Releases: Hamza417/Positional
Releases · Hamza417/Positional
- Elegant splash screen and lot of images picked randomly to be shown at every launch
- Click events for all the placeholders in settings
- Major UI changes
- Rounded cards in settings panel
- More UI fixes, more smoothness in app
- Crash on rotation in GPS panel
- Many landscape layout error fixed
- New elegant interface for GPS with smooth animations
- Lollipop 5.0 and 5.1 support dropped due to various API level issues
- Major UI changes
- Bottom sheet size changed
- Swipe up text removed
- Added more colors in app, light gray is the most dominant accent in white theme
- Many unnecessary layouts from vertical hierarchy removed fixing many UI performance issues and app is now even more smooth
- Heavy UI lag when location is turned off (see issue #1)
- Eye strain caused by too much whites in UI, many other color palette fixes
- Fixed location provider and status not shown in GPS panel
- Missing degree symbol on bearing values
- Missing Speed unit in GPS panel (m/s)
- GPS units are smaller and are now more distinguishable from the digital values
- SimpleDateFormat processes in Clock.kt moved to background thread to free up the main thread overhead fixing the lag when switching to clock panel
- Anti-clockwise rotation issue on the needles of clock when the needle reaches to 59
- Longitude value showing degrees in North, it was a typo in the conversion function
- Fixed address showing Australia in previous build
- Various Clock options including skins, motion type and other customization
- Dark Mode both manual and auto based on system theme
- Settings screen
- 7-inches tablet support
- Bottom navigation panel for quickly switching panels
- Navigation panel removed for causing issues with various Android navigation methods
- Major UI changes
- Bottom Navigation replaced Sliding Navigation Panel
- UI overhaul, more minimalism and less clutter
- More smooth animations everywhere
- Many bugs fixes and improvements
- Navigation panel for switching views (60% more memory efficiency)
- Bottom sheet/Swipe up panel in Clock and GPS panel
- Swipe Up indicator
- Toolbar in activity_main.xml
- Obfuscation for whole application (reducing app size by 40%)
- Option button from compass pane is removed
- Parallax scrolling removed
- None as of now, application is currently working as intended with minor issues and will be fixed soon
- App is now available on Play Store
- Parallax scrolling
- Network and Passive based location providers when GPS is not available
- Compass data are now updated in background thread and location is from main thread freeing up a lot of room for UI optimization in UI thread
- Locations updates are now synchronized for both Clock and GPS
- UI changes
- Scrolling information cards up will use the whole screen
- Bit of elevation below status bar when cards are scrolled, subtle but good
- Cards in GPS panel appear smaller when screen is rotated
- Lots of memory leaks, app is now a lot smoother
- Stuttering and banding on GPS animations due to scale changes
- GPS based location straight up not starting sometimes when any last location information is not available
- High ram consumption
- Screen rotation several times causes application to stutter exponentially
- Speed, Altitude, Provider and Bearing in GPS screen
- Time Zone, UTC Time and Date, Local Time and Date in Clock Screen
- Dot indicator on top
- Compass is currently set to default screen currently
- Denying location permission will still keep the app running and all the non-location related information will be shown such as time and compass
- Major UI changes
- GPS scanning animation fixed
- Digital clock removed and moved to cards panel
- 24 and 12 hour clock format
- Fixed uneven margin issue due between cards
- Color issues
- Java 8 API supports
- Many crashes again caused by screen rotation
- Many context issues fixed
- Application crashes when GPS screen is opened while internet is off
- Crashes when location permission is denied
- Crashes when location granted while the app is running
- Application not working entirely when the location permission denied
- Accuracy issue on measuring sun position, sunset and sunrise timing in pre-Nougat devices