Defines an anonymisation method for a group of related columns of the same datatype.
For example 'ANOGPCode' could be transform input varchar(5) values into anonymous values composed of 3 digits and 2 characters with a suffix of _G.
Anonymisation occurs at ColumnInfo level during data load. Each ANOTable points to a corresponding table on an ANO server in which mappings are persisted. This server should be part of your normal backup strategy.
Records the progress of fetching data that will later be fed into ETL in a LoadMetadata. For example this could be fetching imaging data from a PACS or XML data from a webservice.
A CacheProgress has a Pipeline which gets run to fetch the data and fields for tracking progress.
The central class for the RDMP, a Catalogue is a virtual dataset e.g. 'Hospital Admissions'.
A Catalogue can be a merging of multiple underlying tables and exists independent of where the data is actually stored (look at other classes like TableInfo to see the actual locations of data).
As well as storing human readable names/descriptions of what is in the dataset it is the hanging off point for Attachments (SupportingDocument), validation logic, extractable columns, ways of filtering the data, aggregations to help understand the dataset etc.
Catalogues are always flat views although they can be built from multiple relational data tables underneath.
A Catalogue has:
- Human readable names/descriptions of what is in the dataset it is
- A collection of CatalogueItems mapped to underlying columns in your database. Each of these:
- Can be extractable or not, or extractable only with SpecialApproval
- Can involve a transform on the underlying column (E.g. hash on extraction, UPPER etc)
- Have a human readable names/descriptions
- Can have curated WHERE filters defined on them which can be reused for project extraction/cohort generation etc
- Validation rules for each of the extractable items in the dataset
- Graphs for viewing the contents of the dataset (and testing filters / cohorts built)
- Attachments which help understand the dataset (e.g. a pdf file)
A Catalogue can be a part of project extraction configurations, used in cohort identification configurations. They can be marked as Deprecated, Internal etc.
The separation of dataset and underlying table allows you to have multiple datasets both of which draw data from the same table. It also makes it easier to handle moving a table/database (e.g. to a new server or database) / renaming etc.
If you expand a Catalogue (e.g. Biochemistry) you can see the 'Catalogue Items' node. These are the extractable columns in the dataset. If you expand one then you can see two sub nodes. The first is the ExtractionInformation logic for the column and the second is the underlying database column reference ColumnInfo. Try right clicking the column and selecting 'View Aggregate'.
A 'virtual' column that is made available to researchers. Each Catalogue has 1 or more CatalogueItems, these store the columns description as well as any outstanding/resolved issues.
CatalogueItems can be tied to the underlying database via ExtractionInformation . This means that you can have multiple extraction transforms from the same underlying ColumnInfo e.g. PatientDateOfBirth / PatientYearOfBirth (each with different governance categories).
Cohort identification is achieved by identifying Sets of patients and performing set operations on them e.g. you might identify "all patients who have been prescribed Diazepam" and then EXCEPT "patients who have been prescribed Diazepam before 2000". This is gives you DISTINCT patients who were FIRST prescribed Diazepam AFTER 2000.
A CohortAggregateContainer is a collection of sets (and subcontainers) which are all combined with the given SetOperation (UNION,INTERSECT or EXCEPT)
Describes a configuration for identifying patients fitting a given study criteria. E.g. "I want all patients who have been prescribed Diazepam for the first time after 2000 and who are still alive today".
Each new project/cohort to identify he should result in a new CohortIdentificationConfiguration, it is the entry point for cohort generation and includes a high level description of what the cohort requirements are, an optional ticket and the query that should be used to identify patients.
Records the last known state of a column in an SQL table (see TableInfo).
A ColumnInfo can belong to an anonymisation group (see [ANOTable]) e.g. ANOGPCode, in this case it will be aware not only of its name and datatype in LIVE but also its unanonymised name/datatype during data loading.
Describes a specific key/value pair that should always be used in connection strings to servers of the given DatabaseType by RDMP.
For example you could specify Encrypt = true to force all connections made to go through SSL (requires certificates / certificate validation etc). Be careful when creating these as they apply to all users of the system and can make servers unreachable if invalid or unresolvable connection strings are created.
Stores a username and encrypted password.
Passwords are stored as hex formatted strings which can be decrypted automatically by RDMP at runtime using your RSA encryption key.
Database Management System. Refers to a specific proprietary engine e.g. Oracle, MySql, SqlServer.
A feature that is compatible with multiple DBMS is one which works regardless of the database engine hosting the data and may support drawing data from multiple providers/instances at once.
Records where to store linkage cohorts (see ExtractableCohort).
Since every agency handles cohort management differently RDMP is built to support diverse cohort DBMS table schemas. There are no fixed datatypes / columns for cohort databases.
An ExternalCohortTable stores:
- What table contains your cohort identifiers
- What table describes the cohorts (e.g. description, version etc)
- Which column is the private identifier
- Which column is the release identifier
Both the cohort and custom table names table must have a foreign key into the definition table. You are free to add additional columns to these tables or even base them on views of other existing tables in your database.
You can have multiple ExternalCohortTable sources in your database for example if you need to support different identifier datatypes / formats.
Records information about a server. This can be an RDMP platform database e.g. a Logging database or it could be a generic database you use to hold data (e.g. lookups).
These are usually database servers but don't have to be (e.g. you could create a reference to an FTP server).
ExternalDatabaseServer are not required to reference datasets you want to link/extract, these should be reference by TableInfo / Catalogue instead.
Servers can have usernames/passwords or use integrated security (windows account). Password are encrypted in the same fashion as in DataAccessCredentials.
Records the location and ID of a cohort in an ExternalCohortTable database.
This allows RDMP to record which cohorts are part of which ExtractionConfiguration in a Project without having to move the identifiers into the RDMP application database.
Each ExtractableCohort has an OriginID, this field represents the id of the cohort in the CohortDefinition table of the ExternalCohortTable. Effectively this number is the id of the cohort in your cohort database while the ID property of the ExtractableCohort (as opposed to OriginID) is the RDMP ID assigned to the cohort. This allows you to have two different cohort sources both of which have a cohort id 10 but the RDMP software is able to tell the difference. In addition it allows for the unfortunate situation in which you delete a cohort in your cohort database and leave the ExtractableCohort orphaned - under such circumstances you will at least still have your RDMP configuration and know the location of the original cohort even if it doesn't exist anymore.
Represents a collection of datasets (see Catalogue), ExtractableColumns, ExtractionFilters etc and a single ExtractableCohort for a data extraction Project. You can have multiple active ExtractionConfigurations at a time for example a Project might have two cohorts 'Cases' and 'Controls' and you would have two ExtractionConfiguration possibly containing the same datasets and filters but with different cohorts.
Once you have executed, extracted and released an ExtractionConfiguration it becomes 'frozen' (IsReleased) and it is not possible to edit it. This is intended to ensure that once data has gone out the door the configuration that generated the data is immutable. If you need to perform a repeat extraction (e.g. an update of data 5 years on) then you should 'Clone' the ExtractionConfiguration in the Project and give it a new name e.g. 'Cases - 5 year update'.
Defines as a single line of WHERE SQL. This is a way of reducing the scope of a data extraction / aggregation etc.
For example, 'Only prescriptions for diabetes medications'. Typically an ExtractionFilter is cloned as either a DeployedExtractionFilter or an AggregateFilter and either used as is or customised in its new location
It is not uncommon for an extraction to involve multiple customised copies of the same master Extraction filter for example a user might take the filter 'Prescriptions of drug @Drugname' and make 3 copies in a given project with the first as 'Paracetamol', the second as 'Aspirin' and the third as 'Ibuprofen' and then put them all in a single OR container.
At query building time RDMP resolves all the various containers, subcontainers, filters and parameters into one extraction SQL query.
Describes in a single line of SELECT SQL. This can be either the fully qualified name or a transform upon an underlying ColumnInfo. Adding an ExtractionInformation to a CatalogueItem makes it extractable in a linkage Project.
Every ExtractionInformation has an ExtractionCategory which lets you flag the sensitivity of the data being extracted e.g. SpecialApprovalRequired. One (or more) ExtractionInformation in a Catalogue can be flagged as IsExtractionIdentifier. This is the column(s) which will be joined against cohorts in data extraction linkages.
When declared on a dataset in an ExtractionConfiguration results in batch/resume system being enabled. This means extracting the dataset is split from one chunked operation to multiple separate executions. This allows recovery of a failed extraction by resuming from the point in data time that the load failed at.
For example if you have a dataset Biochemistry that spans 1980 to 2020 then you can extract it in 1 year chunks.
Sometimes you need to limit which records are extracted as part of an ExtractionConfiguration or [CohortIdentificationConfiguration]. In order to assemble valid WHERE SQL for this use case, each ExtractionFilter must be in either an AND or an OR container. These containers ensure that each subcontainer / filter beyond the first is separated by the appropriate operator (AND or OR) and brackets/tab indents where appropriate.
Contains the path to a useful file which reflects either a request or a granting of governance e.g. a letter from your local healthboard authorising you to host/use 1 or more datasets for a given period of time.
Also includes a name (which should really match the file name) and a description which should be a plain summary of what is in the document such that lay users can appreciate what the document contains/means for the system.
Tracks the fact that a given set of Catalogues require external approval for your agency to hold.
A GovernancePeriod starts at a specific date and can optionally expire. A Catalogue can have multiple GovernancePeriods e.g. if you require to get approval from 2 different external agencies to hold a specific dataset.
GovernancePeriods are not required to use RDMP.
Indicates that a column contains patient identifier(s) e.g. a CHI / NHS number etc. Although unusual, you can have more than one in a given dataset e.g. ParentCHI, BabyCHI,TwinBabyCHI,TripletBabyCHI. All IsExtractionIdentifiers should have the same/compatible datatypes to prevent problems doing linkage between datasets/cohorts.
An RDMP instance can host multiple types of identifier e.g. CHI / NHS number but datasets cannot be joined / cohorts built between datasets that only contain different identifier types from one another.
When building cohorts the distinct values in the chosen IsExtractionIdentifier column are used for set operations (INTERSECT / UNION etc) and join operations (e.g. with patient index tables).
IsExtractionIdentifier columns do not have to have the same name (although it helps) e.g. mixing columns called "Chi" and "PatientChi" would be fine as long as both contained identifiers in the CHI format (e.g. varchar(10)
When joining between datasets on different DBMS IsExtractionIdentifier columns are compatible as long as the distinct datatypes are semantically similar (e.g. Oracle varchar2(10)
could be INTERSECTED with Sql Server varchar(10)
- providing a query cache was used)
Records how to join two TableInfo together.
A JoinInfo can include multiple columns. Each JoinInfo has a direction (e.g. LEFT / RIGHT) and optional collation (for resolving collation conflicts during joins).
Records how to load data into one or more Catalogues. This includes name, description, scheduled start dates etc.
A LoadMetadata contains at least one ProcessTask which is an ETL step e.g. Unzip files called *.zip / Download all files from FTP server X.
Describes a relationship between 3 ColumnInfos in which 2 are from a lookup table (e.g. z_drugName), these are a primary key (e.g. DrugCode) and a description (e.g. HumanReadableDrugName). And a third ColumnInfo from a different table (e.g. Prescribing) which is a foreign key (e.g. DrugPrescribed).
The RDMP QueryBuilder uses this information to work out how to join together various tables in a query. Note that it is possible to define the same lookup multiple times just with different foreign keys (e.g. Prescribing and Purchasing datasets might both share the same lookup table z_drugName).
Lookups are designed to handle missing values and support composite joins (e.g. where the same code is used differently between healthboards and you must perform a lookup join on both code and healthboard).
Personally Identifiable Information, this is information that could be used to uniquely identify a person. RDMP is designed (when properly configured) to prevent PII information being released in extracts.
Controls the flow of data from a source to a destination (e.g. extracting linked cohort data into a flat file ).
Each Pipeline is composed of a sequence of PipelineComponents which can each perform specific jobs e.g. 'clean strings', 'substitute column X for column Y by mapping values off of remote server B'.
A Pipeline can be missing either/both a source and destination. This means that the pipeline can only be used in a context where the source/destination is already fixed (for example if the user is trying to bulk insert a CSV file then the Destination might be a fixed instance of DataTableUploadDestination initialized with a specific server/database that the user had picked on a user interface).
Blueprint for a specific task that can be run in a Pipeline. A component has one of the following roles:
Pipeline components can include user written plugins (e.g. for imaging operations)
There are 2 main databases in which RDMP stores metadata. The 'Catalogue' database stores where your datasets are, descriptions, extraction transforms, filters, supporting documents,aggregates, cohort builder queries etc. The 'Data Export' database stores extraction configurations, which datasets were extracted when, with what filters etc.
'Platform Databases' refers to these main 2 databases although there are addition (some optional) databases for Logging, Cohort query caching, data quality engine results and storing versioned cohorts etc.
All extractions through RDMP must be done through Projects. A Project has a name, extraction directory and optionally Tickets (if you have a ticketing system configured). A Project should never be deleted even after all ExtractionConfiguration have been executed as it serves as an audit and a cloning point if you ever need to clone any of the ExtractionConfigurations (e.g. to do an update of project data 5 years on).
The ProjectNumber must match the project number of the ExtractableCohort in your ExternalCohortTable.
Describes a specific operation carried out during a LoadMetadata execution (DLE run). This could be 'unzip all files called *.zip in for loading' or 'after loading the data to live, call sp_clean_table1' or 'Connect to webservice X and download 1,000,000 records which will be serialized into XML'
A ProcessTask has a ProcessTaskType which defines how it is run by RDMP. These include C# classes (which can include plugin components) such as Attachers and DataProviders or traditional ETL steps such as SQL scripts or launching standalone processes.
Describes a document (e.g. PDF / Excel file etc) which is useful for understanding a given dataset (Catalogue). This can be marked as Extractable in which case every time the dataset is extracted the file will also be bundled along with it (so that researchers can also benefit from the file). You can also mark SupportingDocuments as Global in which case they will be provided (if Extractable) to researchers regardless of which datasets they have selected e.g. a PDF on data governance or a copy of an empty 'data use contract document'.
Describes an SQL query that can be run to generate useful information for the understanding of a given Catalogue.
If it is marked as Extractable then it will be bundled along with the Catalogue every time it is extracted (for this reason it is important to ensure that no PII data is returned by the query).
This can be used as an alternative to defining Lookups or to extract other useful administrative data etc to be provided to researchers
If the Global flag is set then the SQL will be run and the result provided to every researcher regardless of what datasets they have asked for in an extraction, this is useful for large lookups like ICD / SNOMED CT which are likely to be used by many datasets.
Describes an sql table (or table valued function) on a given DBMS Server from which you intend to either extract and/or load / curate data. A TableInfo represents a cached state of the live database table schema. You can synchronize a TableInfo at any time to handle schema changes (e.g. dropping columns)
Mathematical set operation which matches unique (distinct) identifiers in any datasets being combined (e.g. SetA UNION SetB returns any patient in either SetA or SetB).
Mathematical set operation which matches unique (distinct) identifiers only if they appear in all datasets being combined (e.g. SetA INTERSECT SetB returns patients who appear in both SetA and SetB).
Mathematical set operation which matches unique (distinct) identifiers in the first dataset only if they do not appear in any of the subsequent datasets being combined (e.g. SetA EXCEPT SetB returns patients who appear in SetA but not SetB).