The list below includes 310 deleted tweets by VaushV.
There are also 68 tweets that are indicated as not currently deleted by the Twitter API that have been scraped from pages of deleted tweets (as replies, etc.). These possibly undeleted tweets are included for context and are indicated by a (live) link.
Datasets generated by SalishCoast 161 and Karma 161 using ✨cancel-culture✨, an open source project by Travis Brown and other tools as part of the deleted-tweets-archive project repo on github.
You can create your own updated version of this document by checking out and configuring the repository and then running the following commands:
$ cargo build --release
$ target/release/twcc deleted-tweets --report VaushV
Please note that all tweets quoted here are sourced from the Wayback Machine and were not directly accessed through the Twitter API or any Twitter client.
- 15 September 2021: rate my met gala fit
- 5 September 2021: Personally I don’t think Natalie was reactionary enough 12 years ago
- 25 August 2021:
- 17 August 2021: After dealing with 27 years of unmediated ADHD, I have finally taken Adderall and I gotta say This fucking rocks
- 16 August 2021: Hating women isn’t enough. We also need to love men
- 16 August 2021: That’s like half of socdem Twitter
- 15 August 2021:
- 15 August 2021 (live): Awesome
- 15 August 2021 (live): Alright. Now subscribe and ring the bell
- 15 August 2021 (live): Subscribe to my YouTube channel
- 15 August 2021: Nothing says socialism quite like implicitly defending the Taliban
- 13 August 2021: Oh my GOD I have NEVER said that. I just said I liked the genre and was apologetic about it the whole time. This goddamn game of telephone
- 5 August 2021: The ACLU retracted that claim? Aren’t they currently gearing for a lawsuit? Can you provide a link of them retracting it?
- 5 August 2021 (live): The ACLU claims the Biden Administration could have taken precautions in the past half-year to keep this from happening. I guess it would come down to the specifics of that claim. I generally trust the ACLU to not be stupidly ideological but it’s always possible
- 5 August 2021 (live): I’m sympathetic to the ACLU’s perspective on this one.
- 5 August 2021 (live): Reminder: rub this in the faces of people who like Biden, not the people who dislike him but correctly believed he was better than Trump
- 5 August 2021 (live): Fucking despicable
- 26 July 2021: Evil corporation in movies: SynTech, weapons manufacturer & mercenary outfit Evil corporation irl: Frito-Lays, chip bagger
- 23 July 2021: How’d they do it
- 23 July 2021: How did Cajun food get so good
- 20 July 2021: Where is Australia
- 19 July 2021: What is a “Vaush”
- 16 July 2021: Which table you sittin at (you are the first to arrive)
- 14 July 2021: those who attack Vaush maybe don’t realize that Vaush represents hope for so many people
- 12 July 2021: The United States? Ah, you mean “West Cuba”
- 11 July 2021: Holy shit they were right Going outside and spending time family is pretty awesome
- 6 July 2021: When history schoolbooks start covering the Capitol Riot there will be a huge push from conservatives to “teach both sides of the controversy” and 1/3 of our schoolchildren will grow up either thinking it was a good thing or that antifa did it
- 3 July 2021: People who propose polyamory as a solution to cheating don't understand the responsibilities of the former or the seriousness of the latter
- 2 July 2021: Spring is coming
- 1 July 2021: Ah it’s Worm. That was the thing people keep telling me to read
- 1 July 2021: Should I just read Dune
- 1 July 2021: What’s that one superhero story people keep telling me to read? Huge an expansive and published on the web?
- 1 July 2021: -ies like housemaking and childrearing. Entryism into male-dominated political spaces does nothing but legitimize patriarchy. And hey apart from all the sexism and economic dependence the 50s really weren’t that bad for women anyway am I right
- 1 July 2021: Womens suffrage was about equal power, NOT forced participation in male spaces (like the voting booth/workplace). You’re really telling me those women marched for the right to live next to MEN? Real feminists should reject female work/voting in favor of culturally female activit-
- 26 June 2021:
- 25 June 2021: The saddest part is that Chauvin will almost certainly not serve his full sentence so he’s probably going to get out fast than this guy did
- 25 June 2021 (live): Chauvin got sentenced to 2.5 more years in prison than this guy
- 12 June 2021:
- 10 June 2021: Ever nut so hard you hear the woosh
- 10 June 2021: Just had some of the best curry of my life. Can’t believe some white people fight so hard to keep good food out of their country
- 8 June 2021: Ilhan Omar every time she says anything about anything
- 7 June 2021:
- 6 June 2021:
- 3 June 2021: First time in a while I did an actual double-take
- 30 May 2021:
- 28 May 2021: Pride isn’t enough. We need a Shame Month dedicated to straight culture
- 27 May 2021: I notice he also walks around wearing clothes rather than a barrel and suspenders
- 25 May 2021: Twitter is exceptional at getting people to be angry at takes they’d probably agree with if they took a deep breath first
- 25 May 2021: Well, most of Marci Gras is pretty accessible to everyone - the nudity is usually kept to a small portion of the broader party, and people usually don’t bring their kids to that part, so there you go
- 23 May 2021: The end goal of the left is to make all humans autistic
- 12 May 2021:
- 10 May 2021: Reminder that conflating criticism of Israel's state actions with antisemitism implicitly suggests Jewish people as a group are responsible for the terrible shit the Israeli government does and that's antisemitic as fuck
- 10 May 2021: Every time Ilhan Omar goes trending it's because terrible people are man at her for being based
- 29 April 2021: Mmm you can just taste the totally real populism that isn’t just a front for hating academia and tech companies
- 20 April 2021: The ACLU put out an app for this specifically. It live broadcasts recordings to ACLU servers so police can’t break/delete content off your phone to protect themselves.
- 20 April 2021: This hero is the reason we got justice. Film all police activity.
- 15 April 2021: Reuploading after I forgot to remove the @ but man you could have watched like ten seconds of the video you would have felt so much better
- 15 April 2021 (live): I actually feel bad for this person. They're so unbelievable uncharitable towards me that it caused them distress - they saw that video and thought "oh my god how can he be so antisemitic" instead of "ugh i hate vaush but I'm glad he pushes back against antisemitism"
- 15 April 2021: You could always watch, like, ten seconds of the video and discover I'm actually giving salient arguments against the conspiracy that Jews run everything. You know, delegitimizing it
- 15 April 2021 (live): You know, I'm aware I have something of a mixed reputation, but it is incredible to me that anyone could see this title and thumbnail and assume I'm actually debating in favor of the JQ
- 14 April 2021: Who was Karl and is it true he never missed his mark
- 13 April 2021: Dropped the ((())) on this one chief
- 12 April 2021: Wait that was too am I unironically losing it I checked this ones for typos I think we’re good
- 12 April 2021: Oh my good that was an accident
- 12 April 2021: When I mispronounce worse I do it specifically to trigger you
- 10 April 2021: Wow, this is pretty indefensible. Imagine a historical article where smiles were photoshopped onto the faces of Holocaust survivors.
- 6 April 2021: It is absolutely possible to play a game the wrong way. Games are art meant to be enjoyed in a specific context. Nobody would take you seriously if you “ate” at a restaurant by smearing all the food over your face and then gave it a poor rating because you didn’t enjoy it
- 6 April 2021 (live): Pokémon is not a good video game franchise. Even a perfect game franchise designed by Jesus Christ would stop being good if it was rereleased with minimal innovation forty times over with the degree of shamelessness Pokémon has
- 6 April 2021 (live): We are in an indie gaming renaissance right now and it could be ten times better if people weren’t so obsessed with shared experiences - playing a game only because they know other people are playing it too. Live a little
- 6 April 2021 (live): Consumers are largely to blame for the prominence of samey, bland AAA game franchises because you fuckers keep buying and preordering them. If you want change, stop buying the same shit
- 6 April 2021 (live): Nintendo has made a ton of bangers but their bad habit of reusing assets and avoiding innovation in sequels holds them back from being a great studio
- 6 April 2021 (live): Minecraft isn’t popular for being good, it’s popular for being Minecraft
- 5 April 2021: Hey cool
- 2 April 2021: Can you imagine how could it would be if leftists knew how the government worked
- 2 April 2021 (live): Wait, does this person think Biden passed the Alabama anti-trans bill?
- 31 March 2021: Is lil nas x gay?
- 30 March 2021: @LeftistCongress @shaun_vids there is a goddamn timer on your youtube stream
- 30 March 2021: interesting
- 28 March 2021: Every available piece of data on the subject would suggest otherwise
- 28 March 2021 (live): Could’ve workshopped the phrasing a bit
- 25 March 2021: RT @SocDoneLeft:
- 24 March 2021: The harrowing consequence of unchecked hatred. Not washing your legs is a part of white culture
- 24 March 2021: white people ?
- 23 March 2021: Could really go for a pic of Kamala & Biden walking down a halfway rn
- 17 March 2021: Jordan Peterson confidently spewing misinformation on a subject outside his field? No way And here I thought his philosophy and history takes were bad
- 16 March 2021: Reminder that if you don’t like this content and think it violates YouTube TOS, you’re totally free to go on over there and report it for such.
- 14 March 2021: We all know Hollywood is an arm of the military propaganda machine but it’s be cool if they were less proud of it
- 9 March 2021: Women are bad
- 8 March 2021: We still doing the whole “British” thing?
- 24 February 2021: [me, trying to respectfully address a female coworker] hey dumbfuck
- 20 February 2021: PSA: this also works with condoms
- 20 February 2021: Has anyone tried superimposing SOCIALISM: NOT EVEN ONCE over a comparison photo of the Berlin Wall and the southern border wall?
- 19 February 2021:
- 18 February 2021: It’s not even prepared for war. Iraq & Afghanistan were uncoordinated failures, even to the people who supported them. We can’t do anything right
- 16 February 2021: Could the Jewish Space Lasers not simply clear Texas’ snow from orbit
- 12 February 2021: Gina Carson should have been the star in the Daily Wire school shooter movie. Dropkicking the bad guys and such
- 12 February 2021:
- 8 February 2021: Im here for shifting on libs but I feel like calling every one of them a war criminal just for being a lib waters down the word to meaninglessness
- 8 February 2021: Keep politics out of sports. I don't want to see any men there
- 5 February 2021: Cool thanks
- 5 February 2021: BREAKING: Representative Marjorie Taylor Greene announces she believes Holocaust “absolutely happened”
- 30 January 2021: We need affirmative action for men in Breadtube. There are not enough men. This is a real social problem
- 29 January 2021: Everybody wanna short GameStop but nobody want the game to stop short
- 28 January 2021: WHAT THE FUCK
- 25 January 2021: No way, people who follow you are fucking morons?
- 24 January 2021: Shoe0nHead explaining how the 1933 expulsion of Jews from Nazi Germany was actually "based and anti-imperialismpilled"
- 24 January 2021 (live): Point taken, but I don’t like bankers and I’d still probably be unhappy if trans people were banned from being bankers or whatever
- 24 January 2021 (live): That’s nice.
- 24 January 2021: It feels like so many people actively, purposely fight to make the world worse for everyone, including themselves.
- 22 January 2021: Tim I can't believe you personally approved a design this racist holy shit
- 22 January 2021: You know the stock villain character who talks a big game and acts like a massive cunt, but the moment his floozies are beaten and he’s in a position of weakness he grovels for forgiveness and accuses the protagonist of being a heartless monster? Republicans.
- 16 January 2021: This is clearly a mistake, @YouTube @YouTubeCreators There is absolutely nothing in this channel that warranted so much as a strike, let alone a channel deletion. Fix your fuckup and restore The Serfs.
- 12 January 2021: please stop
- 12 January 2021:
- 10 January 2021: I wonder why conservative social media platforms keep having so much trouble with hate, harassment and threats of violence. Must be a coincidence
- 8 January 2021: tfw you end up regretting the Faustian Bargain that is working with Trump
- 8 January 2021: Joe Manchin can eat my shit and hair
- 4 January 2021: I just want you to know that I have literally never marketed myself as a “theory streamer”
- 4 January 2021: Where was Bean Mom
- 28 December 2020: This truly was a lose-lose-lose. We didn’t get the $2,000, Trump looked weak backing down, and the rest of the GOP is taking shit from all sides. We have the best government
- 24 December 2020: As a Republican, I am furious that Pelosi has shot down Trump’s plan to give every American $2000
- 24 December 2020: my sides hurt
- 21 December 2020: Apparently the intent behind this EO was leaked earlier this year and it received harsh criticism from architectural societies. Read more:
- 21 December 2020 (live): what the fuck
- 21 December 2020: What was your favorite album in high school? Mine was Guitar Hero 3 OST
- 18 December 2020: I knew I liked you
- 18 December 2020: $600 can buy so many Pokémon cards
- 17 December 2020: Nature is healing
- 16 December 2020: ?? okay what has done
- 15 December 2020: #BidenWillNeverBePresident
- 14 December 2020: “I” is also a pronoun. Real redpilled chads refer to themselves in the third person
- 13 December 2020: AOC isn’t a socialist, or a capitalist. She is a totalitarian theocrat to the Church of Woke
- 13 December 2020: AOC isn’t a socialist, or a capitalist. She is a feudalist
- 12 December 2020: It's not too late to join the winning team
- 11 December 2020: Ah this must have been why I first unfollowed you
- 11 December 2020: America is the wealthiest country in the Ridley. Every working family in our country should be able to afford an Nvidia GeForce RTX 3080 graphics card, as our European neighbors can
- 9 December 2020: Is it true that Hasan said Dunkey doesn’t make good videos
- 3 December 2020: This is why these alt-platforms never succeed. Why would these people ever want to be with others like them?
- 2 December 2020: Isn't this just a safe space
- 30 November 2020: Oh, the Neera Tanden thing wasn’t a joke
- 29 November 2020: More like Shtsh
- 9 November 2020: I cannot imagine how hard it is to have a conservative victim complex
- 8 November 2020: trump really could have used those 230 million thousand votes lmao
- 6 November 2020: Literally nobody believes this. We all know you’re going to stay terrible and support an even worse autocrat in 4 years
- 6 November 2020: ? im ripping off chapo here
- 6 November 2020 (live): [Twitter on 12:01pm January 20th] “mr Trump, sir, you are fired!”
- 5 November 2020: that is so normal for a democracy cool cool
- 4 November 2020: Astral projecting myself into a reality where Pete Buttigieg won the primary to feel better about this one
- 1 November 2020: Read this and tell me our country has a future under Republican leadership. These people are fucking insane.
- 22 October 2020: This can’t be real
- 22 October 2020 (live): There’s one testimony - not under oath - that Hunter and Joe “discussed business dealings”, which is not even close to “confirming all of it” By the way, if you have a problem with politicians leveraging their position for business gain, I hope you’re voting third party
- 22 October 2020 (live): Lmao no, Republicans should prove it. Why should legit media sources waste their time “debunking” hit pieces so bad the original tabloid author wouldn’t even put their name on the story because they doubted its credibility
- 22 October 2020 (live): I agree, my main problem with NPR is that they don’t spent enough time on whatever baseless conspiracy the Republican Party is fixated on today in an obvious effort to distract from the fact that their candidate is an incompetent lunatic
- 20 October 2020: imagine all the twitter lefties running around Bolivia, telling everyone not to legitimize the system that disenfranchised them by voting. beautiful
- 17 October 2020: It would be, at the very least, a significant challenge for the RNC.
- 17 October 2020 (live): In case you’re wondering why DC and Puerto Rico aren’t states, it’s because they’d both mean four more Democratic Senators.
- 12 October 2020: Pathetic
- 9 October 2020: Heya Tim
- 8 October 2020: prewritten or insider info? time will tell
- 8 October 2020: 👁️
- 8 October 2020: The term the media is looking for is “domestic terrorist cel”
- 6 October 2020: Now which is more likely: an obese 74 y/o is the first human to beat Covid in 5 days, or the weaselly snake we saw spin doctoring for Trump yesterday might be dishonestly representing his health?
- 6 October 2020: First day of breathing school
- 6 October 2020: Ol’ “Proletarian Joe” pitting the hurt omg big business
- 2 October 2020: Utterly fucking deranged
- 2 October 2020: Getting the feeling some of the libs on Twitter might have held candlelight vigils for Hitler after he shot himself because every death is a tragedy and we're better than him
- 1 October 2020: In violation of a court ruling to prevent further changes to election results, at that. “The Party of Law and Order”
- 1 October 2020 (live): Ratfucking scum. They know their only shot at winning is keeping people from voting. They’re terrified.
- 1 October 2020: More evidence Trump plans to declare victory no matter the results
- 1 October 2020: Thanks, now I believe women shouldn’t be able to hold elected office
- 25 September 2020: Ehhehehe
- 23 September 2020: Spoiled brats.
- 23 September 2020: This is a deliberate insult.
- 23 September 2020: This feels like a deliberate insult
- 22 September 2020: Hot take: TDS is real, but absolutely nothing compared to Republicans’ Obama Derangement Syndrome
- 21 September 2020: testing
- 21 September 2020: Fire yourself
- 20 September 2020: But also bullshit
- 20 September 2020:
- 19 September 2020: I hope bin ein retweeteter
- 19 September 2020 (live): The Lincoln Project dislikes Trump, not Republican fascism. Their silence on the Supreme Court pick speaks volumes.
- 19 September 2020: Don’t let all this RBG nonsense distract you from the fact that it was extremely racist of Contrapoints to wear a dress or whatever
- 19 September 2020: Commemorative RBG Funko Pop NOW
- 18 September 2020: Don’t worry
- 17 September 2020:
- 17 September 2020:
- 16 September 2020: interesting
- 15 September 2020: Looking forward to arguing with republicans over what is or is not a delousing agent after gas chambers are found at the border
- 9 September 2020: I just realized I don’t think I’ve ever heard Trump laugh
- 8 September 2020:
- 8 September 2020 (live): you absolutely love to see it
- 8 September 2020: I trust ex-fascists who grew and moved to the left far more than purer-than-thou leftists who sneer at the former
- 7 September 2020: look I'm all for labor day in theory but my favorite take-out is closed right now and im not handling it well
- 6 September 2020: RT @PunishedMelanie: FREE SPEECH WARRIOR SARGON OF AKKAD CLASSICAL LIBERAL @ChrisRGun @shoe0nhead You guys have gone woke you should be t…
- 5 September 2020: Why die on this hill when it’s already been corroborated and confirmed
- 4 September 2020: Even that 93% figure is misleading without answers to these two questions. I would be surprised if more than a tenth of a percent of BLM protestors initiated violence on their own.
- 4 September 2020 (live): And of those BLM protests which were violent without police instigation, what percentage of the protesters there actually engaged in violence?
- 4 September 2020 (live): Now how many of the 7% of BLM protests that turned violent had that violence initiated by the police? 🤔
- 4 September 2020: Imagine what trump calls covid victims in private
- 4 September 2020: I think I’ve argued the exact opposite of that
- 4 September 2020: covfefe in chief
- 4 September 2020: Why does everyone not have the bone spurs
- 4 September 2020 (live): If I, Trump, was a soldier, I would simply not die
- 3 September 2020: as opposed to Trump, who hasn't been doing exactly this for three months
- 2 September 2020: 80% of TikTok pranks are just “what if I insulted my partner on camera”
- 2 September 2020: my antifa subpoena is written in crayon
- 1 September 2020: I’m going to bludgeon you to death because somebody in your zip code torrented music
- 1 September 2020 (live): Welp, you heard the president. Drive-by paintball attacks on pedestrians are okay now. Truly the president of law and order
- 30 August 2020: Ben drew this with one hand
- 30 August 2020: battle
- 29 August 2020: BABYYYYYY credit to /u/Nikosam34
- 28 August 2020: Saying you want to be a police office should get you flagged for school psych evaluations the way drawing yourself killing your classmates does
- 27 August 2020: I did, multiple times. Definitely changes how I’ll be addressing him in the future. A
- 27 August 2020 (live): My main irritation is that he’s characterizing my argument as “submit to rapists and lynchers” and I think I was very specific on those points
- 24 August 2020: ???? I’m saying I’m not interested in debating unless you have a specific thing you would like to challenge me on I am doing the exact opposite of “setting up a vague debate”
- 24 August 2020:
- 24 August 2020: They could have handled this in literally every other way. That cop just wanted to murder the man. He'll probably get away with it, too.
- 24 August 2020: WARNING: MURDER Just a straight-up execution. No threat to the cops whatsoever. Disgusting.
- 21 August 2020: I dunno about that second chance as a private citizen when he’s talking about the victim like this
- 21 August 2020: People are saying this doesn’t really say much about his character since he shared the underage revenge porn when he was 12, but his response to the accusations today indicates there’s still a problem.
- 21 August 2020: and i thought there was nothing anyone could do to make like the party less
- 20 August 2020: Shit, I missed this in my research
- 20 August 2020: Hard to remember that was just four years ago
- 20 August 2020 (live): Do you guys remember when Republicans, nervously, argued Trump would act “more presidential” once he took office?
- 20 August 2020: Joe "my brother" Biden getting The Pass along with the Presidential Medal of Freedom Poggers
- 19 August 2020: Hmmm
- 19 August 2020: Proud of AOC for endorsing Bernie Sanders during the Convention. He should have been our candidate.
- 18 August 2020: They’re they most dangerous group of people on the planet and they vote Red, every time. I doubt Trump even understands why the Evangelicals like the move to Jerusalem, fucking idiot
- 18 August 2020: Why care about global warming - or wealth inequality, or healthcare, or ANYTHING - when you believe the Rapture is coming and Republicans are helping you invoke it? Evangelicals believe they’re one step away from fulfilling a fucking biblical prophecy, they don’t give a shit
- 18 August 2020: This is why I don’t like it when people Republicans and Democrats. Republicans’ strongest base of support comes from Evangelicals, who believe and act as though they will be the sole survivors of an impending Armageddon which will send the rest of us to hell.
- 16 August 2020: Pokémon go to the polls
- 16 August 2020 (live): Listen up, anime fans - Kissanime isn’t the only essential service being dismantled right now
- 15 August 2020: We need to talk about ableism against himbos
- 15 August 2020: Where does mail even go? Maybe we can all just walk our ballots over there
- 15 August 2020: Go woke go broke
- 13 August 2020: If there was ever a video I wanted spread around, it'd be this one. The world needs a unified left, and it needs to be unified towards victory. I'm tired of feeling like my own movement is holding us back, and you should too.
- 13 August 2020: mmmm more data for the doc
- 9 August 2020: I am shocked and astonished
- 7 August 2020:
- 6 August 2020: Everyone pretending the new George Floyd footage “changing everything” was clearly okay with him being murdered to begin with
- 4 August 2020: fascinating
- 2 August 2020: Yeah obviously but that's because it's a racial slur, but because it's aave
- 2 August 2020 (live): this is literally just woke segregation
- 31 July 2020: RT @atreyupilled: i am radicalized
- 31 July 2020: Stay in school kids. Take notes
- 31 July 2020: God dammit I forgot my literal best argument in favor of legalizing abortion
- 29 July 2020: It’s not even close to a total victory, and there’s rickety ahead, but this is a huge blow to Trump and an optical victory for us.
- 29 July 2020 (live): Take a day off, @hungrybowtie .
- 29 July 2020 (live): Another victory. The protesters in Portland are heroes.
- 19 July 2020: Look at Roger Stone (allegedly an adult human) acting like an absolute psycho in this interview
- 16 July 2020: Looks like forced feminization isn’t as glamorous as it’s chalked up to be
- 5 July 2020: I take it bad, luv u alpharad
- 5 July 2020 (live): Good fucking luck, this community is rotten to the fucking core
- 5 July 2020 (live):
- 5 July 2020 (live): Sky Williams’ house is basically the Epstein Island of the Smash community Jesus Christ
- 5 July 2020 (live): Hahaha holy shit the entire smash community is on fucking fire
- 2 July 2020: And don’t worry, horseshoe theory is still fake. For it to be real, Caleb would have had to have been some kind of leftist
- 2 July 2020 (live): @calebmaupin is one of the most sinister, immoral, piece of shit fascist propagandists I have ever seen in my life, and I do hope a guilty conscience keeps him up at night.
- 2 July 2020 (live): Now sure why Caleb Maupin got so mad when I called him a fascist. He sits alongside admitted fascists, antisemites, anticommunists, and admirers of the Nazi party while preaching social Darwinism. Seemed apt. This isn’t horseshoe theory because Maupin isn’t a socialist.
- 26 June 2020: I think that’s a pretty uncharitable take. I’ve definitely seen - and spoken to - some leftists who’d rather speak well of Carson than they would an establishment Democrat. Lefties sometimes have trouble differentiating between good and bad populist rhetoric, in my experience.
- 25 June 2020: I don't know whether or not the LSF mod team is deliberately doing this to protect the alleged rapists or if it's just a person grudge, but this massively detracts from the visibility of the accusations.
- 25 June 2020 (live): Destiny has been permanently banned from /r/livestreamfails - the largest Twitch subreddit - while reporting on the extensive allegations to come from the gaming community. Love him or hate him, he was bringing a TON of attention to those crimes and now he's deplatformed.
- 25 June 2020: I thought tearing down statues of tyrants was a good thing
- 23 June 2020: It is impossible to overstate the extent to which Pathological shaped my sense of taste
- 22 June 2020: I didn’t even release the segment I did on this guy because I felt like I was punching down Hey @IsaacButterfie3 , wanna have a conversation?
- 17 June 2020: They should replace Aunt Jemima with Candace Owens
- 17 June 2020: This is the police officer equivalent to gamers who lose their shit when 93% of game protagonists are white men instead of 98%
- 16 June 2020: "Black Lives Matter distracts from racial solidarity" and other horrible smoothbrained leftist takes
- 13 June 2020: Yeah these people have been fascists from day 1, of why’re just getting less subtle
- 13 June 2020 (live): Vaush, known person who doesn’t support or talk about BLM
- 13 June 2020 (live): What’s the hardest you’ve ever tried to be upset
- 12 June 2020: Young people terrify me
- 10 June 2020: Thanks Kings there’s no longer any doubt
- 8 June 2020: "Hi, I'm a small-government conservative who values freedom. Let me explain to you why 30% of a city's budget going to militarized police is actually a good thing"
- 7 June 2020: Opening Thank You letters from all our adoring citizens. They’re just out of frame, thanking us
- 1 June 2020: Cops hand out press badges so they know who to target first
- 21 May 2020: ohnonononono
- 20 May 2020: I honestly feel like Count Dankula treated me better. He didn’t impugn my work and my community while implicitly defending people who harass me. I don’t think I treated Mexie unfairly, not even close. But that’s just my opinion.
- 20 May 2020 (live): I honestly feel like I’m one of the least toxic people on Left YouTube
- 20 May 2020: The only difference between Ahmaud Arbery in 2017 and me in 2017 is that I didn’t get caught lol
- 20 May 2020 (live): Wow fascinating who cares
- 19 May 2020: And about 4.9k concurrents during today's stream, whose analytics haven'tr loaded yet. Wtf is going on
- 18 May 2020: I understand Democrats are terrible but Republicans seem to have declared a war on the concept of empiricism
- 17 May 2020: It rhymes with itself
- 13 May 2020: You’ve gotten worse, Gutian. That’s really disappointing.
- 12 May 2020: Please let this be a thing again
- 12 May 2020: What the fuck is happening in conservative YouTube right now? He went on a construction site, so his life is forfeit? What a weak fucking excuse Just say you like it when blacks are killed and be done with it
- 12 May 2020 (live): Every time a black man is lynched I learn there are apparently thousands of completely innocuous things black men can do which justify their immediate and extrajudicial execution at some point in the indefinite future
- 12 May 2020: Checking in on The Discourse
- 12 May 2020:
- 11 May 2020: I have a headache and it sucks, but if you’re all extra nice to me in the replies of this tweet it’ll definitely go away
- 10 May 2020: @negrosubversive @petercoffin @EmericanJohnson @LivPosting @kat_blaque if you guys got any disagreements, I’m totally down to discuss them
- 10 May 2020 (live): Oh shit it kindve is isn’t it
- 10 May 2020 (live): I gotta say, I prefer Count Dankula directly tagging and shittalking me over a disagreement to the legions of spineless Breadtube vagueposters who shittalk and misrepresent me from a distance but would never come on to actually challenge my points
- 2 May 2020:
- 30 April 2020: We have a moral responsibility to let the world know
- 30 April 2020 (live): Hillary Clinton has never adopted an position she didn't have focus-tested first, so if we all make it EXTREMELY CLEAR we don't want her as Biden's VP she won't do it
- 11 April 2020: I’ve been found out
- 3 April 2020: Finally, a white president
- 31 March 2020: Praying for all the leftie coomers whose dick appointments have been cancelled by quarantine
- 30 March 2020: Good
- 30 March 2020 (live): 1k likes and I'll CONSIDER embarrassing myself playing Ring Fit Adventure on stream
- 28 March 2020: She has no problem playing buddy buddy with Steven Crowder, of course, who made repeated homophobic attacks against @gaywonk and led thousands of fans to harass him for his homosexuality. 💸💸💸wonder why💸💸💸
- 28 March 2020 (live): Love being lectured on "the harm my language does to women" from @ArielleScarcell , who relentlessly misgenders, dehumanizes, belittles, and mocks trans women. Real feminists don't limit their advocacy to cis women.
- 24 March 2020: Has everyone ever noticed how every single one of PJW’s tweets begin with “Despite making up only 13% of the population...”?
- 22 March 2020: And then, in spite of those white moderates, revolutionary change happened. It wasn't enough, but it was more than they ever could have done, faster than they ever could have done it.
- 22 March 2020 (live): Martin Luther King Jr. condemned the "white moderate" not because they were racist, but because they myopically obstructed revolutionary change in an era when revolutionary change was necessary to liberate black Americans.
- 22 March 2020: MLK's condemned the "white moderate" not because they were racist, but because they myopically obstructed revolutionary change in an era when revolutionary change was necessary to liberate black Americans.
- 22 March 2020 (live): I cannot stress enough how important it is to have a political vision beyond what is electorally viable right now. History is littered with the triumphs of people who were told the world "wasn't ready" for their ideas.
- 18 March 2020: At my parent’s house. Found this. Absolutely devastated rn
- 10 March 2020: I hope VidCon is cool and when I show up it’s not just gonna be me while all the cool political YouTubers are all off at some secret second convention
- 10 March 2020: Chelsea Clinton is the only good American
- 9 March 2020: Ummmm, okay, some of you need reminding Bush doesn’t owe you ANYTHING. Dude’s been PRESIDENT and Katrina hits, you can’t give him a LITTLE time for R&R before demanding he rescue families and shit? DAMN.
- 8 March 2020:
- 5 March 2020: this feels like a Tim and Eric bit
- 1 March 2020: I'll take bak everything mean I've ever said about Steyer if he immediately endorses Sanders
- 24 February 2020: Oh whoops
- 24 February 2020: Bloomberg reaping: “Haha! Yes, this is awesome! Woo” Bloomberg sowing: “this sucks. why would you say that, fuck this”
- 23 February 2020: “President Sanders”. Get used to saying it now.
- 22 February 2020: Don’t forget, Bernie supporters. Nevada Democratic Party Chairman, Alfonso Italiano Fettuccini, is a notorious DeBlasiac. Be wary
- 18 February 2020: College students should pull up Liberty Hangout tweets when confronted by Kaitlin Bennett and ask her why she works for (and is engaged to the owner of) literal fascists
- 16 February 2020: It’s one thing to deplore cock and ball torture on ideological, political, moral grounds. It’s quite another to conclude that it wouldn’t work in practice. Of course it would.
- 9 February 2020: The museum we went to today had sketch pads where we were supposed to “draw ways to preserve and promote indigenous culture” so I drew a Native American as a Naruto.
- 30 January 2020: Ehyy a dissa ainta a good look
- 28 January 2020: Then you can be depressed AND socially and materially deprived
- 28 January 2020: We’re in the middle of a depression crisis in America due to alienation and social atomization and there are still soup-brained monkeys like this running around telling people “you can’t be depressed, there’s so much good in your life!” fuck off
- 28 January 2020: How do dogshit takes like this still get attention? Depression isn’t “being sad”, it’s “being chemically unable to experience happiness”. You can have all the friends, accomplishments, and cookies in the world, depression doesn’t give a short about any of that.
- 8 January 2020: Our global reputation has suffered immensely from this, and war is truly averted, it will have been in spite of our president.
- 8 January 2020: RT @bernietxt: Art is dead
- 7 January 2020: Reminder: wokescolds like making transcripts from video segments because reading a quote rather than hearing it from its speaker makes it easier to dehumanize the subject, and they need that lack of empathy to do what they do.
- 23 December 2019: “Democracy does in darkness” should be a warning, not a mission statement.
- 13 December 2019: #Vaush50K let's go babyyy 50k subs by 2020 let's go let's go
- 8 December 2019: Nazi LARPers can fuck off back to Europe. I don’t want your weird faux-pagan Nordic bullshit messing with my glorious American multiculturalism
- 7 December 2019: #DepressionFeelsLike knowing there are chemical processes in your brain preventing you from experiencing happiness and waiting for those processes to stop doing what they’re doing and do something else
- 3 December 2019: To improve is to suffer, for Man is both poop and flush handle
- 1 December 2019: Also worth noting the American Right would make ISIS look like a group of bleeding heart liberals if we’d experienced even a tenth of what Middle East has over the past half-century 0.3% of our population immigrating here annually is all it took to bring back literal Nazis
- 1 December 2019 (live): For people who hate Radical Islam, American conservatives sure do like empowering it Al-Qaeda, the Taliban, ISIS - all direct products of American foreign intervention ISIS is also currently regaining power in Northern Syria following Trump’s withdrawal of American troops.
- 28 November 2019: Happy Thanksgiving, guys. Will you be dealing with stupid family bullshit today?
- 13 November 2019: YouTube agrees, it was a coup (it was a big stream day)
- 4 November 2019: Remember folks, Nazis- err, sorry, white nationalists- err, sorry, identitarians- err, sorry, paleoconservatives are normal, healthy people. They aren’t murderous, delusional megalomaniacs with deep-seated insecurity issues. These are the words of a healthy man.
- 22 October 2019: It is actually quite possible to advocate for moderating immigration without relying on the language of xenophobia
- 28 September 2019:
- 23 September 2019: I'd be less down on cancel culture if it ever worked on conservatives.
- 12 September 2019: Quick reminder to my divided fans that while the ADL is genuinely terrible, Pewdiepie’s fan base didn’t throw a fit over their position on Palestine
- 2 September 2019: just rounding it out
- 2 September 2019: Haha, holy shit. You are, like, unironically my little girl. And I’m daddy... fukkin obviously. So you’re daddy’s girl. Amazin. And only a fukkin brainlet would say you’re not a cumslut too. Daddy’s cumslut. Super cool. Okay. So. You’ve also been a fukkin bad girl
- 2 September 2019: Woah who said I wanted to kill anyone? I just want to bomb the borders away so everyone can live in peace
- 2 September 2019: I mean, yeah, that’s pretty anti-Zionist
- 2 September 2019: /s, obviously, you buffoons
- 2 September 2019 (live): No, my anti-Zionism got me banned from Twitch. Destiny is also anti-Zionist.
- 2 September 2019 (live): tbf I get the same shit
- 29 August 2019: Should be within a few days.
- 29 August 2019 (live): Thanks, @JLPtalk ! Had a fantastic time.
- 29 August 2019 (live):
- 25 August 2019: We need to harness the energy of boomers who enthusiastically comment on 7-year-old amateur porn videos
- 24 August 2019: powerful sub behavior
- 19 August 2019: Upside to Biden’s staff cutting down on his public appearances to avoid future gaffs is that they might prepare an interpretive dance routine for his debates v Trump
- 19 August 2019: RT @MerQueenJude: support fat creators support fat creators support fat creators support fat creators support fat creators support fat…
- 17 August 2019: I cannot make the sarcasm more obvious than this, guys.
- 16 August 2019: Cent-PISS-TINy
- 16 August 2019 (live): Racism can’t exist without capitalism. There was no racism for millions of years, and then it just sort of “popped” into existence right then, some 250 years ago. Very upsetting.
- 7 August 2019: There’s no way to deal with those sorts of accusations without looking like you’re “covering it up”, but it’s just so fucking patronizing to assume playful public ribbing = abuse
- 7 August 2019: I try not to let it get under my skin but it really bugs me when people say I’m abusive to my partner on stream. We both decided off-stream how we’d handle these interactions. We laugh about them afterwards. We joke about the accusations of abuse together. We’re fine. Stop.
- 6 August 2019: In case you’ve forgotten conservatives have absolutely no relationship with reality, here’s @prageru trying to convince their audience Trump never claimed there were “very fine people” amongst the Charlottesville Nazis.
- 31 July 2019: s/o to all the hentai artists who draw girls with penises but don’t make it weird or transphobic or anything
- 23 July 2019: Great, cool. So, the 15 y/o trans girl Isabelle Smash Bros powerhouse - the one, single pro player I really liked - has been pumpin up them n-word jams in her discord server Gamers, dude. 100% of the time
- 6 July 2019: Is there actual interest in me doing a loot stream after AX
- 3 July 2019: @shoe0nhead have you ever considered shaving your head
- 1 July 2019: It took me eight hours to put a computer together, I’m not in a position to call anyone a boomer
- 1 July 2019 (live): Tomorrow morning - 10AM PST - we have a quick stream, and then at 5PM PST we have an interview/discussion/memefest with @cultofdusty1 ! Busy, busy day.
- 1 July 2019: You know, I really don’t think I’ve ever heard anybody - online or in person - actually, ironically ask “Did you just assume my gender?”, or any variation thereof
- 10 June 2019 (live): ye boi
- 10 June 2019: I sexually harassed a girl two years ago, there's a video about it on my channel
- 10 June 2019 (live): Wait some people are actually mad And they don’t follow me They lack critical information
- 10 June 2019 (live): they hated him because he spoke the truth
- 10 June 2019 (live): Honestly fuck trans people I accidentally misgender people over text SO often and it’s 100% typos from my meaty paws and it never fucking matters except with you bitches Fuck you whose idea was it to make ‘she’ and ‘he’ basically the same word
- 1 June 2019: RT @HunterAvallone2: June 15th. 3pm EST. See you then.
- 6 May 2019: RT @DataDistribute: Florian says we should debate @VaushV