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Spend less time over-engineering, and more time coding. The template has a focus on convenience, and developer confidence.

Want to see what a vertical slice looks like? Jump to the code snippet!


This template is undergoing a rebuild, ready for version 2! 🥳 See my experimental version 1 template here

Please wait patiently as this reaches the stable version, there's many important things to finish.

Please ⭐ the repository to show your support!

If you would like updates, feel free to 'Watch' the repo, that way you'll see the release in your GitHub home feed.

Getting started ⚡

dotnet CLI

To install the template from run the following command:

dotnet new install Hona.VerticalSliceArchitecture.Template::2.0.0-rc6

Then create a new solution:

mkdir Sprout
cd Sprout

dotnet new hona-vsa

Finally, to update the template to the latest version run:

dotnet new update


dotnet new install Hona.VerticalSliceArchitecture.Template

then create:

Features ✨

A compelling example with the TikTacToe game! 🎮

var game = new Game(...);
game.MakeMove(0, 0, Tile.X);
game.MakeMove(0, 1, Tile.Y);

Rich Domain (thank you DDD!)

  • with Vogen for Value-Objects
  • with FluentResults for errors as values instead of exceptions
  • For the Domain, start with an anemic Domain, then as use cases reuse logic, refactor into this more explicit Domain
public readonly partial record struct GameId;

public class Game
    public GameId Id { get; init; } = GameId.From(Guid.NewGuid());


Quick to write feature slices

  • Use cases follow CQRS using Mediator (source gen alternative of MediatR)
  • REPR pattern for the use cases
  • 1 File per use case, containing the endpoint mapping, request, response, handler & application logic
    • Endpoint is source generated
  • For use cases, start with 'just get it working' style code, then refactor into the Domain/Common code.
  • Mapster for source gen/explicit mapping, for example from Domain -> Response/ViewModels


internal sealed record MyRequest(string Text);
internal sealed record MyResponse(int Result);

internal sealed class MyQuery(AppDbContext db)
    : Endpoint<MyRequest, Results<Ok<GameResponse>, BadRequest>>
    public override void Configure()

    public override async Task HandleAsync(
        MyRequest request,
        CancellationToken cancellationToken
        var thing = await db.Things.SingleAsync(x => x.Text == Text, cancellationToken);

        if (thing is null)
            await SendResultAsync(TypedResults.BadRequest());

        var output = new MyResponse(thing.Value);
        await SendResultAsync(TypedResults.Ok(output));

EF Core

  • Common:
    • EF Core, with fluent configuration
    • This sample shows simple config to map a rich entity to EF Core without needing a data model (choose how you'd do this for your project)


public class AppDbContext : DbContext
    public DbSet<MyEntity> MyEntities { get; set; } = default!;



public class MyEntityConfiguration : IEntityTypeConfiguration<MyEntity>
    public void Configure(EntityTypeBuilder<MyEntity> builder)
        builder.HasKey(x => x.Id);


Architecture Tests via NuGet package

  • Pre configured VSA architecture tests, using NuGet (Hona.ArchitectureTests). The template has configured which parts of the codebase relate to which VSA concepts. 🚀
public class VerticalSliceArchitectureTests
    public void VerticalSliceArchitecture()
        Ensure.VerticalSliceArchitecture(x =>
            x.Domain = new NamespacePart(SampleAppAssembly, ".Domain");

Cross Cutting Concerns

  • TODO:
    • Add Mediator FastEndpoints pipelines for cross cutting concerns on use cases, like logging, auth, validation (FluentValidation) etc (i.e. Common scoped to Use Cases)

Automated Testing

Domain - Unit Tested

Easy unit tests for the Domain layer

public void Game_MakeMove_BindsTile()
    // Arrange
    var game = new Game(GameId.From(Guid.NewGuid()), "Some Game");
    var tile = Tile.X;
    // Act
    game.MakeMove(0, 0, tile);
    // Assert

Application - Integration Tested

Easy integration tests for each Use Case or Command/Query

TODO: Test Containers, etc for integration testing the use cases. How does this tie into FastEndpoints now... :D


TODO: Section on mapping & how important the usages + used by at compile time is! (AM vs Mapperly)

Code - Architecture Tested

The code is already architecture tested for VSA, but this is extensible, using Hona.ArchitectureTests

Full Code Snippet

To demostrate the template, here is a current whole vertical slice/use case!

// 👇🏻 Vogen for Strong IDs + 👇🏻 'GameId' field is hydrated from the route parameter
internal sealed record PlayTurnRequest(GameId GameId, int Row, int Column, Tile Player);

// 👇🏻 TypedResults for write once output as well as Swagger documentation
internal sealed class PlayTurnCommand(AppDbContext db)
    : Endpoint<PlayTurnRequest, Results<Ok<GameResponse>, NotFound>>
    // 👇🏻 FastEndpoints for a super easy Web API
    public override void Configure()
        Summary(x =>
            x.Description = "Make a move in the game";

    public override async Task HandleAsync(
        PlayTurnRequest request,
        CancellationToken cancellationToken
        // 👇🏻 EF Core without crazy abstractions over the abstraction
        var game = await db.FindAsync<Game>(request.GameId);

        if (game is null)
            await SendResultAsync(TypedResults.NotFound());

        // 👇🏻 Rich Domain for high value/shared logic
        game.MakeMove(request.Row, request.Column, request.Player);
        await db.SaveChangesAsync(cancellationToken);

        // 👇🏻 Mapperly to easily get a view model with Usage chain at compile time
        var output = GameResponse.MapFrom(game);
        await SendResultAsync(TypedResults.Ok(output));

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