Q: How can I get instrumentation to load for 3rd party libraries within my Next.js application like mysql, mongodb, pino, winston, etc?
A: Typically the New Relic Node.js agent auto-instruments all supported 3rd party libraries. Next.js, however, bundles your project and code spilts between server and client side via webpack. To get auto-instrumentation to work, you must externalize all libraries within webpack.
To externalize all supported 3rd party libraries, add the following to next.config.js
const nrExternals = require('newrelic/load-externals')
module.exports = {
// In order for newrelic to effectively instrument a Next.js application,
// the modules that newrelic supports should not be mangled by webpack. Thus,
// we need to "externalize" all of the modules that newrelic supports.
webpack: (config) => {
return config