.data.implicit_domain,
-            )
-        )
-        return module
-class DaCeTranslationStepFactory(factory.Factory):
-    class Meta:
-        model = DaCeTranslator
-def _no_bindings(inp: stages.ProgramSource) -> stages.CompilableSource:
-    return stages.CompilableSource(program_source=inp, binding_source=None)
-class DaCeWorkflowFactory(factory.Factory):
-    class Meta:
-        model = recipes.OTFCompileWorkflow
-    class Params:
-        device_type: core_defs.DeviceType = core_defs.DeviceType.CPU
-        cmake_build_type: config.CMakeBuildType = factory.LazyFunction(
-            lambda: config.CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE
-        )
-        use_field_canonical_representation: bool = False
-    translation = factory.SubFactory(
-        DaCeTranslationStepFactory,
-        device_type=factory.SelfAttribute("..device_type"),
-        use_field_canonical_representation=factory.SelfAttribute(
-            "..use_field_canonical_representation"
-        ),
-    )
-    bindings = _no_bindings
-    compilation = factory.SubFactory(
-        dace_workflow.DaCeCompilationStepFactory,
-        cache_lifetime=factory.LazyFunction(lambda: config.BUILD_CACHE_LIFETIME),
-        cmake_build_type=factory.SelfAttribute("..cmake_build_type"),
-    )
-    decoration = factory.LazyAttribute(
-        lambda o: functools.partial(
-            dace_workflow.convert_args,
-            device=o.device_type,
-            use_field_canonical_representation=o.use_field_canonical_representation,
-        )
-    )
diff --git a/tests/next_tests/definitions.py b/tests/next_tests/definitions.py
index 349d3e9f70..1593ab3ba6 100644
--- a/tests/next_tests/definitions.py
+++ b/tests/next_tests/definitions.py
@@ -11,11 +11,10 @@
 import dataclasses
 import enum
 import importlib
-from typing import Final, Optional, Protocol
 import pytest
-from gt4py.next import allocators as next_allocators, backend as next_backend
+from gt4py.next import allocators as next_allocators
 # Skip definitions
@@ -67,10 +66,10 @@ class EmbeddedIds(_PythonObjectIdMixin, str, enum.Enum):
 class OptionalProgramBackendId(_PythonObjectIdMixin, str, enum.Enum):
-    DACE_CPU = "gt4py.next.program_processors.runners.dace.itir_cpu"
-    DACE_GPU = "gt4py.next.program_processors.runners.dace.itir_gpu"
-    GTIR_DACE_CPU = "gt4py.next.program_processors.runners.dace.gtir_cpu"
-    GTIR_DACE_GPU = "gt4py.next.program_processors.runners.dace.gtir_gpu"
+    DACE_CPU = "gt4py.next.program_processors.runners.dace.run_dace_cpu"
+    DACE_GPU = "gt4py.next.program_processors.runners.dace.run_dace_gpu"
+    DACE_CPU_NO_OPT = "gt4py.next.program_processors.runners.dace.run_dace_cpu_noopt"
+    DACE_GPU_NO_OPT = "gt4py.next.program_processors.runners.dace.run_dace_gpu_noopt"
 class ProgramFormatterId(_PythonObjectIdMixin, str, enum.Enum):
@@ -139,21 +138,7 @@ class ProgramFormatterId(_PythonObjectIdMixin, str, enum.Enum):
@@ -189,10 +174,16 @@ class ProgramFormatterId(_PythonObjectIdMixin, str, enum.Enum):
-    OptionalProgramBackendId.DACE_CPU: DACE_SKIP_TEST_LIST,
-    OptionalProgramBackendId.DACE_GPU: DACE_SKIP_TEST_LIST,
-    OptionalProgramBackendId.GTIR_DACE_CPU: GTIR_DACE_SKIP_TEST_LIST,
-    OptionalProgramBackendId.GTIR_DACE_GPU: GTIR_DACE_SKIP_TEST_LIST,
+    OptionalProgramBackendId.DACE_CPU: DACE_SKIP_TEST_LIST
+    + [
+    ],  # TODO(edopao): Enable once the optimization pipeline is merged
+    OptionalProgramBackendId.DACE_GPU: DACE_SKIP_TEST_LIST
+    + [
+    ],  # TODO(edopao): Enable once the optimization pipeline is merged.
+    OptionalProgramBackendId.DACE_CPU_NO_OPT: DACE_SKIP_TEST_LIST,
+    OptionalProgramBackendId.DACE_GPU_NO_OPT: DACE_SKIP_TEST_LIST,
diff --git a/tests/next_tests/integration_tests/feature_tests/dace/test_orchestration.py b/tests/next_tests/integration_tests/feature_tests/dace/test_orchestration.py
index f5646c71e4..08904c06f3 100644
--- a/tests/next_tests/integration_tests/feature_tests/dace/test_orchestration.py
+++ b/tests/next_tests/integration_tests/feature_tests/dace/test_orchestration.py
@@ -6,14 +6,11 @@
 # Please, refer to the LICENSE file in the root directory.
 # SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause
-from types import ModuleType
-from typing import Optional
 import numpy as np
 import pytest
 import gt4py.next as gtx
-from gt4py.next import backend as next_backend, common
+from gt4py.next import allocators as gtx_allocators, common as gtx_common
 from next_tests.integration_tests import cases
 from next_tests.integration_tests.cases import cartesian_case, unstructured_case
@@ -34,24 +31,22 @@
     import dace
-    from gt4py.next.program_processors.runners.dace import (
-        itir_cpu as run_dace_cpu,
-        itir_gpu as run_dace_gpu,
-    )
 except ImportError:
     dace: Optional[ModuleType] = None  # type:ignore[no-redef]
-    run_dace_cpu: Optional[next_backend.Backend] = None
-    run_dace_gpu: Optional[next_backend.Backend] = None
 pytestmark = pytest.mark.requires_dace
 def test_sdfgConvertible_laplap(cartesian_case):
-    # TODO(kotsaloscv): Temporary solution until the `requires_dace` marker is fully functional
-    if cartesian_case.backend not in [run_dace_cpu, run_dace_gpu]:
+    if not cartesian_case.backend or "dace" not in cartesian_case.backend.name:
         pytest.skip("DaCe-related test: Test SDFGConvertible interface for GT4Py programs")
-    if cartesian_case.backend == run_dace_gpu:
+    # TODO(ricoh): enable test after adding GTIR support
+    pytest.skip("DaCe SDFGConvertible interface does not support GTIR program.")
+    allocator, backend = unstructured_case.allocator, unstructured_case.backend
+    if gtx_allocators.is_field_allocator_factory_for(allocator, gtx_allocators.CUPY_DEVICE):
         import cupy as xp
         import numpy as xp
@@ -64,13 +59,13 @@ def test_sdfgConvertible_laplap(cartesian_case):
     def sdfg():
         tmp_field = xp.empty_like(out_field)
-            cartesian_case.backend
-        ).with_connectivities(common.offset_provider_to_type(cartesian_case.offset_provider))(
+            backend
+        ).with_connectivities(gtx_common.offset_provider_to_type(cartesian_case.offset_provider))(
             in_field, tmp_field
-            cartesian_case.backend
-        ).with_connectivities(common.offset_provider_to_type(cartesian_case.offset_provider))(
+            backend
+        ).with_connectivities(gtx_common.offset_provider_to_type(cartesian_case.offset_provider))(
             tmp_field, out_field
@@ -94,13 +89,15 @@ def testee(a: gtx.Field[gtx.Dims[Vertex], gtx.float64], b: gtx.Field[gtx.Dims[Ed
 def test_sdfgConvertible_connectivities(unstructured_case):
-    # TODO(kotsaloscv): Temporary solution until the `requires_dace` marker is fully functional
-    if unstructured_case.backend not in [run_dace_cpu, run_dace_gpu]:
+    if not unstructured_case.backend or "dace" not in unstructured_case.backend.name:
         pytest.skip("DaCe-related test: Test SDFGConvertible interface for GT4Py programs")
+    # TODO(ricoh): enable test after adding GTIR support
+    pytest.skip("DaCe SDFGConvertible interface does not support GTIR program.")
     allocator, backend = unstructured_case.allocator, unstructured_case.backend
-    if backend == run_dace_gpu:
+    if gtx_allocators.is_field_allocator_factory_for(allocator, gtx_allocators.CUPY_DEVICE):
         import cupy as xp
         dace_storage_type = dace.StorageType.GPU_Global
diff --git a/tests/next_tests/integration_tests/feature_tests/ffront_tests/ffront_test_utils.py b/tests/next_tests/integration_tests/feature_tests/ffront_tests/ffront_test_utils.py
index 794dd06709..1147f4bc3e 100644
--- a/tests/next_tests/integration_tests/feature_tests/ffront_tests/ffront_test_utils.py
+++ b/tests/next_tests/integration_tests/feature_tests/ffront_tests/ffront_test_utils.py
@@ -66,11 +66,11 @@ def __gt_allocator__(
             marks=(pytest.mark.requires_dace, pytest.mark.requires_gpu),
-            next_tests.definitions.OptionalProgramBackendId.GTIR_DACE_CPU,
+            next_tests.definitions.OptionalProgramBackendId.DACE_CPU_NO_OPT,
-            next_tests.definitions.OptionalProgramBackendId.GTIR_DACE_GPU,
+            next_tests.definitions.OptionalProgramBackendId.DACE_GPU_NO_OPT,
             marks=(pytest.mark.requires_dace, pytest.mark.requires_gpu),