Time to deploy: Approximately 10 minutes
Log in to the AWS Management Console using Admin privileges.
The EC2 instance would already be created as part of previous steps for installing the TRE setup and the source code already downloaded.
- Follow these instructions to learn how to connect via SSM to the EC2 instance created for deployment.
- Download the source code repo using below command and change directory
git clone https://github.com/HicResearch/treehoose-egress-app-frontend.git
cd treehoose-egress-app-frontend
- Edit file .env.local in the
directory. Change the following required parameters for the web application:
Parameter Name | Description | Location |
REACT_APP_APPSYNC_API | Provide resource created in Step 4B - Egress API URL (e.g. "https://.../graphql) | Check AWS CloudFormation Outputs tab for Stack "EgressAppBackend" and locate AppSyncGraphQLURL or go to AWS AppSync APIs -> Select the API created -> Settings -> API URL |
REACT_APP_USER_POOL_CLIENT_ID | Provide resource created in Step 4B - App Client Id | Check AWS CloudFormation Outputs tab for Stack "EgressAppBackend" and locate CognitoAppClientId or go to Amazon Cognito Pools -> Select the User Pool created -> Under General settings -> App clients -> App client id |
REACT_APP_USER_POOL_ID | Provide resource created in Step 4B - User Pool Id | Check AWS CloudFormation Outputs tab for Stack "EgressAppBackend" and locate CognitoUserPoolId or go to Amazon Cognito Pools -> General settings -> Pool Id |
REACT_APP_USER_POOL_DOMAIN | Provide resource created in Step 4B - User Pool Domain Name (e.g. {cognito_userpool_domain}.auth.eu-west-2.amazoncognito.com) | Check AWS CloudFormation Outputs tab for Stack "EgressAppBackend" and locate CognitoUserPoolDomain or go to Amazon Cognito Pools -> Under App integration -> Domain name |
REACT_APP_REGION | Provide current AWS Region (i.e. eu-west-2) | NA |
REACT_APP_EGRESS_IG_ROLE | Provide same value as in cdk.json file edited in Step 4B for parameter egress_reviewer_roles - value 1 | Check AWS CloudFormation Outputs tab for Stack "EgressAppBackend" and locate EgressReviewerRole1 |
REACT_APP_EGRESS_RIT_ROLE | Provide same value as in cdk.json file edited in Step 4B for parameter egress_reviewer_roles - value 2 - This can be removed if using single approval | Check AWS CloudFormation Outputs tab for Stack "EgressAppBackend" and locate EgressReviewerRole2 |
REACT_APP_MAX_DOWNLOADS_ALLOWED | Provide same value as in cdk.json file edited in Step 4B for parameter max_downloads_allowed | Check AWS CloudFormation Outputs tab for Stack "EgressAppBackend" and locate MaxDownloadsAllowed |
REACT_APP_FEDERATED_LOGIN_ENABLED | Flag to control enabling and disabling of federated login | |
REACT_APP_REDIRECT_SIGNIN_URL | Provide the URL where you want the user to redirect after sign-in. Usually the URL on which you access the Single Page WebApp | |
REACT_APP_REDIRECT_SIGNOUT_URL | Provide the URL where you want the user to redirect after sign-out. Usually the URL on which you access the Single Page WebApp | |
REACT_APP_FEDERATED_LOGIN_BUTTON_VALUE | Value you want to display for the button to initiate federated login | |
REACT_APP_FEDERATED_IDENTITY_PROVIDER_NAME | Name for the Federated Identity provider as setup in Cognito |
- Run the following commands to build the React frontend code:
cd /home/ec2-user/tmp/tre/treehoose-egress-app-frontend
nvm install v16.15.0
nvm use v16.15.0
npm install
npm run build
- Run the following commands to build the React app:
cd /home/ec2-user/tmp/tre/treehoose-egress-app-frontend/build
zip -FSr ../build.zip ./
- Run the following commands to copy the React app to S3 and trigger an automatic deployment to Amplify:
cd /home/ec2-user/tmp/tre/treehoose-egress-app-frontend
aws s3 cp build.zip s3://{egress web app bucket created in Step 4B}
To find the egress web app bucket name, you can check the AWS CloudFormation Outputs tab for Stack "EgressAppBackend" and locate EgressWebAppS3BucketName
Verify the Amplify app has been updated automatically and the website is reachable:
- Go to Service: AWS Amplify
- Select the app and branch created in Step 4B
- Confirm the status in the app branch is: Deployment successfully completed.
- Open the URL from Domain and confirm a login prompt appears like in the image below