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File metadata and controls

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Running existing ETL scripts

Make sure you are in the etl\datasource directory.

poetry run python

The datasources that are currently integrated are:

Adding ETL results into the database

The ETL scripts do not automatically add the turtle files into the database. After your ETL script is ready, you have to execute it to prepare your data. Then, you need to add the output.ttl file to the database. To add an ETL script to the automatic deployment, add its corresponding main function to the backend/seed/ file.

You can find details on how to do this, in the backend/

Writing ETL scripts

The following section provides a conceptual overview of how to structure ETL scripts.

Please note: Don't implement this yourself. The etltools package provides a set of classes and helpers for creating ETL scripts that conform to these guidelines. Its API is explained in the next chapter Using etltools.

1) Store raw data as Records

For each row of our source data (e.g. CSV line), create a Record instance.

Example source csv

Database ID Title Artist Name
1 Mona Lisa Leonardo da Vinci
2 The Starry Night Vincent van Gogh
3 The Night Watch Rembrandt

Example records

@prefix raw: <> .

	raw:databaseId "1" ;
	raw:title      "Mona Lisa" ;
	raw:artistName "Leonardo da Vinci" .

	raw:databaseId "2" ;
	raw:title      "The Starry Night" ;
	raw:artistName "Vincent van Gogh" .

# ...

By transforming our raw source data into these triples, we now have a way of referring to the raw rows and values of the source using URIs.

The main codebase doesn't "know" about any of the record's naming. That's intentional, as the record's attributes are meant to be highly source-specific, effectively matching the source's table columns.

Technically, prefixing and naming the attributes is completely up to the source. However, let's try to stick to these conventions:

  • Even if original column names contain spaces, record attribute names should be beautified to camelCase.
  • You may modify the attribute names in other ways to increase readability (e.g. remove parentheses, shorten if very
  • long)
  • Use the @prefix raw: &lt;{sourceIdentifier}/#&gt; namespace for everything related to a source's raw records.
  • Use raw:record_{uniqueId} for the URIs of individual records.
  • Use raw:{attributeName} for attribute names.

2) Derive source entities

When creating source entities, you may

  • apply some data cleaning, parsing
  • create other related entities such as locations, persons, events, etc.

Example source entities

# See 1) Storing raw data as Records
@prefix raw:           <> .

# This is our main schema
@prefix jdcrp:         <> .

# These are the URI namespaces for our entities
@prefix CulturalAsset: <> .
@prefix Person:        <> .
@prefix CreationEvent: <> .

	a                 jdcrp:CulturalAsset ;
	jdcrp:title       "Mona Lisa" ;
	jdcrp:derivedFrom raw:record_1 ;
					  '{"": [""]}' .

	a                 jdcrp:Person ;
	jdcrp:firstName   "Leonardo" ;
	jdcrp:lastName    "da Vinci" ;
	jdcrp:derivedFrom raw:record_1 ;
					  '{"": [""], "": [""]}' .

	a                   jdcrp:CreationEvent ;
	jdcrp:affected      CulturalAsset:1 ;
	jdcrp:involvementOf Person:A .

# ...

Using jdcrp:derivedFrom, we document which record we derived the existence of this entity from.

In jdcrp:derivedUsingMapping we store a JSON string. It must be an object with URIs of the main ontology as keys and an array of URIs of the raw record's attributes as keys. This JSON object allows us to document from which raw attribute(s) each key has been derived.

3) Additional structuring of attributes

Some attributes (mostly dates) make sense to be further structured before being queried.

In many cases, this results in a loss of context information, e.g. January 1st 2000 (early morning) would be transformed to the ISO date 2000-01-01, now lacking the 'early morning' detail.

Hence, we like to keep both versions, for example:

  • jdcrp:intakeDate as a string and
  • jdcrp:structuredIntakeDate annotated as a ^^xsd:date

The attribute prefixed with structured can be omitted in cases, in which a structured value cannot be derived from the original attribute (without the prefix).

Using etltools

Check out sample/ for a example ETL script. It uses many of the classes and helpers that are explained below.

All ETL scripts must:

  • Add records, corresponding to the raw data
  • Add entities, referencing the underlying records

Working with the output graph

Create the graph

Always use this helper to create the global "output" graph of your ETL script. It will set a few namespace bindings and return the graph.

from etl import etltools

graph = etltools.create_graph('my_source_id')

Add subgraphs to the output graph

Add the subgraphs from records and entities to the output graph using +=.

from etl import etltools

graph = etltools.create_graph('my_source_id')

# record1, record2 are instances of etltools.Record
graph += record1.to_graph()
graph += record2.to_graph()

Validating the output graph against the schema

It is recommended to validate the output graph against the schema as a final step, before writing it to a file.  # Throws an exception if invalid

The following exception is thrown if the graph is invalid. Additionally, a validation report is written to validation_results.txt.

Exception: Graph does not conform to schema. Check validation_results.txt for details

Output the graph as a Turtle file

You may use this helper to serialize the graph in Turtle format. The output_path is relative to the current working directory.

from etl import etltools

graph = etltools.create_graph('err')
# Add records and entities to the graph here, 'my_source_id_output.ttl')

Accessing input data

Input data should be contained in the data top level directory. You may use these helpers for accessing the data.

from etl import etltools

# Recommended: Read the /data/my_source_id/Card.csv file as a list of dictionaries
records ='my_source_id', file_path='Card.csv')

# Read the /data/my_source_id/Card.csv file as a Pandas Data frame
df ='my_source_id', file_path='Card.csv')

# Get an absolute path to the data file in /data/my_source_id/Card.csv
path ='my_source_id', file_path='Card.csv')


Creating records

from etl import etltools

graph = etltools.create_graph('my_source_id')
lines ='my_source_id', file_path='Card.csv')
records = []

for index, line in enumerate(lines):
    record = etltools.Record(
    graph += record.to_graph()

The following keyword arguments are required:

  • source_id is the ID of the source, e.g. err, wiesbaden
  • collection_id is a unique name for the collection of records, e.g. the database relation it corresponds to. The datasets usually consist of only one CSV, and card can be used as the collection_id. It is important to differentiate between the tables only if there are multiple tables in the dataset (e.g., ERR).
  • record_id is a unique ID for the record, e.g. the primary key of the database relation, the row number in a CSV file
  • data is a dictionary containing the data of the record

Please note: the keys of the data dict will be internally changed to camelCase (e.g. my_key, MyKey and My Key will all be changed myKey). Use the camelCase notation when accessing the data.

Working with records

# Get the value of the "My Field" column. Note the camelCase notation.
value = record['myField']

# Get the record as a subgraph and add it to the output graph
graph += record.to_graph()

# Get the URI of the record
uri = record.uri()


Creating entities

Use the entities class to create entities in the graph.

from etl import etltools

cultural_asset = etltools.Entity(

The following keyword arguments are required:

  • identifier is a unique identifier for the entity
  • base_type is the base type of the entity, e.g. CulturalAsset, Person, Place without the Source prefix
  • derived_from is the record that the entity is derived from
from etl import etltools

cultural_asset = etltools.Entity(

Adding literals to entities

Direct mapping

# Shorthand
entity.literal(attribute="title", derived_using="objectTitle")

# Is equivalent to
entity.literal(attribute="title", value=record["objectTitle"], derived_using="objectTitle")

Mapping to multiple attributes

first_name, last_name = record["artist"].split(" ")

entity.literal(attribute="firstName", value=first_name, derived_using="artist")
entity.literal(attribute="lastName", value=last_name, derived_using="artist")

Mapping from multiple record columns

result = complex_cleaning_process(record["objectTitle"], record["objectDescription"])

entity.literal(attribute="title", value=result, derived_using=["objectTitle", "objectDescription"])

Literals that are not strings

The default datatype of a literal is a xsd:string. If you want to add a literal, that has a different datatype, you have to make this explicit.


This is mostly the case for URIsand integer.

Note, that backend only handles the following datatypes at the moment: xsd.string,, xsd.dateTime, xsd.decimal, xsd.integer, xsd.anyURI

Adding relationships between entities

# Both cultural_asset and person are instances of etltools.Entity
cultural_asset.related(via="creator", with_entity=person)

graph += cultural_asset.to_graph()  # now also contains the person triples

If you don't have the entity instance at hand, you may alternatively pass the URI.

cultural_asset.related(via="creator", with_entity_uri=person_uri)

Be aware that there is no guarantee that this URI refers to a valid entity and you are responsible that the related entity is added to the graph.

Mapping attributes to taxonomy (classification & material)

As any material or classification exists only once in the real world, we defined a hierarchical taxonomy for each. You can find them in the ontology/taxonomies folder. If a data column contains information regarding the classification or material, you must map it to one of the entities defined in the taxonomy. You can use the data preparation function common.classification_and_material.detect() to do this. This function receives an input string and returns two lists of URIs of classification and material entities. When you add a new data source, you should check whether the function already maps the values that occur in the data source. If values can not be mapped to any classification or material entities but know how you would map them, you can edit the rules in etl/common/

For example, if in your dataset, the material stein occurs very often and it is not defined in the keywords, you can add it like this to the rules:

        "keywords": ["stone", "stoneware", "stein"],
        "classifications": [],
        "materials": ["stone"],

Due to adding the keyword stein to this rule, the input stein will return the URI of the material entity stone.

This is how you can map the material and classification values to the taxonomy entities in the ETL script:

(classification_uris1, material_uris1) = common.classification_and_material.detect(
    (classification_uris2, material_uris2) = common.classification_and_material.detect(
    classification_uris = classification_uris1 + classification_uris2
    material_uris = material_uris1 + material_uris2

    for classification_uri in classification_uris:
    for material_uri in material_uris:

Full example

from etl import etltools

# Before this: add records to the graph and save them in a list

for record in records:
    # For each record, create a CulturalAsset entity
    cultural_asset = etltools.Entity(

    # CSV column "Object Title" -> our schema's "title" attribute
    cultural_asset.literal(attribute="title", derived_using="objectTitle")

    # CSV column "Artist" is not empty -> create a relatedPerson entity
    if record["artist"] is not None:
        creator = etltools.Entity(
            identifier=record["cardId"] + "_creator",
        creator.literal(attribute="name", derived_using="artist")
        cultural_asset.related(via="creator", with_entity=creator)

    graph += cultural_asset.to_graph()

If you need to implement more complex data preparation methods to handle your data, create a preparation folder and add your preparation functions there.

Helpers for URI generation

from etl import etltools


etltools.uris.raw("my_source_id", "my_path")

etltools.uris.entity("my_source_id", "CulturalAsset", "123")

Proposing changes to the ontology

When working with a source and there is an attribute that doesn't fit to any literal or relation that is already defined in the ontology, the attribute can be added to the ontology.

After every change in the ontology, you need to run poetry run python to update the combined_schema.ttl. Also run poetry run python in the backend folder to automatically generate the pydantic backend schema based on the updated ontology.

If you change the literal attributes in Cultural_asset.ttl, Person.ttl or Collection.ttl it is important to also add this attribute in the frontend. The pydantic schema in the backend is generated automatically.

Example: The attribute shelfNumber was added to the ontology in Cultural_asset.ttl.

	a            rdf:Property ;
	rdfs:domain  jdcrp:CulturalAsset ;
	rdfs:range   xsd:string ;
	rdfs:label   "shelf number" ;
	rdfs:comment "The shelf number of this cultural asset in the Collection Point" .

Then, we also need to change frontend/src/components/entityDetails/culturalAsset/properties.tsx and add the following line:

shelf_number: { label: 'Shelf number', type: EntryType.ATTRIBUTE },