The git plugin implements the Jenkins SCM API. Refer to the SCM API documentation for plugin naming conventions and for the preferred locations of new functionality.
Plugin source code is hosted on GitHub. New feature proposals and bug fix proposals should be submitted as GitHub pull requests. Your pull request will be evaluated by the Jenkins job.
Before submitting your change, please assure that you’ve added tests which verify your change. There have been many developers involved in the git plugin and there are many, many users who depend on the git plugin. Tests help us assure that we’re delivering a reliable plugin, and that we’ve communicated our intent to other developers as executable descriptions of plugin behavior.
Code coverage reporting is available as a maven target. Please try to improve code coverage with tests when you submit.
mvn -P enable-jacoco clean install jacoco:report
to report code coverage
Please don’t introduce new spotbugs output.
mvn spotbugs:check
to analyze project using Spotbugs. -
mvn spotbugs:gui
to review Spotbugs report using GUI
Code formatting in the git plugin varies between files. Try to maintain reasonable consistency with the existing files where feasible. Please don’t perform wholesale reformatting of a file without discussing with the current maintainers. New code should follow the SCM API code style guidelines.
Maintainers triage pull requests by reviewing them and by assigning labels. Release drafter uses the labels to automate release notes. Prioritization uses the labels to group relevant pull requests.
Others are encouraged to review pull requests, test pull request builds, and report their results in the pull request. Refer to the maintainer’s priority list for topics the plugin maintainers are considering.
Pull request builds merge the most recent changes from their target branch with the change proposed in the pull request. They can be downloaded from and used to test the pull request. Steps to test a pull request build are:
Find the pull request on GitHub - for example, pull request 676
Find the artifacts for that pull request from the link to the artifacts in the Jenkins job in "Show all checks"
Download the
file (likegit-4.0.1-rc3444.b3d767e3d46a.hpi
) to your computer -
Upload the
file to Jenkins from the Jenkins Plugin Manager -
Restart your Jenkins and you’re ready to test
Git plugin bug reports are assigned to one of the maintainers by default. Open bug reports assigned to a maintainer are assumed to have not been reviewed. When a maintainer completes review of an issue, they include a comment on the bug report and set the 'Assignee' to 'Unassigned'.
Others are welcome to review bug reports, comment on the results of the review, and set the 'Assignee' to 'Unassigned'. Typical bug review tasks include:
Review summary and description
Attempt to duplicate the issue
Add a comment with results of the attempt to duplicate the issue