diff --git a/pyproject.toml b/pyproject.toml
index 78735116ed..88bb2feac6 100644
--- a/pyproject.toml
+++ b/pyproject.toml
@@ -237,16 +237,23 @@ markers = [
   'requires_dace: tests that require `dace` package',
   'requires_gpu: tests that require a NVidia GPU (`cupy` and `cudatoolkit` are required)',
   'uses_applied_shifts: tests that require backend support for applied-shifts',
+  'uses_can_deref: tests that require backend support for can_deref builtin function',
+  'uses_composite_shifts: tests that use composite shifts in unstructured domain',
   'uses_constant_fields: tests that require backend support for constant fields',
   'uses_dynamic_offsets: tests that require backend support for dynamic offsets',
   'uses_floordiv: tests that require backend support for floor division',
   'uses_if_stmts: tests that require backend support for if-statements',
   'uses_index_fields: tests that require backend support for index fields',
+  'uses_ir_if_stmts',
+  'uses_lift: tests that require backend support for lift builtin function',
   'uses_negative_modulo: tests that require backend support for modulo on negative numbers',
   'uses_origin: tests that require backend support for domain origin',
+  'uses_reduce_with_lambda: tests that use lambdas as reduce functions',
   'uses_reduction_with_only_sparse_fields: tests that require backend support for with sparse fields',
+  'uses_scalar_in_domain_and_fo',
   'uses_scan: tests that uses scan',
   'uses_scan_in_field_operator: tests that require backend support for scan in field operator',
+  'uses_scan_in_stencil: tests that require backend support for scan in stencil',
   'uses_scan_without_field_args: tests that require calls to scan that do not have any fields as arguments',
   'uses_scan_nested: tests that use nested scans',
   'uses_scan_requiring_projector: tests need a projector implementation in gtfn',
@@ -254,6 +261,7 @@ markers = [
   'uses_sparse_fields_as_output: tests that require backend support for writing sparse fields',
   'uses_strided_neighbor_offset: tests that require backend support for strided neighbor offset',
   'uses_tuple_args: tests that require backend support for tuple arguments',
+  'uses_tuple_iterator: tests that require backend support to deref tuple iterators',
   'uses_tuple_returns: tests that require backend support for tuple results',
   'uses_zero_dimensional_fields: tests that require backend support for zero-dimensional fields',
   'uses_cartesian_shift: tests that use a Cartesian connectivity',
diff --git a/src/gt4py/next/program_processors/runners/dace_common/dace_backend.py b/src/gt4py/next/program_processors/runners/dace_common/dace_backend.py
index 90e7e07ad5..387619c667 100644
--- a/src/gt4py/next/program_processors/runners/dace_common/dace_backend.py
+++ b/src/gt4py/next/program_processors/runners/dace_common/dace_backend.py
@@ -7,13 +7,13 @@
 # SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause
 import warnings
 from collections.abc import Mapping, Sequence
-from typing import Any, Iterable
+from typing import Any
 import dace
 import numpy as np
 from gt4py._core import definitions as core_defs
-from gt4py.next import common as gtx_common, utils as gtx_utils
+from gt4py.next import common as gtx_common
 from . import utility as dace_utils
@@ -46,10 +46,9 @@ def _convert_arg(arg: Any, sdfg_param: str) -> Any:
 def _get_args(sdfg: dace.SDFG, args: Sequence[Any]) -> dict[str, Any]:
     sdfg_params: Sequence[str] = sdfg.arg_names
-    flat_args: Iterable[Any] = gtx_utils.flatten_nested_tuple(tuple(args))
     return {
         sdfg_param: _convert_arg(arg, sdfg_param)
-        for sdfg_param, arg in zip(sdfg_params, flat_args, strict=True)
+        for sdfg_param, arg in zip(sdfg_params, args, strict=True)
@@ -73,17 +72,8 @@ def _get_shape_args(
     for name, value in args.items():
         for sym, size in zip(arrays[name].shape, value.shape, strict=True):
             if isinstance(sym, dace.symbol):
-                if sym.name not in shape_args:
-                    shape_args[sym.name] = size
-                elif shape_args[sym.name] != size:
-                    # The same shape symbol is used by all fields of a tuple, because the current assumption is that all fields
-                    # in a tuple have the same dimensions and sizes. Therefore, this if-branch only exists to ensure that array
-                    # size (i.e. the value assigned to the shape symbol) is the same for all fields in a tuple.
-                    # TODO(edopao): change to `assert sym.name not in shape_args` to ensure that shape symbols are unique,
-                    # once the assumption on tuples is removed.
-                    raise ValueError(
-                        f"Expected array size {sym.name} for arg {name} to be {shape_args[sym.name]}, got {size}."
-                    )
+                assert sym.name not in shape_args
+                shape_args[sym.name] = size
             elif sym != size:
                 raise ValueError(
                     f"Expected shape {arrays[name].shape} for arg {name}, got {value.shape}."
@@ -103,15 +93,8 @@ def _get_stride_args(
                     f"Stride ({stride_size} bytes) for argument '{sym}' must be a multiple of item size ({value.itemsize} bytes)."
             if isinstance(sym, dace.symbol):
-                if sym.name not in stride_args:
-                    stride_args[str(sym)] = stride
-                elif stride_args[sym.name] != stride:
-                    # See above comment in `_get_shape_args`, same for stride symbols of fields in a tuple.
-                    # TODO(edopao): change to `assert sym.name not in stride_args` to ensure that stride symbols are unique,
-                    # once the assumption on tuples is removed.
-                    raise ValueError(
-                        f"Expected array stride {sym.name} for arg {name} to be {stride_args[sym.name]}, got {stride}."
-                    )
+                assert sym.name not in stride_args
+                stride_args[sym.name] = stride
             elif sym != stride:
                 raise ValueError(
                     f"Expected stride {arrays[name].strides} for arg {name}, got {value.strides}."
diff --git a/src/gt4py/next/program_processors/runners/dace_common/workflow.py b/src/gt4py/next/program_processors/runners/dace_common/workflow.py
index 5d9ac863c5..f0577ffaf2 100644
--- a/src/gt4py/next/program_processors/runners/dace_common/workflow.py
+++ b/src/gt4py/next/program_processors/runners/dace_common/workflow.py
@@ -10,7 +10,7 @@
 import ctypes
 import dataclasses
-from typing import Any
+from typing import Any, Sequence
 import dace
 import factory
@@ -112,11 +112,13 @@ def decorated_program(
     ) -> None:
         if out is not None:
             args = (*args, out)
-        if len(sdfg.arg_names) > len(args):
-            args = (*args, *arguments.iter_size_args(args))
+        flat_args: Sequence[Any] = gtx_utils.flatten_nested_tuple(tuple(args))
+        if len(sdfg.arg_names) > len(flat_args):
+            # The Ahead-of-Time (AOT) workflow for FieldView programs requires domain size arguments.
+            flat_args = (*flat_args, *arguments.iter_size_args(args))
         if sdfg_program._lastargs:
-            kwargs = dict(zip(sdfg.arg_names, gtx_utils.flatten_nested_tuple(args), strict=True))
+            kwargs = dict(zip(sdfg.arg_names, flat_args, strict=True))
             kwargs.update(dace_backend.get_sdfg_conn_args(sdfg, offset_provider, on_gpu))
             use_fast_call = True
@@ -151,7 +153,7 @@ def decorated_program(
         sdfg_args = dace_backend.get_sdfg_args(
-            *args,
+            *flat_args,
diff --git a/src/gt4py/next/program_processors/runners/dace_fieldview/gtir_builtin_translators.py b/src/gt4py/next/program_processors/runners/dace_fieldview/gtir_builtin_translators.py
index 354a9692d8..4cbc737312 100644
--- a/src/gt4py/next/program_processors/runners/dace_fieldview/gtir_builtin_translators.py
+++ b/src/gt4py/next/program_processors/runners/dace_fieldview/gtir_builtin_translators.py
@@ -10,7 +10,7 @@
 import abc
 import dataclasses
-from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Final, Iterable, Optional, Protocol, Sequence, TypeAlias
+from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Any, Final, Iterable, Optional, Protocol, Sequence, TypeAlias
 import dace
 from dace import subsets as dace_subsets
@@ -27,6 +27,7 @@
 from gt4py.next.program_processors.runners.dace_fieldview import (
+    gtir_sdfg,
     utility as dace_gtir_utils,
 from gt4py.next.type_system import type_info as ti, type_specifications as ts
@@ -157,6 +158,33 @@ def get_local_view(
 """Data type used for field indexing."""
+def get_tuple_type(data: tuple[FieldopResult, ...]) -> ts.TupleType:
+    """
+    Compute the `ts.TupleType` corresponding to the tuple structure of `FieldopResult`.
+    """
+    return ts.TupleType(
+        types=[get_tuple_type(d) if isinstance(d, tuple) else d.gt_type for d in data]
+    )
+def flatten_tuples(name: str, arg: FieldopResult) -> list[tuple[str, FieldopData]]:
+    """
+    Visit a `FieldopResult`, potentially containing nested tuples, and construct a list
+    of pairs `(str, FieldopData)` containing the symbol name of each tuple field and
+    the corresponding `FieldopData`.
+    """
+    if isinstance(arg, tuple):
+        tuple_type = get_tuple_type(arg)
+        tuple_symbols = dace_gtir_utils.flatten_tuple_fields(name, tuple_type)
+        tuple_data_fields = gtx_utils.flatten_nested_tuple(arg)
+        return [
+            (str(tsym.id), tfield)
+            for tsym, tfield in zip(tuple_symbols, tuple_data_fields, strict=True)
+        ]
+    else:
+        return [(name, arg)]
 class PrimitiveTranslator(Protocol):
     def __call__(
@@ -191,16 +219,20 @@ def _parse_fieldop_arg(
     state: dace.SDFGState,
     sdfg_builder: gtir_sdfg.SDFGBuilder,
     domain: FieldopDomain,
-) -> gtir_dataflow.IteratorExpr | gtir_dataflow.MemletExpr:
+) -> (
+    gtir_dataflow.IteratorExpr
+    | gtir_dataflow.MemletExpr
+    | tuple[gtir_dataflow.IteratorExpr | gtir_dataflow.MemletExpr | tuple[Any, ...], ...]
     """Helper method to visit an expression passed as argument to a field operator."""
     arg = sdfg_builder.visit(node, sdfg=sdfg, head_state=state)
-    # arguments passed to field operator should be plain fields, not tuples of fields
-    if not isinstance(arg, FieldopData):
-        raise ValueError(f"Received {node} as argument to field operator, expected a field.")
-    return arg.get_local_view(domain)
+    if isinstance(arg, FieldopData):
+        return arg.get_local_view(domain)
+    else:
+        # handle tuples of fields
+        return gtx_utils.tree_map(lambda x: x.get_local_view(domain))(arg)
 def _get_field_layout(
@@ -232,62 +264,107 @@ def _get_field_layout(
     return list(domain_dims), list(domain_lbs), domain_sizes
-def _create_field_operator(
+def _create_field_operator_impl(
+    sdfg_builder: gtir_sdfg.SDFGBuilder,
     sdfg: dace.SDFG,
     state: dace.SDFGState,
     domain: FieldopDomain,
-    node_type: ts.FieldType,
-    sdfg_builder: gtir_sdfg.SDFGBuilder,
-    input_edges: Sequence[gtir_dataflow.DataflowInputEdge],
     output_edge: gtir_dataflow.DataflowOutputEdge,
+    output_type: ts.FieldType,
+    map_exit: dace.nodes.MapExit,
 ) -> FieldopData:
-    Helper method to allocate a temporary field to store the output of a field operator.
+    Helper method to allocate a temporary array that stores one field computed by a field operator.
+    This method is called by `_create_field_operator()`.
+        sdfg_builder: The object used to build the map scope in the provided SDFG.
         sdfg: The SDFG that represents the scope of the field data.
         state: The SDFG state where to create an access node to the field data.
         domain: The domain of the field operator that computes the field.
-        node_type: The GT4Py type of the IR node that produces this field.
-        sdfg_builder: The object used to build the map scope in the provided SDFG.
-        input_edges: List of edges to pass input data into the dataflow.
-        output_edge: Edge representing the dataflow output data.
+        output_edge: The dataflow write edge representing the output data.
+        output_type: The GT4Py field type descriptor.
+        map_exit: The `MapExit` node of the field operator map scope.
         The field data descriptor, which includes the field access node in the given `state`
         and the field domain offset.
-    field_dims, field_offset, field_shape = _get_field_layout(domain)
-    field_indices = _get_domain_indices(field_dims, field_offset)
     dataflow_output_desc = output_edge.result.dc_node.desc(sdfg)
-    field_subset = dace_subsets.Range.from_indices(field_indices)
+    domain_dims, domain_offset, domain_shape = _get_field_layout(domain)
+    domain_indices = _get_domain_indices(domain_dims, domain_offset)
+    domain_subset = dace_subsets.Range.from_indices(domain_indices)
     if isinstance(output_edge.result.gt_dtype, ts.ScalarType):
-        assert output_edge.result.gt_dtype == node_type.dtype
-        assert isinstance(dataflow_output_desc, dace.data.Scalar)
-        assert isinstance(node_type.dtype, ts.ScalarType)
-        assert dataflow_output_desc.dtype == dace_utils.as_dace_type(node_type.dtype)
+        assert output_edge.result.gt_dtype == output_type.dtype
         field_dtype = output_edge.result.gt_dtype
+        field_dims, field_shape, field_offset = (domain_dims, domain_shape, domain_offset)
+        assert isinstance(dataflow_output_desc, dace.data.Scalar)
+        field_subset = domain_subset
-        assert isinstance(node_type.dtype, ts.ListType)
-        assert output_edge.result.gt_dtype.element_type == node_type.dtype.element_type
-        assert isinstance(dataflow_output_desc, dace.data.Array)
+        assert isinstance(output_type.dtype, ts.ListType)
         assert isinstance(output_edge.result.gt_dtype.element_type, ts.ScalarType)
+        assert output_edge.result.gt_dtype.element_type == output_type.dtype.element_type
         field_dtype = output_edge.result.gt_dtype.element_type
+        assert isinstance(dataflow_output_desc, dace.data.Array)
+        assert len(dataflow_output_desc.shape) == 1
         # extend the array with the local dimensions added by the field operator (e.g. `neighbors`)
         assert output_edge.result.gt_dtype.offset_type is not None
-        field_dims.append(output_edge.result.gt_dtype.offset_type)
-        field_shape.extend(dataflow_output_desc.shape)
-        field_offset.extend(dataflow_output_desc.offset)
-        field_subset = field_subset + dace_subsets.Range.from_array(dataflow_output_desc)
+        field_dims = [*domain_dims, output_edge.result.gt_dtype.offset_type]
+        field_shape = [*domain_shape, dataflow_output_desc.shape[0]]
+        field_offset = [*domain_offset, dataflow_output_desc.offset[0]]
+        field_subset = domain_subset + dace_subsets.Range.from_array(dataflow_output_desc)
     # allocate local temporary storage
-    field_name, _ = sdfg.add_temp_transient(field_shape, dataflow_output_desc.dtype)
+    assert dataflow_output_desc.dtype == dace_utils.as_dace_type(field_dtype)
+    field_name, _ = sdfg_builder.add_temp_array(sdfg, field_shape, dataflow_output_desc.dtype)
     field_node = state.add_access(field_name)
+    # and here the edge writing the dataflow result data through the map exit node
+    output_edge.connect(map_exit, field_node, field_subset)
+    return FieldopData(
+        field_node,
+        ts.FieldType(field_dims, field_dtype),
+        offset=(field_offset if set(field_offset) != {0} else None),
+    )
+def _create_field_operator(
+    sdfg: dace.SDFG,
+    state: dace.SDFGState,
+    domain: FieldopDomain,
+    node_type: ts.FieldType | ts.TupleType,
+    sdfg_builder: gtir_sdfg.SDFGBuilder,
+    input_edges: Iterable[gtir_dataflow.DataflowInputEdge],
+    output_edges: gtir_dataflow.DataflowOutputEdge
+    | tuple[gtir_dataflow.DataflowOutputEdge | tuple[Any, ...], ...],
+) -> FieldopResult:
+    """
+    Helper method to build the output of a field operator, which can consist of
+    a single field or a tuple of fields.
+    A tuple of fields is returned when one stencil computes a grid point on multiple
+    fields: for each field, this method will call `_create_field_operator_impl()`.
+    Args:
+        sdfg: The SDFG that represents the scope of the field data.
+        state: The SDFG state where to create an access node to the field data.
+        domain: The domain of the field operator that computes the field.
+        node_type: The GT4Py type of the IR node that produces this field.
+        sdfg_builder: The object used to build the map scope in the provided SDFG.
+        input_edges: List of edges to pass input data into the dataflow.
+        output_edges: Single edge or tuple of edges representing the dataflow output data.
+    Returns:
+        The descriptor of the field operator result, which can be either a single field
+        or a tuple fields.
+    """
     # create map range corresponding to the field operator domain
-    me, mx = sdfg_builder.add_map(
+    map_entry, map_exit = sdfg_builder.add_map(
@@ -298,16 +375,21 @@ def _create_field_operator(
     # here we setup the edges passing through the map entry node
     for edge in input_edges:
-        edge.connect(me)
-    # and here the edge writing the dataflow result data through the map exit node
-    output_edge.connect(mx, field_node, field_subset)
+        edge.connect(map_entry)
-    return FieldopData(
-        field_node,
-        ts.FieldType(field_dims, field_dtype),
-        offset=(field_offset if set(field_offset) != {0} else None),
-    )
+    if isinstance(node_type, ts.FieldType):
+        assert isinstance(output_edges, gtir_dataflow.DataflowOutputEdge)
+        return _create_field_operator_impl(
+            sdfg_builder, sdfg, state, domain, output_edges, node_type, map_exit
+        )
+    else:
+        # handle tuples of fields
+        output_symbol_tree = dace_gtir_utils.make_symbol_tree("x", node_type)
+        return gtx_utils.tree_map(
+            lambda output_edge, output_sym: _create_field_operator_impl(
+                sdfg_builder, sdfg, state, domain, output_edge, output_sym.type, map_exit
+            )
+        )(output_edges, output_symbol_tree)
 def extract_domain(node: gtir.Node) -> FieldopDomain:
@@ -366,16 +448,17 @@ def translate_as_fieldop(
     assert isinstance(node, gtir.FunCall)
     assert cpm.is_call_to(node.fun, "as_fieldop")
+    assert isinstance(node.type, (ts.FieldType, ts.TupleType))
     fun_node = node.fun
     assert len(fun_node.args) == 2
     fieldop_expr, domain_expr = fun_node.args
-    assert isinstance(node.type, ts.FieldType)
     if cpm.is_ref_to(fieldop_expr, "deref"):
         # Special usage of 'deref' as argument to fieldop expression, to pass a scalar
         # value to 'as_fieldop' function. It results in broadcasting the scalar value
         # over the field domain.
+        assert isinstance(node.type, ts.FieldType)
         stencil_expr = im.lambda_("a")(im.deref("a"))
         stencil_expr.expr.type = node.type.dtype
     elif isinstance(fieldop_expr, gtir.Lambda):
@@ -394,12 +477,12 @@ def translate_as_fieldop(
     fieldop_args = [_parse_fieldop_arg(arg, sdfg, state, sdfg_builder, domain) for arg in node.args]
     # represent the field operator as a mapped tasklet graph, which will range over the field domain
-    input_edges, output_edge = gtir_dataflow.visit_lambda(
+    input_edges, output_edges = gtir_dataflow.translate_lambda_to_dataflow(
         sdfg, state, sdfg_builder, stencil_expr, fieldop_args
     return _create_field_operator(
-        sdfg, state, domain, node.type, sdfg_builder, input_edges, output_edge
+        sdfg, state, domain, node.type, sdfg_builder, input_edges, output_edges
@@ -458,7 +541,7 @@ def translate_if(
     def construct_output(inner_data: FieldopData) -> FieldopData:
         inner_desc = inner_data.dc_node.desc(sdfg)
-        outer, _ = sdfg.add_temp_transient_like(inner_desc)
+        outer, _ = sdfg_builder.add_temp_array_like(sdfg, inner_desc)
         outer_node = state.add_access(outer)
         return inner_data.make_copy(outer_node)
@@ -518,8 +601,7 @@ def translate_index(
     dim, _, _ = domain[0]
     dim_index = dace_gtir_utils.get_map_variable(dim)
-    index_data = sdfg.temp_data_name()
-    sdfg.add_scalar(index_data, INDEX_DTYPE, transient=True)
+    index_data, _ = sdfg_builder.add_temp_scalar(sdfg, INDEX_DTYPE)
     index_node = state.add_access(index_data)
     index_value = gtir_dataflow.ValueExpr(
@@ -570,11 +652,10 @@ def _get_data_nodes(
         return sdfg_builder.make_field(data_node, data_type)
     elif isinstance(data_type, ts.TupleType):
-        tuple_fields = dace_gtir_utils.get_tuple_fields(data_name, data_type)
-        return tuple(
-            _get_data_nodes(sdfg, state, sdfg_builder, fname, ftype)
-            for fname, ftype in tuple_fields
-        )
+        symbol_tree = dace_gtir_utils.make_symbol_tree(data_name, data_type)
+        return gtx_utils.tree_map(
+            lambda sym: _get_data_nodes(sdfg, state, sdfg_builder, sym.id, sym.type)
+        )(symbol_tree)
         raise NotImplementedError(f"Symbol type {type(data_type)} not supported.")
@@ -691,13 +772,11 @@ def translate_scalar_expr(
         visit_expr = True
         if isinstance(arg_expr, gtir.SymRef):
-                # `gt_symbol` refers to symbols defined in the GT4Py program
-                gt_symbol_type = sdfg_builder.get_symbol_type(arg_expr.id)
-                if not isinstance(gt_symbol_type, ts.ScalarType):
-                    raise ValueError(f"Invalid argument to scalar expression {arg_expr}.")
+                # check if symbol is defined in the GT4Py program, throws `KeyError` exception if undefined
+                sdfg_builder.get_symbol_type(arg_expr.id)
             except KeyError:
-                # this is the case of non-variable argument, e.g. target type such as `float64`,
-                # used in a casting expression like `cast_(variable, float64)`
+                # all `SymRef` should refer to symbols defined in the program, except in case of non-variable argument,
+                # e.g. the type name `float64` used in casting expressions like `cast_(variable, float64)`
                 visit_expr = False
         if visit_expr:
@@ -708,7 +787,7 @@ def translate_scalar_expr(
-            if not (isinstance(arg, FieldopData) and isinstance(arg.gt_type, ts.ScalarType)):
+            if not (isinstance(arg, FieldopData) and isinstance(node.type, ts.ScalarType)):
                 raise ValueError(f"Invalid argument to scalar expression {arg_expr}.")
             param = f"__arg{i}"
@@ -738,12 +817,7 @@ def translate_scalar_expr(
             dace.Memlet(data=arg_node.data, subset="0"),
     # finally, create temporary for the result value
-    temp_name, _ = sdfg.add_scalar(
-        sdfg.temp_data_name(),
-        dace_utils.as_dace_type(node.type),
-        find_new_name=True,
-        transient=True,
-    )
+    temp_name, _ = sdfg_builder.add_temp_scalar(sdfg, dace_utils.as_dace_type(node.type))
     temp_node = state.add_access(temp_name)
diff --git a/src/gt4py/next/program_processors/runners/dace_fieldview/gtir_dataflow.py b/src/gt4py/next/program_processors/runners/dace_fieldview/gtir_dataflow.py
index 0376143883..33719cfab6 100644
--- a/src/gt4py/next/program_processors/runners/dace_fieldview/gtir_dataflow.py
+++ b/src/gt4py/next/program_processors/runners/dace_fieldview/gtir_dataflow.py
@@ -28,9 +28,10 @@
 from dace import subsets as dace_subsets
 from gt4py import eve
-from gt4py.next import common as gtx_common
+from gt4py.next import common as gtx_common, utils as gtx_utils
 from gt4py.next.iterator import ir as gtir
 from gt4py.next.iterator.ir_utils import common_pattern_matcher as cpm, ir_makers as im
+from gt4py.next.iterator.transforms import symbol_ref_utils
 from gt4py.next.program_processors.runners.dace_common import utility as dace_utils
 from gt4py.next.program_processors.runners.dace_fieldview import (
@@ -115,6 +116,9 @@ class IteratorExpr:
     field_domain: list[tuple[gtx_common.Dimension, dace.symbolic.SymExpr]]
     indices: dict[gtx_common.Dimension, DataExpr]
+    def get_field_type(self) -> ts.FieldType:
+        return ts.FieldType([dim for dim, _ in self.field_domain], self.gt_dtype)
     def get_memlet_subset(self, sdfg: dace.SDFG) -> dace_subsets.Range:
         if not all(isinstance(self.indices[dim], SymbolExpr) for dim, _ in self.field_domain):
             raise ValueError(f"Cannot deref iterator {self}.")
@@ -140,16 +144,19 @@ def get_memlet_subset(self, sdfg: dace.SDFG) -> dace_subsets.Range:
 class DataflowInputEdge(Protocol):
-    This protocol represents an open connection into the dataflow.
+    This protocol describes how to concretize a data edge to read data from a source node
+    into the dataflow.
     It provides the `connect` method to setup an input edge from an external data source.
-    Since the dataflow represents a stencil, we instantiate the dataflow inside a map scope
-    and connect its inputs and outputs to external data nodes by means of memlets that
-    traverse the map entry and exit nodes.
+    The most common case is that the dataflow represents a stencil, which is instantied
+    inside a map scope and whose inputs and outputs are connected to external data nodes
+    by means of memlets that traverse the map entry and exit nodes.
+    The dataflow can also be instatiated without a map, in which case the `map_entry`
+    argument is set to `None`.
-    def connect(self, me: dace.nodes.MapEntry) -> None: ...
+    def connect(self, map_entry: Optional[dace.nodes.MapEntry]) -> None: ...
@@ -167,15 +174,18 @@ class MemletInputEdge(DataflowInputEdge):
     dest: dace.nodes.AccessNode | dace.nodes.Tasklet
     dest_conn: Optional[str]
-    def connect(self, me: dace.nodes.MapEntry) -> None:
+    def connect(self, map_entry: Optional[dace.nodes.MapEntry]) -> None:
         memlet = dace.Memlet(data=self.source.data, subset=self.subset)
-        self.state.add_memlet_path(
-            self.source,
-            me,
-            self.dest,
-            dst_conn=self.dest_conn,
-            memlet=memlet,
-        )
+        if map_entry is None:
+            self.state.add_edge(self.source, None, self.dest, self.dest_conn, memlet)
+        else:
+            self.state.add_memlet_path(
+                self.source,
+                map_entry,
+                self.dest,
+                dst_conn=self.dest_conn,
+                memlet=memlet,
+            )
@@ -190,8 +200,12 @@ class EmptyInputEdge(DataflowInputEdge):
     state: dace.SDFGState
     node: dace.nodes.Tasklet
-    def connect(self, me: dace.nodes.MapEntry) -> None:
-        self.state.add_nedge(me, self.node, dace.Memlet())
+    def connect(self, map_entry: Optional[dace.nodes.MapEntry]) -> None:
+        if map_entry is None:
+            # outside of a map scope it is possible to instantiate a tasklet node
+            # without input connectors
+            return
+        self.state.add_nedge(map_entry, self.node, dace.Memlet())
@@ -200,10 +214,12 @@ class DataflowOutputEdge:
     Allows to setup an output memlet through a map exit node.
     The result of a dataflow subgraph needs to be written to an external data node.
-    Since the dataflow represents a stencil and the dataflow is computed over
-    a field domain, the dataflow is instatiated inside a map scope. The `connect`
-    method creates a memlet that writes the dataflow result to the external array
-    passing through the map exit node.
+    The most common case is that the dataflow represents a stencil and the dataflow
+    is computed over a field domain, therefore the dataflow is instatiated inside
+    a map scope. The `connect` method creates a memlet that writes the dataflow
+    result to the external array passing through the `map_exit` node.
+    The dataflow can also be instatiated without a map, in which case the `map_exit`
+    argument is set to `None`.
     state: dace.SDFGState
@@ -211,13 +227,13 @@ class DataflowOutputEdge:
     def connect(
-        mx: dace.nodes.MapExit,
+        map_exit: Optional[dace.nodes.MapExit],
         dest: dace.nodes.AccessNode,
         subset: dace_subsets.Range,
     ) -> None:
         # retrieve the node which writes the result
         last_node = self.state.in_edges(self.result.dc_node)[0].src
-        if isinstance(last_node, dace.nodes.Tasklet):
+        if isinstance(last_node, (dace.nodes.Tasklet, dace.nodes.NestedSDFG)):
             # the last transient node can be deleted
             last_node_connector = self.state.in_edges(self.result.dc_node)[0].src_conn
@@ -225,13 +241,22 @@ def connect(
             last_node = self.result.dc_node
             last_node_connector = None
-        self.state.add_memlet_path(
-            last_node,
-            mx,
-            dest,
-            src_conn=last_node_connector,
-            memlet=dace.Memlet(data=dest.data, subset=subset),
-        )
+        if map_exit is None:
+            self.state.add_edge(
+                last_node,
+                last_node_connector,
+                dest,
+                None,
+                dace.Memlet(data=dest.data, subset=subset),
+            )
+        else:
+            self.state.add_memlet_path(
+                last_node,
+                map_exit,
+                dest,
+                src_conn=last_node_connector,
+                memlet=dace.Memlet(data=dest.data, subset=subset),
+            )
 DACE_REDUCTION_MAPPING: dict[str, dace.dtypes.ReductionType] = {
@@ -267,6 +292,25 @@ def get_reduce_params(node: gtir.FunCall) -> tuple[str, SymbolExpr, SymbolExpr]:
     return op_name, reduce_init, reduce_identity
+def get_tuple_type(
+    data: tuple[IteratorExpr | MemletExpr | ValueExpr | tuple[Any, ...], ...],
+) -> ts.TupleType:
+    """
+    Compute the `ts.TupleType` corresponding to the tuple structure of input data expressions.
+    """
+    data_types: list[ts.DataType] = []
+    for dataitem in data:
+        if isinstance(dataitem, tuple):
+            data_types.append(get_tuple_type(dataitem))
+        elif isinstance(dataitem, IteratorExpr):
+            data_types.append(dataitem.get_field_type())
+        elif isinstance(dataitem, MemletExpr):
+            data_types.append(dataitem.gt_dtype)
+        else:
+            data_types.append(dataitem.gt_dtype)
+    return ts.TupleType(data_types)
 class LambdaToDataflow(eve.NodeVisitor):
@@ -289,9 +333,10 @@ class LambdaToDataflow(eve.NodeVisitor):
     state: dace.SDFGState
     subgraph_builder: gtir_sdfg.DataflowBuilder
     input_edges: list[DataflowInputEdge] = dataclasses.field(default_factory=lambda: [])
-    symbol_map: dict[str, IteratorExpr | MemletExpr | SymbolExpr] = dataclasses.field(
-        default_factory=lambda: {}
-    )
+    symbol_map: dict[
+        str,
+        IteratorExpr | DataExpr | tuple[IteratorExpr | DataExpr | tuple[Any, ...], ...],
+    ] = dataclasses.field(default_factory=dict)
     def _add_input_data_edge(
@@ -370,9 +415,9 @@ def _add_mapped_tasklet(
         name: str,
         map_ranges: Dict[str, str | dace.subsets.Subset]
         | List[Tuple[str, str | dace.subsets.Subset]],
-        inputs: Union[Set[str], Dict[str, dace.dtypes.typeclass]],
+        inputs: Dict[str, dace.Memlet],
         code: str,
-        outputs: Union[Set[str], Dict[str, dace.dtypes.typeclass]],
+        outputs: Dict[str, dace.Memlet],
         **kwargs: Any,
     ) -> tuple[dace.nodes.Tasklet, dace.nodes.MapEntry, dace.nodes.MapExit]:
@@ -427,10 +472,9 @@ def _construct_tasklet_result(
             # In some cases, such as result data with list-type annotation, we want
             # that output data is represented as an array (single-element 1D array)
             # in order to allow for composition of array shape in external memlets.
-            temp_name, _ = self.sdfg.add_temp_transient((1,), dc_dtype)
+            temp_name, _ = self.subgraph_builder.add_temp_array(self.sdfg, (1,), dc_dtype)
-            temp_name = self.sdfg.temp_data_name()
-            self.sdfg.add_scalar(temp_name, dc_dtype, transient=True)
+            temp_name, _ = self.subgraph_builder.add_temp_scalar(self.sdfg, dc_dtype)
         temp_node = self.state.add_access(temp_name)
@@ -467,6 +511,9 @@ def _visit_deref(self, node: gtir.FunCall) -> DataExpr:
         # format used for field index tasklet connector
         IndexConnectorFmt: Final = "__index_{dim}"
+        if isinstance(node.type, ts.TupleType):
+            raise NotImplementedError("Tuple deref not supported.")
         assert len(node.args) == 1
         arg_expr = self.visit(node.args[0])
@@ -545,6 +592,274 @@ def _visit_deref(self, node: gtir.FunCall) -> DataExpr:
         return self._construct_tasklet_result(field_desc.dtype, deref_node, "val")
+    def _visit_if_branch_arg(
+        self,
+        if_sdfg: dace.SDFG,
+        if_branch_state: dace.SDFGState,
+        param_name: str,
+        arg: IteratorExpr | DataExpr,
+        if_sdfg_input_memlets: dict[str, MemletExpr | ValueExpr],
+    ) -> IteratorExpr | ValueExpr:
+        """
+        Helper method to be called by `_visit_if_branch()` to visit the input arguments.
+        Args:
+            if_sdfg: The nested SDFG where the if expression is lowered.
+            if_branch_state: The state inside the nested SDFG where the if branch is lowered.
+            param_name: The parameter name of the input argument.
+            arg: The input argument expression.
+            if_sdfg_input_memlets: The memlets that provide input data to the nested SDFG, will be update inside this function.
+        """
+        if isinstance(arg, (MemletExpr, ValueExpr)):
+            arg_expr = arg
+            arg_node = arg.dc_node
+            arg_desc = arg_node.desc(self.sdfg)
+            if isinstance(arg, MemletExpr):
+                assert arg.subset.num_elements() == 1
+                arg_desc = dace.data.Scalar(arg_desc.dtype)
+            else:
+                assert isinstance(arg_desc, dace.data.Scalar)
+        elif isinstance(arg, IteratorExpr):
+            arg_node = arg.field
+            arg_desc = arg_node.desc(self.sdfg)
+            arg_expr = MemletExpr(arg_node, arg.gt_dtype, dace_subsets.Range.from_array(arg_desc))
+        else:
+            raise TypeError(f"Unexpected {arg} as input argument.")
+        if param_name in if_sdfg.arrays:
+            inner_desc = if_sdfg.data(param_name)
+            assert not inner_desc.transient
+        else:
+            inner_desc = arg_desc.clone()
+            inner_desc.transient = False
+            if_sdfg.add_datadesc(param_name, inner_desc)
+            if_sdfg_input_memlets[param_name] = arg_expr
+        inner_node = if_branch_state.add_access(param_name)
+        if isinstance(arg, IteratorExpr):
+            return IteratorExpr(inner_node, arg.gt_dtype, arg.field_domain, arg.indices)
+        else:
+            return ValueExpr(inner_node, arg.gt_dtype)
+    def _visit_if_branch(
+        self,
+        if_sdfg: dace.SDFG,
+        if_branch_state: dace.SDFGState,
+        expr: gtir.Expr,
+        if_sdfg_input_memlets: dict[str, MemletExpr | ValueExpr],
+    ) -> tuple[
+        list[DataflowInputEdge],
+        DataflowOutputEdge | tuple[DataflowOutputEdge | tuple[Any, ...], ...],
+    ]:
+        """
+        Helper method to visit an if-branch expression and lower it to a dataflow inside the given nested SDFG and state.
+        This function is called by `_visit_if()` for each if-branch.
+        Args:
+            if_sdfg: The nested SDFG where the if expression is lowered.
+            if_branch_state: The state inside the nested SDFG where the if branch is lowered.
+            expr: The if branch expression to lower.
+            if_sdfg_input_memlets: The memlets that provide input data to the nested SDFG, will be update inside this function.
+        Returns:
+            A tuple containing:
+                - the list of input edges for the parent dataflow
+                - the output data, in the form of a single data edge or a tuple of data edges.
+        """
+        assert if_branch_state in if_sdfg.states()
+        lambda_args = []
+        lambda_params = []
+        for pname in symbol_ref_utils.collect_symbol_refs(expr, self.symbol_map.keys()):
+            arg = self.symbol_map[pname]
+            if isinstance(arg, tuple):
+                ptype = get_tuple_type(arg)  # type: ignore[arg-type]
+                psymbol = im.sym(pname, ptype)
+                psymbol_tree = dace_gtir_utils.make_symbol_tree(pname, ptype)
+                inner_arg = gtx_utils.tree_map(
+                    lambda tsym, targ: self._visit_if_branch_arg(
+                        if_sdfg, if_branch_state, tsym.id, targ, if_sdfg_input_memlets
+                    )
+                )(psymbol_tree, arg)
+            else:
+                psymbol = im.sym(pname, arg.gt_dtype)  # type: ignore[union-attr]
+                inner_arg = self._visit_if_branch_arg(
+                    if_sdfg, if_branch_state, pname, arg, if_sdfg_input_memlets
+                )
+            lambda_args.append(inner_arg)
+            lambda_params.append(psymbol)
+        # visit each branch of the if-statement as if it was a Lambda node
+        lambda_node = gtir.Lambda(params=lambda_params, expr=expr)
+        input_edges, output_edges = translate_lambda_to_dataflow(
+            if_sdfg, if_branch_state, self.subgraph_builder, lambda_node, args=lambda_args
+        )
+        for data_node in if_branch_state.data_nodes():
+            # In case tuple arguments, isolated non-transient nodes might be left in the state,
+            # because not all tuple fields are necessarily used in the lambda scope
+            if if_branch_state.degree(data_node) == 0:
+                assert not data_node.desc(if_sdfg).transient
+                if_branch_state.remove_node(data_node)
+        return input_edges, output_edges
+    def _visit_if_branch_result(
+        self, sdfg: dace.SDFG, state: dace.SDFGState, edge: DataflowOutputEdge, sym: gtir.Sym
+    ) -> ValueExpr:
+        """
+        Helper function to be called by `_visit_if` to create an output connector
+        on the nested SDFG that will write the result to the parent SDFG.
+        The result data inside the nested SDFG must have the same name as the connector.
+        """
+        output_data = str(sym.id)
+        if output_data in sdfg.arrays:
+            output_desc = sdfg.data(output_data)
+            assert not output_desc.transient
+        else:
+            # If the result is currently written to a transient node, inside the nested SDFG,
+            # we need to allocate a non-transient data node.
+            result_desc = edge.result.dc_node.desc(sdfg)
+            output_desc = result_desc.clone()
+            output_desc.transient = False
+            output_data = sdfg.add_datadesc(output_data, output_desc, find_new_name=True)
+        output_node = state.add_access(output_data)
+        state.add_nedge(
+            edge.result.dc_node,
+            output_node,
+            dace.Memlet.from_array(output_data, output_desc),
+        )
+        return ValueExpr(output_node, edge.result.gt_dtype)
+    def _visit_if(self, node: gtir.FunCall) -> ValueExpr | tuple[ValueExpr | tuple[Any, ...], ...]:
+        """
+        Lowers an if-expression with exclusive branch execution into a nested SDFG,
+        in which each branch is lowered into a dataflow in a separate state and
+        the if-condition is represented as the inter-state edge condtion.
+        """
+        def write_output_of_nested_sdfg_to_temporary(inner_value: ValueExpr) -> ValueExpr:
+            # Each output connector of the nested SDFG writes to a transient node in the parent SDFG
+            inner_data = inner_value.dc_node.data
+            inner_desc = inner_value.dc_node.desc(nsdfg)
+            assert not inner_desc.transient
+            output, output_desc = self.subgraph_builder.add_temp_array_like(self.sdfg, inner_desc)
+            output_node = self.state.add_access(output)
+            self.state.add_edge(
+                nsdfg_node,
+                inner_data,
+                output_node,
+                None,
+                dace.Memlet.from_array(output, output_desc),
+            )
+            return ValueExpr(output_node, inner_value.gt_dtype)
+        assert len(node.args) == 3
+        # TODO(edopao): enable once supported in next DaCe release
+        use_conditional_block: Final[bool] = False
+        # evaluate the if-condition that will write to a boolean scalar node
+        condition_value = self.visit(node.args[0])
+        assert (
+            (
+                isinstance(condition_value.gt_dtype, ts.ScalarType)
+                and condition_value.gt_dtype.kind == ts.ScalarKind.BOOL
+            )
+            if isinstance(condition_value, (MemletExpr, ValueExpr))
+            else (condition_value.dc_dtype == dace.dtypes.bool_)
+        )
+        nsdfg = dace.SDFG(self.unique_nsdfg_name(prefix="if_stmt"))
+        nsdfg.debuginfo = dace_utils.debug_info(node, default=self.sdfg.debuginfo)
+        # create states inside the nested SDFG for the if-branches
+        if use_conditional_block:
+            if_region = dace.sdfg.state.ConditionalBlock("if")
+            nsdfg.add_node(if_region)
+            entry_state = nsdfg.add_state("entry", is_start_block=True)
+            nsdfg.add_edge(entry_state, if_region, dace.InterstateEdge())
+            then_body = dace.sdfg.state.ControlFlowRegion("then_body", sdfg=nsdfg)
+            tstate = then_body.add_state("true_branch", is_start_block=True)
+            if_region.add_branch(dace.sdfg.state.CodeBlock("__cond"), then_body)
+            else_body = dace.sdfg.state.ControlFlowRegion("else_body", sdfg=nsdfg)
+            fstate = else_body.add_state("false_branch", is_start_block=True)
+            if_region.add_branch(dace.sdfg.state.CodeBlock("not (__cond)"), else_body)
+        else:
+            entry_state = nsdfg.add_state("entry", is_start_block=True)
+            tstate = nsdfg.add_state("true_branch")
+            nsdfg.add_edge(entry_state, tstate, dace.InterstateEdge(condition="__cond"))
+            fstate = nsdfg.add_state("false_branch")
+            nsdfg.add_edge(entry_state, fstate, dace.InterstateEdge(condition="not (__cond)"))
+        input_memlets: dict[str, MemletExpr | ValueExpr] = {}
+        # define scalar or symbol for the condition value inside the nested SDFG
+        if isinstance(condition_value, SymbolExpr):
+            nsdfg.add_symbol("__cond", dace.dtypes.bool)
+        else:
+            nsdfg.add_scalar("__cond", dace.dtypes.bool)
+            input_memlets["__cond"] = condition_value
+        for nstate, arg in zip([tstate, fstate], node.args[1:3]):
+            # visit each if-branch in the corresponding state of the nested SDFG
+            in_edges, out_edge = self._visit_if_branch(nsdfg, nstate, arg, input_memlets)
+            for edge in in_edges:
+                edge.connect(map_entry=None)
+            if isinstance(out_edge, tuple):
+                assert isinstance(node.type, ts.TupleType)
+                out_symbol_tree = dace_gtir_utils.make_symbol_tree("__output", node.type)
+                outer_value = gtx_utils.tree_map(
+                    lambda x, y, nstate=nstate: self._visit_if_branch_result(nsdfg, nstate, x, y)
+                )(out_edge, out_symbol_tree)
+            else:
+                assert isinstance(node.type, ts.FieldType | ts.ScalarType)
+                outer_value = self._visit_if_branch_result(
+                    nsdfg, nstate, out_edge, im.sym("__output", node.type)
+                )
+            # Isolated access node will make validation fail.
+            # Isolated access nodes can be found in `make_tuple` expressions that
+            # construct tuples from input arguments.
+            for data_node in nstate.data_nodes():
+                if nstate.degree(data_node) == 0:
+                    assert not data_node.desc(nsdfg).transient
+                    nsdfg.remove_node(data_node)
+        else:
+            result = outer_value
+        outputs = {outval.dc_node.data for outval in gtx_utils.flatten_nested_tuple((result,))}
+        nsdfg_node = self.state.add_nested_sdfg(
+            nsdfg,
+            self.sdfg,
+            inputs=set(input_memlets.keys()),
+            outputs=outputs,
+            symbol_mapping=None,  # implicitly map all free symbols to the symbols available in parent SDFG
+        )
+        for inner, input_expr in input_memlets.items():
+            if isinstance(input_expr, MemletExpr):
+                self._add_input_data_edge(input_expr.dc_node, input_expr.subset, nsdfg_node, inner)
+            else:
+                self._add_edge(
+                    input_expr.dc_node,
+                    None,
+                    nsdfg_node,
+                    inner,
+                    self.sdfg.make_array_memlet(input_expr.dc_node.data),
+                )
+        return (
+            gtx_utils.tree_map(write_output_of_nested_sdfg_to_temporary)(result)
+            if isinstance(result, tuple)
+            else write_output_of_nested_sdfg_to_temporary(result)
+        )
     def _visit_neighbors(self, node: gtir.FunCall) -> ValueExpr:
         assert isinstance(node.type, ts.ListType)
         assert len(node.args) == 2
@@ -605,8 +920,8 @@ def _visit_neighbors(self, node: gtir.FunCall) -> ValueExpr:
-        neighbors_temp, _ = self.sdfg.add_temp_transient(
-            (offset_provider.max_neighbors,), field_desc.dtype
+        neighbors_temp, _ = self.subgraph_builder.add_temp_array(
+            self.sdfg, (offset_provider.max_neighbors,), field_desc.dtype
         neighbors_node = self.state.add_access(neighbors_temp)
         offset_type = gtx_common.Dimension(offset, gtx_common.DimensionKind.LOCAL)
@@ -652,6 +967,56 @@ def _visit_neighbors(self, node: gtir.FunCall) -> ValueExpr:
             dc_node=neighbors_node, gt_dtype=ts.ListType(node.type.element_type, offset_type)
+    def _visit_list_get(self, node: gtir.FunCall) -> ValueExpr:
+        assert len(node.args) == 2
+        index_arg = self.visit(node.args[0])
+        list_arg = self.visit(node.args[1])
+        assert isinstance(list_arg, ValueExpr)
+        assert isinstance(list_arg.gt_dtype, ts.ListType)
+        assert isinstance(list_arg.gt_dtype.element_type, ts.ScalarType)
+        list_desc = list_arg.dc_node.desc(self.sdfg)
+        assert len(list_desc.shape) == 1
+        result_dtype = dace_utils.as_dace_type(list_arg.gt_dtype.element_type)
+        result, _ = self.subgraph_builder.add_temp_scalar(self.sdfg, result_dtype)
+        result_node = self.state.add_access(result)
+        if isinstance(index_arg, SymbolExpr):
+            assert index_arg.dc_dtype in dace.dtypes.INTEGER_TYPES
+            self._add_edge(
+                list_arg.dc_node,
+                None,
+                result_node,
+                None,
+                dace.Memlet(data=list_arg.dc_node.data, subset=index_arg.value),
+            )
+        elif isinstance(index_arg, ValueExpr):
+            tasklet_node = self._add_tasklet(
+                "list_get", inputs={"index", "list"}, outputs={"value"}, code="value = list[index]"
+            )
+            self._add_edge(
+                index_arg.dc_node,
+                None,
+                tasklet_node,
+                "index",
+                dace.Memlet(data=index_arg.dc_node.data, subset="0"),
+            )
+            self._add_edge(
+                list_arg.dc_node,
+                None,
+                tasklet_node,
+                "list",
+                self.sdfg.make_array_memlet(list_arg.dc_node.data),
+            )
+            self._add_edge(
+                tasklet_node, "value", result_node, None, dace.Memlet(data=result, subset="0")
+            )
+        else:
+            raise TypeError(f"Unexpected value {index_arg} as index argument.")
+        return ValueExpr(dc_node=result_node, gt_dtype=list_arg.gt_dtype.element_type)
     def _visit_map(self, node: gtir.FunCall) -> ValueExpr:
         A map node defines an operation to be mapped on all elements of input arguments.
@@ -743,7 +1108,7 @@ def _visit_map(self, node: gtir.FunCall) -> ValueExpr:
             input_nodes[input_node.data] = input_node
-        result, _ = self.sdfg.add_temp_transient((local_size,), dc_dtype)
+        result, _ = self.subgraph_builder.add_temp_array(self.sdfg, (local_size,), dc_dtype)
         result_node = self.state.add_access(result)
         if offset_provider_type.has_skip_values:
@@ -930,8 +1295,7 @@ def _visit_reduce(self, node: gtir.FunCall) -> ValueExpr:
         op_name, reduce_init, reduce_identity = get_reduce_params(node)
         reduce_wcr = "lambda x, y: " + gtir_python_codegen.format_builtin(op_name, "x", "y")
-        result = self.sdfg.temp_data_name()
-        self.sdfg.add_scalar(result, reduce_identity.dc_dtype, transient=True)
+        result, _ = self.subgraph_builder.add_temp_scalar(self.sdfg, reduce_identity.dc_dtype)
         result_node = self.state.add_access(result)
         input_expr = self.visit(node.args[0])
@@ -1119,10 +1483,7 @@ def _make_unstructured_shift(
         """Implements shift in unstructured domain by means of a neighbor table."""
         assert any(dim == connectivity.codomain for dim, _ in it.field_domain)
         neighbor_dim = connectivity.codomain
-        assert neighbor_dim not in it.indices
         origin_dim = connectivity.source_dim
-        assert origin_dim in it.indices
         origin_index = it.indices[origin_dim]
         assert isinstance(origin_index, SymbolExpr)
@@ -1253,13 +1614,45 @@ def _visit_generic_builtin(self, node: gtir.FunCall) -> ValueExpr:
         return self._construct_tasklet_result(dc_dtype, tasklet_node, "result", use_array=use_array)
-    def visit_FunCall(self, node: gtir.FunCall) -> IteratorExpr | DataExpr:
+    def _visit_make_tuple(self, node: gtir.FunCall) -> tuple[IteratorExpr | DataExpr]:
+        assert cpm.is_call_to(node, "make_tuple")
+        return tuple(self.visit(arg) for arg in node.args)
+    def _visit_tuple_get(
+        self, node: gtir.FunCall
+    ) -> IteratorExpr | DataExpr | tuple[IteratorExpr | DataExpr]:
+        assert cpm.is_call_to(node, "tuple_get")
+        assert len(node.args) == 2
+        if not isinstance(node.args[0], gtir.Literal):
+            raise ValueError("Tuple can only be subscripted with compile-time constants.")
+        assert ti.is_integral(node.args[0].type)
+        index = int(node.args[0].value)
+        tuple_fields = self.visit(node.args[1])
+        return tuple_fields[index]
+    def visit_FunCall(
+        self, node: gtir.FunCall
+    ) -> IteratorExpr | DataExpr | tuple[IteratorExpr | DataExpr | tuple[Any, ...], ...]:
         if cpm.is_call_to(node, "deref"):
             return self._visit_deref(node)
+        elif cpm.is_call_to(node, "if_"):
+            return self._visit_if(node)
         elif cpm.is_call_to(node, "neighbors"):
             return self._visit_neighbors(node)
+        elif cpm.is_call_to(node, "list_get"):
+            return self._visit_list_get(node)
+        elif cpm.is_call_to(node, "make_tuple"):
+            return self._visit_make_tuple(node)
+        elif cpm.is_call_to(node, "tuple_get"):
+            return self._visit_tuple_get(node)
         elif cpm.is_applied_map(node):
             return self._visit_map(node)
@@ -1279,35 +1672,52 @@ def visit_FunCall(self, node: gtir.FunCall) -> IteratorExpr | DataExpr:
             raise NotImplementedError(f"Invalid 'FunCall' node: {node}.")
-    def visit_Lambda(self, node: gtir.Lambda) -> DataflowOutputEdge:
-        result: DataExpr = self.visit(node.expr)
+    def visit_Lambda(
+        self, node: gtir.Lambda
+    ) -> DataflowOutputEdge | tuple[DataflowOutputEdge | tuple[Any, ...], ...]:
+        def _visit_Lambda_impl(
+            output_expr: DataflowOutputEdge | ValueExpr | MemletExpr | SymbolExpr,
+        ) -> DataflowOutputEdge:
+            if isinstance(output_expr, DataflowOutputEdge):
+                return output_expr
+            if isinstance(output_expr, ValueExpr):
+                return DataflowOutputEdge(self.state, output_expr)
+            if isinstance(output_expr, MemletExpr):
+                # special case where the field operator is simply copying data from source to destination node
+                output_dtype = output_expr.dc_node.desc(self.sdfg).dtype
+                tasklet_node = self._add_tasklet("copy", {"__inp"}, {"__out"}, "__out = __inp")
+                self._add_input_data_edge(
+                    output_expr.dc_node,
+                    output_expr.subset,
+                    tasklet_node,
+                    "__inp",
+                )
+            else:
+                # even simpler case, where a constant value is written to destination node
+                output_dtype = output_expr.dc_dtype
+                tasklet_node = self._add_tasklet(
+                    "write", {}, {"__out"}, f"__out = {output_expr.value}"
+                )
-        if isinstance(result, ValueExpr):
-            return DataflowOutputEdge(self.state, result)
+            output_expr = self._construct_tasklet_result(output_dtype, tasklet_node, "__out")
+            return DataflowOutputEdge(self.state, output_expr)
-        if isinstance(result, MemletExpr):
-            # special case where the field operator is simply copying data from source to destination node
-            output_dtype = result.dc_node.desc(self.sdfg).dtype
-            tasklet_node = self._add_tasklet("copy", {"__inp"}, {"__out"}, "__out = __inp")
-            self._add_input_data_edge(
-                result.dc_node,
-                result.subset,
-                tasklet_node,
-                "__inp",
-            )
-        else:
-            # even simpler case, where a constant value is written to destination node
-            output_dtype = result.dc_dtype
-            tasklet_node = self._add_tasklet("write", {}, {"__out"}, f"__out = {result.value}")
+        result = self.visit(node.expr)
-        output_expr = self._construct_tasklet_result(output_dtype, tasklet_node, "__out")
-        return DataflowOutputEdge(self.state, output_expr)
+        return (
+            gtx_utils.tree_map(_visit_Lambda_impl)(result)
+            if isinstance(result, tuple)
+            else _visit_Lambda_impl(result)
+        )
     def visit_Literal(self, node: gtir.Literal) -> SymbolExpr:
         dc_dtype = dace_utils.as_dace_type(node.type)
         return SymbolExpr(node.value, dc_dtype)
-    def visit_SymRef(self, node: gtir.SymRef) -> IteratorExpr | MemletExpr | SymbolExpr:
+    def visit_SymRef(
+        self, node: gtir.SymRef
+    ) -> IteratorExpr | DataExpr | tuple[IteratorExpr | DataExpr | tuple[Any, ...], ...]:
         param = str(node.id)
         if param in self.symbol_map:
             return self.symbol_map[param]
@@ -1318,8 +1728,13 @@ def visit_SymRef(self, node: gtir.SymRef) -> IteratorExpr | MemletExpr | SymbolE
     def visit_let(
         node: gtir.Lambda,
-        args: Sequence[IteratorExpr | MemletExpr | SymbolExpr],
-    ) -> DataflowOutputEdge:
+        args: Sequence[
+            IteratorExpr
+            | MemletExpr
+            | ValueExpr
+            | tuple[IteratorExpr | MemletExpr | ValueExpr | tuple[Any, ...], ...]
+        ],
+    ) -> DataflowOutputEdge | tuple[DataflowOutputEdge | tuple[Any, ...], ...]:
         Maps lambda arguments to internal parameters.
@@ -1349,13 +1764,21 @@ def visit_let(
             return self.visit(node)
-def visit_lambda(
+def translate_lambda_to_dataflow(
     sdfg: dace.SDFG,
     state: dace.SDFGState,
-    sdfg_builder: gtir_sdfg.SDFGBuilder,
+    sdfg_builder: gtir_sdfg.DataflowBuilder,
     node: gtir.Lambda,
-    args: Sequence[IteratorExpr | MemletExpr | SymbolExpr],
-) -> tuple[list[DataflowInputEdge], DataflowOutputEdge]:
+    args: Sequence[
+        IteratorExpr
+        | MemletExpr
+        | ValueExpr
+        | tuple[IteratorExpr | MemletExpr | ValueExpr | tuple[Any, ...], ...]
+    ],
+) -> tuple[
+    list[DataflowInputEdge],
+    DataflowOutputEdge | tuple[DataflowOutputEdge | tuple[Any, ...], ...],
     Entry point to visit a `Lambda` node and lower it to a dataflow graph,
     that can be instantiated inside a map scope implementing the field operator.
@@ -1367,7 +1790,7 @@ def visit_lambda(
         sdfg: The SDFG where the dataflow graph will be instantiated.
         state: The SDFG state where the dataflow graph will be instantiated.
-        sdfg_builder: Helper class to build the SDFG.
+        sdfg_builder: Helper class to build the dataflow inside the given SDFG.
         node: Lambda node to visit.
         args: Arguments passed to lambda node.
@@ -1377,5 +1800,5 @@ def visit_lambda(
         - Output data connection.
     taskgen = LambdaToDataflow(sdfg, state, sdfg_builder)
-    output_edge = taskgen.visit_let(node, args)
-    return taskgen.input_edges, output_edge
+    output_edges = taskgen.visit_let(node, args)
+    return taskgen.input_edges, output_edges
diff --git a/src/gt4py/next/program_processors/runners/dace_fieldview/gtir_sdfg.py b/src/gt4py/next/program_processors/runners/dace_fieldview/gtir_sdfg.py
index 10895ce66e..0396ef9b1f 100644
--- a/src/gt4py/next/program_processors/runners/dace_fieldview/gtir_sdfg.py
+++ b/src/gt4py/next/program_processors/runners/dace_fieldview/gtir_sdfg.py
@@ -53,6 +53,25 @@ def unique_map_name(self, name: str) -> str: ...
     def unique_tasklet_name(self, name: str) -> str: ...
+    def add_temp_array(
+        self, sdfg: dace.SDFG, shape: Sequence[Any], dtype: dace.dtypes.typeclass
+    ) -> tuple[str, dace.data.Scalar]:
+        """Add a temporary array to the SDFG."""
+        return sdfg.add_temp_transient(shape, dtype)
+    def add_temp_array_like(
+        self, sdfg: dace.SDFG, datadesc: dace.data.Array
+    ) -> tuple[str, dace.data.Scalar]:
+        """Add a temporary array to the SDFG."""
+        return sdfg.add_temp_transient_like(datadesc)
+    def add_temp_scalar(
+        self, sdfg: dace.SDFG, dtype: dace.dtypes.typeclass
+    ) -> tuple[str, dace.data.Scalar]:
+        """Add a temporary scalar to the SDFG."""
+        temp_name = sdfg.temp_data_name()
+        return sdfg.add_scalar(temp_name, dtype, transient=True)
     def add_map(
         name: str,
@@ -86,9 +105,9 @@ def add_mapped_tasklet(
         state: dace.SDFGState,
         map_ranges: Dict[str, str | dace.subsets.Subset]
         | List[Tuple[str, str | dace.subsets.Subset]],
-        inputs: Union[Set[str], Dict[str, dace.dtypes.typeclass]],
+        inputs: Dict[str, dace.Memlet],
         code: str,
-        outputs: Union[Set[str], Dict[str, dace.dtypes.typeclass]],
+        outputs: Dict[str, dace.Memlet],
         **kwargs: Any,
     ) -> tuple[dace.nodes.Tasklet, dace.nodes.MapEntry, dace.nodes.MapExit]:
         """Wrapper of `dace.SDFGState.add_mapped_tasklet` that assigns unique name."""
@@ -149,15 +168,6 @@ def _collect_symbols_in_domain_expressions(
-def _get_tuple_type(data: tuple[gtir_builtin_translators.FieldopResult, ...]) -> ts.TupleType:
-    """
-    Compute the `ts.TupleType` corresponding to the structure of a tuple of data nodes.
-    """
-    return ts.TupleType(
-        types=[_get_tuple_type(d) if isinstance(d, tuple) else d.gt_type for d in data]
-    )
 class GTIRToSDFG(eve.NodeVisitor, SDFGBuilder):
     """Provides translation capability from a GTIR program to a DaCe SDFG.
@@ -173,9 +183,9 @@ class GTIRToSDFG(eve.NodeVisitor, SDFGBuilder):
     offset_provider_type: gtx_common.OffsetProviderType
-    global_symbols: dict[str, ts.DataType] = dataclasses.field(default_factory=lambda: {})
+    global_symbols: dict[str, ts.DataType] = dataclasses.field(default_factory=dict)
     field_offsets: dict[str, Optional[list[dace.symbolic.SymExpr]]] = dataclasses.field(
-        default_factory=lambda: {}
+        default_factory=dict
     map_uids: eve.utils.UIDGenerator = dataclasses.field(
         init=False, repr=False, default_factory=lambda: eve.utils.UIDGenerator(prefix="map")
@@ -246,7 +256,6 @@ def _add_storage(
         name: str,
         gt_type: ts.DataType,
         transient: bool = True,
-        tuple_name: Optional[str] = None,
     ) -> list[tuple[str, ts.DataType]]:
         Add storage in the SDFG for a given GT4Py data symbol.
@@ -266,7 +275,6 @@ def _add_storage(
             name: Symbol Name to be allocated.
             gt_type: GT4Py symbol type.
             transient: True when the data symbol has to be allocated as internal storage.
-            tuple_name: Must be set for tuple fields in order to use the same array shape and strides symbols.
             List of tuples '(data_name, gt_type)' where 'data_name' is the name of
@@ -277,11 +285,10 @@ def _add_storage(
         if isinstance(gt_type, ts.TupleType):
             tuple_fields = []
-            for tname, ttype in dace_gtir_utils.get_tuple_fields(name, gt_type, flatten=True):
+            for sym in dace_gtir_utils.flatten_tuple_fields(name, gt_type):
+                assert isinstance(sym.type, ts.DataType)
-                    self._add_storage(
-                        sdfg, symbolic_arguments, tname, ttype, transient, tuple_name=name
-                    )
+                    self._add_storage(sdfg, symbolic_arguments, sym.id, sym.type, transient)
             return tuple_fields
@@ -292,16 +299,9 @@ def _add_storage(
             # handle default case: field with one or more dimensions
             assert isinstance(gt_type.dtype, ts.ScalarType)
             dc_dtype = dace_utils.as_dace_type(gt_type.dtype)
-            if tuple_name is None:
-                # Use symbolic shape, which allows to invoke the program with fields of different size;
-                # and symbolic strides, which enables decoupling the memory layout from generated code.
-                sym_shape, sym_strides = self._make_array_shape_and_strides(name, gt_type.dims)
-            else:
-                # All fields in a tuple must have the same dims and sizes,
-                # therefore we use the same shape and strides symbols based on 'tuple_name'.
-                sym_shape, sym_strides = self._make_array_shape_and_strides(
-                    tuple_name, gt_type.dims
-                )
+            # Use symbolic shape, which allows to invoke the program with fields of different size;
+            # and symbolic strides, which enables decoupling the memory layout from generated code.
+            sym_shape, sym_strides = self._make_array_shape_and_strides(name, gt_type.dims)
             sdfg.add_array(name, sym_shape, dc_dtype, strides=sym_strides, transient=transient)
             return [(name, gt_type)]
@@ -366,7 +366,7 @@ def make_temps(
             if desc.transient or not use_temp:
                 return field
-                temp, _ = sdfg.add_temp_transient_like(desc)
+                temp, _ = self.add_temp_array_like(sdfg, desc)
                 temp_node = head_state.add_access(temp)
                     field.dc_node, temp_node, sdfg.make_array_memlet(field.dc_node.data)
@@ -437,13 +437,7 @@ def visit_Program(self, node: gtir.Program) -> dace.SDFG:
         assert len(self.field_offsets) == 0
         sdfg = dace.SDFG(node.id)
-        sdfg.debuginfo = dace_utils.debug_info(node, default=sdfg.debuginfo)
-        # DaCe requires C-compatible strings for the names of data containers,
-        # such as arrays and scalars. GT4Py uses a unicode symbols ('ᐞ') as name
-        # separator in the SSA pass, which generates invalid symbols for DaCe.
-        # Here we find new names for invalid symbols present in the IR.
-        node = dace_gtir_utils.replace_invalid_symbols(sdfg, node)
+        sdfg.debuginfo = dace_utils.debug_info(node)
         # start block of the stateful graph
         entry_state = sdfg.add_state("program_entry", is_start_block=True)
@@ -620,24 +614,13 @@ def visit_Lambda(
             (str(param.id), arg) for param, arg in zip(node.params, args, strict=True)
-        def flatten_tuples(
-            name: str,
-            arg: gtir_builtin_translators.FieldopResult,
-        ) -> list[tuple[str, gtir_builtin_translators.FieldopData]]:
-            if isinstance(arg, tuple):
-                tuple_type = _get_tuple_type(arg)
-                tuple_field_names = [
-                    arg_name for arg_name, _ in dace_gtir_utils.get_tuple_fields(name, tuple_type)
-                ]
-                tuple_args = zip(tuple_field_names, arg, strict=True)
-                return list(
-                    itertools.chain(*[flatten_tuples(fname, farg) for fname, farg in tuple_args])
-                )
-            else:
-                return [(name, arg)]
         lambda_arg_nodes = dict(
-            itertools.chain(*[flatten_tuples(pname, arg) for pname, arg in lambda_args_mapping])
+            itertools.chain(
+                *[
+                    gtir_builtin_translators.flatten_tuples(pname, arg)
+                    for pname, arg in lambda_args_mapping
+                ]
+            )
         # inherit symbols from parent scope but eventually override with local symbols
@@ -645,7 +628,9 @@ def flatten_tuples(
             sym: self.global_symbols[sym]
             for sym in symbol_ref_utils.collect_symbol_refs(node.expr, self.global_symbols.keys())
         } | {
-            pname: _get_tuple_type(arg) if isinstance(arg, tuple) else arg.gt_type
+            pname: gtir_builtin_translators.get_tuple_type(arg)
+            if isinstance(arg, tuple)
+            else arg.gt_type
             for pname, arg in lambda_args_mapping
@@ -660,12 +645,12 @@ def get_field_domain_offset(
                 elif field_domain_offset := self.field_offsets.get(p_name, None):
                     return {p_name: field_domain_offset}
             elif isinstance(p_type, ts.TupleType):
-                p_fields = dace_gtir_utils.get_tuple_fields(p_name, p_type, flatten=True)
+                tsyms = dace_gtir_utils.flatten_tuple_fields(p_name, p_type)
                 return functools.reduce(
-                    lambda field_offsets, field: (
-                        field_offsets | get_field_domain_offset(field[0], field[1])
+                    lambda field_offsets, sym: (
+                        field_offsets | get_field_domain_offset(sym.id, sym.type)  # type: ignore[arg-type]
-                    p_fields,
+                    tsyms,
             return {}
@@ -709,15 +694,24 @@ def get_field_domain_offset(
         input_memlets = {}
-        nsdfg_symbols_mapping: dict[str, dace.symbolic.SymExpr] = {}
+        nsdfg_symbols_mapping = {str(sym): sym for sym in nsdfg.free_symbols}
         for nsdfg_dataname, nsdfg_datadesc in nsdfg.arrays.items():
             if nsdfg_datadesc.transient:
-            datadesc: Optional[dace.dtypes.Data] = None
             if nsdfg_dataname in lambda_arg_nodes:
                 src_node = lambda_arg_nodes[nsdfg_dataname].dc_node
                 dataname = src_node.data
                 datadesc = src_node.desc(sdfg)
+                nsdfg_symbols_mapping |= {
+                    str(nested_symbol): parent_symbol
+                    for nested_symbol, parent_symbol in zip(
+                        [*nsdfg_datadesc.shape, *nsdfg_datadesc.strides],
+                        [*datadesc.shape, *datadesc.strides],
+                        strict=True,
+                    )
+                    if isinstance(nested_symbol, dace.symbol)
+                }
                 dataname = nsdfg_dataname
                 datadesc = sdfg.arrays[nsdfg_dataname]
@@ -728,16 +722,6 @@ def get_field_domain_offset(
             input_memlets[nsdfg_dataname] = sdfg.make_array_memlet(dataname)
-            nsdfg_symbols_mapping |= {
-                str(nested_symbol): parent_symbol
-                for nested_symbol, parent_symbol in zip(
-                    [*nsdfg_datadesc.shape, *nsdfg_datadesc.strides],
-                    [*datadesc.shape, *datadesc.strides],
-                    strict=True,
-                )
-                if isinstance(nested_symbol, dace.symbol)
-            }
         # Process lambda outputs
         # The output arguments do not really exist, so they are not allocated before
@@ -804,7 +788,7 @@ def construct_output_for_nested_sdfg(
                 # that is externally allocated, as required by the SDFG IR. An output edge will write the result
                 # from the nested-SDFG to a new intermediate data container allocated in the parent SDFG.
                 inner_desc.transient = False
-                outer, outer_desc = sdfg.add_temp_transient_like(inner_desc)
+                outer, outer_desc = self.add_temp_array_like(sdfg, inner_desc)
                 # We cannot use a copy of the inner data descriptor directly, we have to apply the symbol mapping.
@@ -871,6 +855,13 @@ def build_sdfg_from_gtir(
     ir = gtir_type_inference.infer(ir, offset_provider_type=offset_provider_type)
     ir = ir_prune_casts.PruneCasts().visit(ir)
+    # DaCe requires C-compatible strings for the names of data containers,
+    # such as arrays and scalars. GT4Py uses a unicode symbols ('ᐞ') as name
+    # separator in the SSA pass, which generates invalid symbols for DaCe.
+    # Here we find new names for invalid symbols present in the IR.
+    ir = dace_gtir_utils.replace_invalid_symbols(ir)
     sdfg_genenerator = GTIRToSDFG(offset_provider_type)
     sdfg = sdfg_genenerator.visit(ir)
     assert isinstance(sdfg, dace.SDFG)
diff --git a/src/gt4py/next/program_processors/runners/dace_fieldview/utility.py b/src/gt4py/next/program_processors/runners/dace_fieldview/utility.py
index c46420c24b..6121529161 100644
--- a/src/gt4py/next/program_processors/runners/dace_fieldview/utility.py
+++ b/src/gt4py/next/program_processors/runners/dace_fieldview/utility.py
@@ -8,14 +8,14 @@
 from __future__ import annotations
-import itertools
 from typing import Dict, TypeVar
 import dace
 from gt4py import eve
-from gt4py.next import common as gtx_common
+from gt4py.next import common as gtx_common, utils as gtx_utils
 from gt4py.next.iterator import ir as gtir
+from gt4py.next.iterator.ir_utils import ir_makers as im
 from gt4py.next.type_system import type_specifications as ts
@@ -27,43 +27,55 @@ def get_map_variable(dim: gtx_common.Dimension) -> str:
     return f"i_{dim.value}_gtx_{dim.kind}{suffix}"
-def get_tuple_fields(
-    tuple_name: str, tuple_type: ts.TupleType, flatten: bool = False
-) -> list[tuple[str, ts.DataType]]:
+def make_symbol_tree(tuple_name: str, tuple_type: ts.TupleType) -> tuple[gtir.Sym, ...]:
-    Creates a list of names with the corresponding data type for all elements of the given tuple.
+    Creates a tree representation of the symbols corresponding to the tuple fields.
+    The constructed tree preserves the nested nature of the tuple type, if any.
     >>> sty = ts.ScalarType(kind=ts.ScalarKind.INT32)
     >>> fty = ts.FieldType(dims=[], dtype=ts.ScalarType(kind=ts.ScalarKind.FLOAT32))
     >>> t = ts.TupleType(types=[sty, ts.TupleType(types=[fty, sty])])
-    >>> assert get_tuple_fields("a", t) == [("a_0", sty), ("a_1", ts.TupleType(types=[fty, sty]))]
-    >>> assert get_tuple_fields("a", t, flatten=True) == [
-    ...     ("a_0", sty),
-    ...     ("a_1_0", fty),
-    ...     ("a_1_1", sty),
-    ... ]
+    >>> assert make_symbol_tree("a", t) == (
+    ...     im.sym("a_0", sty),
+    ...     (im.sym("a_1_0", fty), im.sym("a_1_1", sty)),
+    ... )
     assert all(isinstance(t, ts.DataType) for t in tuple_type.types)
     fields = [(f"{tuple_name}_{i}", field_type) for i, field_type in enumerate(tuple_type.types)]
-    if flatten:
-        expanded_fields: list[list[tuple[str, ts.DataType]]] = [
-            get_tuple_fields(field_name, field_type)
-            if isinstance(field_type, ts.TupleType)
-            else [(field_name, field_type)]  # type: ignore[list-item] # checked in assert
-            for field_name, field_type in fields
-        ]
-        return list(itertools.chain(*expanded_fields))
-    else:
-        return fields  # type: ignore[return-value] # checked in assert
-def replace_invalid_symbols(sdfg: dace.SDFG, ir: gtir.Program) -> gtir.Program:
+    return tuple(
+        make_symbol_tree(field_name, field_type)  # type: ignore[misc]
+        if isinstance(field_type, ts.TupleType)
+        else im.sym(field_name, field_type)
+        for field_name, field_type in fields
+    )
+def flatten_tuple_fields(tuple_name: str, tuple_type: ts.TupleType) -> list[gtir.Sym]:
+    """
+    Creates a list of symbols, annotated with the data type, for all elements of the given tuple.
+    Examples
+    --------
+    >>> sty = ts.ScalarType(kind=ts.ScalarKind.INT32)
+    >>> fty = ts.FieldType(dims=[], dtype=ts.ScalarType(kind=ts.ScalarKind.FLOAT32))
+    >>> t = ts.TupleType(types=[sty, ts.TupleType(types=[fty, sty])])
+    >>> assert flatten_tuple_fields("a", t) == [
+    ...     im.sym("a_0", sty),
+    ...     im.sym("a_1_0", fty),
+    ...     im.sym("a_1_1", sty),
+    ... ]
+    """
+    symbol_tree = make_symbol_tree(tuple_name, tuple_type)
+    return list(gtx_utils.flatten_nested_tuple(symbol_tree))
+def replace_invalid_symbols(ir: gtir.Program) -> gtir.Program:
     Ensure that all symbols used in the program IR are valid strings (e.g. no unicode-strings).
-    If any invalid symbol present, this funtion returns a copy of the input IR where
+    If any invalid symbol present, this function returns a copy of the input IR where
     the invalid symbols have been replaced with new names. If all symbols are valid,
     the input IR is returned without copying it.
@@ -85,12 +97,17 @@ def visit_SymRef(self, node: gtir.SymRef, *, symtable: Dict[str, str]) -> gtir.S
     if not all(dace.dtypes.validate_name(str(sym.id)) for sym in ir.params):
         raise ValueError("Invalid symbol in program parameters.")
+    ir_sym_ids = {str(sym.id) for sym in eve.walk_values(ir).if_isinstance(gtir.Sym).to_set()}
+    ir_ssa_uuid = eve.utils.UIDGenerator(prefix="gtir_tmp")
     invalid_symbols_mapping = {
-        sym_id: sdfg.temp_data_name()
-        for sym in eve.walk_values(ir).if_isinstance(gtir.Sym).to_set()
-        if not dace.dtypes.validate_name(sym_id := str(sym.id))
+        sym_id: ir_ssa_uuid.sequential_id()
+        for sym_id in ir_sym_ids
+        if not dace.dtypes.validate_name(sym_id)
-    if len(invalid_symbols_mapping) != 0:
-        return ReplaceSymbols().visit(ir, symtable=invalid_symbols_mapping)
-    else:
+    if len(invalid_symbols_mapping) == 0:
         return ir
+    # assert that the new symbol names are not used in the IR
+    assert ir_sym_ids.isdisjoint(invalid_symbols_mapping.values())
+    return ReplaceSymbols().visit(ir, symtable=invalid_symbols_mapping)
diff --git a/tests/next_tests/definitions.py b/tests/next_tests/definitions.py
index bed6e89a52..e19d9e1d81 100644
--- a/tests/next_tests/definitions.py
+++ b/tests/next_tests/definitions.py
@@ -86,14 +86,18 @@ class ProgramFormatterId(_PythonObjectIdMixin, str, enum.Enum):
 ALL = "all"
 REQUIRES_ATLAS = "requires_atlas"
 USES_APPLIED_SHIFTS = "uses_applied_shifts"
+USES_CAN_DEREF = "uses_can_deref"
+USES_COMPOSITE_SHIFTS = "uses_composite_shifts"
 USES_CONSTANT_FIELDS = "uses_constant_fields"
 USES_DYNAMIC_OFFSETS = "uses_dynamic_offsets"
 USES_FLOORDIV = "uses_floordiv"
 USES_IF_STMTS = "uses_if_stmts"
 USES_IR_IF_STMTS = "uses_ir_if_stmts"
 USES_INDEX_FIELDS = "uses_index_fields"
+USES_LIFT = "uses_lift"
 USES_NEGATIVE_MODULO = "uses_negative_modulo"
 USES_ORIGIN = "uses_origin"
+USES_REDUCE_WITH_LAMBDA = "uses_reduce_with_lambda"
 USES_SCAN = "uses_scan"
 USES_SCAN_IN_FIELD_OPERATOR = "uses_scan_in_field_operator"
 USES_SCAN_IN_STENCIL = "uses_scan_in_stencil"
@@ -105,6 +109,7 @@ class ProgramFormatterId(_PythonObjectIdMixin, str, enum.Enum):
 USES_REDUCTION_WITH_ONLY_SPARSE_FIELDS = "uses_reduction_with_only_sparse_fields"
 USES_STRIDED_NEIGHBOR_OFFSET = "uses_strided_neighbor_offset"
 USES_TUPLE_ARGS = "uses_tuple_args"
+USES_TUPLE_ITERATOR = "uses_tuple_iterator"
 USES_TUPLE_RETURNS = "uses_tuple_returns"
 USES_ZERO_DIMENSIONAL_FIELDS = "uses_zero_dimensional_fields"
 USES_CARTESIAN_SHIFT = "uses_cartesian_shift"
@@ -132,11 +137,21 @@ class ProgramFormatterId(_PythonObjectIdMixin, str, enum.Enum):
+    + [
+    ]
diff --git a/tests/next_tests/integration_tests/feature_tests/ffront_tests/test_execution.py b/tests/next_tests/integration_tests/feature_tests/ffront_tests/test_execution.py
index 9de4449ac2..2e40cb897a 100644
--- a/tests/next_tests/integration_tests/feature_tests/ffront_tests/test_execution.py
+++ b/tests/next_tests/integration_tests/feature_tests/ffront_tests/test_execution.py
@@ -360,6 +360,7 @@ def testee(qc: cases.IKFloatField, scalar: float):
 def test_tuple_scalar_scan(cartesian_case):
     @gtx.scan_operator(axis=KDim, forward=True, init=0.0)
     def testee_scan(
@@ -867,8 +868,9 @@ def testee(out: tuple[cases.KField, tuple[cases.KField, cases.KField]]):
 def test_scan_nested_tuple_input(cartesian_case):
     init = 1.0
     k_size = cartesian_case.default_sizes[KDim]
@@ -897,6 +899,7 @@ def simple_scan_operator(carry: float, a: tuple[float, float]) -> float:
 def test_scan_different_domain_in_tuple(cartesian_case):
     init = 1.0
     i_size = cartesian_case.default_sizes[IDim]
@@ -936,6 +939,7 @@ def foo(
 def test_scan_tuple_field_scalar_mixed(cartesian_case):
     init = 1.0
     i_size = cartesian_case.default_sizes[IDim]
diff --git a/tests/next_tests/integration_tests/feature_tests/iterator_tests/test_builtins.py b/tests/next_tests/integration_tests/feature_tests/iterator_tests/test_builtins.py
index c0a4cd166d..885a272bfe 100644
--- a/tests/next_tests/integration_tests/feature_tests/iterator_tests/test_builtins.py
+++ b/tests/next_tests/integration_tests/feature_tests/iterator_tests/test_builtins.py
@@ -244,6 +244,7 @@ def foo(a):
 @pytest.mark.parametrize("stencil", [_can_deref, _can_deref_lifted])
 def test_can_deref(program_processor, stencil):
     program_processor, validate = program_processor
diff --git a/tests/next_tests/integration_tests/feature_tests/iterator_tests/test_trivial.py b/tests/next_tests/integration_tests/feature_tests/iterator_tests/test_trivial.py
index fe89fe7c9d..7836b1b110 100644
--- a/tests/next_tests/integration_tests/feature_tests/iterator_tests/test_trivial.py
+++ b/tests/next_tests/integration_tests/feature_tests/iterator_tests/test_trivial.py
@@ -38,6 +38,7 @@ def baz(baz_inp):
     return deref(lift(bar)(baz_inp))
 def test_trivial(program_processor):
     program_processor, validate = program_processor
@@ -66,6 +67,7 @@ def stencil_shifted_arg_to_lift(inp):
     return deref(lift(deref)(shift(I, -1)(inp)))
 def test_shifted_arg_to_lift(program_processor):
     program_processor, validate = program_processor
diff --git a/tests/next_tests/integration_tests/feature_tests/iterator_tests/test_tuple.py b/tests/next_tests/integration_tests/feature_tests/iterator_tests/test_tuple.py
index 39d0bd69c3..ea89bb23ba 100644
--- a/tests/next_tests/integration_tests/feature_tests/iterator_tests/test_tuple.py
+++ b/tests/next_tests/integration_tests/feature_tests/iterator_tests/test_tuple.py
@@ -219,6 +219,7 @@ def tuple_input(inp):
 def test_tuple_field_input(program_processor):
     program_processor, validate = program_processor
@@ -272,6 +273,7 @@ def tuple_tuple_input(inp):
 def test_tuple_of_tuple_of_field_input(program_processor):
     program_processor, validate = program_processor
@@ -319,6 +321,7 @@ def test_field_of_2_extra_dim_input(program_processor):
 def test_scalar_tuple_args(program_processor):
     def stencil(inp):
@@ -348,6 +351,7 @@ def stencil(inp):
 def test_mixed_field_scalar_tuple_arg(program_processor):
     def stencil(inp):
diff --git a/tests/next_tests/integration_tests/multi_feature_tests/iterator_tests/test_column_stencil.py b/tests/next_tests/integration_tests/multi_feature_tests/iterator_tests/test_column_stencil.py
index f8e9f22eff..3b4fc0a70c 100644
--- a/tests/next_tests/integration_tests/multi_feature_tests/iterator_tests/test_column_stencil.py
+++ b/tests/next_tests/integration_tests/multi_feature_tests/iterator_tests/test_column_stencil.py
@@ -122,19 +122,19 @@ def k_level_condition_upper_tuple(k_idx, k_level):
     "fun, k_level, inp_function, ref_function",
-        (
+        pytest.param(
             lambda inp: 0,
             lambda k_size: gtx.as_field([KDim], np.arange(k_size, dtype=np.int32)),
             lambda inp: np.concatenate([[0], inp[:-1]]),
-        (
+        pytest.param(
             lambda inp: inp.shape[0] - 1,
             lambda k_size: gtx.as_field([KDim], np.arange(k_size, dtype=np.int32)),
             lambda inp: np.concatenate([inp[1:], [0]]),
-        (
+        pytest.param(
             lambda inp: inp[0].shape[0] - 1,
             lambda k_size: (
@@ -142,6 +142,7 @@ def k_level_condition_upper_tuple(k_idx, k_level):
                 gtx.as_field([KDim], np.arange(k_size, dtype=np.int32)),
             lambda inp: np.concatenate([(inp[0][1:] + inp[1][1:]), [0]]),
+            marks=pytest.mark.uses_tuple_iterator,
@@ -184,6 +185,7 @@ def ksum_fencil(i_size, k_start, k_end, inp, out):
     "kstart, reference",
     [(0, np.asarray([[0, 1, 3, 6, 10, 15, 21]])), (2, np.asarray([[0, 0, 2, 5, 9, 14, 20]]))],
 def test_ksum_scan(program_processor, kstart, reference):
     program_processor, validate = program_processor
     shape = [1, 7]
@@ -211,6 +213,7 @@ def ksum_back_fencil(i_size, k_size, inp, out):
     set_at(as_fieldop(scan(ksum, False, 0.0), domain)(inp), domain, out)
 def test_ksum_back_scan(program_processor):
     program_processor, validate = program_processor
     shape = [1, 7]
diff --git a/tests/next_tests/integration_tests/multi_feature_tests/iterator_tests/test_with_toy_connectivity.py b/tests/next_tests/integration_tests/multi_feature_tests/iterator_tests/test_with_toy_connectivity.py
index ac7ce9e544..ff87de7348 100644
--- a/tests/next_tests/integration_tests/multi_feature_tests/iterator_tests/test_with_toy_connectivity.py
+++ b/tests/next_tests/integration_tests/multi_feature_tests/iterator_tests/test_with_toy_connectivity.py
@@ -149,6 +149,7 @@ def first_vertex_neigh_of_first_edge_neigh_of_cells(in_vertices):
     return deref(shift(E2V, 0)(shift(C2E, 0)(in_vertices)))
 def test_first_vertex_neigh_of_first_edge_neigh_of_cells_fencil(program_processor):
     program_processor, validate = program_processor
     inp = vertex_index_field()
@@ -174,6 +175,7 @@ def sparse_stencil(non_sparse, inp):
     return reduce(lambda a, b, c: a + c, 0)(neighbors(V2E, non_sparse), deref(inp))
 def test_sparse_input_field(program_processor):
     program_processor, validate = program_processor
@@ -196,6 +198,7 @@ def test_sparse_input_field(program_processor):
         assert np.allclose(out.asnumpy(), ref)
 def test_sparse_input_field_v2v(program_processor):
     program_processor, validate = program_processor
@@ -330,6 +333,7 @@ def lift_stencil(inp):
     return deref(shift(V2V, 2)(lift(deref_stencil)(inp)))
 def test_lift(program_processor):
     program_processor, validate = program_processor
     inp = vertex_index_field()
diff --git a/tests/next_tests/unit_tests/conftest.py b/tests/next_tests/unit_tests/conftest.py
index 03662f8dcc..0bd8653a03 100644
--- a/tests/next_tests/unit_tests/conftest.py
+++ b/tests/next_tests/unit_tests/conftest.py
@@ -60,6 +60,10 @@ def _program_processor(request) -> tuple[ProgramProcessor, bool]:
         # pytest.param((definitions.ProgramBackendId.GTFN_GPU, True), marks=pytest.mark.requires_gpu), # TODO(havogt): update tests to use proper allocation
         (next_tests.definitions.ProgramFormatterId.ITIR_PRETTY_PRINTER, False),
         (next_tests.definitions.ProgramFormatterId.GTFN_CPP_FORMATTER, False),
+        pytest.param(
+            (next_tests.definitions.OptionalProgramBackendId.DACE_CPU_NO_OPT, True),
+            marks=pytest.mark.requires_dace,
+        ),
     ids=lambda p: p[0].short_id() if p[0] is not None else "None",
diff --git a/tests/next_tests/unit_tests/program_processor_tests/runners_tests/dace_tests/test_gtir_to_sdfg.py b/tests/next_tests/unit_tests/program_processor_tests/runners_tests/dace_tests/test_gtir_to_sdfg.py
index 03b8e3bc15..225d22562f 100644
--- a/tests/next_tests/unit_tests/program_processor_tests/runners_tests/dace_tests/test_gtir_to_sdfg.py
+++ b/tests/next_tests/unit_tests/program_processor_tests/runners_tests/dace_tests/test_gtir_to_sdfg.py
@@ -256,7 +256,16 @@ def test_gtir_tuple_args():
     x_fields = (a, a, b)
-    sdfg(*x_fields, c, **FSYMBOLS)
+    tuple_symbols = {
+        "__x_0_size_0": N,
+        "__x_0_stride_0": 1,
+        "__x_1_0_size_0": N,
+        "__x_1_0_stride_0": 1,
+        "__x_1_1_size_0": N,
+        "__x_1_1_stride_0": 1,
+    }
+    sdfg(*x_fields, c, **FSYMBOLS, **tuple_symbols)
     assert np.allclose(c, a * 2 + b)
@@ -418,7 +427,16 @@ def test_gtir_tuple_return():
     z_fields = (np.empty_like(a), np.empty_like(a), np.empty_like(a))
-    sdfg(a, b, *z_fields, **FSYMBOLS)
+    tuple_symbols = {
+        "__z_0_0_size_0": N,
+        "__z_0_0_stride_0": 1,
+        "__z_0_1_size_0": N,
+        "__z_0_1_stride_0": 1,
+        "__z_1_size_0": N,
+        "__z_1_stride_0": 1,
+    }
+    sdfg(a, b, *z_fields, **FSYMBOLS, **tuple_symbols)
     assert np.allclose(z_fields[0], a + b)
     assert np.allclose(z_fields[1], a)
     assert np.allclose(z_fields[2], b)
@@ -673,9 +691,16 @@ def test_gtir_cond_with_tuple_return():
     sdfg = dace_backend.build_sdfg_from_gtir(testee, CARTESIAN_OFFSETS)
+    tuple_symbols = {
+        "__z_0_size_0": N,
+        "__z_0_stride_0": 1,
+        "__z_1_size_0": N,
+        "__z_1_stride_0": 1,
+    }
     for s in [False, True]:
         z_fields = (np.empty_like(a), np.empty_like(a))
-        sdfg(a, b, c, *z_fields, pred=np.bool_(s), **FSYMBOLS)
+        sdfg(a, b, c, *z_fields, pred=np.bool_(s), **FSYMBOLS, **tuple_symbols)
         assert np.allclose(z_fields[0], a if s else b)
         assert np.allclose(z_fields[1], b if s else a)
@@ -1846,7 +1871,14 @@ def test_gtir_let_lambda_with_tuple1():
     a_ref = np.concatenate((z_fields[0][:1], a[1 : N - 1], z_fields[0][N - 1 :]))
     b_ref = np.concatenate((z_fields[1][:1], b[1 : N - 1], z_fields[1][N - 1 :]))
-    sdfg(a, b, *z_fields, **FSYMBOLS)
+    tuple_symbols = {
+        "__z_0_size_0": N,
+        "__z_0_stride_0": 1,
+        "__z_1_size_0": N,
+        "__z_1_stride_0": 1,
+    }
+    sdfg(a, b, *z_fields, **FSYMBOLS, **tuple_symbols)
     assert np.allclose(z_fields[0], a_ref)
     assert np.allclose(z_fields[1], b_ref)
@@ -1886,7 +1918,16 @@ def test_gtir_let_lambda_with_tuple2():
     z_fields = (np.empty_like(a), np.empty_like(a), np.empty_like(a))
-    sdfg(a, b, *z_fields, **FSYMBOLS)
+    tuple_symbols = {
+        "__z_0_size_0": N,
+        "__z_0_stride_0": 1,
+        "__z_1_size_0": N,
+        "__z_1_stride_0": 1,
+        "__z_2_size_0": N,
+        "__z_2_stride_0": 1,
+    }
+    sdfg(a, b, *z_fields, **FSYMBOLS, **tuple_symbols)
     assert np.allclose(z_fields[0], a + b)
     assert np.allclose(z_fields[1], val)
     assert np.allclose(z_fields[2], b)
@@ -1938,8 +1979,17 @@ def test_gtir_if_scalars():
     sdfg = dace_backend.build_sdfg_from_gtir(testee, {})
+    tuple_symbols = {
+        "__x_0_size_0": N,
+        "__x_0_stride_0": 1,
+        "__x_1_0_size_0": N,
+        "__x_1_0_stride_0": 1,
+        "__x_1_1_size_0": N,
+        "__x_1_1_stride_0": 1,
+    }
     for s in [False, True]:
-        sdfg(x_0=a, x_1_0=d1, x_1_1=d2, z=b, pred=np.bool_(s), **FSYMBOLS)
+        sdfg(x_0=a, x_1_0=d1, x_1_1=d2, z=b, pred=np.bool_(s), **FSYMBOLS, **tuple_symbols)
         assert np.allclose(b, (a + d1 if s else a + d2))