NOTE: If these steps do not work, or you want to do a manual install, refer to here
To see if Libindy is already installed, execute the following command:
ls /usr/local/lib/libindy.dylib
# ✅ /usr/local/lib/libindy.dylib
# ❌ ls: /usr/local/lib/libindy.dylib : No such file or directory
It is now possible to install libindy and all its dependencies with homebrew!
brew tap blu3beri/homebrew-libindy
brew install libindy
If this does not work, you could also use the old steps to install libindy.
- Download libindy for macOS from the Sovrin binary repo
- Extract the ZIP and execute the following commands in the unzipped directory:
sudo mv lib/* /usr/local/lib
brew install rbenv/tap/[email protected] zeromq libsodium
ln -sfn /usr/local/Cellar/[email protected]/1.0.2t /usr/local/opt/openssl
- You now have libindy installed for macOS. You can continue with the NodeJS Setup