As you can see below overview, SRT Prometheus Exporter is library that can bind SRT statistics APIs and Prometheus HTTP server. SRT Prometheus Exporter collects statistics on each socket, then expose those statistics to the Prometheus server via http protocol.
It is not likely but possible that streaming device can have multiple cameras on it. In that case, there would be multiple SRT socket created on camera devices to send the streaming data simultaneously. To support this use case, SRT Prometheus Exporter can manage multiple exporter objects internally even with single process space. Each exporter object belongs to dedicated http server, since the implementation of Prometheus c++ client library, but can register multiple SRT sockets with it. Each SRT Exporter object has a separate lifecycle.
Currently there is only one mode available, which is to collect data on request. Prometheus server requests the SRT Prometheus Exporter via http to collect the statistics, and the SRT Prometheus Exporter issue SRT statistics API to response the data. This is most simple request-response method to support most use cases.
Sending all statistics based on CBytePerfMon
defined in srt.h
would be overkill for some use cases since which is the full set of all statistics.
It is likely that user application requires or interested in specific statistics to filter in or out before sending the data via http.
The Statistics Filtering
can be configured through configuration files in the ways to whitelist
and blacklist
mode to allow the user to filter the specific statistics.
Each SRT Exporter object can have a different filter, but SRT sockets registered to the same SRT Exporter object share the same filter.
SRT Prometheus Exporter can be configured with the following configuration file by user. User needs to adjust the configuration aligns with requirements and application.
Default configuration is installed to /etc/srtexp/srt_exporter.yaml
User can specify a customer configuration file location in srtexp_init
when initializing SRT Exporter.
port_min: 9901
port_max: 10028
collector_mode: collect_on_request
filter_mode: common
- name: source
value: srt_exporter
- name: sample_srt_caller
port: 10027
collector_mode: collect_on_request
filter_mode: whitelist
whitelist: ['pktSentTotal', 'pktRecvTotal', 'pktSndLossTotal', 'pktRcvLossTotal', 'pktSent', 'pktRecv', 'pktSndLoss', 'pktRcvLoss', 'pktRetrans', 'pktRcvRetrans', 'pktSentACK', 'pktRecvACK', 'pktSentNAK', 'pktRecvNAK', 'byteSent', 'byteRecv', 'usSndDuration', 'msSndTsbPdDelay', 'mbpsBandwidth', 'msRTT']
- name: sample_name_1
value: sample_value_1
- name: sample_srt_listener
port: 10028
filter_mode: srt_destination
- name: sample_name_2
value: sample_value_2
Global and Object Specified
Each SRT Exporter object can use customized configuration, otherwise, it uses the global one. A
is required in eachsrt_exporters
element to pair the configuration and the object. It is specified in the API to start the particular SRT Exporter object. -
Server Address
A local address and port is required to start the http server. If they are not specified, an available port within a range would be chosen for the new SRT Exporter object. Illegal address or unavailable port will result in a failure of starting the SRT Exporter.
Currently, only one collector mode is supported, any value would result in the same.
Filter is for picking a subset of
struct CBytePerfMon
to put into metrics and send to Prometheus.filter_mode
takes the following values:whitelist
: input a list of variables to be included in the metrics,whitelist
should be specified.blacklist
: input a list of variables to be excluded in the metrics,blacklist
should be specified.srt_source
: use a list of variables usually cared by the SRT source. No variable list need to be specified.srt_destination
: use a list of variables usually cared by the SRT destination.srt_common
: use a list of variables usually cared by the SRT source or destination. No variable list need to be specified.
Some labels to present in the metrics for managing the data better.
Name | Scope | Usage | Sub-item | Legal Values | Remark |
ip | global/srt_exporters | a local address to start http server for metrics collecting | string of IP address in decimal digits | ||
port_min | global | minimal local port to start http server for metrics collecting | legal port number | ||
port_max | global | maximal local port to start http server for metrics collecting | legal port number | no less than port_min | |
name | srt_exporters | the identity of an SRT Exporter object | string | don't use the same name for different objects | |
port | srt_exporters | a local port to start http server for metrics collecting | legal port number | don't have to be within [port_min, port_max] | |
collector_mode | global/srt_exporters | metrics collecting and caching strategy | "collect_on_request" | only one mode is supported for now | |
filter | global/srt_exporters | define a set of variables to export | filter_mode | "whitelist", "blacklist", "srt_source", "srt_destination", "srt_common" | |
whitelist | a list of variable name strings | required only when filter mode is "whitelist" | |||
blacklist | a list of variable name strings | required only when filter mode is "blacklist" | |||
labels | global/srt_exporters | a list of name-value pairs to be added to all metrics | name | string | |
value | string |
- This API should be called when SRT Exporter library user application starts.
- It loads configuration of the library from a specified path, or from the default location when the input is a NULL pointer.
- Clear all SRT Exporter objects and release memory of loaded configuration.
- This API starts an SRT Exporter object with or without a specified name.
It also provides a numeric
for the user to identify this object later. exporterName
helps the library to find the specified configuration for this new SRT Exporter object. It is OK to put a NULL pointer forexporterName
to start an SRT Exporter object using global configuration.- You can have multiple SRT Exporter object in one process. Each of them has a separate http server on a different port.
- Use this API to stop an SRT Exporter object with the
provided bysrtexp_start
- Use this API to stop an SRT Exporter object with the specified name.
- This API provide an interface for use to add, edit, or remove a label of the SRT Exporter object dynamically.
- This API register the SRT sockets to track to one SRT Exporter object with the
provided bysrtexp_start
. - You can overwrite the SRT sockets registered before by call this API again.
- Use this API to change the logging destination of SRT Exporter library.
for standard error,SRT_EXP_SYSLOG = 1
for syslog.- Syslog is the default logging destination.
- Use this API to change the logging level of SRT Exporter library.
- Log level
defined by syslog are expected input.