Please visit the documentation if you want to use HazzelForms:
===== V1.3.12 | 2024-10-11 =====
- Bugfix: the number zero was treated as a missing value during the validation step
- Style: vertical align of email template contents changed to top
===== V1.3.10 | 2024-07-19 =====
- Feat: ajax usage simplified
- Feat: math captcha added
- marginal bugfixes
===== V1.3.8 | 2024-05-06 =====
- Clean-Up: obsolete var_dumps removed
===== V1.3.7 | 2024-03-28 =====
- Bugfix: incorrect captcha did not show a proper error message
- Bugfix: reCaptcha V3 timeout and duplication issues fixed
===== V1.3.5 | 2024-03-19 =====
- Feature: make ReCaptcha V3 score customizable as a param
- Docs updated
===== V1.3.4 | 2024-02-01 =====
- Bugfix: Selected options in option fields were not perserved correctly when form was not valid
- Docs updated
===== V1.3.3 | 2023-12-22 =====
- Function added to get field types and values after form was validated
===== V1.3.2 | 2023-10-11 =====
- Bugfix: HTML syntax errors fixed
===== V1.3.1 | 2023-08-14 =====
- Bugfix: PHPMailer recipents and reply-to addresses are now reset after every mail sent.
===== V1.3.0 | 2023-03-16 =====
- Feature added to send emails with SMTP using PHPMailer
- Improved template loader for emails
- Some code changes in existing mail function to ensure backwards compatibility.
===== V1.2.14 | 2022-06-03 =====
- Classlist added to field-wrap
- Real label tag added around labels (instead of just using span elements)
===== V1.2.13 | 2021-06-23 =====
- Bugfix:
function was broken for uploaded files
===== V1.2.12 | 2021-04-04 =====
- Field value encoding improved (html entity decoding added)
===== V1.2.11 | 2021-04-03 =====
- Character escaping improved (prevent multiple escapes)
===== V1.2.10 | 2021-02-17 =====
- New config submitcaption to set submit button caption when using the
function - New config gridclass to define the grid class when using the
===== V1.2.9 | 2021-02-10 =====
- Namespace bugfix
===== V1.2.8 | 2020-12-27 =====
- Refactoring to adhere to PSR-12
- Github action workflow file added
===== V1.2.7 | 2020-07-22 =====
- Function added to check for errors
- Function added to clear fields
- Lazy validation added to URL fields
===== V1.2.6 | 2020-04-14 =====
- Added a new language string for single checkboxes (useful for terms and conditions)
- Now allowing key / value pairs for option fields
- Removed the function that deletes uploaded files while sending emails (sending an attachement to multiple recipents was impossible)
===== V1.2.5 | 2020-04-13 =====
Minor bugfix: Readopted stealthmode
===== V1.2.4 | 2020-04-07 =====
- CSP compatibility added to HoneyPot fields
- Some code refactoring
- Translation file added: german (informal)
- Docs updated
===== V1.2.3 | 2020-03-24 =====
Added the nl2br() function to the mail template to preserve line breaks
===== V1.2.2 | 2020-02-26 =====
Bugfix: File upload did not accept 'required' => false
===== V1.2.1 | 2020-01-29 =====
Bugfix: Number fields did not throw an error message when not required
===== V1.2.0 | 2020-01-13 =====
Honeypot feature added.
===== V1.1.3 | 2019-12-19 =====
Bugfix: File-Upload did not work when no other form fields existed.
===== V1.1.2 | 2019-12-12 =====
Minor improvements regarding HTML structure of option fields.
===== V1.1 | 2019-12-11 =====
First stable + tested release containing major improvements.
===== V1.0 | 2019-12-10 =====
Initial version