A tool to help interact with yolo games on Blast Blockchain Helps to Click Farm on YOLY Games by automatic python scripts Base on Python web.py
For example, this program gives wrapped API to interact with YOLO Games automatically
from yolo_interact import YOLO
A = YOLO()
A.set_account( YOUR_PRIVATEKEY )
# Another method:
# w3 = Web3(Web3.HTTPProvider("https://rpc.blast.io"))
# A.account = w3.eth.account.from_key(YOUR_PRIVATEKEY)
A.laserblast.play(1, 0.0003, 'eth')
A.laserblast.set_args(row_count = 9)
A.laserblast.play(1, 200, 'yolo')
or use command line:
python main.py -p PRIVATEKEY -gn flipper --num-rounds 1 -ap 0.001 -ac eth
--private-key, '-p', help="Input your Private Key to import the wallet."
--game-name, '-gn', help="Input Game Name to start a game. Keep letter lowercase. flipper/laserblast/quantum". Default='laserblast'
--num-rounds, help="Input number of rounds. Numbers over 10 will be split." Default=1
--amount-perround, '-ap', help="Input amount per round. Default unit of currency is yolo."
--amount_currency, '-ac', help="Name of currency. Must be eth or yolo"
Extra Arguments for games:
--is_gold, help="Flipper Extra Keyword: is_gold : 0/1 -> False/True"
--is_above, help="Quantum Extra Keyword: is_gold : 0/1 -> False/True"
--multiplier, float, help="Quantum Extra Keyword: multiplier : from 1.05 to 100"
--risk_level, int, help="LaserBlast Extra Keyword: risk_level : int [1,2,3]"
--row_count, int, help="LaserBlast Extra Keyword: row_count : int [8..16]"
Bitcoin Address: bc1psanc6rn7wt0mwdy2377yrsfkut2ajr26x7v9afcerl9drzmh64asm5rfgn
Ethereum Address(EVM chain supported): 0xb26871811eea6c21cd3e9e44faa0024a70046554