There are two types of people in the world :
- Those who can cope with missing data
Format : Hero{flag}
Author : yarienkiva"
As the comment hinted at, to_hex
was, in fact, not equivalent to .tohex
The bug stems from the fact that hex(n)
doesn't pad the hex byte with an additional 0 if its value is between 0x0 and 0xF, thus len(hex(0x10 to 0xFF)) = 4
but len(hex(0x00 to 0x0F)) == 3
Because we know the size of the inputs we can know how many 0s are missing but we can't know where.
The following code can be used to recover the flag, it tests all possible combinations of indexes until the decrypted message contains a crib.
from cryptography.hazmat.primitives.ciphers.algorithms import AES
from cryptography.hazmat.primitives.ciphers import Cipher, modes
from itertools import combinations
from tqdm import tqdm
def decrypt(ct, key):
aes = Cipher(AES(key), modes.ECB())
dec = aes.decryptor()
pt = dec.update(ct)
pt += dec.finalize()
return pt
def add_zeros(ct, p):
test_ct = list(ct)
for i in p:
test_ct.insert(i, '0')
return ''.join(test_ct)
ct = '17c69a812e76d90e455a346c49e22fb6487d9245b3a90af42e67c7b7c3f2823'
key = 'b5295cd71d2f7cedb377c2ab6cb93'
missing_ct = -len(ct) % 32
missing_key = -len(key) % 16
for mc in tqdm([*combinations(range(len(ct)), missing_ct)]):
for mk in combinations(range(len(key)), missing_key):
test_ct = bytes.fromhex(add_zeros(ct, mc))
test_key = bytes.fromhex(add_zeros(key, mk))
flag = decrypt(test_ct, test_key)
if flag.startswith(b'Hero{'):
print('Found!', flag)